Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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She doesn't seem to consider the children's needs when deciding things and I doubt if she plans any outing with all of the children...unless it will be filmed.

When will the last two babies come home? Or are they already home and I missed it?

There's one left in KP although it's a little weird they said he's fine too but they didn't release him. Wonder if they think as long as there is a bebe still in the hospital they have an excuse to be keeping a close eye on her?
It does make you wonder missmybaby.
There's one left in KP although it's a little weird they said he's fine too but they didn't release him. Wonder if they think as long as there is a bebe still in the hospital they have an excuse to be keeping a close eye on her?

Maybe that little one still at the hospital has put his little foot down and refuses to be sent to the Octomom home. :crazy:
Five houses on a cul-de-sac? Can you imagine the welcome for a single parent with 14 kids? IMO real estate agents wanted.

For those of you thinking about a bus, etc. for N and her kids, are you assuming she'll actually do activities with those children?

I think a bus is good but I did say she could have a 2 seater convertable since she seems to shop alone (a LOT).
Gracenote, I agree with #2 on your list. That was my first thought. Didn't someone say that when the media attention started winding down that Nadya would do something to bring back the attention? Of course, I don't know if it was Nadya who did it but I can't imagine who else it would be.

Because of the conflicting accounts of "who saw what", I'm also inclined to think she could have done the carseat tossing herself. (Everything she says is conflicting!)
There's one left in KP although it's a little weird they said he's fine too but they didn't release him. Wonder if they think as long as there is a bebe still in the hospital they have an excuse to be keeping a close eye on her?

Is the one in the hospital with the cleft lip (or cleft palate)? I am not sure if one has a cleft- I just thought it was pointed out somewhere in here?

The newscast I heard said that the last octo was going to stay in the hospital for a few more weeks. I am not sure how he (I think) is doing. (Perhaps he/she isn't thriving as well as the others? Or could he/she have a disability that's pronounced itself this early?)
Maybe that little one still at the hospital has put his little foot down and refuses to be sent to the Octomom home. :crazy:

Maybe they won't let him go home until the bill is paid. :crazy:
Maybe they won't let him go home until the bill is paid. :crazy:

If she can fork out $1000 in makeup... she CAN pay some of that HUGE bill that she caused... absolutely.

AND Kaiser had better place a lien on her home already for the hospital bill otherwise Nadya will find a way not to pay it. IF she's making huge money off of some stupid TV show (God, I hope it flops in 1 week)... then she better be held accountable for every last cent of having those babies.
If she can fork out $1000 in makeup... she CAN pay some of that HUGE bill that she caused... absolutely.

AND Kaiser had better place a lien on her home already for the hospital bill otherwise Nadya will find a way not to pay it. IF she's making huge money off of some stupid TV show (God, I hope it flops in 1 week)... then she better be held accountable for every last cent of having those babies.

Since the house is in her dad's name, I am not sure anyone can lein it? Honestly, I think dropping her health insurance (if she had any to begin with) was the "plan". I would almost bet a case of diapers that she is claiming "indigent" as far as the hospital bill is concerned. (I get so angry when I think about her! :furious:)
Since the house is in her dad's name, I am not sure anyone can lein it? Honestly, I think dropping her health insurance (if she had any to begin with) was the "plan". I would almost best a case of diapers that she is claiming "indigent" as far as the hospital bill is concerned. (I get so angry when I think about her! :furious:)

Yeah, me too. I got downsized out of my career and lost my health insurance. I think long and hard before each doctor visit (do I have a fever? might I feel better tomorrow?) And I need some surgery that would vastly improve my quality of life, but until I get employed and insured, that's just too bad. And if, heaven forbid, I have an accident or have a big medical bill, I will pay back every cent. So I don't get people who deliberately suck up tax payer's money for their own selfish motives. And having an additional 8 babies when you already have 6 is, in my opinion, a selfish act on many levels. And, guess what, she wants You to help pay to raise them.
Yeah, me too. I got downsized out of my career and lost my health insurance. I think long and hard before each doctor visit (do I have a fever? might I feel better tomorrow?) And I need some surgery that would vastly improve my quality of life, but until I get employed and insured, that's just too bad. And if, heaven forbid, I have an accident or have a big medical bill, I will pay back every cent. So I don't get people who deliberately suck up tax payer's money for their own selfish motives. And having an additional 8 babies when you already have 6 is, in my opinion, a selfish act on many levels. And, guess what, she wants You to help pay to raise them.

I absolutely agree with you. (And my heart is with you, this medical insurance thing is a pain in the backside and it's not affordable to be sick, not even a cough.)

Octomom is going to have one heck of a time getting health insurance and I honestly believe her only hope will be to rely on a state/fed funded insurance (I don't know what they have in CA). With pre-existing conditions on 3 of the original 6 and possible conditions placed on the octo's, I can't see any insurer looking past that? (Is it different in CA?) For a small family insurance costs so much, even if she could secure a policy, her meeting the premiums seems slim.

I don't have any problem with people getting a hand up in times of need, that (I think) is what social programs were designed for. Nadya can't make enough money to raise these children no matter what~ the reality circuit is her only hope unless every one of those babies is diagnosed with something that allows for her to collect SSI on them. IIRC, the diagnosis of "not expected to live past their first year" might be enough to get each of the octo's on SSI? If she's hiding her income (which I truly believe she is), for each of those babies at home, she could already be collecting SSI. Anyone more familiar with the program, please correct me if I'm wrong~ I'd rather be wrong than right in this case. I have a hard time believing that Nadya would dream of reporting "gifts" or anything else that would interfere with her children collecting full benefits.

If CA has a WIC (Womens, Infant and Children program) I would bet that Nadya has been on that program for the "original 6". Free formula, free peanut butter, free eggs.... the list goes on, but if it was available, she was on it and probably still is (there is no way or amount of convincing anyone can do to make me believe she is breast feeding or pumping any milk- no undergarment could camoflage *advertiser censored* for 8!)

There are many, many entitlement programs that Nadya could be resourcing ASIDE from the donations she receives. Again, since I don't know CA's "system", I could be way off and this is only my opinion.

All of her children, tots and babies deserve the best, just like all of our children, tots and babies do. It's very unfortunate that the mother of this family could possibly be the most selfish person we've ever seen (IMO). I don't think Nadya and Co. (her company consists of dad) were greedy once these babies were born, I think the selfish greed started long ago. I don't believe for a minute that Nadya wanted siblings, I think she was very well contented as "the center of the universe" for her folks. I still feel badly for Angela, I think she is just a passive-aggressive person caught up in the crossfire of all this (IMO and I have only have personal experience to refer to). The other option is that Angela is a good actress, but I am not too sure of that.

I'm sorry for this diatribe, it's pretty obvious how angry I feel. If Nadya was a "normal mom" walking around in formula stained clothing, had fingernail "nubs" like many of us sport, and hovered over the children continually, I could almost buy the "supermom phenonemon". (You all know "supermom phenomenon" made you giggle! :crazy:) But as I sit here I wonder why doesn't Nadya send one of the nannies to the grocery? Surely, anyone can follow a list? Why aren't the children the center of her universe? Oh, that's right, Nadya is the center of Nadya's universe.

If you made it to the end of this post, bless your hearts... I'm sorry for being so skeptical and judgemental!:blowkiss:
Hello??? I really don't want to quote myself but I'm really curious about this and no one has answered me! :crazy:

Sorry...didn't see the post. The link doesn't work for me.
Hello??? I really don't want to quote myself but I'm really curious about this and no one has answered me! :crazy:

Once you paste it into your browser, remove one of the http:// (it puts two sometimes for some reason) and then play it and tell me what it says because my old dial up computer won;t play videos :)
I absolutely agree with you. (And my heart is with you, this medical insurance thing is a pain in the backside and it's not affordable to be sick, not even a cough.)

Octomom is going to have one heck of a time getting health insurance and I honestly believe her only hope will be to rely on a state/fed funded insurance (I don't know what they have in CA). With pre-existing conditions on 3 of the original 6 and possible conditions placed on the octo's, I can't see any insurer looking past that? (Is it different in CA?) For a small family insurance costs so much, even if she could secure a policy, her meeting the premiums seems slim.

I don't have any problem with people getting a hand up in times of need, that (I think) is what social programs were designed for. Nadya can't make enough money to raise these children no matter what~ the reality circuit is her only hope unless every one of those babies is diagnosed with something that allows for her to collect SSI on them. IIRC, the diagnosis of "not expected to live past their first year" might be enough to get each of the octo's on SSI? If she's hiding her income (which I truly believe she is), for each of those babies at home, she could already be collecting SSI. Anyone more familiar with the program, please correct me if I'm wrong~ I'd rather be wrong than right in this case. I have a hard time believing that Nadya would dream of reporting "gifts" or anything else that would interfere with her children collecting full benefits.

If CA has a WIC (Womens, Infant and Children program) I would bet that Nadya has been on that program for the "original 6". Free formula, free peanut butter, free eggs.... the list goes on, but if it was available, she was on it and probably still is (there is no way or amount of convincing anyone can do to make me believe she is breast feeding or pumping any milk- no undergarment could camoflage *advertiser censored* for 8!)

There are many, many entitlement programs that Nadya could be resourcing ASIDE from the donations she receives. Again, since I don't know CA's "system", I could be way off and this is only my opinion.

All of her children, tots and babies deserve the best, just like all of our children, tots and babies do. It's very unfortunate that the mother of this family could possibly be the most selfish person we've ever seen (IMO). I don't think Nadya and Co. (her company consists of dad) were greedy once these babies were born, I think the selfish greed started long ago. I don't believe for a minute that Nadya wanted siblings, I think she was very well contented as "the center of the universe" for her folks. I still feel badly for Angela, I think she is just a passive-aggressive person caught up in the crossfire of all this (IMO and I have only have personal experience to refer to). The other option is that Angela is a good actress, but I am not too sure of that.

I'm sorry for this diatribe, it's pretty obvious how angry I feel. If Nadya was a "normal mom" walking around in formula stained clothing, had fingernail "nubs" like many of us sport, and hovered over the children continually, I could almost buy the "supermom phenonemon". (You all know "supermom phenomenon" made you giggle! :crazy:) But as I sit here I wonder why doesn't Nadya send one of the nannies to the grocery? Surely, anyone can follow a list? Why aren't the children the center of her universe? Oh, that's right, Nadya is the center of Nadya's universe.

If you made it to the end of this post, bless your hearts... I'm sorry for being so skeptical and judgemental!:blowkiss:

I read and agree with every word.

Why did she have children? Or why did she have so many? She says she loves children. Words vs actions.

I don't know how CA works either, but I have heard of the Medical program for indigent patients. The thing is, and I know you agree, neither of us want the babies to be sick and go without care and medicine, it's just the whole messed up situation that is so frustrating.
Hello??? I really don't want to quote myself but I'm really curious about this and no one has answered me! :crazy:

The link didn't work for me either. I got an error page. I'll follow Gracenote's advice and look at what the browser says.
The link didn't work for me either. I got an error page. I'll follow Gracenote's advice and look at what the browser says.

Sorry for the quoting of myself, but I can't find it on CNN. Can anyone find it?
I read and agree with every word.

Why did she have children? Or why did she have so many? She says she loves children. Words vs actions.

I don't know how CA works either, but I have heard of the Medical program for indigent patients. The thing is, and I know you agree, neither of us want the babies to be sick and go without care and medicine, it's just the whole messed up situation that is so frustrating.

You are so very right, I don't want the babies to be sick or suffer because of their mother's choices. I also am not sure of the abilities of CPS or whatever it's called in CA (or anywhere). I wish I knew the right answers and that is what might make this more frustrating?

I guess our biggest hope is that Nadya can "step up to the plate"?

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