Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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I understand that doctors are very busy, but do doctors take phone calls anymore? All our ped drs. had after hour call numbers and were very good about advising for or against a trip to the ER.

I'm thankful after reading your posts here that we didn't have hernias or breathing issues to deal with.
The quick clip I saw of Octomom's response to the lawsuit was funny. She mummbled how everyone wants money money money. :crazy: I wonder if she was referencing herself? :waitasec:
i just stumbled across this thread....so she still manages to keep herself in the news...lol positive or negative..matter not i suppose..pls dont tell me she duped and rode off into the sunset with her kids and left her mother behind!!
The quick clip I saw of Octomom's response to the lawsuit was funny. She mummbled how everyone wants money money money. :crazy: I wonder if she was referencing herself? :waitasec:

"They" say the "faults we see in everyone else, are those we posess ourselves"? (Goll, if this is true, then I am the worst person in the world?) So... Nadya could be referencing herself and I'd better take some mothering classes.:confused:
i just stumbled across this thread....so she still manages to keep herself in the news...lol positive or negative..matter not i suppose..pls dont tell me she duped and rode off into the sunset with her kids and left her mother behind!!

She didn't leave her mother behind with the kids from what we know. We're all waiting on the reality show... if it happens?


May 7) - Octuplet mother Nadya Suleman will undergo a surgical procedure this weekend that will essentially nix her chances of having any more children, Radaronline.com reports.
Suleman tells the news service that she had fibroid tumors in her uterus prior to her pregnancy with her octuplets and that they've since grown. Because of the possibility they may be precancerous, doctors insisted on removing half of her uterus, Suleman said.

May 7) - Octuplet mother Nadya Suleman will undergo a surgical procedure this weekend that will essentially nix her chances of having any more children, Radaronline.com reports.
Suleman tells the news service that she had fibroid tumors in her uterus prior to her pregnancy with her octuplets and that they've since grown. Because of the possibility they may be precancerous, doctors insisted on removing half of her uterus, Suleman said.

Fibroids are not precancerous, good grief. They can cause problems like heavy bleeding, but they are benign. She is either having a tummy tuck or she just has to make this a big deal.

Did anyone see the pictures of her with a few of the kids in the park? She sits and talks on the cell phone and at one point drops and barely catches one of the babies. Scarey to look at. I can try to post a link. (later) Ok, I followed a link and cannot vouch for this site and I hope it doesn't have anything offensive to anyone on it. (why do I feel like this group doesn't offend easily? I like that about you :) )

Link didn't work...oh well.

May 7) - Octuplet mother Nadya Suleman will undergo a surgical procedure this weekend that will essentially nix her chances of having any more children, Radaronline.com reports.
Suleman tells the news service that she had fibroid tumors in her uterus prior to her pregnancy with her octuplets and that they've since grown. Because of the possibility they may be precancerous, doctors insisted on removing half of her uterus, Suleman said.

What the heck? Half a uterus? I'm not a doctor and don't play one on tv but why would any surgeon remove half a uterus. Does that mean she can now have only half as many babies?
Am I wrong? Has anyone here ever heard of this type of procedure?
Hey, I would donate to a surgery to have her entire uterus removed and her mouth wired shut. Should we start a fund?
What the heck? Half a uterus? I'm not a doctor and don't play one on tv but why would any surgeon remove half a uterus. Does that mean she can now have only half as many babies?
Am I wrong? Has anyone here ever heard of this type of procedure?
Hey, I would donate to a surgery to have her entire uterus removed and her mouth wired shut. Should we start a fund?

:floorlaugh:Half a uterus= Half the amount of babies... you're killing me over here!

I've heard of people having fibroids removed, never heard of half a uterus being left (I think they can leave half an ovary in the case of cysts? In some cases I think they leave an ovary even with a hysterectomy for the sake of hormones?)

Anyway... here's a link about fibroids. http://www.mirs.org/fibroids.htm

"There are two general types of surgery available for fibroids, hysterectomy and myomectomy. Hysterectomy is the complete removal of the uterus with or without removal of the ovaries. In some cases hysterectomy can be performed through the vagina, avoiding an incision through the abdominal wall. However, with large fibroids, an abdominal hysterectomy (that is, a hysterectomy through an abdominal wall incision) is often necessary."

"Myomectomy is an alternative surgical procedure for the treatment of fibroids. The object of myomectomy is to remove only the fibroid while leaving the uterus intact and preserving reproductive potential."

I couldn't find anything about leaving a person with half a uterus, but I didn't read the whole page.

I don't get Nadya's quote in this article. It says the doctors found benign fibroid tumors, but Nadya says, “They’re worried there could be, like, pre-cancerous cells,” Suleman said. “I’m terrified.” http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,519482,00.html

Doesn't benign mean non cancerous? The article says Suleman will be in the hospital for a week, doesn't that sound like a hysterectomy stay?

I wish her well on her recovery.
Go down to the paragraph about supracervical hysterectomy. The cervix is left in place. This is probably what they are talking about.


Interesting article. Thanks for posting it, Annie.
However, the word hysterectomy is Latin for removal of the uterus. I always understood that although the uterus and cervix are connected, they are two different things. So, I believe, with the defination of hysterectomy being the removal of the uterus, there is no such thing as removing half of a uterus, or having a partial hysterectomy, as I often hear it called. People are under the assumption that a hysterectomy includes removing both the uterus and the ovaries. And the removal of the uterus only is called a partial hysterectomy. That's not true. I've had a hysterectomy (at least that's what it said on the doctor's bill) and the last time I looked, the ovaries were still there but the uterus and cervix are gone forever.
Octomom is such a storyteller who can believe anything she says.
Yup I bet you she had a tummy tuck!
your only in hospital for 24 hours for a hysterectomy unles there is complications...Ive had a complete one(everything removed) and I was out the next day....Im guessing tummy tuck!
With a hysterectomy you cannot lift ANYTHING over 5 lbs (a gallon of milk is 8lbs) for 6 weeks (for the first 2 you really dont feel like doing anything anyways!)..so she will be able to use this procedure whatever it is to not deal with the kids!!!
A friend of mine had a myomectomy and it couldn't be done laproscopically(sp) so she was in the hospital for several days. Was out of work on disability (and this was an office job) for 6 weeks.

She was told that she could possibly become pregnant but might not be able to carry a baby to term. I think the type and extent of surgery depended on the size and location of the fibroids. She may have been exaggerating, but she claimed the myomectomy was a more extensive operation than a hysterectomy.

But I think Octomom is having a tummy tuck. :rolleyes:
your only in hospital for 24 hours for a hysterectomy unles there is complications...Ive had a complete one(everything removed) and I was out the next day....Im guessing tummy tuck!
With a hysterectomy you cannot lift ANYTHING over 5 lbs (a gallon of milk is 8lbs) for 6 weeks (for the first 2 you really dont feel like doing anything anyways!)..so she will be able to use this procedure whatever it is to not deal with the kids!!!

Was yours done laproscopically (sp?)
Tummy tuck or hysterectomy, these are both costly procedures. I hope she has medical insurance.

It seems really soon for a doctor to perform a tummy tuck- I realize her skin would be stretched to the moon with the pregnancy, but don't doctors recommend a "wait time" for nature to take it's course? I wonder if the octo-doc is performing the surgery?

Why is this "news"? She claims she wants to be "left alone", but here she is putting her uterus in the news... again. I have to find a new hobby.
I'd be very happy to join you in a new hobby Bozymum. If we could never ever utter the Octomom word (did she trademark that word yet ? :crazy)... I'd be happy to never hear from her again.

I am so worried for those kids. I don't for one second believe those kids are out of harms way. I cannot imagine she has wised up at all nor put anything in place for the safety and well being of those kids. If she could prove herself to make 1 intelligent decision when it comes to her children, I'd be willing to give her a break.
"They" say the "faults we see in everyone else, are those we posess ourselves"? (Goll, if this is true, then I am the worst person in the world?) So... Nadya could be referencing herself and I'd better take some mothering classes.:confused:

Oh no, NO way, ell no, this can't be right. If it was then that would mean 3/4s of us are just like KC and Cindy, and I know that's not true.
Oh no, NO way, ell no, this can't be right. If it was then that would mean 3/4s of us are just like KC and Cindy, and I know that's not true.

I hope you're right- a lady I know says that "the faults we see in others are things we'd like to change in ourselves". I try not to call her a whackadoodle because then I have to question my own sanity. LOL! :) I prefer to think "you got to watch out for people who think they're normal cuz they're usually the crazy ones"... :crazy:
PattyCake, when I think of a new hobby, I'll let you know. I have no idea why I'm interested in "Octo". Never been drawn in by the "supersized families", I think she's drawn me in with her behavior? :hypno: Instead of hypnotized, have I been octotized?

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