Will this case ever be solved?

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SKB was originally hired by Atty. Carol Caldwell, who represented Crystal Sheffield to help her obtain custody of Ronald Junior. They were, of course, successful in that endeavor. When Ronald was arrested the DCF filed a motion with the court to place custody of Junior with grandma Sykes. In some part due to info that SKB produced in that court hearing, the judge ruled against DCF and grandma Sykes and placed custody of Junior with Crystal. The records of that hearing are not public because it involves a juvenile. Caldwell also had a child psychologist testify who had been seeing Junior on a regular basis.

Why was SKB working with Tommy Croslin's lawyer, Atty. Werner, to get him to talk in April 2010? Was SKB hired by other players or was he working for Caldwell and the mom? For reference this video & why didn't SKB solve this? It fizzled out when no remains were found on this search.

Ex-FBI Agent: I've Solved Haleigh Case

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


While Brown wouldn't say who the Putnam County Sheriff's Office considers suspects, he said he does not think Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings, had anything to do with her disappearance. He could not say the same for Misty Croslin, the teenage babysitter who put Haleigh to bed that night and would go on to marry, then divorce Ronald Cummings.

"Misty certainly knows what happened in the trailer that night," Brown said.


Is he a freelance PI? Who's the PI that is looking for an alive Haleigh & who are they working for? Just in general. Thanks.
SKB was originally hired by Atty. Carol Caldwell, who represented Crystal Sheffield to help her obtain custody of Ronald Junior. They were, of course, successful in that endeavor. When Ronald was arrested the DCF filed a motion with the court to place custody of Junior with grandma Sykes. In some part due to info that SKB produced in that court hearing, the judge ruled against DCF and grandma Sykes and placed custody of Junior with Crystal. The records of that hearing are not public because it involves a juvenile. Caldwell also had a child psychologist testify who had been seeing Junior on a regular basis.

Whoah! Why would DCF file a motion for gma sykes to have JR after ron's arrest? I guess ron's moving in with her was a giant leap to assure his control over retaining custody.....always thought that was the case.

However, I am shocked that DCF would step in and file a motion favoring Sykes...Yikes! Her record raising kids leaves an awful lot to be desired...particularly males..omg!
Please give us some clues about the tommy and JO aspect. Personally, i have a hard time thinking tommy killed Haleigh.
Please give us some clues about the tommy and JO aspect. Personally, i have a hard time thinking tommy killed Haleigh.

Personally I think that's exactly what happened. Perhaps with a bit of help from Overstreet.
Personally I think that's exactly what happened. Perhaps with a bit of help from Overstreet.

I think it could have happened that way, mkay. But if Tommy was molesting HC and she died, he would have considered it an accident. Tommy and Jo are very strange characters. Does anyone remember what Lindsay asked Tommy in court regarding any sexual activity with Misty? txs
I think it could have happened that way, mkay. But if Tommy was molesting HC and she died, he would have considered it an accident. Tommy and Jo are very strange characters. Does anyone remember what Lindsay asked Tommy in court regarding any sexual activity with Misty? txs

Something about the incest going on in his family IIRC.
If HaLeigh is deceased, I think it was Tommy. JMO :(

I think if she is dead, Tommy had to kill her because he knew she would tell Ron what was done to her.
At 5 I would imagine HaLeigh had a voice.. and IMO Tommy was/is scared of Ron.

add a possible Overstreet in the mix and I think 'we' have it..
I think it could have happened that way, mkay. But if Tommy was molesting HC and she died, he would have considered it an accident. Tommy and Jo are very strange characters. Does anyone remember what Lindsay asked Tommy in court regarding any sexual activity with Misty? txs
If LC said something in court, I missed it. I remember her telling the judge she planned on being with Tommy when he got released and only divorced him due to family pressure. (which was all unusual, to say the least). But I do remember her lashing out during a jail visit and saying something about incest, but I don't think Tommy had much of a reaction. I don't remember her exact words, but at the time, I didn't get the impression that she had any evidence of incest, but was lashing out from anger. But who knows...JMO.
I think she was lashing out and was angry, and probably sickened. I would be. I believe she knows. I also believe she is mad because she covered for him. JMO

link not allowed here, it should be in another topic, I recall the tapes being discussed and links from that site allowed strictly for the tapes iirc

ETA: it was discussed here: 2010.05.29 ~ Tommy and Lindsy video ~ Early April - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Lyndsy: all you effing Croslings are nothing but effing liars

etc etc

Lyndsy: ....you sound just like Misty, you guys are perfect for each other

you guys can be your perfect incestuous family


OK.. We have Ron C allowing Haleigh to sleep in the same room with him and his new girlfriend and according to TN their bedroom door was always left open... Even IF Haleigh per chance wasn't sleeping in their bedroom she was exposed to whatever was taking place in the master bedroom......
And we also have Ron C allowing Haleigh to sit on his lap while driving the car...

I don't believe Haleigh was raped and killed, but IF that horrible incident did occur I doubt seriously Tommy or Jo were the ones who raped Haleigh and killed her...JMHO
IMO.. Lyndsy: all you effing Croslings are nothing but effing liarsetc etc

Lyndsy: ....you sound just like Misty, you guys are perfect for each other

you guys can be your perfect incestuous family

IMO....Lindsy saying..."You guys can be your perfect incestuous family" is totally taken out of context and not an indication she was referring to them as having been a perfect incestuous family.. ONLY that Tommy and Misty were BOTH LIARS and deserved each other... JMHO
If LC said something in court, I missed it. I remember her telling the judge she planned on being with Tommy when he got released and only divorced him due to family pressure. (which was all unusual, to say the least). But I do remember her lashing out during a jail visit and saying something about incest, but I don't think Tommy had much of a reaction. I don't remember her exact words, but at the time, I didn't get the impression that she had any evidence of incest, but was lashing out from anger. But who knows...JMO.

I'm sorry, dodie, you're right. Lindsay didn't say that in court, but while Tommy was in jail. I think his response ended it for LC.

(cough, cough) Like what about the boots of your husband and Timmy. And how you told your husband you got rid of the boots, (cough, cough).

You know what? Forget the friggin' (coughing), YOU know what went down Lindsay, you were part of it, you received stolen goods that you're husband "procured." AND, you knew EXACTLY were everything was (that was stolen) in your own home, when the po-lice came to question you.

You've had good advise from you're family, and now you are out of all of it......almost, but not quite. You have known for a long time your husband was involved and you never said a word!!
I'm sorry, dodie, you're right. Lindsay didn't say that in court, but while Tommy was in jail. I think his response ended it for LC.

(cough, cough) Like what about the boots of your husband and Timmy. And how you told your husband you got rid of the boots, (cough, cough).

You know what? Forget the friggin' (coughing), YOU know what went down Lindsay, you were part of it, you received stolen goods that you're husband "procured." AND, you knew EXACTLY were everything was (that was stolen) in your own home, when the po-lice came to question you.

You've had good advise from you're family, and now you are out of all of it......almost, but not quite. You have known for a long time your husband was involved and you never said a word!!
Yes, she threw the boots away, and she knew all along that he would get out of bed, to 'watch tv'. That was a weird conversation. I wondered if cops suspected Tommy of sneaking out while she was asleep. She alibied him by saying he was home, but then she kind of backed away from it by saying he sometimes did get up. I can't go as far as to say she was in on anything, because IDK , but I do think she learned to look the other way, where Tommy was concerned. Misty accused him of messing with her. Most wives would either believe the accuser and get the husband away from their kids, or belive the husband, and cut off contact with the accuser. But LC did neither. Misty also called Tommy a crackhead. Now for a wife/mother/nursing student to just let a heavy accusation like that go was strange. I remember the interview where Tommy and LC were hugged up at the door and the reporter told them that Misty had pointed towards him in Haleigh's disappearance. LC barely reacted and Tommy laughed and called her crazy. I'm sorry, but in a normal world, this wouldn't be a laughing matter...all of these accusations would be fighting words in my family. But they all just kept being friends. In a news story, (after they were all arrested), LC called Misty, 'fun loving', I believe. Really!!! That got my goat. In what twighlight zone, is anything connected to Misty, considered fun? She had an awful childhood and was barely 17 when this happened. When did this girl ever find the time to be fun loving? Her weekend with WBG? the road rage with DB? with Ron? getting beat up and robbed while buying drugs? I seriously don't get the tiptoeing around Misty. I took it, (and still do), that she has something on Tommy. JMO.
There was an uneasy moment in a jail call with Hank Sr. and Misty. Video too. It was when Misty complained about her back hurting, she'd be going to get a massage, and Hank Sr. sighed, Misty looked down and pretended to sigh too, and Hank Sr. said he wished she were home so he could give her a back rub? WTF!

Incestuous, possibly? So I don't doubt anything from anyone in Haleigh's disappearance. This was released around the time Lindsey called Tommy's relationship with Misty and family "incestuous".

I'll try to link both tapes/audio tomorrow. xoxo

That isn't a good thought in order to figure out who did what in my book. If it hadn't been on tape/video, I'd blow that off. But it is proof to be decided upon by the listeners I guess. I'm having a hard time with the words said & heard.

There was an uneasy moment in a jail call with Hank Sr. and Misty. Video too. It was when Misty complained about her back hurting, she'd be going to get a massage, and Hank Sr. sighed, Misty looked down and pretended to sigh too, and Hank Sr. said he wished she were home so he could give her a back rub? WTF!

Incestuous, possibly? So I don't doubt anything from anyone in Haleigh's disappearance. This was released around the time Lindsey called Tommy's relationship with Misty and family "incestuous".

I'll try to link both tapes/audio tomorrow. xoxo

That isn't a good thought in order to figure out who did what in my book. If it hadn't been on tape/video, I'd blow that off. But it is proof to be decided upon by the listeners I guess. I'm having a hard time with the words said & heard.


JMO, I don't believe Hank Sr ever did anything to Misty. JMO. I feel for him, he comes across very different from his wife imo. He always seems sincere in caring about HaLeigh. He pleaded for the truth. JMO
JMO, I don't believe Hank Sr ever did anything to Misty. JMO. I feel for him, and he always seems sincere in caring about HaLeigh. He pleaded for her to tell the truth. JMO

I heard he was hesitant to speak for her at her sentencing but finally did per MSM.

I don't think anyone wants to address this stuff but hey, Misty and her bro's lived in a tent for a while while she grew up. I think it goes to prove the dynamics of the family and what no one wants to talk about Heck, I sure don't but what I'm talking about are facts and as much as I don't want to talk about it, it has to be addressed by the law at least and I'd hope some adults too. That doesn't mean I give an easy street to Ron or anyone else...

Hey Flossie!
JMO, I don't believe Hank Sr ever did anything to Misty. JMO. I feel for him, he comes across very different from his wife imo. He always seems sincere in caring about HaLeigh. He pleaded for the truth. JMO

I'll try to get just the segment I'm talking about plus a few minutes before and after but going to be busy this week! Going to the mountains again!

Haleigh will have an answer one day along with justice. I have faith in that.
The town had 55 SO's. There were 55 SO's living in the area. 5 mile radius? That's from memory but there were so many close too, to Haleigh. It wasn't a good area to raise kids in.

Anyone remember the landlord who rented to most of them? I know it's somewhere...I'll find it again. This was overlooked by LE and the families in my book. It was a bad area with bad people in it. Sadly, good people who had lived there, were subjected to all of this. I feel bad for them. jmo


I'm going to add that it was a bad area per the news when Haleigh went missing. I've met many locals who are my friends now. Hey, I lived in Central Fl at one time, about 100 miles or so away.
There was an uneasy moment in a jail call with Hank Sr. and Misty. Video too. It was when Misty complained about her back hurting, she'd be going to get a massage, and Hank Sr. sighed, Misty looked down and pretended to sigh too, and Hank Sr. said he wished she were home so he could give her a back rub? WTF!

Incestuous, possibly? So I don't doubt anything from anyone in Haleigh's disappearance. This was released around the time Lindsey called Tommy's relationship with Misty and family "incestuous".

I'll try to link both tapes/audio tomorrow. xoxo

That isn't a good thought in order to figure out who did what in my book. If it hadn't been on tape/video, I'd blow that off. But it is proof to be decided upon by the listeners I guess. I'm having a hard time with the words said & heard.

When this tape was released, a lot of people were uneasy about that exchange. Personally, even though I knew it was inappropriate, I thought HC was just mouthing off...on the same line as if Misty had said she wanted a burger and him responding with, 'I wish you were out, so I could take you to Mcdonalds'. But IDK...now that we know a little more about the case, I guess I need to relisten to the tapes...but Lord, help me. They made me so uncomfortable the 1st go around, IDK if I'm up for seconds. JMO.

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