Will this case ever be solved?

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I heard he was hesitant to speak for her at her sentencing but finally did per MSM.

I don't think anyone wants to address this stuff but hey, Misty and her bro's lived in a tent for a while while she grew up. I think it goes to prove the dynamics of the family and what no one wants to talk about Heck, I sure don't but what I'm talking about are facts and as much as I don't want to talk about it, it has to be addressed by the law at least and I'd hope some adults too. That doesn't mean I give an easy street to Ron or anyone else...

Hey Flossie!
just curious,,,did MSM explain why he was hesitant? because early in the case, I didn't care for the way H & LC blamed Misty for not going to school, being wild, etc...I also didn't like that he said Misty caused more problems than his sons. At the time, I couldn't figure out why he compared his kids and talked about his sons at all...but now we know Tommy is front and center in this case and causes his own share of troubles. Maybe HC felt the need early on, to build him up. IDK, but I didn't appreciate it. Also on 1 of the tapes, I remember LC saying something about not letting Misty move back in with them. Misty was just 18. Where was she supposed to go? Considering that CC has said that Misty lived with them for awhile, I can see how she drifted into Ron's life, playing mother. She was probably close to being homeless. LC even admitted to blackmailing Misty...her own daughter. When TN first called this family dysfunctional, I was a little taken aback, but I guess she knew what she was talking about. JMO
When this tape was released, a lot of people were uneasy about that exchange. Personally, even though I knew it was inappropriate, I thought HC was just mouthing off...on the same line as if Misty had said she wanted a burger and him responding with, 'I wish you were out, so I could take you to Mcdonalds'. But IDK...now that we know a little more about the case, I guess I need to relisten to the tapes...but Lord, help me. They made me so uncomfortable the 1st go around, IDK if I'm up for seconds. JMO.

Thanks Dodie, it's like a sticker in my paw. I don't want to but you have to. It is documented and can't be ignored because someone thinks someone else is the perp or whatever.

I think it's a strong possibility that Misty has been abused since a young age. I also think LC's involvement with drugs/alcohol so heavily contributed to Misty being ignored/neglected. I don't like any of them but Hank Sr. blew any credibility with me during his visits/calls, not just the one I mentioned. I didn't take it the way you did at all. It was personal and the sighs were hard to listen to.

Again, in no way do I think Misty is innocent. She hasn't ever told the truth to decide either way. None of them have or their families. How sad..they have locked it up in their own lies to protect each other.

Sure wish, LE would call it cold or just speak the heck up. I know, I know...
Thanks Dodie, it's like a sticker in my paw. I don't want to but you have to. It is documented and can't be ignored because someone thinks someone else is the perp or whatever.

I think it's a strong possibility that Misty has been abused since a young age. I also think LC's involvement so heavily contributed to Misty being ignored/neglected. I don't like any of them but Hank Sr. blew any credibility with me but his statement and many other actions or reactions in those calls, not just the one I mentioned. I didn't take it the way you did at all. It was personal and the sighs were hard to listen to.

Again, in no way do I think Misty is innocent. She hasn't ever told the truth to judge from for me. None of them have or their families. How sad..they have locked it up in their own lies to protect each other.

Sure wish, lol, LE would call it cold or just speak the heck up.
Misty being abused would explain why she drifted from here to there. If my 18 year old needed a place to live, I would insist that it be with me! even if it was in a car...especially if her notoriety is what got me that car. I just get the impression, from the things this family has said and done, that Misty wasn't wanted at home. If Misty's accusations about Tommy 'messing' with her are true, well, I'm furious, because as far as I can tell, H & L have never cast him aside, just Misty...and that's so unfair. When Misty got the restraining order, L went to court with Tommy. IMO, there was no need in that. He was a grown man and could handle his own business. And afterwards, L accused Misty and Ron of hiding something...without backing it up, of course. And weren't Tommy and L together when the blind mans gun was stolen? When reading Misty's poem/letter, I noticed that her handwriting got just terrible, when writing about her mother. I interpreted it as extreme anger. If she is angry with her, I can't say I blame her. JMO.
just curious,,,did MSM explain why he was hesitant? because early in the case, I didn't care for the way H & LC blamed Misty for not going to school, being wild, etc...I also didn't like that he said Misty caused more problems than his sons. At the time, I couldn't figure out why he compared his kids and talked about his sons at all...but now we know Tommy is front and center in this case and causes his own share of troubles. Maybe HC felt the need early on, to build him up. IDK, but I didn't appreciate it. Also on 1 of the tapes, I remember LC saying something about not letting Misty move back in with them. Misty was just 18. Where was she supposed to go? Considering that CC has said that Misty lived with them for awhile, I can see how she drifted into Ron's life, playing mother. She was probably close to being homeless. LC even admitted to blackmailing Misty...her own daughter. When TN first called this family dysfunctional, I was a little taken aback, but I guess she knew what she was talking about. JMO

I give no pass to any of them. I'm done being disappointed in their inactions or reactions. It's time to look at all. I just spilled one of my red flags/doubts, there's many more we all have too. thx!

Hey Dodie! oxox
The town had 55 SO's. There were 55 SO's living in the area. 5 mile radius? That's from memory but there were so many close too, to Haleigh. It wasn't a good area to raise kids in.

Anyone remember the landlord who rented to most of them? I know it's somewhere...I'll find it again. This was overlooked by LE and the families in my book. It was a bad area with bad people in it. Sadly, good people who had lived there, were subjected to all of this. I feel bad for them. jmo


I'm going to add that it was a bad area per the news when Haleigh went missing. I've met many locals who are my friends now. Hey, I lived in Central Fl at one time, about 100 miles or so away.
I guess LE has some solid reasons, but from the information that has been released to the public, I haven't been able to rule out a stranger abduction, a SO, a neighbor, or somebody who had been stalking Misty or Haleigh. That chair in the woods freaked me out. But Tommy has been named a suspect for a reason, IMO, and he lived real close, so the chair could have been his, I guess. JMO.
I guess LE has some solid reasons, but from the information that has been released to the public, I haven't been able to rule out a stranger abduction, a SO, a neighbor, or somebody who had been stalking Misty or Haleigh. That chair in the woods freaked me out. But Tommy has been named a suspect for a reason, IMO, and he lived real close, so the chair could have been his, I guess. JMO.

Gah, that chair! chills...

Tommy more or less is the only suspect & it's not been said officially but if the Prosecuting Atty says he is, they have the right to charge him with a crime under the 5th amendment for capital murder, I beleive. The Prosecuting Atty trumps LE. Where's my law peeps! Be easy on me please. lol...

I believe Lewis saying Tommy was a suspect holds more weight than the PCSO per law.

Wish the guilty would speak the heck up & BE CHARGED!

Night xoxo
Jeff Hardy said last year that there were "several" POI identified, and Tommy was named a "suspect" by the state attorney.

In reality, every cop will tell you, a POI is just a politically correct term for suspect.

Tommy, Lindsy, Ron, Misty, Joe, Chelsea, Timmy, and anyone hooked up with them, is most likely a suspect/POI.

Police may have a pet theory that they put the most weight on and are leaning on, but most likely they have several theories and angles which involve different "POI's" that they will investigate and continue to look into.

Where Haleigh was put after her death, will most likely fill in the gaps. If it was found near a certain POI's home, or at a place a certain POI was known to frequent... Or maybe her body was buried with an item that only a certain POI had access to?

I think LE has already developed the most logical scenario's of what happened, but just need to put the final touches on it.

I would NEVER say this case will stay "cold." We have all heard of cases, a decade later someone cracks, someone slips up, or some evidence is discovered.
Jeff Hardy said last year that there were "several" POI identified, and Tommy was named a "suspect" by the state attorney.

In reality, every cop will tell you, a POI is just a politically correct term for suspect.

Tommy, Lindsy, Ron, Misty, Joe, Chelsea, Timmy, and anyone hooked up with them, is most likely a suspect/POI.

Police may have a pet theory that they put the most weight on and are leaning on, but most likely they have several theories and angles which involve different "POI's" that they will investigate and continue to look into.

Where Haleigh was put after her death, will most likely fill in the gaps. If it was found near a certain POI's home, or at a place a certain POI was known to frequent... Or maybe her body was buried with an item that only a certain POI had access to?

I think LE has already developed the most logical scenario's of what happened, but just need to put the final touches on it.

I would NEVER say this case will stay "cold." We have all heard of cases, a decade later someone cracks, someone slips up, or some evidence is discovered.

Thanks for the biiiggg tip!
A decade is too late in my op.. call it cold and release the Sunshine law documents asap, duh...

Keep up the cheerleading though for HLN. Go Levi!!....ng
"disliker' here...try fox or someone else to get your boot up or start you own network for missing children, hint to Trica! online and on tv...24/7.
Oh and when's the last time Jeff Hardy or any LE have spoken up?. I heard Hi and bye from them in 2009. I heard Hardy was shy and wanted no attention...well..okay..heard it was a homicide, then nothing...

Anything else has been through contacts of mine or via rag mags, HLN & exploited! Who says Casey A is wanted by the media? Well HLN will tell you that you are craving to hear about her last bm....lol

See you next week, hope I"m still a member still xoxo
Oh and when's the last time Jeff Hardy or any LE have spoken up?. I heard Hi and bye from them in 2009. I heard Hardy was shy and wanted no attention...well..okay..heard it was a homicide, then nothing...

Anything else has been through contacts of mine or via rag mags, HLN & exploited! Who says Casey A is wanted by the media? Well HLN will tell you that you are craving to hear about her last bm....lol

See you next week, hope I"m still a member still xoxo

LE owe us the public NOTHING. Nobody on the internet NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. They owe HLN or any other network, reporter, host, blogger, NOTHING.

Why would they tip their hand to potential child killers for the sake of feeding public interest in a story? This is not a "story" to them, this is not a "media event" to them, this is not a topic in a forum to them, this is an INVESTIGATION.

You don't release information in an ongoing investigation and hand over that information to the public, just becase 2 years have gone by.

We got to understand, this is an investigation with several POI's. It is better for LE to keep them in the dark and let them wonder what this person told LE, what that person told LE, what evidence LE has collected that could implicate them.

Even though I would love to report something "new" in this case, I do not want LE to release anything that could tip their hand to killers or anyone else involved in covering up the homicide of a 5-year-old little girl.

I respect LE, I think they have done a very good job in this case, and if you read what they have released to the media in statements concerning Ron, Misty, Tommy, and others, we can certainly see who LE considers POI.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist.

The fact is, this like a puzzle. They are waiting for certain evidence to be tied together to complete it.

Releasing info could help Misty, Ron, Tommy, or anyone involved "fix" their story to make them look innocent...
Furthermore, there are certain things in cases that only the killer or someone involved in this homicide would know.

Why would LE release their case file to the media, and ruin chances of a prosecution? That would be horrible!

I'm much more interested in seeing the facts of this case laid out in a court room, where someone is standing trial for the homicide of Haleigh Cummings, than to see it laid out on a blog, radio show, TV show, news report or crime forum.

I'd ultimately like to see someone held accountable and face the music for what they have done.

There is a case in TN, where it was obvious a lawyer named Perry March killed his wife. 10-years-later, the father of Perry cracked said his son killed Janet and he helped get rid the body. Ultimately they never found the body.

But there are only two logical scenario's, Perry and his father. They were prosecuted.

Problem with this case, is there are tons of hinky people. Who do you prosecute? Even though this child is dead, and people are lying, and a story was revealed of her body being dumped... There is no way prosecutors can narrow it down, prosecute people and excluse this hinky person "beyond a reasonable doubt." We can't narrow a specific person down as the killer, like in the March case.

Let's say they prosecute Joe and Tommy, Joe and Tommy will point at each other and point at Ron and Misty. And vice versa. There is reasonable doubt.

I think if time goes by, maybe wire an inmate up, offer them a deal to cut their sentence, we may see an arrest and prosecution...
Jeff Hardy said last year that there were "several" POI identified, and Tommy was named a "suspect" by the state attorney.

In reality, every cop will tell you, a POI is just a politically correct term for suspect.

Tommy, Lindsy, Ron, Misty, Joe, Chelsea, Timmy, and anyone hooked up with them, is most likely a suspect/POI.

Police may have a pet theory that they put the most weight on and are leaning on, but most likely they have several theories and angles which involve different "POI's" that they will investigate and continue to look into.

Where Haleigh was put after her death, will most likely fill in the gaps. If it was found near a certain POI's home, or at a place a certain POI was known to frequent... Or maybe her body was buried with an item that only a certain POI had access to?

I think LE has already developed the most logical scenario's of what happened, but just need to put the final touches on it.

I would NEVER say this case will stay "cold." We have all heard of cases, a decade later someone cracks, someone slips up, or some evidence is discovered.
Thanks for reminding about the 'several' POIs. I keep forgetting that Tommy isn't the only one. Let me ask you this...a lot of speculation has gone around about Ron's mother and grandmother maybe knowing more than they've said. Not much has been said about Misty's parents. Is the hospital alibi airtight? because I've read some conflicting statements. For instance...HC was deathly ill and laid up in a hospital. (but he was released the next day). CC and others had to go pick him up from the hospital. (he came all the way home in an ambulance). Misty called her mom that night. (was there any way for LC to leave? after they got off the phone, did LC call anyone? just a few things I've been wondering. JMO.
Thanks for reminding about the 'several' POIs. I keep forgetting that Tommy isn't the only one. Let me ask you this...a lot of speculation has gone around about Ron's mother and grandmother maybe knowing more than they've said. Not much has been said about Misty's parents. Is the hospital alibi airtight? because I've read some conflicting statements. For instance...HC was deathly ill and laid up in a hospital. (but he was released the next day). CC and others had to go pick him up from the hospital. (he came all the way home in an ambulance). Misty called her mom that night. (was there any way for LC to leave? after they got off the phone, did the LC call anyone? just a few things I've been wondering. JMO.

I don't think Hank knows anything about what happened to Haleigh. I don't think Lisa knows anything either. If you listen to some of the jail tapes, Lisa and Hank urge Misty to tell the truth. They know Misty knows more, you can tell my listening to those tapes. They urge her to tell the truth, not to lie, etc.

Doesn't sound to me like people involved in anyway...
Jeff Hardy said last year that there were "several" POI identified, and Tommy was named a "suspect" by the state attorney.

In reality, every cop will tell you, a POI is just a politically correct term for suspect.

Tommy, Lindsy, Ron, Misty, Joe, Chelsea, Timmy, and anyone hooked up with them, is most likely a suspect/POI.

Police may have a pet theory that they put the most weight on and are leaning on, but most likely they have several theories and angles which involve different "POI's" that they will investigate and continue to look into.

Where Haleigh was put after her death, will most likely fill in the gaps. If it was found near a certain POI's home, or at a place a certain POI was known to frequent... Or maybe her body was buried with an item that only a certain POI had access to?

I think LE has already developed the most logical scenario's of what happened, but just need to put the final touches on it.

I would NEVER say this case will stay "cold." We have all heard of cases, a decade later someone cracks, someone slips up, or some evidence is discovered.
I don't think this case is cold at all. There's always something going on and each little thing, fills in another piece to the puzzle. Misty's interview was enlightening, as was her poem, and CC claiming that a picture is of an alive Haleigh, floored me. But they're all clues, and they all point in the same direction. JMO.
I think if she is dead, Tommy had to kill her because he knew she would tell Ron what was done to her.
At 5 I would imagine HaLeigh had a voice.. and IMO Tommy was/is scared of Ron.

add a possible Overstreet in the mix and I think 'we' have it..

That makes no sense... What would Ron do to Tommy? This is the same dude that MARRIED MISTY, knowing her story didn't add up and knowing she was lying.
I'll try to get just the segment I'm talking about plus a few minutes before and after but going to be busy this week! Going to the mountains again!

Haleigh will have an answer one day along with justice. I have faith in that.

Hi Dr. Know. I didn't see the segment you are talking about, but that really upsets me if what you indicate is true. The one person out of everyone involved (or their families) I liked was Hank, Sr. I hope this didn't happen, and has another meaning, OMG!!

Stay cool in the moutains, we'll be here when you return :seeya:
I'll try to get just the segment I'm talking about plus a few minutes before and after but going to be busy this week! Going to the mountains again!

Haleigh will have an answer one day along with justice. I have faith in that.
Thanks Dr. Know. bbm, I hope and pray you're right.

Have a great time in the mountains! :seeya:
The town had 55 SO's. There were 55 SO's living in the area. 5 mile radius? That's from memory but there were so many close too, to Haleigh. It wasn't a good area to raise kids in.

Anyone remember the landlord who rented to most of them? I know it's somewhere...I'll find it again. This was overlooked by LE and the families in my book. It was a bad area with bad people in it. Sadly, good people who had lived there, were subjected to all of this. I feel bad for them. jmo


I'm going to add that it was a bad area per the news when Haleigh went missing. I've met many locals who are my friends now. Hey, I lived in Central Fl at one time, about 100 miles or so away.

Did you know that the previous tenant at 202 Green Lane, just before Ronald moved in there was an RSO?
Did you know that the previous tenant at 202 Green Lane, just before Ronald moved in there was an RSO?

Yes, we do, however Ron C, himself, stated he changed the locks when he moved in to the MH..Reason being... To keep anything like this from ever happening...JMHO

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