Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Interesting question, believe. I would think that Nadya and her attorney(s) would fight that step tooth and nail (determining bio dad's identity), if only just to delay a GAL situation. And of course, there may be more than one bio dad.
I remember I cured my 3 yr old son (at the time) of biting in one fell swoop.

I bit him back! :D

My little brother was a biter and it was a real problem. He went through quite a "phase" of it, biting me and my mom. This was in the 60's and our parents were kind and patient parents; not abusive by any stretch of the imagination. One day, my mom was washing dishes and he came up behind her and bit her really hard behind her knee. It hurt her so bad that without thinking about it really, she whirled around and bit him back on the arm...not hard enough really to hurt, but it shocked him so bad that he never bit anyone again.
I think the method works with some kids. Unfortunately, not all of them!
I remember I cured my 3 yr old son (at the time) of biting in one fell swoop.

I bit him back! :D

My sister did that to her son and it ended it right then and there. A light bulb must have came on in my nephews head like 'wow, that hurts'. He bit a little baby and that was the final straw for her.

I may have never chose that method but I didn't have a biting problem like some parents do. The frustrating thing is that Nadya does not seem to discipline any of those children in any manner whatsoever. She seems clueless as to the right thing to do so does nothing instead!!! Being strict, laying ground rules and having a very firm hand is the utmost necessity in a home with 14 kids. It's not the time to 'play nice' and be their friend. Can you imagine 5 years from now?

At least she'll be able to charge admission for people who want to see a zoo full of animalistic children that are out of control. :crazy:
I do think this is a good step in the right direction. It can be a way to curtail some of NS's actions as far as trying to profit from her children. Somehow she does need to be held accountable for how she is exploiting them. If she is not able to have total control of all money and if whoever is paying her money is under the microscope then perhaps some of the offers will stop. Babies should not be used in this way! She wanted to be a mother to many, I have no problem with her fading into the background and letting her be a mother and raise them if that does not put them in danger, sadly I don't think that is the case here.

See, I think her sole motivation to have 8 at once was the money and the exploitation.
I haven't been following this thread so forgive me if this has been discussed. I can't believe how thin Nadya got and in a pretty short period of time. She also looks really rested and well - not like a mother who has 14 children. What's up with that? She should at least be stressed out over the media and all that is being said about her and all that has gone down. I would have bags under my eyes down to my feet if I were her. I guess she is in her own little world.
OMG 14 Children . I just can't imagine having that many children . I have four . I couldn't handle anymore . And eight at one time....OMG .
I haven't been following this thread so forgive me if this has been discussed. I can't believe how thin Nadya got and in a pretty short period of time. She also looks really rested and well - not like a mother who has 14 children. What's up with that? She should at least be stressed out over the media and all that is being said about her and all that has gone down. I would have bags under my eyes down to my feet if I were her. I guess she is in her own little world.

It is amazing what Restylane injections under your eyes can do. Not saying she has it, but it can mask dark circles, it did for me. I never looked tired even when I was sleepless and exhausted. She seems like she is quite familiar with "fillers".
I haven't been following this thread so forgive me if this has been discussed. I can't believe how thin Nadya got and in a pretty short period of time. She also looks really rested and well - not like a mother who has 14 children. What's up with that? She should at least be stressed out over the media and all that is being said about her and all that has gone down. I would have bags under my eyes down to my feet if I were her. I guess she is in her own little world.

I don't think the girl has had a meal since she left the hospital, she claims she feels so much better and has more energy at a size 0! FWIW I don't buy it. I think it's one more thing that will lead to her down fall.

I do think this is a good step in the right direction. It can be a way to curtail some of NS's actions as far as trying to profit from her children. Somehow she does need to be held accountable for how she is exploiting them. If she is not able to have total control of all money and if whoever is paying her money is under the microscope then perhaps some of the offers will stop. Babies should not be used in this way! She wanted to be a mother to many, I have no problem with her fading into the background and letting her be a mother and raise them if that does not put them in danger, sadly I don't think that is the case here.


I must have misunderstood, I thought the main idea here was to ensure the kids have a bank acct when they turn 18 since they are the reason she is pulling the money in, not so much to try to curtail her actions since that already failed. Gloria seems to think Nadya is spending it faster than she's making it.

Paul Peterson is a huge activist for working children's rights. He basically doesn't believe kids belong in the work place, even at home and he's really pressing hard for laws regarding kids in reality shows.

I haven't gone to Radar in weeks but KTLA had the Gloria A story, then said NS had a reply, but the reply was just the link. :hand:

She says she is staying in her "baby bubble" and not listening to any of it, it's all just Money, money, money.... :Benny_monkeysmilies

So I played a couple of the tapes; in N gives babies a bath, does she say she is not allowing her mom to see the kids cuz she isn't good for them? :crazy: She appreciates all she did in the past? Guess she doesn't need granny's free help anymore... :blowkiss: (I have a hard time hearing them)

Then I found granny talks to octo about black eye... Is it me or was that staged? Has granny gone over the edge? She sure was PO'd about Aiden. :eek:uch:

In the bath tape and octo sings to all 8, one (possibly 2) of those babies are so fair, the one doesn't even look like he is hers, compared to the other 13. :bath:

Noah, is fair and looks like he mind be blond, forget the same dad I wonder if he has the same mom? Did her doc just use up whatever he had laying around? :waitasec:

She has all eight on the floor so she can sing some version of Rock a-by Baby. She keeps looking at the camera, not her babies.... :tsktsk:

So now octo is going to devote herself to autism. :eek: She fears she caused it by self medicating for ADD, (also self diagnosed) Aiden was 1 or 2 when twins were born, surely the pregnancy was before he was DX'd did she self medicate during twin pregnancy also? :confused:
Missmybaby, can we nominate you for a special award for utilizing the smilie list? I love your wisdom and your smilie placement!

Okay missmybaby... I've just visited the website you spoke of and learned a new word from Octomom.

"Catastophizing" is my new word now... I am guilty of catastrophizing the sitation that Nadya has created. (I think I did that right...)

I only watched a part of two clips, the one where the newspaper is catastrophizing the black eye/bite mark story and in that one Nadya says, "Is this important? I am working right now." Ummm... are these videos her "job"?

:banghead: Why did I go watch the videos? Everytime she laughs I just want to scream!
Okay missmybaby... I've just visited the website you spoke of and learned a new word from Octomom.

"Catastophizing" is my new word now... I am guilty of catastrophizing the sitation that Nadya has created. (I think I did that right...)

I only watched a part of two clips, the one where the newspaper is catastrophizing the black eye/bite mark story and in that one Nadya says, "Is this important? I am working right now." Ummm... are these videos her "job"?

:banghead: Why did I go watch the videos? Everytime she laughs I just want to scream!

:hug: You should never ever watch a video where she is actually IN IT! I've learned that. Her voice will lead you to do things you'd never imagine. :blowkiss:
Here's the story of a :crazy: lady. :princess:

She was lonely, with no kids of her own :(

Then one day she met a :crazy: doctor

He said come with me and we'll make baby hi$tory! :bling:

Now this lady, :princess: she's still :crazy:

but no more dancing :genie: for dollar$ for her. :twocents:

That :crazy: doctor he was no :liar:

Together they made a sixpack of babies for her to keep! :baby:

This :crazy: lady, :princess: she was so happy :D

she said the only thing to make me :D happier still is one more :baby: !

But that's a story for another day cause I'm all out of :)
:hug: You should never ever watch a video where she is actually IN IT! I've learned that. Her voice will lead you to do things you'd never imagine. :blowkiss:

Did you listen to her warble, I mean sing that lullaby? :yuck:
:read: Waiting patiently for the rest of the story, missmybaby. I can't wait to see which smilie plays the part of the attorney. :doughboy:(Will it be this guy?)
Missmybaby, can we nominate you for a special award for utilizing the smilie list? I love your wisdom and your smilie placement!


Thank you, I was working on the next when you posted!! LOL Sorry, playing those vids of her makes me :nuts: . I get it out with the :D

Okay missmybaby... I've just visited the website you spoke of and learned a new word from Octomom.

"Catastophizing" is my new word now... I am guilty of catastrophizing the sitation that Nadya has created. (I think I did that right...)

I only watched a part of two clips, the one where the newspaper is catastrophizing the black eye/bite mark story and in that one Nadya says, "Is this important? I am working right now." Ummm... are these videos her "job"?

:banghead: Why did I go watch the videos? Everytime she laughs I just want to scream!

"Catastophizing" is a great word for this octo-mess, I can only listen to part of the vid too and yes I think that was what she was referring to as work! Why doesn't she put a red light outside her door like they do in the studios? It could serve a duel purpose for her!

So was she Catastophizing" when she took her crying newborn to the Emergency room with a hernia he didn't have? All those weeks in the hospital and she didn't think they would have found a hernia? Does she spend so little time with her babies that she doesn't know babies cry sometimes?

Is a hernia really an emergency when the ER is full of people with the flu?
Thank you, I was working on the next when you posted!! LOL Sorry, playing those vids of her makes me :nuts: . I get it out with the :D

"Catastophizing" is a great word for this octo-mess, I can only listen to part of the vid too and yes I think that was what she was referring to as work! Why doesn't she put a red light outside her door like they do in the studios? It could serve a duel purpose for her!

So was she Catastophizing" when she took her crying newborn to the Emergency room with a hernia he didn't have? All those weeks in the hospital and she didn't think they would have found a hernia? Does she spend so little time with her babies that she doesn't know babies cry sometimes?

Is a hernia really an emergency when the ER is full of people with the flu?

Hernia's can be life threatening. My daughter was 1 year old before they found her hernia, even though at every doctor visit (including in the hospital when she was born) we reported she sometimes had bulging. Within days we were scheduled for surgery. They told us what to do when the bulging occurs and what to watch for to determine if it is life threatening (the bowels were protruding from a hole in the muscles). They actually said they were glad there were no problems the first year because they would have done surgery as soon as they discovered it if she were younger. That surgery would have been more dangerous at that point due to anestesia on an infant.
Hernia's can be life threatening. My daughter was 1 year old before they found her hernia, even though at every doctor visit (including in the hospital when she was born) we reported she sometimes had bulging. Within days we were scheduled for surgery. They told us what to do when the bulging occurs and what to watch for to determine if it is life threatening (the bowels were protruding from a hole in the muscles). They actually said they were glad there were no problems the first year because they would have done surgery as soon as they discovered it if she were younger. That surgery would have been more dangerous at that point due to anestesia on an infant.

Thank you, I do realize a hernia can be very dangerous, my kids Pedi checked them every well baby til they were 2 (and my son longer yet). As I hope NS's baby doc does. We're talking a preemie who just spent the first 3+ mos of his life in the NICU and hadn't been home a month. He has a crying spell and she runs him to the ER in the middle of a flu out break, instead of calling his doctor! Her actions just don't make sense to me.

You handled the hernia the way I would, keep telling the doctor every visit. If it swelled and changed color, the baby appeared ill with vomiting, gas or diarrhea with fever and pain I would see a doctor immediately. Hopefully it wouldn't be at a time the ER was my only option.

The pros and cons should be considered before any trip to the ER, especially with anyone who is medically fragile. The ER is full of sick people, a preemie, still susceptible to RSV needs to be protected from sick people at all cost, a simple cold can be life threatening.

Many a Saturday morning my kids doc met me at his office to give my asthmatic dd a breathing treatment, so I didn't have to take her to the ER. If she were a young child now we would have a nebulizer for the house, we didn't have the option back then.

I'm glad your little girl did well, it's always scary when our children need surgery. :blowkiss:

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