Will the Anthonys Now Believe that Casey Did It?

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As an added thought - I can't understand the A's staying in that house. I really thought they would not go back when they came and got the dogs over the weekend. But they returned. And now, after today's confirmation - no matter which way you lean towards Casey - Caylee's room is RIGHT THERE! All her toys, her pictures, her smells, I know I couldn't stand it - I would never be able to stay in that house - ever again. It would just be too much. And just shutting the door wouldn't work. No - I don't understand. We have all said we believe that the A's truly loved that child - and with that how could you walk by that room or lay your head on a pillow in that house? JMO

I was thinking about that today too. Imagine the heartache they're experiencing as we speak. It must be absolutely overwhelming. They have driven me completely nuts over the past several months, but at this point in time all I have is sympathy for them. Someone has just revealed to them that that emperor is not wearing any clothes. The rug has been pulled out from under them.

If you are a believer in the power of prayer, now would be a good time to ask the Lord to comfort them regardless of how you regard their past behaviour.

I personally believe they will never feel that Casey did anything wrong to Caylee. As a mother, I don't know how in this world they could accept it even if it is proven in a court of law.
I just hope that if George and Cindy are not in touch with God, that Caylee has given them the reason to need him. God will lead them the right direction with no dout.
I was thinking about that today too. Imagine the heartache they're experiencing as we speak. It must be absolutely overwhelming. They have driven me completely nuts over the past several months, but at this point in time all I have is sympathy for them. Someone has just revealed to them that that emperor is not wearing any clothes. The rug has been pulled out from under them.

If you are a believer in the power of prayer, now would be a good time to ask the Lord to comfort them regardless of how you regard their past behaviour.


I still cant get over the fact that they can stay there when THEY KNOW that Caylee has been around the corner the entire time. When all the protesters were there, every time they went to the supermarket or to work (ummm yeah, that didnt happen) all anyone needed to do was go for a quick walk around the corner and they would find her.

KC truely does have ice in her veins. She was in that house LAUGHING at everyone. Knowing that Caylee was SO CLOSE it was possible for everyone to have smelt her on a hot day if not for the garbage bags... (sorry thats graphic but its true)
I think their official position will be that they want to see the evidence as it unfolds, but they know she killed her. They may hope like so many here that it was some horrible accident and a terrible response to that situation.

I do not think you will see them say in public that they think Casey killed her prior to a conviction.

I agree. I think they will hold out until the end of the trial, but I do think Cindy will have her say at the end. She's not one to keep her mouth shut. Prayers for Cindy and George, and of course, precious Caylee.
I still cant get over the fact that they can stay there when THEY KNOW that Caylee has been around the corner the entire time. When all the protesters were there, every time they went to the supermarket or to work (ummm yeah, that didnt happen) all anyone needed to do was go for a quick walk around the corner and they would find her.

KC truely does have ice in her veins. She was in that house LAUGHING at everyone. Knowing that Caylee was SO CLOSE it was possible for everyonet to have smelt her on a hot day if not for the garbage bags... (sorry thats graphic but its true)

Yes, you certainly put the truth out there. Remember, Casey slept in Cindy's room. Does she have a conscience?
On Dateline, Brad Conway is blaming Caylee's murder on someone who dumped her body a few blocks from the Anthony home to FRAME Casey.

Here we go again! It's really too bad Conway turned out to be another lying enabler.
On Dateline, Brad Conway is blaming Caylee's murder on someone who dumped her body a few blocks from the Anthony home to FRAME Casey.

Here we go again! It's really too bad Conway turned out to be another lying enabler.

Unfortunately, that really isn't surprising.
I have a very good friend,who I can honestly say,if she were in the Anthony's position,would never accept her child did anything wrong,even when all the evidence pointed that way. Obviously her son hasn't done anything so horrific,but some of the the things he has done,she will deny,excuse,even when confronted with the facts.
I believe this could be the case for the Anthonys. It doesn't make them bad people,just people who love their child so much,that it hasn't necessarily made them raise the best child. I'm not sure they will ever admit to anyone,even themselves,that their daughter is a murderer. They will grasp at anything that could point at someone else,no matter how far fetched it is. The only thing that might make them face the harsh reality will be a confession form their daughter.

IMO a lot of the parents that enable their kids this way do it because of guilt-because they feel they failed their child some way or another (and many times the child makes sure she reminds the parent of those failings every time a conflict comes up, keeps the parents guilt nice and fresh) and now they have to make it up to them.

I have brought this up before, earlier in the case too but my mother is like this. She believes nothing bad about me even when I tell her or show her proof. She has always blamed everything and everyone else- but me, she makes less of everything bad I have ever done... but deep down she KNOWS. I was kicked out of public schools by 9th grade- got arrested for the first time at 15 and didn't even get in trouble at home.

I could bring a dead body to her, admit I did it and she would say "Yeah right, Laura- what kind of people have you gotten involved with this time, who killed this person?" and she would cover for me, without a doubt she would. She would probably end up killing herself because of the guilt but she would cover for me.

It's sad when a parent is willing to ignore who and what their child really is, worse, IMO, if their parenting (or lack there-of) has helped create it. Our job as parents is to teach our children what is acceptable in society, that sometimes things are not easy but there are rules (LAWS) we must follow, each and every one of us! And if we do not follow those rules we will be held accountable. We have to teach our children right from wrong... if we don't do it who is going to?! They aren't born just knowing!

Are they bad people? I don't think so, I think as parents they pretty much failed but they did not kill this child, Casey did... SHE is the bad person, IMO.
Yes, you certainly put the truth out there. Remember, Casey slept in Cindy's room. Does she have a conscience?

I believe she does.. to a certain extent. Though I am not of the opinion that she is a "Psychopath" as many here are.
Bolding mine.

I'm not snarking at you Hockey Mom; I agree with what you've said, but I do think that the love they have for Casey is very warped and not in her best interests. We all love our children more than life itself; that's the way God made moms to be. But in a healthy parent/child relationship, you love them so much that you want them to grow up to be good, responsible citizens who will contribute to our society... not cover up their misdeeds and their "mistruths" so that they can get away with evil.

Great post! ITA
They are just recharging their batteries....the march of the "family of the lie" will continue.
I am curious if reverse psychology would work with both Cindy and Casey. Suppose LE or a psychiatrist approaches Cindy to talk with Cindy about telling the truth in order to save her future. I believe Cindy was partly responsible in the warped upbringing of her daughter. She enabled her to lie, covered for lies no doubt during adolescence, forced her to keep a baby when all signs pointed to Casey wanting to give Caylee up. Now that Casey is incarcerated, with no clubs, men, fun, etc. maybe Cindy could convince her to see things her way. Could they play up to Cindy being the boss of the family and get Cindy to do what Cindy does best - push!

Right on--along with opther great posts! Cindy is the boss of this family--but I believe she is in that role to such a degree because of the void in the family dynamic. Often a person will gravitate to the position because no one else does and I think rather than a partnership, George is too immature and needs direciton. JMO
I believe she does.. to a certain extent. Though I am not of the opinion that she is a "Psychopath" as many here are.
If she isnt she's certainly giving an Oscar worthy portrayal of one.

As far as the question goes Im of the opinion they know she did it(how could they not?) but they are in Caylee's gone,save Casey mode.
I think the Anthony's will in their own time finally come to grips with what has happened to Caylee.

It just might not be exactly as it really is...they will most likely each have their own "who", "what", "when" & "why's" to help them cope with the reality of Caylee's murder.

I witnessed a similar occurrence when my BIL committed suicide...certain family members couldn't come to terms with the truth & the reality of what happened and colored the truth in order to cope with the reality of his death.

As years went by, some grew to accept the truth and others remained looking thru those rose colored glasses and I suspect this will probably be the case with the Anthony's.
KC is GUILTY! Why did she refuse a visit from their family pastor after finding out that this was Klee? KC didn't refuse the pastor's visit when she first learned of human remains being found near her home.
Her name is Caylee Marie Anthony. She did nothing to deserve being murdered.
She does deserve the honor and respect to have her name spelled correctly.
Her name is Caylee Marie Anthony.
Bless you little Caylee, rest sweetly now, you're safe.
It seemed like it was an honest time for them. or at least GA, going on about kc not letting him in the trunk and low and behold there were the gas cans.

They had to of had pieced it together long ago.
IMO a lot of the parents that enable their kids this way do it because of guilt-because they feel they failed their child some way or another (and many times the child makes sure she reminds the parent of those failings every time a conflict comes up, keeps the parents guilt nice and fresh) and now they have to make it up to them.

I have brought this up before, earlier in the case too but my mother is like this. She believes nothing bad about me even when I tell her or show her proof. She has always blamed everything and everyone else- but me, she makes less of everything bad I have ever done... but deep down she KNOWS. I was kicked out of public schools by 9th grade- got arrested for the first time at 15 and didn't even get in trouble at home.

I could bring a dead body to her, admit I did it and she would say "Yeah right, Laura- what kind of people have you gotten involved with this time, who killed this person?" and she would cover for me, without a doubt she would. She would probably end up killing herself because of the guilt but she would cover for me.

It's sad when a parent is willing to ignore who and what their child really is, worse, IMO, if their parenting (or lack there-of) has helped create it. Our job as parents is to teach our children what is acceptable in society, that sometimes things are not easy but there are rules (LAWS) we must follow, each and every one of us! And if we do not follow those rules we will be held accountable. We have to teach our children right from wrong... if we don't do it who is going to?! They aren't born just knowing!

Are they bad people? I don't think so, I think as parents they pretty much failed but they did not kill this child, Casey did... SHE is the bad person, IMO.

That was the point I was trying to make,thank you,Lost Gal. I think there are alot of parents out there like CA, my friend being one of them. They are wonderful people who think by never saying "no",giving in to tantrums,blaming others for their kid's misdeeds, is good parenting. Eventually that child will meet up with something in life that won't go their way,and there is trouble. Most times its not as serious as murdering someone,but there will be something.
I do think CA and GA know in their hearts the truth,but will find a way to twist it so KC doesn't come across as bad in their minds. It will be the crowd she was hanging with,the pressure of parenthood,drugs..etc. Never just the fact that she is a bad person.
This has to be the hardest spot for a parent be in. If you are a parent you know that unconditional love you give to your kids, even when they do something bad. Well what KC did was horrific but that is still not going to remove that unconditional love that her parents have for her. I can even imagine what these people are going through right now.

Of course they know that their daughter did this. Nobody knew KC better than they did. I bet you she lied to them frequently and always put a little bit of the truth in her lies. The stories she has been telling them about the nanny is not behavior that is new to them. But I'm sure they also know that putting immense pressure on her will not make her crack. They have probably been through this before with her when she stole from them and lied. They really can't do anything to make KC tell the truth. The jail visits... you can see on Cindy's face when she is asking KC questions that she's just holding out for KC to tell her something of truth to help her find her Caylee.

It's just such a sad thing. Of course they know she did it. They know the baby was in the trunk. Worse of all they smelled their dear grandbaby's decomp and she lay yards away while they were trying to find her. Imagine the horror these people are going through. Inside they have to resent KC for doing this... after all she put them in this situation. IMO this is why they have not gone to see her since her arrest, George said something to that grand jury, it will eventually come out in court.
That was the point I was trying to make,thank you,Lost Gal. I think there are alot of parents out there like CA, my friend being one of them. They are wonderful people who think by never saying "no",giving in to tantrums,blaming others for their kid's misdeeds, is good parenting. Eventually that child will meet up with something in life that won't go their way,and there is trouble. Most times its not as serious as murdering someone,but there will be something.
I do think CA and GA know in their hearts the truth,but will find a way to twist it so KC doesn't come across as bad in their minds. It will be the crowd she was hanging with,the pressure of parenthood,drugs..etc. Never just the fact that she is a bad person.

Bold is mine


to be a BAD person one has to premeditate and plot to do something evil, and to have done bad things before..
I don't believe Casey was/is a Bad person

I think that *whatever she did* was /is a BAD Thing

When you label someone a BAD person you also taint their other family members in that way...Casey couldn't have been a BAD person when she had such a beautiful little girl that clearly loved her.

I think she did a bad thing. Whatever she did.

I hope this has come across the right way ? if not just tell me to shut up LOL
Its late Im going to bed I have a super headache from this today and an even bigger heartache..
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