Will the Anthonys Now Believe that Casey Did It?

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I've been wondering the same thing BeanE. I also think that it's important to have that clarified & corrected for the sake of the extended Anthony family member's who do not agree with or support CA & GA's position. So have you gotten in touch with him yet? lol

Like CA's brother! (Remember his email denouncing her denial?)........there are many extended Anthony family members, including the great grampa and grandma that surely are mourning terribly. These people have had my sympathies even though they were'nt in the spotlight. this tragedy had destroyed more lives than CA, GA & LA's. I can't imagine what the great-grampa in that video is feeling. People in his retirement (?) home have television too. I can just imagine him sitting in the common area watching tv as this horrible story plays over and over adn the last known picture of Caylee is sitting on his lap. I'm sure KC has no comprehension of the extent of the damage she has done to those who cared for her and yet she stole from them and because of her lying delayed their agony. Woops, this was meant to agree with nomoresorrow, not to be a rant.
Who is Klee?

Exactly. In a disrespectful way, I use KC, GA, CA, LA 'cuz it's a quick & dirty way to shorthand their names-- 2 initials is all the time I feel they are worthy of typing. HOWEVER, murdered and martyred little Caylee should have, deserves to have, the small bit of respect that I can give her now, by typing out her full entire first name CAYLEE --she was not Klee! -- can we please type C-a-y-l-e-e? "Caylee" ...
Exactly. In a disrespectful way, I use KC, GA, CA, LA 'cuz it's a quick & dirty way to shorthand their names-- 2 initials is all the time I feel they are worthy of typing. HOWEVER, murdered and martyred little Caylee should have, deserves to have, the small bit of respect that I can give her now, by typing out her full entire first name CAYLEE --she was not Klee! -- can we please type C-a-y-l-e-e? "Caylee" ...

If we were to type out C-a-y-l-e-e Will you type out George, Cindy, Lee and Casey?.... thanks!
I think it is just k then lee. K- lee. We abbreviate all the time on the internet. To each his own.

Good grief drop it please.
I don't know if accepting that Casey is responsible will bring them any peace. I have no need to hear them publicly denounce their daughter. Ultimately it doesn't matter. What they do or don't believe will not stop the wheels of justice from turning.
I don't think anyone should expect them to publicly claim their daughter's guilt! Why should they? "No comment, we support our daughter regardless" I believe that is all the public has any right to, if that! As long as they are not lying and obstructing, that is enough for me!
I saw this show last night and could not believe he said that. I had to replay it to be sure I heard it correctly. Who was KC to be framed? She was a nobody actually, a HS dropout who lied, stole, had no money except what she could get from someone else, no job etc, so why in the heck would someone want or need to frame her? If someone wanted to frame her, they would have done so by planting drugs etc., not by killing her baby and leaving the body close to her house. KC is/was a nobody and I see no need for anyone to frame her for killing her child. Just more spin to place doubt.

I did not see this piece, but what an assanine theory. Yes, who is Casey to be subject to a major frame job.

But if you tried to sell me this story, I would be asking as soon as we got to the jury room: IF this were true, Casey was already charged with 1st degree murder and sitting in jail, WHY would someone risk being seen dumping the body, risk the forensics that could tie back to this imaginary villian. If their goal was to frame Casey, it was already done. There is no gain to putting the body somewhere it could be found and tied to Casey. There would be much more to risk.
OF COURSE their attorney said this. Do you really think now these people will stop lying and come clean? Absolutely not! They are much like their lying daughter. Where do you think she learned it from?

This whole family is warped. This family reminds me SO MUCH of Scott Peterson's family. They will NEVER EVER admit that their precious KC did anything wrong and will blame everyone else for Caylee's murder EXCEPT for KC. They will still claim KC's innocence while she's sitting on Death Row!
Just like the Peterson's are doing.

I'm sorry, and I know I'll be bashed for saying this.. But parents have ALOT to do with the way their children turn out to be. Although, I do not believe GA or CA had anything to do with Caylee's murder, I do believe that the way they raised and handled KC over the years has contributed to the way she turned out. She's never been held accountable for any of her actions or wrong doings over the many years of lies and theft and therefore, in her own little corrupt world, she feels that she can get away with anything. What does the bible say regarding discipline? A child left to their own will bring their mother to shame! It is time for GA and CA to own up to what their daughter has done, do right by Caylee and admit their daughter is guilty and deserves to reap the consequences of her actions. Doesn't mean they have to stop loving her. But it's high time, they quit covering up for her criminal acts!

This is MOO!

I was hoping they wouldn't make this claim, not quite the same as thinking they wouldn't, but I hoped.

Rereading the emails between Cindy and her family members, I do return to my original feelings that Cindy believes most of what she says, has to believe, acts as if she can make it so, and seems very much on the edge of a very serious breakdown. The suicide concerns her mother expressed about her PRIOR to this happening stood out to me. But the communication of family members behind to the scenes and directly to Cindy seem to show genuine concern that she was not in reality. Her reality is nothing I would want to grasp either. I just don't think we have seen the end of tragedies that are about to befall this family.

I don't care if Cindy ever denounces Casey, ever recants her stories. I would be thrilled for her if she could just refrain from comment. No comment is a very good answer, and reporters eventually leave you alone if they know that is all they will get.
I don't think anyone should expect them to publicly claim their daughter's guilt! Why should they? "No comment, we support our daughter regardless" I believe that is all the public has any right to, if that! As long as they are not lying and obstructing, that is enough for me!

Cindy already has lied and obstructed.
On NG with the intervie with LE, det. said *your mom, your dad knows you lie!* know you are lying now!* so, that part we know the a's know kc lies and can take a little truth from lie; IMO, ALL the a's KNEW CAYLEE was dead from the minute they smelled the car!
If a family is living a dysfunctional life, there is usually
one or more creating the chaos. The rest of the family will
often become scape goats or enablers.

I recall how Cindy spoke of Casey, being so kind and helpful that many of her friends thought of her as a
"Mother" figure. Cindy also repeatedly talked about Casey's love for Caylee and how she would never do anything to hurt her.

Consider that for most of Caylee's life, she and her mother lived in the Anthony home. How is it possible, that
Casey could hold down a job, making a salary, and her parents never had a clue, what she was really doing?

(I do draw alot of my opionion from the handwriting analysis of the four members of the Anthony Family.)

Casey's controlling ways are nothing new to her family but
it is their way of life. Casey learned very early in her life
how to talk her way out of anything. The difficulty of
trying to understand her can completely wear out her
parents and brother. It became easier to give in than
to try to see reality. Many families get caught up in
a similar life style. It may be alcohol, drugs, abuse,
neglect and in this case murder. It has nothing to do
with one's intelligence. It is just human beings with
personalities, that either blend well together or becomes
dysfunctional over time because one person runs the family.

IMHO, it will rip Cindy and George to the core to face the truth.

It is the destruction of an entire family, that is heartbreaking.

Mind Student
IMO based on their actions since evidence of the hair banding in KC's trunk, I believe they knew but were and are determined not to lose their daughter too. They cant get little Caylee back so now they have to put that behind them and support KC however they can. After all, if KC is locked up, how could they ever get another beautiful little granddaughter from KC? If they really believed her innocent, they would have made contact with her at jail and said to hell with the recordings. they know and now will just sit back and trust in the dream team to get daughter off then spend the rest of their lives trying to convince the public that their KC was victimized and villified unfairly. bottom line they save their child. The real battle will be at home between GA and CA as they struggle with this choice. CA will either win out and Ga quietly follows or they go splitsville over it, blame it on stress of case but still support KC.

CA had to believe KC was innocent, it was the only hope she had of getting Caylee back alive. This was not a conscience choice on her part, it was her heart getting in the way of every single thing her brain saw and wanted to accept. This, I believe is why CA has appeared so combative, she has been fighting an unholy war between her heart and her brain. Look at the pix and the vids of Caylee, this is the baby she has been living for, for almost 3 years. She has been kissing her boo boos, snuggling her after her bath, feeding, playing with and loving with her every breath. Her heart could not accept this was all gone, never to return, at the hands of her daughter.

To be honest, if I were in their shoes and given a choice I would have done everything in my power to keep that baby alive too. I can't imagine behaving like CA has for 5 mos, but I also can't imagine waking up to the nightmare the A's have been living.

I believe the last of KC's lies to her family died when they received the final report from Dr. G. They had tried so hard to believe their daughter, no matter how ridiculous she sounded, no matter how ridiculous they sounded. With Little Caylee lost to them forever, I'm sure they plotted out the plausibility of any and all possible scenarios from KC's changing stories, none of them give any doubt of KC's culpability, or really even leave room for an accessory at the time of the crime. All this, the A's must now know.

Given the enormous amount of energy they have spent on keeping Caylee alive for 5 mos, I can see where they have no energy left to deal with KC right now. They know that she is safe, they know she trusts JB. As parents there is nothing more they can give her. KC's deceit has worn them down, the loss of Caylee has used whatever reserves they were running on. Confronting KC at this time would be counter productive to her defense. Preventing a meeting with his client is the only wise decision I've seen from JB in mos.

Regardless of how they feel in private isn't it their job as KC's parents to support her in public? Get her through the trial, have their last good bye and then begin trying to rebuild their lives? I hope I would have the strength to do this one last thing for my child. It doesn't have to involve public statements, the purpose (misguided as they were) of the cameo's was to keep Caylee's picture public, the rest of this can be handled through their very competent lawyer. If the public stops hanging on every single word out of their mouths, the A's could return to relative obscurity. I don't see this happening any time soon.

I know we all saw CA tossing everyone KC ever met under the bus, this was her feeble attempt to make sense of something her brain knew made no sense, fortunately LE was one step ahead of this the whole time. Apparently for all her faults KC was able to maintain "friendships" with 3 distinct groups of people who all passed muster by LE, none at this time have even been a POI in Caylee's disappearance.

In all the horror of the kidnapping nanny with an interesting name, KC, by chance or by choice never implicated a real person as the nanny. The real ZG who doesn't even have the same middle name as "the nanny" shares no similarity in looks, age, marital status, children or even in the make and model of the car she drives. KC was very explicit in her description. This was another interesting twist in the story KC manufactured.
I don't think they will blame KC yet. If they do admit that their daughter probably did it, I would feel great compassion for them. But I fear they will stick with the Zanny story and Zanny's boyfriend, friends, associates and relatives, ad infinitum.

But, I think the prosecution will have the evidence that KC did it.
CA had to believe KC was innocent, it was the only hope she had of getting Caylee back alive. This was not a conscience choice on her part, it was her heart getting in the way of every single thing her brain saw and wanted to accept. This, I believe is why CA has appeared so combative, she has been fighting an unholy war between her heart and her brain. Look at the pix and the vids of Caylee, this is the baby she has been living for, for almost 3 years. She has been kissing her boo boos, snuggling her after her bath, feeding, playing with and loving with her every breath. Her heart could not accept this was all gone, never to return, at the hands of her daughter.

To be honest, if I were in their shoes and given a choice I would have done everything in my power to keep that baby alive too. I can't imagine behaving like CA has for 5 mos, but I also can't imagine waking up to the nightmare the A's have been living.

I believe the last of KC's lies to her family died when they received the final report from Dr. G. They had tried so hard to believe their daughter, no matter how ridiculous she sounded, no matter how ridiculous they sounded. With Little Caylee lost to them forever, I'm sure they plotted out the plausibility of any and all possible scenarios from KC's changing stories, none of them give any doubt of KC's culpability, or really even leave room for an accessory at the time of the crime. All this, the A's must now know.

Given the enormous amount of energy they have spent on keeping Caylee alive for 5 mos, I can see where they have no energy left to deal with KC right now. They know that she is safe, they know she trusts JB. As parents there is nothing more they can give her. KC's deceit has worn them down, the loss of Caylee has used whatever reserves they were running on. Confronting KC at this time would be counter productive to her defense. Preventing a meeting with his client is the only wise decision I've seen from JB in mos.

Regardless of how they feel in private isn't it their job as KC's parents to support her in public? Get her through the trial, have their last good bye and then begin trying to rebuild their lives? I hope I would have the strength to do this one last thing for my child. It doesn't have to involve public statements, the purpose (misguided as they were) of the cameo's was to keep Caylee's picture public, the rest of this can be handled through their very competent lawyer. If the public stops hanging on every single word out of their mouths, the A's could return to relative obscurity. I don't see this happening any time soon.

I know we all saw CA tossing everyone KC ever met under the bus, this was her feeble attempt to make sense of something her brain knew made no sense, fortunately LE was one step ahead of this the whole time. Apparently for all her faults KC was able to maintain "friendships" with 3 distinct groups of people who all passed muster by LE, none at this time have even been a POI in Caylee's disappearance.

In all the horror of the kidnapping nanny with an interesting name, KC, by chance or by choice never implicated a real person as the nanny. The real ZG who doesn't even have the same middle name as "the nanny" shares no similarity in looks, age, marital status, children or even in the make and model of the car she drives. KC was very explicit in her description. This was another interesting twist in the story KC manufactured.

I think this sums things up perfectly. This is exactly what I was thinking. Bravo!

I no longer worry about what George and Cindy wish to believe. I have tired of them attempting to force everyone they come into contact with to believe the story as they want them to believe it, avoiding all evidence that pointed to a dead Caylee months and months before her body was found 1600 feet from their doorstep. I no longer need to see them come to grips with the horrific truth that their granddaughter is dead. I no longer expect them to do or say anything that is not self-serving and self-preservationist. I no longer doubt that whatever next comes from their lips will be void of any purpose to finding justice for Caylee's death.

However Caylee died, and whoever killed her, and whatever anyone else may have known in the following months since Caylee disappeared, whenever the Anthony's had the opportunity to be truthful, they chose not to be.
I no longer worry about what George and Cindy wish to believe. I have tired of them attempting to force everyone they come into contact with to believe the story as they want them to believe it, avoiding all evidence that pointed to a dead Caylee months and months before her body was found 1600 feet from their doorstep. I no longer need to see them come to grips with the horrific truth that their granddaughter is dead. I no longer expect them to do or say anything that is not self-serving and self-preservationist. I no longer doubt that whatever next comes from their lips will be void of any purpose to finding justice for Caylee's death.

However Caylee died, and whoever killed her, and whatever anyone else may have known in the following months since Caylee disappeared, whenever the Anthony's had the opportunity to be truthful, they chose not to be.

My sentiments exactly. I will only feel empathy and compassion for CA and GA when they publicly admit that their daughter most likely is the perpetrator.
If a family is living a dysfunctional life, there is usually
one or more creating the chaos. The rest of the family will
often become scape goats or enablers.

I recall how Cindy spoke of Casey, being so kind and helpful that many of her friends thought of her as a
"Mother" figure. Cindy also repeatedly talked about Casey's love for Caylee and how she would never do anything to hurt her.

Consider that for most of Caylee's life, she and her mother lived in the Anthony home. How is it possible, that
Casey could hold down a job, making a salary, and her parents never had a clue, what she was really doing?

(I do draw alot of my opionion from the handwriting analysis of the four members of the Anthony Family.)

Casey's controlling ways are nothing new to her family but
it is their way of life. Casey learned very early in her life
how to talk her way out of anything. The difficulty of
trying to understand her can completely wear out her
parents and brother. It became easier to give in than
to try to see reality. Many families get caught up in
a similar life style. It may be alcohol, drugs, abuse,
neglect and in this case murder. It has nothing to do
with one's intelligence. It is just human beings with
personalities, that either blend well together or becomes
dysfunctional over time because one person runs the family.

IMHO, it will rip Cindy and George to the core to face the truth.

It is the destruction of an entire family, that is heartbreaking.

Mind Student

Welcome, Mind Student. I see you've been posting for a few weeks, this is the first I've seen. If you've gotten all this from HA, I need to learn a new skill. I've been working too hard observing, comparing and analyzing their behavior for 5 mos. and came to the same conclusions.

Living with 'a KC' is difficult at best, it's exhausting and will cause one to question their own sanity (and will cause extended family to question the sanity of the household). The "KC" can become such an accomplished liar, extended family often doesn't know who or what to believe is actually going on. This doesn't seem to apply in this case, either KC decided she was so smart she didn't need to be believable or the A's were just too tired to fight the lies any longer. It's hard work to be a member of this family, to come home, knowing whenever that member is in the house everyone walks on eggshells just to have peace.

CA was just beginning to accept professional help. They were beginning to see how KC was having a detrimental effect on Caylee and I believe this was the catalyst to CA seeking outside help. Previously they were too busy dealing with the financial chaos KC had brought them. Theirs was not a snowball effect but more like an avalanche, regardless of their behavior in the press, the A's have my sympathy. No one asks for this to be brought down on their family. KC and KC alone is responsible for the loss of Caylee and the destruction of the family who have fought like warriors to keep their family intact. Many parents would have tossed their "KC" to the curb long ago and that wouldn't have saved Caylee either. It's such a sad, sad situation.
I do not think the A's will ever admit they think KC did such a horrible thing. Deep down they may know she did, but they will stand behind KC forever, IMO.

I can imagine KC pushing the guilty buttons,"If I'm rotten, you made me so." Just MHO.
I think this sums things up perfectly. This is exactly what I was thinking. Bravo!


Thank you, I know it's not the 'popular' opinion, but it's one that makes sense to me.:)
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