Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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missmybaby, I was teasing you with the "octospeak"- I know you're very smart, it shows in your posts. I hope you don't mind that you are one of my "octo-faves"? :blowkiss:

Okay, the "partial hysterectomy" post is a little scary. Do any of you think that if "Octomom" has this procedure like she claims, do you think she would eventually use one of these techniques to conceive or have more children? She doesn't seem like someone who would use a surrogate- but that's only my opinion I base on what we see of her personality (it would make someone else the martyr and I don't think she'll give up her status as Master Martyr- JMO.) I kind of think she might give it a whirl again in about 2 years- if her inners are "up to it".
missmybaby, I was teasing you with the "octospeak"- I know you're very smart, it shows in your posts. I hope you don't mind that you are one of my "octo-faves"? :blowkiss:

Okay, the "partial hysterectomy" post is a little scary. Do any of you think that if "Octomom" has this procedure like she claims, do you think she would eventually use one of these techniques to conceive or have more children? She doesn't seem like someone who would use a surrogate- but that's only my opinion I base on what we see of her personality (it would make someone else the martyr and I don't think she'll give up her status as Master Martyr- JMO.) I kind of think she might give it a whirl again in about 2 years- if her inners are "up to it".

right back at you Boyz_Mum :blowkiss:

I'm really not as smart as I pretend to be. I've just gotten pretty good at faking it!! :crazy:

can you imagine being octonutz surrogate? :confused: the pregnancy would be all about her! of course the upside would be she could do all your MD appts.for you. She would surely have all your "symptoms", the morning sickness, backache, sore boobies, swollen feet and cravings! Would they need a second labor bed in the delivery room?

No one is that crazy are they? :eek:
If they are just doing a myomectomy (remove the fibroids only), she would have some uterus left. This is done for women who may still want to have children :eek: They can also remove the uterus and leave the cervix since it does some things that you miss when it's gone. In Nadya's case, they need to just take the whole uterus. Please! Put her out of the baby business or I tell you, there will be more. I can just feel it.
even without a uterus,she could still hire a surrogate. :O I fear she will do just that.
I do question the whole fibroid story though..IMO,she is probably going to get a tummy tuck.
How could fibroids grow so quickly?? there could not have been any at the time of the births,or she would not have had enough womb room for the babies to grow.

ETA: sorry,I should read ahead!!

as far as a surrogate goes,I think it would be a last resort for her,but if that's all she could do to have more,IMO she might go for it,as any means of getting attention and money are good enough for her.
right back at you Boyz_Mum :blowkiss:

I'm really not as smart as I pretend to be. I've just gotten pretty good at faking it!! :crazy:

can you imagine being octonutz surrogate? :confused: the pregnancy would be all about her! of course the upside would be she could do all your MD appts.for you. She would surely have all your "symptoms", the morning sickness, backache, sore boobies, swollen feet and cravings! Would they need a second labor bed in the delivery room?

No one is that crazy are they? :eek:

You are as witty as you are smart! Love it! (Faking dumb can work out well too, especially when you need to change a tire or something like that! :))

There is no way in hell I could be a surrogate for Octo, I'd have a hard time being a neighbor, let alone a surrogate! It would be nice to turn over pregnancy "stuff" to someone else BUT I'd have to draw the line at cravings. Taco Bell cravings at 2 AM are designed for the person who can fit behind a steering wheel.

The mental picture of the 2nd bed in the delivery room is cracking me up. I'd almost rather have her in the "2nd bed with sympathy pains" than I would have her next to me in the delivery room. Having that voice saying "breath, breath" in my ear would drive me to insanity. I think I'd beg the anethsetist to knock her out- I'd deliver a baby through my nose before I could listen to that. :scream:
One good thing came out of this preoctopation with octo- we've gotten to be octo-buds! :clap:

ITA with everything you say PC.

Has there been any news on the "reality show" or other stuff that anyone's heard? I was suprised at how many videos of her on "that website" missmybaby forced me to visit. Just kidding, missmybaby, trying to blame my nosiness on someone! :crazy:

I do hope Nadya recovers fine from her surgical procedure. I wonder if Grandma will be helping with the children in Nadya's absence? I can't imagine leaving the children with nannys/sitters- I'd want family there.
last I read,she wasn't on speaking terms w octograms.(sounds like some sort of weird telegram),lol.she is said to be backing Allred in the latest suit.
Sounds good, let me know Octobud. :crazy:

I think the story caught my 'ear' because of the way she went about this decision. Jobless, was homeless IMO, no money, had no room in parents house for 14 kids, wasn't even prepared with any items by the time she had the babies (WHICH tells me she was absolutely expecting freebie handouts), nothing was planned.

I think she's delusional & a sociopath & planned this from the beginning. She also seems to think that having this many children will repair the pains from her own childhood. All in all, I've never heard a word out of Nadya's mouth that shows she had these kids for the right reasons. She saw big bucks and wanted to become Angelina. So where's her Brad Pitt? lol
yes and since octograms stopped paying on her house around the same time Nadya got pregnant again,IMO she was probably in on the scam as well.she even mentioned she hoped someone would gift them a house,and I don't believe Nadya ever told her she had a 'tumor' and not a pregnancy.Her mom is not stupid.
When she released pics of the messy house,IMO that just said it all.who would do such a thing?? not someone without an agenda,IMO.it had to have been embarrassing.that and her complaining they had to feed the kids in shifts.
last I read,she wasn't on speaking terms w octograms.(sounds like some sort of weird telegram),lol.she is said to be backing Allred in the latest suit.

Thank you for that info! It could be a really ugly situation (I don't wish that on anyone). Grandma has a LOT of information that could be really significant and perhaps G.A. might be the one to confide in. In the past, my opinion of G.A. hasn't been high, but this could turn it all around. So far, fighting FOR the kids has raised my opinion of her a lot.

"Octogram" does sound like a telegram that's been sent out 8 times, but I think I like it! :blowkiss:
Yes, you are right. At her youngish age they would probably grow back. Something like 70% of women have them and are asymptomatic, though. When they hit menopause, they should begin to shrink.

She must be having symptoms (heavy bleeding, infertility :crazy:) but why now? I find this whole scenario suspicious.
me too.if that's what she's having done,then why not just take out the whole uterus??it would eliminate any further risk..unless she has future plans for it,that is..
yes and since octograms stopped paying on her house around the same time Nadya got pregnant again,IMO she was probably in on the scam as well.she even mentioned she hoped someone would gift them a house,and I don't believe Nadya ever told her she had a 'tumor' and not a pregnancy.Her mom is not stupid.
When she released pics of the messy house,IMO that just said it all.who would do such a thing?? not someone without an agenda,IMO.it had to have been embarrassing.that and her complaining they had to feed the kids in shifts.

A part of me wants to be on Grandma's side, but in the same token, I feel she might have been "in on" the idea of "$$$". After the novelty has worn off (so to speak) I am praying that Angela's decisions are based on love for the kids and not soley on "getting Nadya's goat".

Do you all think that Angela could raise and rear the "original 6" in a "healthy way"? A part of me wants to see her raise the "original 6", as it seems like she's done so far, but is she just another "martyr"? Did Nadya inherit the worst of both worlds from her parents? Something tells me that "being an only child" isn't the root of the problem.
Fibroids are not precancerous, good grief. They can cause problems like heavy bleeding, but they are benign. She is either having a tummy tuck or she just has to make this a big deal.

Did anyone see the pictures of her with a few of the kids in the park? She sits and talks on the cell phone and at one point drops and barely catches one of the babies. Scarey to look at. I can try to post a link. (later) Ok, I followed a link and cannot vouch for this site and I hope it doesn't have anything offensive to anyone on it. (why do I feel like this group doesn't offend easily? I like that about you :) )

Link didn't work...oh well.
I saw it,but it got gone pretty quickly! I'm guessing the attorney had something to do w that.

I wonder if,whatever she's having done,she chose Mother's Day weekend to do it in order to gain more attention for herself.
A part of me wants to be on Grandma's side,
me too,she was there for the original 6.

but in the same token, I feel she might have been "in on" the idea of "$$$". After the novelty has worn off (so to speak) I am praying that Angela's decisions are based on love for the kids and not soley on "getting Nadya's goat".
good thought,me too.

Do you all think that Angela could raise and rear the "original 6" in a "healthy way"?
hopefully,but she is 69 yrs old,last I read.that's bound to take it's toll on anyone.

A part of me wants to see her raise the "original 6", as it seems like she's done so far, but is she just another "martyr"?
hard to say,isn't it.in any event,I don't think Nadya will let go of the first 6,as long as 14 kids nets her some income.

Did Nadya inherit the worst of both worlds from her parents? Something tells me that "being an only child" isn't the root of the problem.
me either.I wonder what kind of childhood she truly had,either she was spoiled to the max (that would be my guess) and or her mom n dad had a really dysfunct relationship (as the divorce suggests),and she grew up with those ingrained in her.In any event,she does have a sense of self-entitlement,(even in a crappy economy),that,IMO,most likely comes from being spoiled.
I think one or both of her parents may have paid for her plastic surgery as well..at least her nose and cheeks.It's just all about her,and for her,it didn't stop with being an adult,unfortunately.
I think she's delusional & a sociopath & planned this from the beginning. She also seems to think that having this many children will repair the pains from her own childhood. All in all, I've never heard a word out of Nadya's mouth that shows she had these kids for the right reasons. She saw big bucks and wanted to become Angelina. So where's her Brad Pitt? lol

I'd be willing to say that she may be so delusional she may have expected THEE Brad Pitt to come rescue her. Seriously. The hideous plastic surgery she had to make her face like Angelina,
she certainly had the Angelina octolips lips ready,didn't she??? (well,they look decent on Angelina..more natural.)I wondered if she could have had them injected while she was pregnant,but I guess it's like the IVF...you got the $$$,we'll do the procedure...

(pardon,it's automatically deleting the bad word out and thus not going to the pic.you'll have to click on pic #4 (after the first 3 at the top,scroll down) in the link in the prior post).
It's even more disturbing close up..she has one hand 1/2 way under the baby,with his face in the sun.He is clearly uncomfortable,and she is flopping him around like he's a rag doll.

btw,I don't see any way in heck this baby is biologically hers!! I think she and the doc threw in a few donor eggs,and baby Noah here is the result of one of them.He is far, far too light skinned and light haired to be related to her,IMO.
I hope the IVF Dr is examined to the max,and that DNA tests are run on ALL 14 of the kids!! AND that the results are made public.I mean no embarrassment to the kids,but enough is enough.The taxpayers have been scammed enough!And the kids deserve to know the truth someday about their heritage,IMO.

(pardon,it's automatically deleting the bad word out and thus not going to the pic.you'll have to click on pic #4 (after the first 3 at the top,scroll down) in the link in the prior post).
It's even more disturbing close up..she has one hand 1/2 way under the baby,with his face in the sun.He is clearly uncomfortable,and she is flopping him around like he's a rag doll.

btw,I don't see any way in heck this baby is biologically hers!! I think she and the doc threw in a few donor eggs,and baby Noah here is the result of one of them.He is far, far too light skinned and light haired to be related to her,IMO.
I hope the IVF Dr is examined to the max,and that DNA tests are run on ALL 14 of the kids!! AND that the results are made public.I mean no embarrassment to the kids,but enough is enough.The taxpayers have been scammed enough!And the kids deserve to know the truth someday about their heritage,IMO.

Everytime I see her hold her babies I cringe. It's hard to believe that she already had 6 other babies. She doesn't support their heads, she carries them like they are dolls. And when she holds more then one it is a disaster waiting to happen. It's a good thing her nannies do the lions share of the baby care because I don't think she knows how to take care of a baby.
Everytime I see this thread head to the top with a new post, my heart jumps. Literally. I get sick to my stomach wondering if this is the day we'll hear something tragic.

ITA AZ! THAT PIC with the toddler ripping the little baby's head, I just cringe how the little babies are treated when there's NO ONE watching. And you think Nadya disciplined that child after this pic? I highly doubt it. :furious:
I NEED A RAGE 'smiley'. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I drive by this thread, always hoping they have been rescued...the 14 of them.

Wonder what would happen if no one paid any attention at all....the fact of the matter is that the children are so vulnerable....
Honestly, I think her uterus is prolapsing. Falling out. The muscles in her pelvic floor must be, um, quite loosened. Plop.

I'd use a euphemism or some other less, erm, disturbing-sounding "malady" as my front for surgery too.
Everytime I see this thread head to the top with a new post, my heart jumps. Literally. I get sick to my stomach wondering if this is the day we'll hear something tragic.

ITA AZ! THAT PIC with the toddler ripping the little baby's head, I just cringe how the little babies are treated when there's NO ONE watching. And you think Nadya disciplined that child after this pic? I highly doubt it. :furious:
I NEED A RAGE 'smiley'. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

PattyCake, about that photo. If you look carefully and read Octomom's lips she is whispering "Gentle" to that little curly headed kid.
I'm with you, I too get a pang of fear when I see that more messages have been posted on this thread.

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