Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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Five houses on a cul-de-sac? Can you imagine the welcome for a single parent with 14 kids? IMO real estate agents wanted.
I would definitely want to move if she moved in near me!

For those of you thinking about a bus, etc. for N and her kids, are you assuming she'll actually do activities with those children?
she might drive one for a reality show!
I don't have any problem with people getting a hand up in times of need, that (I think) is what social programs were designed for. Nadya can't make enough money to raise these children no matter what~ the reality circuit is her only hope unless every one of those babies is diagnosed with something that allows for her to collect SSI on them. IIRC, the diagnosis of "not expected to live past their first year" might be enough to get each of the octo's on SSI? If she's hiding her income (which I truly believe she is), for each of those babies at home, she could already be collecting SSI. Anyone more familiar with the program, please correct me if I'm wrong~ I'd rather be wrong than right in this case. I have a hard time believing that Nadya would dream of reporting "gifts" or anything else that would interfere with her children collecting full benefits.
I imagine she will get in trouble tax-wise in the coming yrs.possibly with the house,in that respect,as well.it's not hard to imagine that it won't happen.

All of her children, tots and babies deserve the best, just like all of our children, tots and babies do. It's very unfortunate that the mother of this family could possibly be the most selfish person we've ever seen (IMO). I don't think Nadya and Co. (her company consists of dad) were greedy once these babies were born, I think the selfish greed started long ago. I don't believe for a minute that Nadya wanted siblings, I think she was very well contented as "the center of the universe" for her folks. I still feel badly for Angela, I think she is just a passive-aggressive person caught up in the crossfire of all this (IMO and I have only have personal experience to refer to). The other option is that Angela is a good actress, but I am not too sure of that.
me too.and I don't see how,with the plastic surgery,injected lips and multiple IVF's,her parents could have thought for one second that she didn't have any money.
IMO,the whole thing with Angela's house was a setup as well.why did she stop paying on it,if nothing changed?? the kicker for me was the pics she released of the inside...how many of use would do that? ..it's an embarrassment!!the house itself was NOT that bad,IMO...it needed a good,thorough cleaning and picking up(decluttering),for starters....but she just wanted to show the chaos of it (she could have used bags n boxes to store the clothes and toys and things),in hopes that someone would buy them a bigger house.I see NO reason,other than that,to release such photos!! none whatsoever.it was a 'feel sorry for me' act,and nothing else.
I absolutely agree with you. (And my heart is with you, this medical insurance thing is a pain in the backside and it's not affordable to be sick, not even a cough.)

Octomom is going to have one heck of a time getting health insurance and I honestly believe her only hope will be to rely on a state/fed funded insurance (I don't know what they have in CA). With pre-existing conditions on 3 of the original 6 and possible conditions placed on the octo's, I can't see any insurer looking past that? (Is it different in CA?) For a small family insurance costs so much, even if she could secure a policy, her meeting the premiums seems slim.

I don't have any problem with people getting a hand up in times of need, that (I think) is what social programs were designed for. Nadya can't make enough money to raise these children no matter what~ the reality circuit is her only hope unless every one of those babies is diagnosed with something that allows for her to collect SSI on them. IIRC, the diagnosis of "not expected to live past their first year" might be enough to get each of the octo's on SSI? If she's hiding her income (which I truly believe she is), for each of those babies at home, she could already be collecting SSI. Anyone more familiar with the program, please correct me if I'm wrong~ I'd rather be wrong than right in this case. I have a hard time believing that Nadya would dream of reporting "gifts" or anything else that would interfere with her children collecting full benefits.

If CA has a WIC (Womens, Infant and Children program) I would bet that Nadya has been on that program for the "original 6". Free formula, free peanut butter, free eggs.... the list goes on, but if it was available, she was on it and probably still is (there is no way or amount of convincing anyone can do to make me believe she is breast feeding or pumping any milk- no undergarment could camoflage *advertiser censored* for 8!)

There are many, many entitlement programs that Nadya could be resourcing ASIDE from the donations she receives. Again, since I don't know CA's "system", I could be way off and this is only my opinion.

All of her children, tots and babies deserve the best, just like all of our children, tots and babies do. It's very unfortunate that the mother of this family could possibly be the most selfish person we've ever seen (IMO). I don't think Nadya and Co. (her company consists of dad) were greedy once these babies were born, I think the selfish greed started long ago. I don't believe for a minute that Nadya wanted siblings, I think she was very well contented as "the center of the universe" for her folks. I still feel badly for Angela, I think she is just a passive-aggressive person caught up in the crossfire of all this (IMO and I have only have personal experience to refer to). The other option is that Angela is a good actress, but I am not too sure of that.

I'm sorry for this diatribe, it's pretty obvious how angry I feel. If Nadya was a "normal mom" walking around in formula stained clothing, had fingernail "nubs" like many of us sport, and hovered over the children continually, I could almost buy the "supermom phenonemon". (You all know "supermom phenomenon" made you giggle! :crazy:) But as I sit here I wonder why doesn't Nadya send one of the nannies to the grocery? Surely, anyone can follow a list? Why aren't the children the center of her universe? Oh, that's right, Nadya is the center of Nadya's universe.

If you made it to the end of this post, bless your hearts... I'm sorry for being so skeptical and judgemental!:blowkiss:
CA does have a WIC program. State health insurance is MediCal- form of Welfare.
yes,its Jonah who has a cleft lip,you can see it in the pic,he's the one above Nariyah.
It doesn't look too awful bad,although I'm not an expert,and if it's not involving the palate,as she says,it shouldn't be as difficult to fix.So that may be part of the reason he's still hospitalized (?) I don't know.

..anyone have any thoughts on which ones are identical? the older they get,the less they all look alike,although I agree w someone here who said the girls appear to be identical.It just has me kinda stumped,and Nadya has yet to reveal that,which seems odd (???).I didn't notice bracelets or anything on them in the videos,as to how she is going to tell them apart (or even any mention of it from her).
On the CNN video with Nadya's former publicist, he seems to be saying that Nadya should get what she wants (a TV show) because it will be the only way she can support her brood. His outlook seemed sad and defeated.
On the CNN video with Nadya's former publicist, he seems to be saying that Nadya should get what she wants (a TV show) because it will be the only way she can support her brood. His outlook seemed sad and defeated.

I truly wonder how many people would watch? What would be the draw? (Since I don't watch the multiple shows, I am honestly wondering what Nadya and family have to offer?) A reality show seems like it would be hard on the autistic child(ren).

Isn't it sad that on one hand it seems better that Nadya drain the entitlement programs and on the other hand a reality show could be the only way to make ends meet? The choices she has to make aren't decisions I'd like to make, that's for sure!
If she can fork out $1000 in makeup... she CAN pay some of that HUGE bill that she caused... absolutely.

AND Kaiser had better place a lien on her home already for the hospital bill otherwise Nadya will find a way not to pay it. IF she's making huge money off of some stupid TV show (God, I hope it flops in 1 week)... then she better be held accountable for every last cent of having those babies.

She's getting paid by RadarOnline, isn't she? I hope KP has put a lien on the house. We have to pay our hospital bills and she should too...especially since she is probably raking in the dough from the SUN interviews, etc.
On one of the RadarOnline videos Nadya said which of the two boys are identical. I forget the names now but maybe I can find the video again. The girls are identical, I believe.
I truly wonder how many people would watch? What would be the draw? (Since I don't watch the multiple shows, I am honestly wondering what Nadya and family have to offer?) A reality show seems like it would be hard on the autistic child(ren).

Isn't it sad that on one hand it seems better that Nadya drain the entitlement programs and on the other hand a reality show could be the only way to make ends meet? The choices she has to make aren't decisions I'd like to make, that's for sure!

The draw of the multiples shows is to peek into the lives of a family that is drastically different than the norm, I think. Most people struggle in some way to keep a household going, from managing laundry and cleaning and cooking to disciplining the kids to keeping a marriage going strong. If that's difficult in a family with just 2-3 kids, how would it be in a family with 8? Or 12? Or 18? That is what I think draws people to watch shows like the Duggars or Kids by the Dozen.

The only draw Nadya would is the way a trainwreck draws onlookers. Nobody's interested in house she runs her house because we all know she simply doesn't. What people would rather see, and it's really sad, is Nadya fall on her face and do stupid things. "Oh, look, Nadya's completely oblivious as her preschool child runs around outside near the street!" "Watch Nadya leave her kids with her exhausted mom as she goes out for a manicure and a coffee!" So people can cluck their tongues and write online about it. Like I'm doing.
On one of the RadarOnline videos Nadya said which of the two boys are identical. I forget the names now but maybe I can find the video again. The girls are identical, I believe.

Has N spent enough time with the children to tell them apart, or is she just going on what the records show?
Sorry for the double post...

Has this already been said? Where I'm from, if you don't pay your medical bills they will come out of your state income tax refund. Maybe they will get paid, at least some, in this way.
Sorry for the double post...

Has this already been said? Where I'm from, if you don't pay your medical bills they will come out of your state income tax refund. Maybe they will get paid, at least some, in this way.

Would she get a refund since she has no income? I guess they can attach it from this year and hence forth. Nevermind.
Sorry for the double post...

Has this already been said? Where I'm from, if you don't pay your medical bills they will come out of your state income tax refund. Maybe they will get paid, at least some, in this way.

I hope they can find a better way. I read here (WS) somewhere that CA was issuing IOU's for tax refunds- I don't know if it's been remedied or how the state dealt with it? Imagine getting a letter saying, "We were going to send you an IOU for your tax rebate but since you have an outstanding medical bill, we will send it to the hospital you owe." :crazy:

Mr. E, thank you also for your post on the multiple shows. I know I'd have to stay away from the television if Nadya's on. I know my head would explode.

Will any of you watch if Nadya does a show?
Would she get a refund since she has no income? I guess they can attach it from this year and hence forth. Nevermind.

Even with an income, that bill would take a billion years worth of refunds to pay it off! :crazy:
She's getting paid by RadarOnline, isn't she? I hope KP has put a lien on the house. We have to pay our hospital bills and she should too...especially since she is probably raking in the dough from the SUN interviews, etc.

and putting it in someone else's name is FRAUD and she should be prosecuted if she is doing this.
yes,its Jonah who has a cleft lip,you can see it in the pic,he's the one above Nariyah.
It doesn't look too awful bad,although I'm not an expert,and if it's not involving the palate,as she says,it shouldn't be as difficult to fix.So that may be part of the reason he's still hospitalized (?) I don't know.


I hadn't noticed that before, it looks pretty minor but babies with cleft's have a harder time gaining weight due to sucking challenges and some times 1 birth defect is really multiple defects just not always obvious to the eye.

Has N spent enough time with the children to tell them apart, or is she just going on what the records show?

I doubt she cares, remember this is the NS show. Babies, what babies?

The draw of the multiples shows is to peek into the lives of a family that is drastically different than the norm, I think. Most people struggle in some way to keep a household going, from managing laundry and cleaning and cooking to disciplining the kids to keeping a marriage going strong. If that's difficult in a family with just 2-3 kids, how would it be in a family with 8? Or 12? Or 18? That is what I think draws people to watch shows like the Duggars or Kids by the Dozen.

I totally agree. I don't watch the Duggar's show so much as peak in for the last 10 minutes. Their family is amazing, Michelle is a caring mom although I do sometimes question how one woman can go through 16 pregnancies and still be sane. It does seem the newest Duggars are a little more vocal than their predecessors and I wonder how much hands on time Michelle is giving them once they are weaned. It kind-a seems she keeps the youngest close until she finds out she is pregnant then all her energies go into the next one and the babe gets handed off to it's "sibling helper". But if it works for them and they are happy and healthy I'm not going to criticize. Those kids really seem to like each other, they are good to one another and support each other. They're doing something right!

I have no desire to watch Octo TV, what happens in that house feels like a train wreck about to happen. I have enough of my own stress without watching their stress too!

The idea that the only way she can afford to feed her family is to pimp them out to the highest bidder makes me really angry, it's hard enough to understand multiple unplanned pregnancies with all the contraceptives available today. The idea that she spent thousands of dollars to get pregnant multiple times that should have gone into supporting the kids she already had just makes me angry.

There are a lot of words I can think of that describe NS, loving, caring and mother aren't on the list. The word mother itself describes someone who has decided to put their own needs aside in order to raise a child. That (to me) would include additional pregnancies if I can't afford to feed the ones I already have. Most women can give birth, that doesn't automatically make them a mother.
missmybaby, What you said about the cleft lip certainly makes sense. I have no experience with that type situation, but it would make sucking difficult, wouldn't it? Poor little baby. I sure hope Nadya figures out a way to be with him in the hospital, it breaks my heart to think of him there without his siblings.

I haven't watched the Duggar's. I may have caught a clip of it here and there because I do remember one mega family who did seem to have a younger sibling assigned to an older sibling (and so on and so on) and I was amazed there wasn't a mutiny. I've never met an older sibling who would comply with that. Did any of the older children express ill feelings as far as privacy issues or anything? It has to be wearing.

It's gotten to the chapter in this saga that I don't know what the heck to think about it. It is still too hard to grasp a person making these choices. Too much!
I agree Boyz_mom the problem is a rational person would not make the decisions NS has made, that to me says a lot about the possible problems she is going to have in the future with these children she decided she had to have. If she can't make a rational decision regarding the number of pregnancies she was going to have, how is she going to to make rational decisions about caring for her kids?

When my youngest was 1, her father and I divorced. Shortly there after he decided to stop paying child support. The amount of responsibility I felt for my kids, I can't even begin to describe. I'm not claiming I was some Mother Theresa where my kids were concerned, I made mistakes like everyone. But every decision I made, was made with the knowledge that my kids were my 1st priority.

I have no problem with single mature, happy, mentally healthy people with a decent income becoming parents and I assume there will be as many correct ways to do this as there are people wanting kids. No one style is going to work for everyone. But I do have an issue with women having babies to fill a deficiency in themselves. I have a bigger problem with a doctor repeatedly filling the uterus of a single woman who already has a flock of kids she isn't supporting. To me, that is setting more children up for a hard life. Their oath starts "First do no harm."
yes,its Jonah who has a cleft lip,you can see it in the pic,he's the one above Nariyah.
It doesn't look too awful bad,although I'm not an expert,and if it's not involving the palate,as she says,it shouldn't be as difficult to fix.So that may be part of the reason he's still hospitalized (?) I don't know.

I've worked with cleft lip and palate children. You are correct, a cleft lip alone is a better situation than cleft lip and palate.

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