Will this case ever be solved?

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I agree. But why? The big question is why. Who is Ronald L. Cummings, and why would LE be covering/helping him get away with this? Why?

Who really knows, but IIRC he said on one occassion when he hung up on dispatch he had better (more important) people to talk to rather than some MF's who were not coming...
Don't know about anyone else but that statement indicated to me he had someone in mind who had a hell of alot more authority than the LITTLE BEARS who would be the first responders.....JMHO...
Maybe if and when RC loses his appeals and it is certain he will be behind bars for the next decade and half, someone will finally fill in some of the missing pieces...not counting on it though.

Misty can't hold out forever-if she knows what happened to Haleigh, she will need to know where she can be found, though, to be believed and I don't know if she has that information.

We may well have seen all of the "justice" to be had in this case.
Maybe if and when RC loses his appeals and it is certain he will be behind bars for the next decade and half, someone will finally fill in some of the missing pieces...not counting on it though.

Misty can't hold out forever-if she knows what happened to Haleigh, she will need to know where she can be found, though, to be believed and I don't know if she has that information.We may well have seen all of the "justice" to be had in this case.

As I see it, LE knows damn well Misty does not know where Haleigh's remains are located and are just using that as an excuse to keep from investigating Ron's C family to the fullest extent.... JMHO
As I see it, LE knows damn well Misty does not know where Haleigh's remains are located and are just using that as an excuse to keep from investigating Ron's C family to the fullest extent.... JMHO

Personally I agree...but wish she did know, as I think she would be the one to tell...
Who really knows, but IIRC he said on one occassion when he hung up on dispatch he had better (more important) people to talk to rather than some MF's who were not coming...
Don't know about anyone else but that statement indicated to me he had someone in mind who had a hell of alot more authority than the LITTLE BEARS who would be the first responders.....JMHO...

BBM Exactually. Now: who is better? Who has more influence? Who has more power?
Personally I agree...but wish she did know, as I think she would be the one to tell...

I'm not convinced she hasn't told LE what happened that afternoon/evening..
IIRC she has stated LE doesn't want to hear it...
So IMHO IF they are not going forward because they are waiting for her to tell them where Haleigh's remains are, I have to conclude LE isn't really interested in solving this case or bringing everyone involved to justice.. And when I say everyone involved I'm also speaking of Ron C's mother, his grandmother and possibly other members of his family..JMHO
I agree. But why? The big question is why. Who is Ronald L. Cummings, and why would LE be covering/helping him get away with this? Why?

I don't think that it is necessarily LE covering for Ronald Cummings, I believe that it is more like someone associated with LE who is covering their own butts and in order to cover their own butts they simply can't upset someone in the Cumming's family due to what that person or persons know about the LE associate. I think that the Cummings side of the family hold a very crucial secret about criminal involvement to a major degree. Who knows, it could be drug trafficing ring on a major scale?gun running to Mexico? sex slaves and prostitution? I'm sure that it is something major that people of influence are involved in and those people have to make sure that the investigation ends now for Haleigh Cummings. JMO.
As I see it, LE knows damn well Misty does not know where Haleigh's remains are located and are just using that as an excuse to keep from investigating Ron's C family to the fullest extent.... JMHO

I think that you have nailed it right on the nail head there, Em. I'm afraid that LE only asks Misty, "Where is Haleigh" simply because they know that she doesn't know. Why do I feel so certain that LE has never asked Misty what Ronald did to Haleigh and who was involved with the coverup and disposal. They don't ask because they do not want to hear the answers. I bet if we knew what questions were asked Ronald Cummings in his poly we would implode. It would be so easy to get someone to pass a poly if you ask the right questions.:maddening:
Personally I agree...but wish she did know, as I think she would be the one to tell...

I feel certain she would have told by now IF she knew too... She doesn't know where or how Haleigh's remains were disposed of that night...None of the Croslins know.. Ron C, TN, and GGMS know though...I highly suspect KB may have known too....Sad to think she may have taken that information with her..JMHO
I don't think that it is necessarily LE covering for Ronald Cummings, I believe that it is more like someone associated with LE who is covering their own butts and in order to cover their own butts they simply can't upset someone in the Cumming's family due to what that person or persons know about the LE associate. I think that the Cummings side of the family hold a very crucial secret about criminal involvement to a major degree. Who knows, it could be drug trafficing ring on a major scale?gun running to Mexico? sex slaves and prostitution? I'm sure that it is something major that people of influence are involved in and those people have to make sure that the investigation ends now for Haleigh Cummings. JMO.

This has been my thought for a very long time. Also, I have to add child *advertiser censored*. That is what I thought they were looking for or found behind the wall in RC's trailer!
This has been my thought for a very long time. Also, I have to add child *advertiser censored*. That is what I thought they were looking for or found behind the wall in RC's trailer!

Oops! You are right, I meant to include child *advertiser censored*. There have been major child *advertiser censored* busts in Florida lately, who knows maybe one of these scum buckets will offer up some information for a deal. We can only hope.
I agree. But why? The big question is why. Who is Ronald L. Cummings, and why would LE be covering/helping him get away with this? Why?

They aren't. He is in prison. The LE targeted him, and got him in prison. Its up to God now to make Ron do the right thing. He wont, and he will get out in a decade and then just be right back in because he can never make it out there. He has probably made this where no one but him really knows the truth.

The Croslins strike me as a family that would feel no real need to cover for each other. If Lisa was willing to blackmail her own daughter why on earth would she keep any info secret.
I just can't believe they have any real info. If they did they would be in the news playing it for all it was worth to try to make a buck.
Of course that's just my opinion of what I have observed. My observations lead me to believe there's a reason this case is not solved, and it's not because it couldn't be.
As always the above is MOO.
The case for Haleigh to get justice may be dark,
but Haleigh's spirit will forever shine!

The Croslins strike me as a family that would feel no real need to cover for each other. If Lisa was willing to blackmail her own daughter why on earth would she keep any info secret.
I just can't believe they have any real info. If they did they would be in the news playing it for all it was worth to try to make a buck.
Of course that's just my opinion of what I have observed. My observations lead me to believe there's a reason this case is not solved, and it's not because it couldn't be.[COLOR="red"][/COLOR]As always the above is MOO.


You are so right of course. But why? Who is the big gun that has this type of influence of LE down there? Someone has to crack this.

You are so right of course. But why? Who is the big gun that has this type of influence of LE down there? Someone has to crack this.

Yes good question. Poor Haleigh has her just reward no matter what, she feels no pain, shes not crying nor alone so for her I almost feel it does not matter really. But if there's a reason this case was not solved that involves corruption, someone needs to find out what it is. I don't want there to be any more Haleighs.
I really wish some agency would come in and have a look around. I don't even know who that would be. If I am wrong then there's nothing to be afraid of.
Yes good question. Poor Haleigh has her just reward no matter what, she feels no pain, shes not crying nor alone so for her I almost feel it does not matter really. But if there's a reason this case was not solved that involves corruption, someone needs to find out what it is. I don't want there to be any more Haleighs.
I really wish some agency would come in and have a look around. I don't even know who that would be. If I am wrong then there's nothing to be afraid of.

The same for the Cummings family. If there's nothing to hide, there's nothing to be afraid of.

If either of my grandchildren were missing, I'd open everything I have with open arms.
Maybe if Casey Anthony is aquitted, Ron will talk?

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