will you watch the defense closing argument?

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Will you be watching the Defense Closing?

  • Yes, I would not miss it.

    Votes: 45 15.8%
  • Yes, only because I feel like I have to see the whole picture

    Votes: 73 25.6%
  • Yes (other reason not specified)

    Votes: 25 8.8%
  • Maybe (I haven't decided yet)

    Votes: 66 23.2%
  • Absolutely Not!

    Votes: 50 17.5%
  • No (other unspecified reason)

    Votes: 26 9.1%

  • Total voters
I accidentally saw 30 seconds of it because HLN was on the Tee Vee from last night. It's for occasions like this that I records programs like "Veep". I will be checking the wonderful threads here to see what Nurmi is going to try to pull off, but just cannot put myself through watching him.
My bedroom and bathroom are sparkly clean! Thanks Mr Nurmi!
I said yes. I owe it to myself and Travis to be vigilant.
Nurmi started off really weak. The whole beginning thing trying to make sense out of something a sociopath does, made no sense in itself.

But I think he made a few good points towards the end. Nothing that would make his client look innocent, but if someone on the jury is looking for holes in the states case, he made a few points they could use. I wish Juan had addressed the reasons that she did not attack him while he slept or while his back was turned in the shower. Some people seem to believe those were valid points that corroborate her self defense story.
Nurmi started off really weak. The whole beginning thing trying to make sense out of something a sociopath does, made no sense in itself.

But I think he made a few good points towards the end. Nothing that would make his client look innocent, but if someone on the jury is looking for holes in the states case, he made a few points they could use. I wish Juan had addressed the reasons that she did not attack him while he slept or while his back was turned in the shower. Some people seem to believe those were valid points that corroborate her self defense story.

What I hope the jury realizes is that Travis was not frozen in that pose. We don't know how often or how quickly he turned around between the back poses. We don't know if she had the weapons in hand yet. As JM hinted, she could have told him to sit down, and then she could have been like, "Oh, I need to go get my camera because it can do such and such with the water droplets." And so Travis was just sitting on the floor of the shower waiting, till she came back with this bag of murder weapons.

I hope the jury realizes that while she was taking the pictures, the weapons weren't spread out like a buffet, where he could see them. If she has both hands on the camera, she has to take time to get whatever weapon, whether it's in her bag and she makes an excuse to retrieve, whether they had been hidden earlier in the corner of his closet nearest the shower, whether she had them strapped to her person. She had to gauge when she had enough time to pull them out.

The jury also has to consider she might have wanted to see the look on his face when it happened to him. They might consider that she had something to get off her chest by yelling at him for a while as he sat on the shower floor or something.
watch the defense

No matter how guilty we think Jodi is, it's very wrong to want a kangaroo type court system. Thank God we have justice for all and people are innocent until proven guilty

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