Will the Anthonys Now Believe that Casey Did It?

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hey it's common practice to go around stealing children, killing them, and framing the mother because she stole your boyfriend! didn't you know that? :waitasec:

Yeah, I hate when that happens! But, what REALLY torques me is when people put dead bodies in my trunk to frame me! :-)
My sentiments exactly. I will only feel empathy and compassion for CA and GA when they publicly admit that their daughter most likely is the perpetrator.

If they DO come around to that, they will be able to genuinely mourn. Then, I will also give them all my sympathies.
I no longer worry about what George and Cindy wish to believe. I have tired of them attempting to force everyone they come into contact with to believe the story as they want them to believe it, avoiding all evidence that pointed to a dead Caylee months and months before her body was found 1600 feet from their doorstep. I no longer need to see them come to grips with the horrific truth that their granddaughter is dead. I no longer expect them to do or say anything that is not self-serving and self-preservationist. I no longer doubt that whatever next comes from their lips will be void of any purpose to finding justice for Caylee's death.

However Caylee died, and whoever killed her, and whatever anyone else may have known in the following months since Caylee disappeared, whenever the Anthony's had the opportunity to be truthful, they chose not to be.


Great post. And I might add the comment that we should "all get off our asses and search for a live Caylee", and we are "all putting Caylee in her grave."

Comments made after a RN and ex LE smelled a decomposing body in thier daughter's car, and made statements to that effect on the record.
Dear Missmybaby, thank you for your comments, I do appreciate the feedback. I am still new to WS. To the entire community, thank you for sharing your thoughts. WS gives us all a place to
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Best wishes to all,
Mind Student
Originally Posted by SWAG1959

As an added thought - I can't understand the A's staying in that house. I really thought they would not go back when they came and got the dogs over the weekend. But they returned. And now, after today's confirmation - no matter which way you lean towards Casey - Caylee's room is RIGHT THERE! All her toys, her pictures, her smells, I know I couldn't stand it - I would never be able to stay in that house - ever again. It would just be too much. And just shutting the door wouldn't work. No - I don't understand. We have all said we believe that the A's truly loved that child - and with that how could you walk by that room or lay your head on a pillow in that house? JMO

Quote: SeriouslySearching

They have been doing it for six months knowing she is gone...so why would it start to bother them now? Worse...they probably also are aware that Caylee never left that house alive.

I understand (I think) what Swag is saying.
Sure, staying in the home of a deceased family member is done all the time.
But considering all the facts, the history of the last six months, and deep inside knowing your grandchild was probably killed by your own daughter....... no, I couldn't rest comfortably, at peace, in that house ever again.

Sure, looking at the little playhouse, the pool, the baby's bedroom with all her toys would bring me comfort but the polar opposite means also creeping into my mind when I saw these things would be the fact that my own daughter, the child I carried in my womb for 9 months, who I loved more than life itself, was most likely the person who took away that precious Granddaughter of mine....the granddaughter that for the last 2.5 years had been my world.

Up until the day the Caylee's remains were ID'd, I would have probably been able to stay at the home, still believing with all my heart that a sick person was out there, running free, doing harm to maybe another little child.
Once the remains were ID'd, nope.
At that point of being notified of the ID of remains, the realization would have slapped me in the face like a bucket of ice water and from that point on, no way could I stay in that house, wander through those rooms, wondering at each door I walked through within that home if this was the room my Grandgirl was killed.

I'm afraid the last moments of my Granddaughter's life, the trauma she endured while looking up at the person who was supposed to protect her, would far overshadow the 'good memories' I have of my Precious Granddaughter's life in my home.

Not to mention that at least 50% of the neighborhood scorns the A's and all they represent. I wouldn't want to stay where I am scorned and I'd probably quietly contact a realtor and put my home up for sale.

But, that's just me and I might be totally off-base compared to how others would handle the same situation.

Their house is plastered in pictures. It's become a shrine.
One day at a time. When they can, they will. probably.
They probably watch videos of Caylee all the time. I think that's what I would be doing.
Right now it's bigger than anything they can do.
In time, hopefully, they can move on.
I think they look in every room and see her life, not her death.
It's the outside that I wouldn't want to see, not the inside.
They can't cling to Caylee, but they can cling to her things, for now.
They have not gone to see Casey since she was indicted. sp.
Publicly they will support her, but privately, they will despise her.
They don't see her, because they don't want to.
They know what she is. jmo
I don't think the A's will ever admit publicily that they know casey killed their grandchild. I believe they are still in denial about that and truly believe that someone framed her. The most disappointing thing to me is that, initially their new attorney seemed like such a breath of fresh air. He seemed smart, calm and common sense. Now he has started drinking the kool-aid and talking like the Anthony's. When he talks about how strange it is that casey would have left a body so close to home it makes you wonder if he has never read the statistics about parents/moms who kill their kids? I agree with the other poster, who would want to frame casey? she's a nobody with nothing to offer and no reason to kill a child to frame.
CA had to believe KC was innocent, it was the only hope she had of getting Caylee back alive. This was not a conscience choice on her part, it was her heart getting in the way of every single thing her brain saw and wanted to accept. This, I believe is why CA has appeared so combative, she has been fighting an unholy war between her heart and her brain. Look at the pix and the vids of Caylee, this is the baby she has been living for, for almost 3 years. She has been kissing her boo boos, snuggling her after her bath, feeding, playing with and loving with her every breath. Her heart could not accept this was all gone, never to return, at the hands of her daughter.

To be honest, if I were in their shoes and given a choice I would have done everything in my power to keep that baby alive too. I can't imagine behaving like CA has for 5 mos, but I also can't imagine waking up to the nightmare the A's have been living.

I believe the last of KC's lies to her family died when they received the final report from Dr. G. They had tried so hard to believe their daughter, no matter how ridiculous she sounded, no matter how ridiculous they sounded. With Little Caylee lost to them forever, I'm sure they plotted out the plausibility of any and all possible scenarios from KC's changing stories, none of them give any doubt of KC's culpability, or really even leave room for an accessory at the time of the crime. All this, the A's must now know.

Given the enormous amount of energy they have spent on keeping Caylee alive for 5 mos, I can see where they have no energy left to deal with KC right now. They know that she is safe, they know she trusts JB. As parents there is nothing more they can give her. KC's deceit has worn them down, the loss of Caylee has used whatever reserves they were running on. Confronting KC at this time would be counter productive to her defense. Preventing a meeting with his client is the only wise decision I've seen from JB in mos.

Regardless of how they feel in private isn't it their job as KC's parents to support her in public? Get her through the trial, have their last good bye and then begin trying to rebuild their lives? I hope I would have the strength to do this one last thing for my child. It doesn't have to involve public statements, the purpose (misguided as they were) of the cameo's was to keep Caylee's picture public, the rest of this can be handled through their very competent lawyer. If the public stops hanging on every single word out of their mouths, the A's could return to relative obscurity. I don't see this happening any time soon.

I know we all saw CA tossing everyone KC ever met under the bus, this was her feeble attempt to make sense of something her brain knew made no sense, fortunately LE was one step ahead of this the whole time. Apparently for all her faults KC was able to maintain "friendships" with 3 distinct groups of people who all passed muster by LE, none at this time have even been a POI in Caylee's disappearance.

In all the horror of the kidnapping nanny with an interesting name, KC, by chance or by choice never implicated a real person as the nanny. The real ZG who doesn't even have the same middle name as "the nanny" shares no similarity in looks, age, marital status, children or even in the make and model of the car she drives. KC was very explicit in her description. This was another interesting twist in the story KC manufactured.

Thank you for the insightful and beautifully written post! Through the months, my feelings toward the family have gone from heartfelt sympathy to bewilderment and anger, many times over. After reading the e-mails of Cindys' Mother and friend, we were given an opportunity to see a different side of her. This woman has been under an enormous amount of pressure for years. Her purpose for life had become Caylee and her sanity was her work, she has lost both! I completely agree with your 'unholy war' theory. How cruel and unfair to have worked so hard your whole life, only to have it all destroyed while the world is watching!
Only time will tell how those people feel about their daughter, shown by what they say in any future books and if they get back in cahoots with her. They pretty much showed how they feel already on the witness stand though. Protecting her from a death penalty or life was more important than Caylee's death or any future children that could potentially be born in the future.
Geeezzzz how could they not? It all points to her.
Whether they believe it or not, they won't admit it.

They have always known she did it.
Arrogance was the main reason they continued to lie for her.
They have always known she did it.
Arrogance was the main reason they continued to lie for her.

I think you hit the nail on the head ZsaZsa.

Cindy and George knew from the moment they picked up the car, and possibly before when they didn't get to see Caylee, that something was up. And, their actions of covering and misleading proves they were in the know. jmo
Does anyone remember Mrs. Joey Buttafuoco? She was the wife who got shot in the face when she answered her front door by her husband's mistress, Amy Fisher, the "Long Island Lolita". For months and months after her recovery (that left her deformed) Mrs. Joey B told anyone who would listen that her husband was telling the truth, that he had NOT had an affair with Amy Fisher, blah blah blah. She was emphatic and it was hard to watch...even people like Oprah were saying..oh come ON!!! FACE IT! It was a long long time later that Mrs. B was able to face the facts...and finally on someone's talk show (probably Oprah again) she said something like "I am through with his sorry a$$"....(the applause was deafening! lol) so it is, I believe for the Anthonys. I think they were just like Mrs. Joey B...they felt the princess was "incapable" of an act like the one visited on Caylee, but somewhere along the line, they MAY get to the same place Mrs. Joey did. It is possible.
IMO, They knew she did it from day one.

George tried hard not to believe it imo. Cindy accepted that Casey murdered her child and lied for her to cover it up.
I believe they think it was an accident. The big bad State of Florida manufactured all of the evidence...and she was acquitted.."See?" That's just what they are telling themselves to be able to sleep at night.
I think they know she did it, and for reasons that (unfortunately) did not really come out in the trial---certainly not in the closing arguments. I conjecture that CA's making it clear to Casey that she was now set on obtaining custody of Caylee (in that last fight), and moreover, that she had adequate grounds to win custody, is what led to the killing. The prosecutors could have built the case for this motive: who is unaware of how often a parent kills kids they love (perhaps also with a spouse) when they believe the kids will be taken away from them? There is a combination of extreme rage, jealousy, and spite that leads them to get a revenge of sorts. I can well imagine that after Cindy said, that's it I'm getting custody, and I'll raise her as I think she should be raised!---or some such thing--that Casey would say something like, I'd kill her before I let you have her! This also would explain a feeling of satisfaction when Caylee was missing, knowing she was getting her revenge on her mother---that was the driving force---and she enjoyed holding her off with ever more fanciful tales, knowing there was nothing her mother could do. Remember how when Cindy told Casey that she was sleeping with Caylee's stuffed bear in her absence, because it smelled like Caylee, that the bear soon disappeared? Remember how she dropped one of her boyfriends because he was giving too much attention to Caylee rather than her? The remark about being a spiteful *****. Recall Cindy's face-book posting on her daughter's jealousy being at the root of the disappearance. It was not because she wanted to party more (although indirectly that came into it) it was out of revenge/spite and a determination NOT to let her mother win. She'd rather kill her beloved kid than ever let her mother take control out of her rightful hands!
I would be so afraid of her if I was her family .She got away with it before,they may be next.
I don't think they knew for sure but suspected from the minute they got the car back
I remember Cindy telling Casey to look at her in the jail video so she could see her eyes
They realized while she was sitting in jail though and knew for a fact once Caylee was found .
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