Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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OMG, can you imagine the look on a guy's face when she says, "Hi, I'm Nadya and I have 14 kids." That would be worthy of Candid Camera!:crazy:

Better yet, can you imagine the look on the mans mothers face???
Any of you with a son better sit him down real quick and have a talk with him, any of you could be step-grandmother or step-grandfather to 14!!!

Of course I could love the children, but lord it would be a real challenge to find it with NS!

This gets crazier and crazier by the week, would there be any possibility at all for the sperm donor to come forward to try and put some breaks on what she's doing? You would think the courts would be willing to listen if it was in the best interests of the children. If she wants to do a reality show fine, let her parade around all she wants, spouting her words and smiling for the camera, but why should she be able to pimp out her children?
I will be writing letters to the network and when sponsors are known I will write them also letting them know why I will never watch such a circus and I hope many others do also, hopefully it will be something that will not make it past 1 season if at all.

I wouldn't think so...he absolved all his rights when he agreed to help Nadya..just like if any of us donated eggs,we would have no legal rights and no say so whatsoever in how any resulting children were raised.
Better yet, can you imagine the look on the mans mothers face???
Any of you with a son better sit him down real quick and have a talk with him, any of you could be step-grandmother or step-grandfather to 14!!!

Of course I could love the children, but lord it would be a real challenge to find it with NS!

I have a feeling she would just use the guy and then throw him away.
I respectfully beg to differ here. They will not be watching the babies closely at all. Nadya will be the shows 'meal ticket' so no one will complain about any of her actions, inactions regardless of whats going on. They won't want to lose their jobs. Everyone will keep their mouth shut and probably has to sign a waiver stating as much.
for sure.I wish kaiser could do more about not releasing the last baby to this circus that has already been set up.
I imagine there will be lots and lots of editing as well.There's a lot in reality shows anyway.But particularly in her case,I bet.and possibly the remaining film destroyed so it can't ever be subpoenaed. (or anything that makes her look bad destroyed).
And probably lots of fill-ins.Nadya could be in the nursery for 5 mins,and they could say she's been in there all day.

With regards to her finances, I can assure you what's been documented has shown a clear fraud ongoing. Whether the authorities will do anything about it is another thing.
I hope they do,enough is enough.the rest of us (for the most part) have to pay taxes and have paid our dues and debts to society,and it's high time she did,too.she's sucked enough out of the system.
Is she being paid in cash,do you know?
I respectfully beg to differ here. They will not be watching the babies closely at all. Nadya will be the shows 'meal ticket' so no one will complain about any of her actions, inactions regardless of whats going on. They won't want to lose their jobs. Everyone will keep their mouth shut and probably has to sign a waiver stating as much.

Maybe it will film a quest for NS to get the bio dad involved?

Honestly, how much entertainment value will Nadia bring to the tube? This makes it sound very self limiting (we can only hope). How many times will anyone want to watch men go running for the hills or men there to get their 15 minutes too? Please someone make sure all men applying have a background check for SO.

Her 6 y.o. daughter already has issues with camera's being shoved in her face, her 7 y.o. likes to hang with the paps and help take pictures. Sounds like it's off to a great start.

Someone save those kids, cause their mother surely won't...
The last thing a mother of 14, eight of them under the age of 1, needs is romance. She's already proven you don't need a husband to have a houseful of kids.
The reality show she should have is a game show. Maybe Guess This Baby. She could be challenged to give the correct name of a child just by looking at the kid's face.
Or, she could have the Celebrity Nanny Show. Stars could come on the show and spend a day taking care of eight infants and running after the 6 others. A panel of judges can score how the celebrity does. Let Dr. Phil be the first guest nanny.
If the 'tabloids' are right... Radar, TMZ and the like - that she's been paid via her mom & dad, in their names. So they have to deal with the tax implications, not her. They're stupid if they've handed all the monies over to her and not realized how much tax they'll have to pay on those checks.

Nadya's mom received the money from the UK in her name and the father received a large portion of Radars payments, in turn he bought the house. Remember the house NADYA LOVES TO SAY THAT SHE EARNED? EARNED :waitasec:

Nadya, you're such a freak. People go for years and years working endless hours to save enough money for a down payment for a house. THAT'S earned. What you did was simply pimp out your babies to earn a fast buck. That's what the rest of us call scam artist.

My 2cents, if this is the MEASLEY amount she's been paid... and the father bought the house with those monies, she's about to go broke. I give her 3 to 5 months and there's no money left.

I wish Kaiser would place a lien on her home and anything else she 'seems' to have. The taxpayers should be a lot more upset than they are... think about it 2 to 3 million dollars for that hospital stay out of your hard working pocket. YOUR MONEY. While she does her nails and loads tons of lipstick on the joker faced lips. **SHUDDER**
I truly don't believe that Nadya has a dime left from any of these interviews she's done (other than donations that might come in). I believe the sole reason for her dad to "sign for" the home is for Nadya to avoid her name being on anything that can be leined. JMO. While I don't "see" anything that the hospital could attach to at the moment, I think that they will attach to earnings from this reality show or series Nadya has been reported as "signing up" for. I don't know how she could avoid having that income in her name. Of course I don't know the loopholes a lawyer might be able to provide her with.

I read an article that claimed that Nadya used an inheritance to pay for the IVF. An aunt supposedly left her 30 grand. I don't have a link, it was "front page" internet news a few days back. Of course I took the article with a grain of salt because I don't believe a word that comes out of the mouth of any of the people involved in this story.

Have we heard who is exactly running the Nadya reality hour? Which station is sponsoring it? I'm actually still having trouble believing there is a show in the works and I heard it for myself on the news. The concept of Nadya looking for love is so ridiculous, she is 33, not 18, she has a houseful of children, where the heck is she supposed to meet these men? TLC would KNOW enough not to promote Nadya bringing strange men to the house, right? Is MTV signing her up? Who thinks a show like this is a good idea? I think it stinks!

I'm not implying that single women shouldn't have a life outside their children, I hope no one thinks that. I'm not saying that Nadya doesn't deserve a life either, but she created this world with the help of Dr. K. and searching for "love" is the last thing she should be doing. (JMO!)

I still think about the little baby in the hospital. Maybe a cleft lip isn't the most serious problem a baby could have, on the news I heard that they are keeping him in the hospital until he gains more weight. Is it possible he is having trouble thriving? I really worry that he's not getting attention from his mother. I know nurses and hospital staff can provide some of the needs of the infant, but isn't bonding with the mother very important for babies? I understand that Nadya is only one person, but I pray that she's at the hospital daily giving that baby the love he needs. I've been really scared for him.

Okay, my tirade of the day is done (until the next one hits me)...:crazy:
$30,000 isn't that much in today's world. (inheritance). Instead of spending it on more children she could have invested in college funds for the four she had, or enriching their lives otherwise in a way to raise four competent citizens.

I just can't believe the taxpayers of California are left holding the bill on this, considering the finances of California right now. Doesn't seem right to me; but I know similar situations on a smaller scale happen in all states.

Did Nadya have any health insurance to begin with? If she was living on disability, I don't know what kind of health insurance she would have except COBRA or Medicaid.
I'm sure it was said she had no health ins. when the babies were born.I don't know about now though.
Kaiser willingly accepted her as a patient,knowing so.(so they could gain some fame for themselves?? I don't know).And I recall reading the bills are sent to medicare (not the one for older folks..can't recall the name right now),SO that means,it is all being paid for by guess who of course...the taxpayers!!
If the 'tabloids' are right... Radar, TMZ and the like - that she's been paid via her mom & dad, in their names. So they have to deal with the tax implications, not her. They're stupid if they've handed all the monies over to her and not realized how much tax they'll have to pay on those checks.

Nadya's mom received the money from the UK in her name and the father received a large portion of Radars payments, in turn he bought the house. Remember the house NADYA LOVES TO SAY THAT SHE EARNED? EARNED :waitasec:

Nadya, you're such a freak. People go for years and years working endless hours to save enough money for a down payment for a house. THAT'S earned. What you did was simply pimp out your babies to earn a fast buck. That's what the rest of us call scam artist.

My 2cents, if this is the MEASLEY amount she's been paid... and the father bought the house with those monies, she's about to go broke. I give her 3 to 5 months and there's no money left.

I wish Kaiser would place a lien on her home and anything else she 'seems' to have. The taxpayers should be a lot more upset than they are... think about it 2 to 3 million dollars for that hospital stay out of your hard working pocket. YOUR MONEY. While she does her nails and loads tons of lipstick on the joker faced lips. **SHUDDER**
wonder what Nadya is gong to do once her parents are no longer around to play the scam game with??

I agree,at this point,she has no biz concentrating on anything but her ultra-large family.the media has done enough to make sure her time is limited w her family.they have no biz starting a show w her..not to mention the ppl and cameras in the house 24/7,exposing the babies to germs and upsetting their life,which it will.
should she fall for one of these money-fame seekers,that will limit her time even further.(not that she would spend time with them anyway,BUT,the point is,not to do anything intentional to further limit any possible family time).she should be bored enough to be HOME w the kids.
I'm sure it was said she had no health ins. when the babies were born.I don't know about now though.
Kaiser willingly accepted her as a patient,knowing so.(so they could gain some fame for themselves?? I don't know).And I recall reading the bills are sent to medicare (not the one for older folks..can't recall the name right now),SO that means,it is all being paid for by guess who of course...the taxpayers!!
MediCal- health insurance welfare. Is Kaiser accepting MediCal?

It's called MediCaid in other states...
MediCal- health insurance welfare. Is Kaiser accepting MediCal?
yes,that's it.They do.I'll see if I can find the article.

wouldn't it be nice if the taxpayers could sue!! put a new law in the books if necessary;it's about time.
I think it was said that Nadya had health insurance until her 7th month. (I can't verify it, I just remember it being said.) When did she enter the hospital? Did she "drop" the insurance after she was in the hospital? I'd have to look and see if there's an article somewhere, if I find one I'll post it.

Marthatex, I agree with you, 30 grand isn't much money and surely it could have been spent easily and wisely with 6 children at home but apparently Nadya needed it for IVF. And then, who knows what to believe? She has changed her "stories" about everything along the way.
I wonder if she even got an inheritance..now she's saying the money came from that and from working double shifts..(convenient that she's saying this right bf she gets her own show).she didn't even want to work one shift,so I doubt she ever worked doubles.
HLN CNN reported today that NADYA is seeking child service benefits (welfare I assume) to pay for all her baby formula, supplies & other things for these 8 babies!

HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOO CALIFORNIA??!!! Doesn't that p*ss anyone off enough to launch a huge petition against this witch? She's using you all over there... I wish I could help & do something but I believe it has to come from a California taxpayer.

She spends horrendously on herself, big fancy SUV, big fancy house but she wants YOU TO FEED HER BABIES?!!! :furious:

This chick is a total scam artist.
I personally don't see how any tv show featuring her is going to make the cut. There have already been shows featuring large families. I've never seen one, but would guess they've about run their course with viewers. I couldn't give a gnat's behind to see Big Lots, welfare Mom on Tv nor for that matter have any interest in watching a bunch of non-English speaking nannies take care of her kids. A love interest? Now that's really a laugh.
The last thing a mother of 14, eight of them under the age of 1, needs is romance. She's already proven you don't need a husband to have a houseful of kids.
The reality show she should have is a game show. Maybe Guess This Baby. She could be challenged to give the correct name of a child just by looking at the kid's face.
Or, she could have the Celebrity Nanny Show. Stars could come on the show and spend a day taking care of eight infants and running after the 6 others. A panel of judges can score how the celebrity does. Let Dr. Phil be the first guest nanny.

Oh heavens I hope the powers that be don't read here, you might just have a hit there! GOD knows either would far surpass Nadya <3 Guy of the week show!! I mean seriously, would any sane man sign up for 14 kids for the long run? Then we'd have to have Nadya </3 strange man every few shows! Blah... :loser:

If the 'tabloids' are right... Radar, TMZ and the like - that she's been paid via her mom & dad, in their names. So they have to deal with the tax implications, not her. They're stupid if they've handed all the monies over to her and not realized how much tax they'll have to pay on those checks.

Nadya's mom received the money from the UK in her name and the father received a large portion of Radars payments, in turn he bought the house. Remember the house NADYA LOVES TO SAY THAT SHE EARNED? EARNED :waitasec:

No her parents can't be so stupid? Can they? If they're doing this for her, there must be an upside for them.... :bang:

I can understand her need for her to put the house in her dad's name, she has no credit. No income for years, $50G in school loans. She probably can't even get home owners insurance with her past history... :crazy:

I wish Kaiser would place a lien on her home and anything else she 'seems' to have. The taxpayers should be a lot more upset than they are... think about it 2 to 3 million dollars for that hospital stay out of your hard working pocket. YOUR MONEY. While she does her nails and loads tons of lipstick on the joker faced lips. **SHUDDER**

Maybe that's the reason #8 is still in KP!! They want to make sure they get paid too! :waitasec:

When I had dd #1, I was admitted through the ER so I by passed the prepay cashier. The day I was going home, as soon as the discharge papers hit their desk (I left AMA) the cashier was up there to take my money. They said they wouldn't discharge the baby till I paid what they thought I would owe after insurance. I don't know if they were kidding or not. :confused:
HLN CNN reported today that NADYA is seeking child service benefits (welfare I assume) to pay for all her baby formula, supplies & other things for these 8 babies!

HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOO CALIFORNIA??!!! Doesn't that p*ss anyone off enough to launch a huge petition against this witch? She's using you all over there... I wish I could help & do something but I believe it has to come from a California taxpayer.

She spends horrendously on herself, big fancy SUV, big fancy house but she wants YOU TO FEED HER BABIES?!!! :furious:

This chick is a total scam artist.

With the current state of affairs in CA, this makes her a bigger :loser: than I'd imagined! She's already made more money this year than your average family makes in 7 years. :banghead: :steamed: :burn: :rage: :devil: :censored: :saythat: :no:

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