Witness Laura Buchanan Backs Out

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--Red emphasis mine

Wow, put all together like that, the first thing to jump out at me is Cindy Anthony. And I really wasn't expecting that to be so obvious. I think Cindy had a lot of influence over LB. A LOT. Looking at it in time sequence, I don't buy that CA just quit having contact with LB after Oct. 2008. :snooty: Now I want to go dig for that email that I read and have had a heck of a time finding again where she warns that she has "contacts in NJ". If that was written in 2010, like I think I recall....

Obviously, there is a TON of more stuff in there that is very, very interesting. Mort...he is everywhere.

Thanks ThinkTank! I've read the depos, emails, and listened to the calls, but it is something else looking at the summary timeline like that.

I dug for ya! [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6083645&postcount=700"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2010.08.16 Brad Conway Resigns[/ame]
:seeya: <------------- well, nope - ends up that link was bad.........will keep looking. You thought that was the letter but the "contacts in NJ" was not in that one........will keep looking (oh, I said that already!)


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    Jim Lichtenstein Martha Sugalski WESH April 17 2010.jpg
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more like the female variety .... Martha S .....

Ahhhh!.....I see! :yes:

But I also think he is tight with Kealing, since I've seen him sit next to him several times.
I dug for ya! Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2010.08.16 Brad Conway Resigns
:seeya: <------------- well, nope - ends up that link was bad.........will keep looking. You thought that was the letter but the "contacts in NJ" was not in that one........will keep looking (oh, I said that already!)

Thank you for looking, ANJ!! :blowkiss:

I have been digging for it since I made my post earlier. I KNOW I read it...and it wasn't too long ago. Just Jayla recalled it too. In the one you linked, CA says she can confirm "thru people that used to work with TES" that TM & LP conspired to plant the Disney dress out by the airport.

I'm not sure the one I read recently was in this most recent doc dump. I might have linked it through another post. I know that it was an email from CA to....I think BC, but not 100% sure. I noticed it because of the tone when she referenced her "contacts in NJ." I thought, "hmmm...that is where LB lives". It didn't send off sirens until after this LB doc dump. And now I can't find it. :banghead:
Thank you for looking, ANJ!! :blowkiss:

I have been digging for it since I made my post earlier. I KNOW I read it...and it wasn't too long ago. Just Jayla recalled it too. In the one you linked, CA says she can confirm "thru people that used to work with TES" that TM & LP conspired to plant the Disney dress out by the airport.

I'm not sure the one I read recently was in this most recent doc dump. I might have linked it through another post. I know that it was an email from CA to....I think BC, but not 100% sure. I noticed it because of the tone when she referenced her "contacts in NJ." I thought, "hmmm...that is where LB lives". It didn't send off sirens until after this LB doc dump. And now I can't find it. :banghead:

:banghead::banghead: It is killing me too, because I know I read it and I even thought of the 'secret donor' too when I read that line. It was either an email or a letter to KC?
How about a consolation prize for the night. I will keep racking my brains until we find it.
here is you prize -- CONSOLATION prize - but still makes you wonder about the choice of state to use as an example, eh?
""People drive from New Jersey or Wisconsin or whatever to come out and we're kind of like on the Disney route," Cindy said. "They come in and they want to see, you know, take a picture of our house or come in and say they've met us or whatever." "
from: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/TheLaw/ex...rsary-caylees-disappearance/story?id=10911174
Okay, so I'm kind of caught up with the whole LB thing. So, did she actually search near Suburban Drive or not? If so, was it just something she did on her own outside of TES because she didn't want to follow their rules or what? Finally, what's with these pictures she sent to Baez that she's embarrassed about? Where can I view them? TIA!!!!!!!!!!
:banghead::banghead: It is killing me too, because I know I read it and I even thought of the 'secret donor' too when I read that line. It was either an email or a letter to KC?
How about a consolation prize for the night. I will keep racking my brains until we find it.
here is you prize -- CONSOLATION prize - but still makes you wonder about the choice of state to use as an example, eh?
""People drive from New Jersey or Wisconsin or whatever to come out and we're kind of like on the Disney route," Cindy said. "They come in and they want to see, you know, take a picture of our house or come in and say they've met us or whatever." "
from: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/TheLaw/ex...rsary-caylees-disappearance/story?id=10911174

Just as i was thinking I vaguely remembered reading that in a letter Cindy wrote to KC, I got to your post. I remember this to and am off to help dig it out, if I can!
Was it a post to BC or DC? I know there are a slew of emails in the doc dump that had DC's email information in it.

Also I'm having a problem figuring out what good it would have done for defense to have inserted a copy of LB's form into the file had they been able to do so. A faxed copy would be a red flag. Unless they had the original at the time. If defense had the original at any time that would be a biggie. Could it be that something on that post-it reveals MS took the original copy back with him to Florida?
This may be off topic, but there's something on the tip of my mind that I can't seem to get into focus.

In light of LB's depo and timeline, how does her story fit into the backdrop of the events surrounding private investigator DC?

Rattlin' in my brain I seem to remember a silly motion by the defense requesting that ICA be released to retrace her steps. That was in October wasn't it?

CA was creating a diversion with the press that LE wasn't F/U on leads and had stopped looking for a "live" Caylee; LB is in communication with CA and has a form that could potentially provide reasonable doubt for a jury; and then there's DC and his search at the remains site.

I would appreciate it if someone with more brain power could tie this up for me in a way that makes sense. There's something here that's obvious and I'm not getting it.
Okay, so I'm kind of caught up with the whole LB thing. So, did she actually search near Suburban Drive or not? If so, was it just something she did on her own outside of TES because she didn't want to follow their rules or what? Finally, what's with these pictures she sent to Baez that she's embarrassed about? Where can I view them? TIA!!!!!!!!!!

These are the 2 photos LB sent to Baez. She is apparently embarrassed because it was obvious she was trying to flirt with him and send him flattering photos of herself, and tried to get him to give her his cell phone number. The photos of herself to Baez were not helpful to the case in any way.

She supposedly did search on Suburban Drive, near the wooden privacy fence, but about 35 ft away from where Caylee was submerged in water. She did not search with the people whose names SHE wrote on the alleged fake TES form though - they say they did not search with her in that area, on that date. She wrote their names on the form and misspelled them and used a maiden name of one woman who says LB is the only one who would have known her maiden name, and not use her married name on the TES form. LB tried to coerce Joe J and Tessa into saying they searched with her in the area of Caylee's remains, but they would not do it. LB was officially assigned by TES to search Blanchard Park.


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That Post-It Note is what intrigues me too!
I wish the FAX cover sheet had been included in Discovery.
LDB mentioned the cover sheet but I don't know if it was one of the Exhibits or not?
I want to know the DATE that TES form with the Post-It Note on it, was faxed, and to WHOM.
There was no real need for Laura to FAX that TES form to Mort (Post-It Note said "From Laura ... FOR Mort"), because Laura made a copy of the TES form, for Mort, while Mort was in her home in Kentucky. Mort left Laura's home possessing a copy of the alleged fake TES form. No need to FAX it to Mort later.

TIMELINE (from Laura's Nov 17, 2010 deposition)

Aug 31, 2008 - Laura came to FL with husband for training conference
saw Caylee search on TV and went and volunteered

Sept 3rd or 4th, 2008 - Laura has Caylee sighting at Disney

Sept 3rd or 4th, 2008 - Laura calls tip line she saw on TV which was Kid Finders
[Cindy must have been told about Laura at this time, by the Milsteads]
Laura says that after this tip call, she had a lot of contact with Cindy

Sept 3, 2008
- Laura calls Yuri Melich

Sept 5, 2008 - Laura left Florida - went back home to Kentucky

Sept 11, 14, 15, 29, 2008 and Oct 8, 2008, Nov 21, 2008, Dec 8, 2008
Laura emails to NeJame who was the Anthony's attorney at that time

Sept 26, 2008 approximately (3 weeks later)
Laura found TES forms & maps in her truck back home in Kentucky

Sept 29, 2008 - Laura calls Sgt John Allen about Caylee sighting

Oct 1, 2008 - Cindy email to OCSO Kari Roderick about sighting

Oct 9, 2008 - Laura emails info about Caylee sighting to Baez

Oct 10, 2008 - emails - Cindy wants Laura to do GMA show about sighting
and LE not responding to the tip

Sept - Oct 2008???Laura says Mort Smith called her - Laura says he called about the Caylee sighting
[after Laura has already contacted Kid Finders, Yuri Melich, NeJame - who
was the ANTHONY attorney at that time, Sgt John Allen, Baez, and Cindy had contacted OCSO Kari Roderick]

Dec 11, 2008 - Caylee's remains found - Laura saw news on TV

Jan 12, 2009 - Laura talked to Tessa - tried to convince her to agree to scenario

Jan 12th and Jan 13, 2009 and Jan 21, 2009 and Feb 25, 2009
Jan 22, 2009 - Baez' office - Edward Flayger emails about Tessa text messages
Laura sends emails to Baez about fellow searcher Tessa
and copies of Tessa's text messages
Laura could not remember if she had already told Cindy, Baez, and Edward
that she had TES forms in her possession

June ?? (middle) 2009 - Mort drove to Kentucky to interview Laura
Mort pointed on a blurry map to the area where Caylee found
]Laura made a copy of the alleged fake TES form on her home printer
[no need to fax this form to Mort with Post-It note later]

July 7, 2009 - Laura moved from Kentucky to New Jersey

Oct 27, 2009
- Joe Jordan met with Mort Smith

Oct 28, 2009 - Laura signed statement for Defense and faxed to Mort

Nov 16, 2009 - Joe Jordan statement for Defense

May 10, 2010 - Laura came to Orlando (from New Jersey), with her attorney Ray Brown, and they met Mort Smith and Andrea Lyon at the
remains sight

August 16, 2010 - Laura does her first deposition with the State and lets it slip that she has a TES form that nobody else has - it was NOT in TES official documents, and the Prosecutors did not have it - Mason said he did not have it. Laura's attorney faxed the form to the Prosecutors and they rescheduled the deposition for Nov 17, 2010 to resume.

Nov 17, 2010
- Second deposition with Laura and she brings the TES form that she had, and Mort had, and admits that she added information to it/altered it. Several other TES searchers listed on the form Laura had, swear under oath that they did not search with her in those locations, on that date.

A Tampering Investigation is begun....

Great Work ThinkTank :rocker:


Quick input regarding Mort Smith in for Sept 2008...
Andrea Lyon joined the Defense team in May of 2009 and brought Mort along with her in 2009

If Laura B was in contact with a Defense or Anthony family PI before May 2009 IMO it was not Mort but either Dominic Casey or other PI hired by Baez.
Or he's working on the "Lifetime Movie of the Week" ala ripped from the headlines.

His company offers media coaching and consultation and books "talent" (pardon my laugh) and guests on talk shows, morning news shows like Today.

He is always sure to fly in from Chicago to Orlando to stay abreast of any KC case developments. He appears at more hearings than George A. He is rumored to be buddy buddy with JB and the Anthony's and has a friendly twitter relationship with a local WESH anchor.

WESH....isn't that the current defense flavor errr news provider?

I sooooo agree..
I suspect we will see a Movie of the Week in early to mid 2012
I can't find it either, this is frustrating. For what it's worth, back in early Feb 2010, the State said they had investigatory materials they didn't want released to the public. I am not sure if that ever amounted to TES information or not.
Great Work ThinkTank :rocker:


Quick input regarding Mort Smith in for Sept 2008...
Andrea Lyon joined the Defense team in May of 2009 and brought Mort along with her in 2009

If Laura B was in contact with a Defense or Anthony family PI before May 2009 IMO it was not Mort but either Dominic Casey or other PI hired by Baez.
So Mort couldn't have contacted her about the Caylee sighting in 2008!!Sept - Oct 2008???Laura says Mort Smith called her - Laura says he called about the Caylee sighting
I think there were some emails between CA and DC about NJ but I'm not sure. I just remember WS members commenting on the NJ person being a supporter of KC. LB was posting from a different website but I can't remember the name but it was Justice for Caylee, or something similar. Brain freeze.
That Post-It Note is what intrigues me too!
I wish the FAX cover sheet had been included in Discovery.
LDB mentioned the cover sheet but I don't know if it was one of the Exhibits or not?
I want to know the DATE that TES form with the Post-It Note on it, was faxed, and to WHOM.
There was no real need for Laura to FAX that TES form to Mort (Post-It Note said "From Laura ... FOR Mort"), because Laura made a copy of the TES form, for Mort, while Mort was in her home in Kentucky. Mort left Laura's home possessing a copy of the alleged fake TES form. No need to FAX it to Mort later.

TIMELINE (from Laura's Nov 17, 2010 deposition)

Aug 31, 2008 - Laura came to FL with husband for training conference
saw Caylee search on TV and went and volunteered

Sept 3rd or 4th, 2008 - Laura has Caylee sighting at Disney

Sept 3rd or 4th, 2008 - Laura calls tip line she saw on TV which was Kid Finders
[Cindy must have been told about Laura at this time, by the Milsteads]
Laura says that after this tip call, she had a lot of contact with Cindy

Sept 3, 2008
- Laura calls Yuri Melich

Sept 5, 2008 - Laura left Florida - went back home to Kentucky

Sept 11, 14, 15, 29, 2008 and Oct 8, 2008, Nov 21, 2008, Dec 8, 2008
Laura emails to NeJame who was the Anthony's attorney at that time

Sept 26, 2008 approximately (3 weeks later)
Laura found TES forms & maps in her truck back home in Kentucky

Sept 29, 2008 - Laura calls Sgt John Allen about Caylee sighting

Oct 1, 2008 - Cindy email to OCSO Kari Roderick about sighting

Oct 9, 2008 - Laura emails info about Caylee sighting to Baez

Oct 10, 2008 - emails - Cindy wants Laura to do GMA show about sighting
and LE not responding to the tip

Sept - Oct 2008??? - Laura says Mort Smith called her - Laura says he called about the Caylee sighting
[after Laura has already contacted Kid Finders, Yuri Melich, NeJame - who
was the ANTHONY attorney at that time, Sgt John Allen, Baez, and Cindy had contacted OCSO Kari Roderick]

Dec 11, 2008 - Caylee's remains found - Laura saw news on TV

Jan 12, 2009 - Laura talked to Tessa - tried to convince her to agree to scenario

Jan 12th and Jan 13, 2009 and Jan 21, 2009 and Feb 25, 2009
Jan 22, 2009 - Baez' office - Edward Flayger emails about Tessa text messages
Laura sends emails to Baez about fellow searcher Tessa
and copies of Tessa's text messages
Laura could not remember if she had already told Cindy, Baez, and Edward
that she had TES forms in her possession

June ?? (middle) 2009 - Mort drove to Kentucky to interview Laura
Mort pointed on a blurry map to the area where Caylee found
Laura made a copy of the alleged fake TES form on her home printer
[no need to fax this form to Mort with Post-It note later]

July 7, 2009 - Laura moved from Kentucky to New Jersey

Oct 27, 2009
- Joe Jordan met with Mort Smith

Oct 28, 2009 - Laura signed statement for Defense and faxed to Mort

Nov 16, 2009 - Joe Jordan statement for Defense

May 10, 2010 - Laura came to Orlando (from New Jersey), with her attorney Ray Brown, and they met Mort Smith and Andrea Lyon at the
remains sight

August 16, 2010 - Laura does her first deposition with the State and lets it slip that she has a TES form that nobody else has - it was NOT in TES official documents, and the Prosecutors did not have it - Mason said he did not have it. Laura's attorney faxed the form to the Prosecutors and they rescheduled the deposition for Nov 17, 2010 to resume.

Nov 17, 2010
- Second deposition with Laura and she brings the TES form that she had, and Mort had, and admits that she added information to it/altered it. Several other TES searchers listed on the form Laura had, swear under oath that they did not search with her in those locations, on that date.

A Tampering Investigation is begun....

Fantastic timeline ThinkTank! I have one correction though :truce:

Tampering investigation began in September 21, 2010, bottom of page 8: http://www.cfnews13.com/static/articles/images/documents/OCSOsupplementalreport.pdf
So Mort couldn't have contacted her about the Caylee sighting in 2008!!Sept - Oct 2008???Laura says Mort Smith called her - Laura says he called about the Caylee sighting

Maybe Mort, after he came on board, went back to the beginning (day 31) and began to investigate things for himself and Andrea...
He may have started to look at what Baez had.... such as the work done by Dominic C..the tips LE had handed over, the tips the A's and Baez had gotten..
Maybe Mort, after he came on board, went back to the beginning (day 31) and began to investigate things for himself and Andrea...
He may have started to look at what Baez had.... such as the work done by Dominic C..the tips LE had handed over, the tips the A's and Baez had gotten..

So what she stated is incorrect???? I wonder how many other "inconsistencies" SA nailed her on her deposition???
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