Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

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Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

  • YES.

    Votes: 212 44.0%
  • NO.

    Votes: 141 29.3%

    Votes: 129 26.8%

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Um no, the reason I wasn't caught is because I won't just see any guy that has $300. I've had plenty of cops call me and I know this because of alerts that were posted on boards with the same # that called me who I refused to see for whatever reason.
I actually do see cops but they pay and aren't looking to arrest me.

BUT WE seem to agree that it isn't hard for a less careful gal to get caught. It seems my thoughts about cops paying for sex straight up isn't unusual. Do you give discounts if they show a shield ? LOL,

$300.00 !!! Zowie, prices have sure gone up. I remember when you could get a ........for $2-5 bucks.
BUT WE seem to agree that it isn't hard for a less careful gal to get caught. It seems my thoughts about cops paying for sex straight up isn't unusual. Do you give discounts if they show a shield ? LOL,

$300.00 !!! Zowie, prices have sure gone up. I remember when you could get a ........for $2-5 bucks.

Good lord, Hawk! How old are you?! :floorlaugh:
If the police have a voice on the phone they would have at least have a very important lead to follow. However, without knowing more my gut feeling tells me that even if this is true it is not the killer.

There are a lot of strange people out there with nothing better to do than to insert themselves into a case if only to torture the families of the victims.

I know what I would do, or suggest doing given all the facts is to put that voice on the air with the hope someone will recognize it and report it to the police. I see no reason why at least redacted portions of the tape can be played for the public.

One reason why the police haven't put this over the air is because they already know who the caller is and they know that person is not the killer. I suspect that person will be dealt with this when the time is right.

Some how this nut job got a hold of the phone and decided to have some 'fun' There are a lot of evil and sick people in this world that live for these moments.

Let me tell you folks this: This country has the capability of snatching billions of phone calls out of the air and match up the voices to person's of interest, in particular, terrorist related investigations.

You are very correct in saying that there are some very sick people in this world. Where I do disagree with you is without knowing more you think that the person who made the call is not the killer. In the 48 hrs video, Dormer is quoted as saying he believes the killer is the person who made the calls. Then there is the fact that the caller spoke to MB's sister in the last call and said that he had killed her. She was still a missing person. No one had discovered her body as of that time. Sure enough, later her body was discovered. How could some stranger playing games know she was dead? I am of the firm belief that the caller is the killer of at least the GB4.
I would really like to see the link to the MBBs post. That is the one I have never seen.
Can you tell me a little bit about the Sexyjobs site? Do you get alot of business from your ads there? Is the clientelle any different than the clients you get from BP? And are your services from Sexyjobs shopped more for the type of work you're looking to do, or your physical type?

To the best of my knowledge, Maureen was the only one of the GB4 who posted on this site. But it's the perfect site for someone looking to book very definite physical "types", as LISK obviously does, so I'd like to know as much about it as I can.


I don't get a lot of business from there. For the most part my experience with it has been mainly pimps and amateur adult movie makers.
I think he finds them off of BP or CL.
Upon further review of the MB thread I have come up with some stuff. I will try to roughly piece some of it together. I will refer to the caller as "The Caller", or TC. TC left voicemails on Megan Waterman's mothers work phone. For the love of God and all that is Holy, has anybody compared the voice on these voicemails to the voice that called JT and MB's sister? Have these voicemails been played to MB's sister and/or JT? Is it the same voice?? That is a simple, yes or no, question. Somebody must know. No? If the voices are not a match, then Hawks gut feeling is dead on. Maybe one voice is of the killer, and one of a character of a dubious nature? Or both, or neither, or one or the other is the voice of the killer. Do the voices match???

It seems that LE, MB's mom and sister, JT, the Barthelmy's lawyer Cohen, and even TC, (who said "I killed her") are all assuming TC is the killer.

For all we know, because there does seem to be a stony cold silence as far as release of any further information on this case, TC may still be making calls. I kind of wish now, in retrospect that "we" had picked up the tab to keep MB's phone active. Because if we had that phone number, I'm sure several of us would have a few choice words we would like to leave, in voicemails, to TC.
Good lord, Hawk! How old are you?! :floorlaugh:

71. I GREW up in S.Jamaica. My neighbors were mostly Ital-Amer, Poles, and Blacks.

Started working part time for a local Italian Bread bakery on Sutphin Blvd when I was about 13 until about 19. Usually worked the late night shift. It was no more than a block or so from my house.

The neighborhood was a bustling neighborhood back then. It changed when the drugs were introduced into the neighborhood. The local hookers were hooked on the drugs well before the rest of the neighborhood got infected with it. They were in ample supply cruising the area. Many of them strolled by the White Tower burger joint at Liberty and Sutphin. One gal was a daughter of a family of a well known restaurant. She was a stunner who looked like Ava Gardner. Even with the ravages of her drug addiction she still maintain an aura of beauty. Her name was Fran. I could fall in love with her under different conditions.

She and the other gals would stop by the bakery in the middle of the night looking for customers. I always felt sorry for her. This beautiful woman who had everything to live for was nothing more than a drugged out heroin addict prostituting herself to get money for drugs. Fran was usually a $5.00 BJ. If she was desperate she would take $2.00. I never availed myself of her services because I felt sorry for her. Gave her a couple of bucks from time to time. I was making $12.00 a night back then which was pretty good money for a teenager.

The older guys would always goad me on to hook up. But my entire family lived within blocks of the bakery and so I was reluctant to partake with the many gals that stopped by.

We also had our share of homosexuals stopping by. The difference was they paid you, not you pay them. For some guys a BJ is a BJ. One night I was taking a nap on the flour bags and they sent a <modsnip> named Felix to have his way with me. I wake up to his trying to unbutton my pants and I woke up and kicked him in the face sending him sprawling to the floor. That just wasn't my thing.

As far as I can recall I have never even cursed in front of woman or a prostitute. As far as I can remember in my 29 year career in the NYPD have I ever cursed in front of a woman or a prostitute. I curse like a sailor, but can't say I ever cursed in front of anyone older than me.
Hawk, they don't make 'em like you anymore. By the way, did you work with Inspector Frank Luger?
Hawk, they don't make 'em like you anymore. By the way, did you work with Inspector Frank Luger?

Hawk, what a slice of life story on this otherwise dull Friday afternoon. :D
Hawk, they don't make 'em like you anymore. By the way, did you work with Inspector Frank Luger?

If you asked most cops from that era they would tell you Barney Miller was the most realistic PD story ever put on TV. In many ways it was.
If you asked most cops from that era they would tell you Barney Miller was the most realistic PD story ever put on TV. In many ways it was.

As time goes on, that show becomes more and more a living, breathing, documentary of what society was like in the '70's. A time capsule. And now back to our regularly scheduled program...........
If I told you folks everything I know or think I know I think you would sell your US Savings Bonds.
I can tell you there are people out there who haven't forgotten the gals. They are trying to piece together enough documentation to paint a broader picture.

BTW, nice try Mr.DA, and your <modsnip> friend. Don't waste your time following me. I don't do what Jay did. Truth is my wife would find it rather humorous I still had the energy to have a girlfriend on the side. We both need a good laugh. <modsnip>.
If I told you folks everything I know or think I know I think you would sell your US Savings Bonds.
I can tell you there are people out there who haven't forgotten the gals. They are trying to piece together enough documentation to paint a broader picture.

BTW, nice try Mr.DA, and your<modsnip> friend. Don't waste your time following me. I don't do what Jay did. Truth is my wife would find it rather humorous I still had the energy to have a girlfriend on the side. We both need a good laugh. <modsnip>.

I'm just gonna give you a 'thanks' and pretend I know what you're talking about. :rocker:
the only people that have to know is the DA and <modsnip>. LOL
I can tell you there are people out there who haven't forgotten the gals. They are trying to piece together enough documentation to paint a broader picture.

Hawk, that's what I hear as well. And it is a pretty darn big canvas.
A funny thing happened earlier today. My friend told me a certain person I have been very interested is the nephew of a well known renegade. I did as much homework on the <modsnip> and traced him back to a certain neighborhood in Queens. Found some interesting things about his formative years. I also found he was raised not far from that well known renegades bar/social club. A lot of things didn't seem to fit.

Was having a little fun and I told someone the Renegade could be this guy's father - one day I will have to check.

Talking to my buddy he casually put it out the guy I have been looking at is the nephew of the Renegade.

I really was going to look into it. What troubled me is this very bad guy seems to have grown up EVIL. He was supposedly pushing drugs and doing burglaries as early as 12. No kid in his position with a decent upbringing can go from being a little kid to being evil so fast without it being in your genes.

I knew the uncle ( assuming it is his uncle) and he was quite a character. Smiling all the time. Guys loved him because he was so funny. Loved to steal just for the sake of stealing. He wound up dying in prison.

I actually may have saved the renegades life once. I walked in to a diner where the mob guys were having a sit down deciding if they should kill him. I came in, they saw me, and I am told they left it for another day. This guy makes amends and kills 10 20 or who knows how many people along the way.

Now I hear my POI may have been his uncle. Now I wonder if he was his uncle...........or was he his ''uncle".
Did you folks see the movie "The Departed" ? Great movie, btw. Starred Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson. Damon is a Mass. State trooper in the criminal investigation division. He grew up in Irish Town. He was a protégé of a notorious gangster played by JN. Damon's role was to join the Mass SP and become a mole.

What makes this ironic is the movie is staged in Suffolk County, Massachusetts - LOL.

They say fact is stranger than fiction.
Did you folks see the movie "The Departed" ? Great movie, btw. Starred Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson. Damon is a Mass. State trooper in the criminal investigation division. He grew up in Irish Town. He was a protégé of a notorious gangster played by JN. Damon's role was to join the Mass SP and become a mole.

What makes this ironic is the movie is staged in Suffolk County, Massachusetts - LOL.

They say fact is stranger than fiction.

"They" say Nicholsons character "Costello" was based on Whitey Bulger. Saw it in a theater with my wife. For the entire movie she was thinking "Costello" was "Italian". Let me tell you, "Costello" ain't Italian. But it's an easy mistake to make.
Frank Costello the legendary mobster real name was CASTIGLIA. I guess you know who I am talking about in my post.

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