will you watch the defense closing argument?

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Will you be watching the Defense Closing?

  • Yes, I would not miss it.

    Votes: 45 15.8%
  • Yes, only because I feel like I have to see the whole picture

    Votes: 73 25.6%
  • Yes (other reason not specified)

    Votes: 25 8.8%
  • Maybe (I haven't decided yet)

    Votes: 66 23.2%
  • Absolutely Not!

    Votes: 50 17.5%
  • No (other unspecified reason)

    Votes: 26 9.1%

  • Total voters
I voted yes...I think I did anyway. I can't imagine that I'll watch it Lomb however.

I had difficulty watching them during the trial, and on many occasions was left screaming at the TV.
I am going to have the televisions on in every room so I can listen to the DT while I am moving about housecleaning. Once I hear Juan's voice come on with final comments, he will have my undivided attention.
Maybe I'll watch it, but I won't be watching it live - I'll have to catch it later tomorrow evening on Youtube 'cause I'll be sitting in a chair at the salon for a portion of the afternoon. I have a hair appointment at noon Central Time. My blond needs touching up and I need a trim. Girl's got her priorities! I'm afraid if I watch it before my appointment - that I won't have any hair left for my hair lady to work with! :pullhair:
I would like to see how they are going to get around this.
Juan obliterated them in his closing, made everything crystal clear. Going down the Jury instructions, claiming if they believed the defense they would still have to go with this and that.

It's going to be very difficult for them but I know even more difficult for the family becuase they are going to get nasty. It's all they have left. Make Travis a demon again. I certainly do not think the defense will get restful sleep tonight.
I won't be watching the defense because they won't let us fall asleep at work....LOL

(Nurmi puts me to sleep)
I might watch it, but it will be muted. I am interested to see if she continues coloring, drawing, and erasing during the DT's closing statement!
I saw the opening statement and the last two months of the case in chief so i for sure don't need to hear their closing argument to round out what I know about the case. that is just me however.


Thank you nursebeeme. I was thinking how I really, really don't want to watch it. Yet with my ocd leanings, I feel a need and compulsion to watch it even though I know it will make me nothing less than miserable. I'm going to try to adopt your outlook on it, I think I would be better off.
I will watch it with sound turned off. I will watch the Friday Act to see how certain people react, laugh, draw, slouch, etc.

I will read here about the happenings, so thank you to those that will listen, watch and comment...taking one big hit for those who cannot stand to hear the other side talk...(that is saying it nicely!)

When JM comes back I will turn sound on.
There is no way I plan on watching Nurmi or Wilmott. I have seen and heard enough of them to last me a lifetime. They sicken me worse than Baez or Geragos ever did. I don't think I can stomach any of their spin and out and out lies in defense of the killer.

My heart will be with Travis's family, but I cannot bear to watch. The defense disgusts me.
I will watch it. But I am sure I will throw some things
If anything, I may catch a few minutes but I have little time and don;t want to waste it on nonsense. I have heard enough from Nurmi.
I'm gonna watch. Maybe. But I will not be commentating. No need to get a TO before the verdict.
After Juan's closing argument, I just can't imagine the DT pulling off anything sensible. I'm only planning on listening, because my in box is overflowing and I have to try to have a productive day. Deep down I know that I will get riled and will start watching it and will then spend the weekend sick about the load of work to be done Monday ;).
I agree, but do you know what? I don't even think that the defense realizes they are in trouble. They won't be able to squirm out of it. But what they will do is start with the sex, talk for hours about the sex, and end with the sex. Even though Juan has REPEATEDLY squashed every phony theory they have come up with, they will IGNORE that and just go straight back to it. I mean, Nurmi objected today to Juan's comment about Jodi lying about returning to the gas cans! Oops, Nurmi! Why did he do that after he did NOT cross examine the WalMart employee? Does he have a NEW "fact" he is gonna whip out tomorrow? DOUBT IT. All he has is the "3 WHOLE(mispelled) WONDER" comment. I bet he drops that phrase at least 12 times in closing. SAD!
After Juan's closing argument, I just can't imagine the DT pulling off anything sensible. I'm only planning on listening, because my in box is overflowing and I have to try to have a productive day. Deep down I know that I will get riled and will start watching it and will then spend the weekend sick about the load of work to be done Monday ;).

Plan A: The DT can bring up JA's remorse ... ooops strike that :scared:
Plan B: The DT can continue to trash Travis, but if they do, it's going to hurt bigtime come penalty phase, which there will be one. However, they almost have to keep trashing Travis because if they don't, it will look like they don't believe their own 4 months of testimony and arguments. What a heck of a spot to be in. It couldn't happen to a more deserving crew.
I have a Dr. appt., but will watch it on You Tube later. If it gets too painful, I can always turn it off ;)
I will watch it in support of Travis' precious family. That doesn't mean I'll like it, though. I really cannot bear either of the DT.
After Juan's closing argument, I just can't imagine the DT pulling off anything sensible. I'm only planning on listening, because my in box is overflowing and I have to try to have a productive day. Deep down I know that I will get riled and will start watching it and will then spend the weekend sick about the load of work to be done Monday ;).


I see this is your first post, Tenaciousdae. I so agree with your first sentence!!
I agree, but do you know what? I don't even think that the defense realizes they are in trouble. They won't be able to squirm out of it. But what they will do is start with the sex, talk for hours about the sex, and end with the sex. Even though Juan has REPEATEDLY squashed every phony theory they have come up with, they will IGNORE that and just go straight back to it. I mean, Nurmi objected today to Juan's comment about Jodi lying about returning to the gas cans! Oops, Nurmi! Why did he do that after he did NOT cross examine the WalMart employee? Does he have a NEW "fact" he is gonna whip out tomorrow? DOUBT IT. All he has is the "3 WHOLE(mispelled) WONDER" comment. I bet he drops that phrase at least 12 times in closing. SAD!

:Welcome1: to you also, LaurieHavens! I agree with the statement I bolded, lol!
A bit of remorse would have worked wonders but the blaming and sneering - huh? What is wrong with these people?

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