Witness Laura Buchanan Backs Out

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Seagull - - Mild mannered??? Did you hear her using the F bomb in her phone conversations? That was her favorite adjective and she used it every chance she got. Where did you get the impression she is mild mannered? Are we reading the same documents?
Gosh, not to mention the fact that one day she is out searching for this baby (and come on... NOT alive), she goes out in the evening AFTER the search and spots Caylee and the nanny-like-similar- but-non-family-member at Epcot, makes a phone call or two (to tip lines), and then goes BACK to search for the (obviously non living) child again the next day! Come on! Are you kidding me? I would be going to every higher up from TES possible the next day, begging for someone to take my information and find this child... better yet, how 'bout calling security at the park RIGHT THEN AND THERE- she had been searching for this child all day! It is unfathomable, to say the least!
Not to mention the police hours it took for them to go searching for that Nanny that might have been at epcot! I bet some person had to sift through countless records of who bought a ticket that day.
I thought she cried because she was frazzled from the first part and JB was sympathetic (moo).
Is reminding someone they are under investigation sympathetic? LDB was actually nicer in these depos than in the first one, though, it's true. But it is a bit hard to listen (or read that is) when she kept reiterating the phrase "documents that you altered" (creating the impression that some kind of evidence or official documents had been altered LOL,<-----al·ter (ôl
al·tered, al·ter·ing, al·ters
tr.1. To change or make different; modify: altered my will.
2. To adjust (a garment) for a better fit. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/altered

when obviously it was only LB's own innocuous notes, no kind of deception or anything.)<--------Innocuous???????? BTW, altering a document in a CAPITAL MURDER CASE is never a good idea. Oh, and ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law. Her notes make a MATERIAL difference in the testimony of the documents. And making LB go over and over which tree Mort pointed at. LB could obviously show easily and clearly enough where she had walked, by being taken to the scene or in other ways, instead of the round and round questioning regarding Mort, (to try to trip her up).<------ I didn't read it as trying to trip her up. I read it as giving her every opportunity to be as specific as possible to clarify just what ground she walked on. You do know this is a capital murder case, right? I think LB now knows that and just how serious all testimony is - at least now. LB also seemed to get tearful or nervous after LDB embarrassed her with whatever photos those were she'd sent to JB. <------ LDB didn't embarrass her. If anyone did, it was JB. The tears were made not of by JB and nobody else. LDB offered her a tissue. Oh, and like I tell my kids - if what you are about to send is not something you would want on the front page of the New York Times, think twice before hitting the send or post button. The pics are one of her and a beautiful child (whose mothers foolish actions now have her photo out on the internet) and one of her in an office like setting. That is not embarrassing in content, but perhaps her intent on sending them would be???

I still don't get why the term "Laura B backs out"<----- she 'backs out' of the document she signed. She signed something that she claims in this deposition was not true and was material in a CAPITAL MURDER CASE> kept being used in the media etc when she only had to miss a depo due to an illness? And when was she supposedly "discredited" as we kept hearing in the media? <------:pillowfight2:If I didn't have a life, I would name and link a few, but even a miracle ear won't help someone hear if they are already vested to their opinion.:waitasec: Spin spin spin. Such a shame<-------Spin,spin, spin. Finally something we agree on!

Inserted some thoughts for fodder if your interested in how I feel.
I wonder if Baez would be quite so smug asking LB if she was aware she was the target of a criminal investigation now that HE is the one being investigated. :loser:

I'm not sure, but if I were LB, I believe that would somehow give me just a tad bit of pleasure..... :angel:
So, who was tricked? From all the evidence, it indicates that LB only walked that area "in her mind". No wonder she missed coming across the tiny little scattered bones of Caylee Marie....they were under water, in torn trash bags, her hair tangled with duct tape, some bones gnawed upon and bearing animal teeth marks, the Winnie the Pooh blanket not comforting, and the heart sticker, why, that was the kiss off from mommy fearest. Ugly, gruesome, nauseating. Who can paint a prettier picture of this scene. I darn well have no clue as to what the forensic team had to endure on their hands and knees. But one thing I do know, thanks to the media-loving money-grubbing Anthony family, Caylee found her way into our hearts, and we will speak for her. She had no choice, but now she has the voice of thousands seeking justice for her.
As for the defense attorneys - well, make room, and kick the kitties out of the litter box, these smell worse.
She was caught in lie after lie. Did you read the documents? Isn't credibility important if she is going to be a witness in this case? And doesn't that seem like a LOT of misunderstandings and misinterpretations over some very major things for one person to experience? It's less likely she has bad luck with being smeared than it is she actually has done exactly what people are saying. The emails to Nejame were simply bizarre and should raise red flags by themselves.

OMGosh - I just lost 3 hours of my life. I read LB's depos, e-mails to MN, her convos with AP, and the controlled phone calls.

I don't know what to do with all this information. This woman is TWISTED. She talks so sweet and innocent at the depo, then becomes a f bomb dropper, and a liar, and a cindy lover, then a cindy hater.

I took away from this is she wanted to be in the center of this murder case. She followed it before she went to Florida, she searched Suburban Drive, tried to implicate AP to say she searched along with her, took a gun with her for goodness sake.

The letters to Mark - weird?

The phone call with AP - OMG. After awhile I realized LB could 1) LB cannot form a sentence, and 2) knows only one word "F".

One minute she's praising Cindy, then after making a donation and not getting her pretty t-shirt or flyers, tells Mark she's "trash".

Tells AP she was in LE, had a badge, yet in the depo said she went for "ride alongs" and helped out poor little birdies.

Like I said, I don't know what to think. What is the end result? Does the Defense want to say the body wasn't there when she searched and was put there after Casey went to jail? If so -- :banghead:

Now, if I had to waste 3 hours of my life, please don't ask me to post where I got this info. :)


Respectfully seagull, the things you are requesting are all provided in the 2 depositions of Laura Buchanan. Most posters voicing opinions have read the entire depos. They are lengthy. I don't think it is reasonable to request anyone to re-read them to link to the the specific depo, page and line #.

Link to the Aug. 16, 2010 Laura Buchanan depos.

Link to the Nov. 17, 2010 Laura Buchanan depos.

And if I had to read em, we all have to read em so we can all go


With all due respect, those of us here at WS who have read all the documents understand as it has been quite clearly stated by our reactions. If anyone has not read everything from LB's deposition, taped conversations with fellow searchers, emails to JB and MN our views may differ but it does not change the facts. LB admitted she lied on an official affidavit that was presented as evidence in a murder investigation. She admitted to altering a TES document. More than one witness has stated she presented herself as a police officer which is against the law. One witness claimed she was showed a gun which LB had concealed on her which is against the law.

Not sure what someone would propose to replace our judical system, LE, SA, etc. If we feel the system is too expensive what can we suggest. That all criminals freely confess their crimes and volunteer to serve time in prison. Right!! Laws have been in place for centuries to keep civil order and it's called security. Should we also do away with our military just to save money. KC is entitled to a fair trial. She does not need people giving false statements to make KC case look worse than it already is. Shame on LB. Shame on defense for encouraging this type of behavior. They should know better. jmo
With all due respect, those of us here at WS who have read all the documents understand as it has been quite clearly stated by our reactions. If anyone has not read everything from LB's deposition, taped conversations with fellow searchers, emails to JB and MN our views may differ but it does not change the facts. LB admitted she lied on an official affidavit that was presented as evidence in a murder investigation. She admitted to altering a TES document. More than one witness has stated she presented herself as a police officer which is against the law. One witness claimed she was showed a gun which LB had concealed on her which is against the law.

Not sure what someone would propose to replace our judical system, LE, SA, etc. If we feel the system is too expensive what can we suggest. That all criminals freely confess their crimes and volunteer to serve time in prison. Right!! Laws have been in place for centuries to keep civil order and it's called security. Should we also do away with our military just to save money. KC is entitled to a fair trial. She does not need people giving false statements to make KC case look worse than it already is. Shame on LB. Shame on defense for encouraging this type of behavior. They should know better. jmo

Comfortable/mature gun owners don't run around showing their stuff. It's a natural right, there's no reason to brag on it in that context. And you are right, IIRC, one cannot bring a handgun into another state and conceal it without permit, which I don't even think you can get if you don't live in that state.

This chick has odd behavior-Criminally odd behavior.

2nd BBM-1000% agree. This fiasco is making me very uncomfortable in regards to KC's right to a fair trial-These peops have put me in the dubious position of feeling badly that KC is being put in a nasty spot regarding her defense. She certainly can get rid of JB, so I guess ultimately it is on her, but we know she is getting the spin from JB as to this whole thing.
All I can think to say after reading these two depositions and all the call transcrpts etc is, who does this? Seriously?
OMGosh - I just lost 3 hours of my life. I read LB's depos, e-mails to MN, her convos with AP, and the controlled phone calls.

I don't know what to do with all this information. This woman is TWISTED. She talks so sweet and innocent at the depo, then becomes a f bomb dropper, and a liar, and a cindy lover, then a cindy hater.

I took away from this is she wanted to be in the center of this murder case. She followed it before she went to Florida, she searched Suburban Drive, tried to implicate AP to say she searched along with her, took a gun with her for goodness sake.

The letters to Mark - weird?

The phone call with AP - OMG. After awhile I realized LB could 1) LB cannot form a sentence, and 2) knows only one word "F".

One minute she's praising Cindy, then after making a donation and not getting her pretty t-shirt or flyers, tells Mark she's "trash".

Tells AP she was in LE, had a badge, yet in the depo said she went for "ride alongs" and helped out poor little birdies.

Like I said, I don't know what to think. What is the end result? Does the Defense want to say the body wasn't there when she searched and was put there after Casey went to jail? If so -- :banghead:

Now, if I had to waste 3 hours of my life, please don't ask me to post where I got this info. :)



So mich for mild mannerisms.:floorlaugh: Great Post!!
Comfortable/mature gun owners don't run around showing their stuff. It's a natural right, there's no reason to brag on it in that context. And you are right, IIRC, one cannot bring a handgun into another state and conceal it without permit, which I don't even think you can get if you don't live in that state.

This chick has odd behavior-Criminally odd behavior.

2nd BBM-1000% agree. This fiasco is making me very uncomfortable in regards to KC's right to a fair trial-These peops have put me in the dubious position of feeling badly that KC is being put in a nasty spot regarding her defense. She certainly can get rid of JB, so I guess ultimately it is on her, but we know she is getting the spin from JB as to this whole thing.

I apologize in advance - I'm tired, been reading way too much, but I have 1 question?

Is Jose really planning on putting her on the stand? If so, then yah, I would agree with you that KC certainly wouldn't be getting a fair trial.


I apologize in advance - I'm tired, been reading way too much, but I have 1 question?

Is Jose really planning on putting her on the stand? If so, then yah, I would agree with you that KC certainly wouldn't be getting a fair trial.



Let's hope not.

For all we know, she is glad to go along with this-But if it is said that she can get an appeal for ineffective counsel, then it has to have been determined that she has a right to competent counsel, therefore that "right" is possibly being violated.

Was it fair for Westerfield to have counsel that wanted to lie for him, rather than advising him to plea and bring Danielle's family to her remains? Cause at the end of the day, Mr. Westerfield wanted his truth/emotional guilt to come out.

Is this the role of an advocate? Or is an attorney's role to simply win even if it means throwing justice out the window?

If CM is unrelated to all of this, I would tend to say he is an advocate for justice, even though his personality grates my nerves. Johnny Cochran was an advocate for justice, even though his tactics in the Simpson case were divisive.

If I were judge and jury, I would be much more lenient on someone that came with a plea or with a straightforward defense (ala TerranceL's take). I would be ticked to know that the defense and defendant thought the whole thing was a game of "skip the law", and I would take it out on her with a hefty sentence.

But again, maybe she does not feel that way. Maybe she is okay with her counsel not actually defending her the proper/legal way.
It seems like the SA, MN, and perhaps even TM knew that JB was capable of attempting to slide a document in the pile of tes documents, on their search for the "truth".
Did they have a heads up before?
Thankfully, they made sure there was someone watching them and perhaps even Video Taping their fishing expedition.

Wonder what else they know, that we have yet to learn? :)

When was it that they were wrangling over the defense experts looking at evidence? Wasn't the defense testy that the State insisted that they or a judge or some witness be there?
Seagull - - Mild mannered??? Did you hear her using the F bomb in her phone conversations? That was her favorite adjective and she used it every chance she got. Where did you get the impression she is mild mannered? Are we reading the same documents?

Oh Thank you!!!!!
I just would have trouble believing this mild mannered mother of 3 from another state would have any reason to create some false story--what for? What motive could she have to try to paint a false picture or try to deceive? Do people think she would want to help a child murderer?

Two words. Joy Wray.
Let's hope not.

For all we know, she is glad to go along with this-But if it is said that she can get an appeal for ineffective counsel, then it has to have been determined that she has a right to competent counsel, therefore that "right" is possibly being violated.

Was it fair for Westerfield to have counsel that wanted to lie for him, rather than advising him to plea and bring Danielle's family to her remains? Cause at the end of the day, Mr. Westerfield wanted his truth/emotional guilt to come out.

Is this the role of an advocate? Or is an attorney's role to simply win even if it means throwing justice out the window?

If CM is unrelated to all of this, I would tend to say he is an advocate for justice, even though his personality grates my nerves. Johnny Cochran was an advocate for justice, even though his tactics in the Simpson case were divisive.

If I were judge and jury, I would be much more lenient on someone that came with a plea or with a straightforward defense (ala TerranceL's take). I would be ticked to know that the defense and defendant thought the whole thing was a game of "skip the law", and I would take it out on her with a hefty sentence.

But again, maybe she does not feel that way. Maybe she is okay with her counsel not actually defending her the proper/legal way.


Oh, ya had to go and remind me of Feldman ;) To imagine lawyers were so close to a plea just before Danielle was found! Then Feldman goes on to defend him at trial -- knowing full well he was moments away from signing a confession. How did that work for Feldman - it didn't. He's been outed by the legal community of San Diego, and IMHO, is hanging on by a thread.

If JB keeps up this "game", there's no doubt the outcome for ICA will be the same...and for JB. The game will be over!


JB has stated that he is doing what his client wants him to do. He stated publicly that she has the final decision because it is, in the end, her life and he has to do what SHE feels is best for her. I think he has tried everything to point the finger at someone else but there is no evidence to support anyone other than his client for the obvious reasons. KC was the last person to see her child which is documented. KC has not presented anything other than lies regarding what happened to her child. As of today, with what we know from discovery, KC is the only one accountable for her child's death. She knows that and what she does from this day forward is her decision. At this point it appears she could die because she refuses to face the truth.

KC is at the end of her hallway. It's still her decision, life or death. jmo
How much do you think the prosecution costs the taxpayers? LOL I'm just teasing you, a lot of times people complain about the defense, as if they just run on air over at the prosecutor's office, no cost to the taxpayer.

Are you honestly saying this person LB defrauded the state of Florida? :waitasec:
To me she seems like a mild mannered, well-meaning, easily intimidated person, who just told what she believes she saw while searching and is now being put through the wringer big time from the sound of it. I would think she's probably traumatized by everything that's happening to her now if what has been posted here is true.

I just would have trouble believing this mild mannered mother of 3 from another state would have any reason to create some false story--what for? What motive could she have to try to paint a false picture or try to deceive? Do people think she would want to help a child murderer?

Other searchers have also told what they thought they saw and where they thought they'd looked. She's certainly as credible to me as others. People can be wrong or mistaken of course, without meaning to be deceptive. The way she described the remains site environs though seems right compared to the water expert's study and the way the land appears to lie. Of course, I could be wrong in my understanding of where Area A is or where she walked etc.

There's always the possibility that she walked the area, but just didn't see the remains, I guess. Who knows?

Well, viewing this through a lens of mistruths and halftruths, I can see how LB just isn't that bad. She didn't kill anybody, right? What's the harm here? Just a little misunderstanding like Casey and Amy, right?

I'm more of an honesty and integrity, all the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God person, myself, though. From where I'm sitting, LB is a liar and fraud. And fraud, by the way, is a felony offense. I'm glad she cried too. Maybe she'll go back to raising her kids and living in reality now, where she should have been in the first place.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
Two words. Joy Wray.


You're killing me! The same JW who's afraid of John Allen, who saw the beads, rocks, and toys at BP from about "600 feet away". Who wrote that jumbled mess of a letter to the judge. The one who didn't get too close to the water because it was TOO MUCKY.

The JW who loved to take pictures of LP in his van, at the back of his van? The JW who let TM in her boat? The JW that went to the Anthony's to show them these pictures. Who searched Suburban Drive like a dozen times.

The JW who thought LP was making a show and planting stuff...oh, and called him a media *advertiser censored*?

The same JW who was also digging up stuff too, cuz Leonard said the body was between the picnic tables and the water.....:innocent:

Poor John Allen - he was being really patient with her during the questioning!

I don't know who I trust more LB or JW.



ETA: I forgot to add: the same JW who found a cigarette while searching and took it home with her. EEEEKKKKKK~
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