Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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Wanted to add: I feel sorry for those little ones... my heart breaks for them. :(
I completely believe this woman is an unfit parent but these injuries are possible with all these kids. My 2 YO nephew got a blackeye the other week at the park. He ran head on into his 4 YO brother - unfortunately for him he is like me - if I walk too close to something I bruise. He does also have a bite mark on his arm - his twin gave it to him when he decided he wanted her juice box.

I saw her grab his arm and bite - now she did get a little smack on the butt and had to sit on the couch...... not sure if this will deter her in the future or not.

Oh, I have no doubt it was one of the other children. That's my fear. She is completely unable to handle this situation and I'm concerned that they'll do this to one of the babies or much much worse. What if her 3 yr old wants to 'bath' one of the babies like a doll? Or ??? too many scenarios in my mind.
Police and child welfare officials have visited the home of octuplets mother Nadya Suleman to question her about bite marks and a black eye on her 4-year-old autistic son.

Suleman's attorney, Jeff Czech, said Orange County's Child and Family Services and two La Habra police detectives visited Suleman's home Wednesday afternoon. The visit was first reported by RadarOnline.com.


It's starting! People are watching and taking this seriously! Will Nadya or is she too busy being a celebrity?

Auditions In Los Angeles For "Octomom: The Musical"
Women have been lining up in Los Angeles to audition for the lead role in "Octomom: The Musical."


This is too sick and crazy to be anything but the truth. Sadly, as they said women are lining up to be in it. Must wonder if this will continue to feed her or if it will be a parody and make a joke out of her...

Oh, I have no doubt it was one of the other children. That's my fear. She is completely unable to handle this situation and I'm concerned that they'll do this to one of the babies or much much worse. What if her 3 yr old wants to 'bathe' one of the babies like a doll? Or ??? too many scenarios in my mind.

Exactly PattyCake. No one can watch 14 kids at once, this is a tragedy waiting to happen.

This little boy has fairly severe autism, he deserves to be protected from his siblings or himself if the need arises. Wonder if she will start taking this whole mess seriously now?
"The attorney said the boy likely got the black eye from a fall and suggested one of Suleman's 2-year-old twins may have caused the bite marks.

"Poor Aidan, he falls a lot," Czech said told The Associated Press. "He jumps at noises and things and bumps furniture and walls."

Czech is Suleman's attorney... this is from the AP report I just read.

Poor Aidan is right. Children get bumps and bruises and sadly, little ones can bite and often do. Without proper supervision, it's scary what these children could do to one another. The scenerio that PattyCake mentions about bathing one of the babies is pretty on target. Scary!

Nadya didn't know that "all this" could negatively affect an autistic child? This makes me so angry. God help those children.

If Radar online was the first to report it, does this mean they're not in Nadya's corner any longer? I quickly scanned through the Enquirer's last couple of issues and didn't find any stories relating to Nadya. I'm wondering if the "relationship" between Nadya and Radar and the Enquirer went downhill?

The way Czech describes Aidan sounds cold. "Poor Aidan, he falls down a lot. He jumps at noises and bumps into walls and stuff." It sounds like he's talking about an animal, not a small child with "illness". JMO. Poor Aidan should be in more capable hands. JMO.

Poor Aidan is right. Children get bumps and bruises and sadly, little ones can bite and often do. Without proper supervision, it's scary what these children could do to one another. The scenerio that PattyCake mentions about bathing one of the babies is pretty on target. Scary!

Nadya didn't know that "all this" could negatively affect an autistic child? This makes me so angry. God help those children.

If Radar online was the first to report it, does this mean they're not in Nadya's corner any longer? I quickly scanned through the Enquirer's last couple of issues and didn't find any stories relating to Nadya. I'm wondering if the "relationship" between Nadya and Radar and the Enquirer went downhill?

The way Czech describes Aidan sounds cold. "Poor Aidan, he falls down a lot. He jumps at noises and bumps into walls and stuff." It sounds like he's talking about an animal, not a small child with "illness". JMO. Poor Aidan should be in more capable hands. JMO.


I'm sorry but this atty sounds like an idiot! :mad:

:eek:"Nadya says she grounds them, takes their favorite toys away - the typical things that a mother will do," Czech said. "Aiden is a special case." :doh:

Police have said they've made several visits to Suleman's home in the last year to respond to complaints about lost, trapped or poorly cared for children. :bang:

Aiden isn't at fault here Mr Czech! :banghead:

Toddlers bite when they can't verbalize what they want or they are frustrated. Taking their toys away will only frustrate them more. They need to be taught to use their mouths for words. With Nadya's education she should know this! :rolleyes:

Has she done anything besides getting a SSD check, to learn about the special needs of her child? Hugs and kisses are great but in Aiden's case they will never be enough and with 10 younger sibs he will never get all the care he needs. :( I am so frustrated with her! :loser:
I'm sorry but this atty sounds like an idiot! :mad:

:eek:"Nadya says she grounds them, takes their favorite toys away - the typical things that a mother will do," Czech said. "Aiden is a special case." :doh:

Police have said they've made several visits to Suleman's home in the last year to respond to complaints about lost, trapped or poorly cared for children. :bang:

Aiden isn't at fault here Mr Czech! :banghead:

Toddlers bite when they can't verbalize what they want or they are frustrated. Taking their toys away will only frustrate them more. They need to be taught to use their mouths for words. With Nadya's education she should know this! :rolleyes:

Has she done anything besides getting a SSD check, to learn about the special needs of her child? Hugs and kisses are great but in Aiden's case they will never be enough and with 10 younger sibs he will never get all the care he needs. :( I am so frustrated with her! :loser:

Bold & coloured by me... UNBELIEVABLE. And most of those complaints where when she had ONLY 6 kids. Now the additional 8? How can CPS and everyone involved ever think she will pull this off? It can't happen AND be successful.

There is no way this woman is a competent responsible parent. Geez those poor babes.:(

She needs to have those children removed. What it will take unfortunately is the death of one of the kids. A sacrifice is what the government needs in order to remove the children because nothing else makes them take action (seemingly). :furious:


SOOOOOOOO to add to my ranting. I just finished watching JVM which I really shouldn't have because the sight of Octomom (maybe it's hearing her nasal voice) just sends me loopy! Her kid (the one that bit the other) was completely out of control, taking endless swipes at the camera man of Radar.com and Nadya was 'oblivious' to the child. He also hit the autistic child too and what does Nadya do to show her child that hitting is NOT acceptable??? NOTHING.

SHE DOES NOTHING - I've never for a split second see any mothering ability in her whatsoever. She has NO SKILLS to raise any kids. I don't care how many kisses you can give a kid, that does not raise a healthy responsible adult. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

DO SOMETHING NADYA - like parent your kids?!! Discipline them, set boundaries, show them what's NOT acceptable behaviour. OTHERWISE YOU have a nightmare on your hands when all these kids can walk and talk. Someone is going to get shoved down those stairs one day and it will not be a happy ending.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Now I have to leave or y'all going to go deaf with my screaming.
The child's teacher notified officials after Suleman failed to respond to a note inquiring about the injuries. Suleman says forgot to respond to the note.
As for the visit, Suleman says the welfare officials complimented the organization of her home and told her she was doing a "good job" managing all of her children.

And we're all stoopid enough to believe her!! Because it is very organized to forget to respond to your child's school!


Also found this:

Reports that OctoMom Nadya Suleman had inked a deal for a TV show were a bit premature.
Apparently, the UK company mentioned in the report says they are in "active negotiations" with OctoMom, but that no deal has been agreed to.
But even if they do strike a deal, it looks like they're going to have trouble finding someone to air the show in the US.
The Hollywood Reporter says several cable networks have already passed on the idea of a show featuring the mother of 14. Most saying they think viewers will be put off by Suleman's choice to have more children than she could afford and her erratic behavior.
"Please say, 'a Bravo spokesperson said we are not interested in this,'' a Bravo spokesperson told THR. "It's not us," another cable network spokesperson said. "At least, I really hope it's not."

At the same link there's a great letter from PETA advising her not to expand her brood!
I read somewhere and I honestly cant remember where but cable networks are not wanting to pick up her show because they didnt think they could get advertisers for it! I mean if pampers wont even help in giving diapers to this so called mom (like they do for alot of other multiple births) then you know other major companies want no part of her either...
of course it might be a good place to advertise mental health drugs.
Bold & coloured by me... UNBELIEVABLE. And most of those complaints where when she had ONLY 6 kids. Now the additional 8? How can CPS and everyone involved ever think she will pull this off? It can't happen AND be successful.

There is no way this woman is a competent responsible parent. Geez those poor babes.:(

She needs to have those children removed. What it will take unfortunately is the death of one of the kids. A sacrifice is what the government needs in order to remove the children because nothing else makes them take action (seemingly). :furious:


SOOOOOOOO to add to my ranting. I just finished watching JVM which I really shouldn't have because the sight of Octomom (maybe it's hearing her nasal voice) just sends me loopy! Her kid (the one that bit the other) was completely out of control, taking endless swipes at the camera man of Radar.com and Nadya was 'oblivious' to the child. He also hit the autistic child too and what does Nadya do to show her child that hitting is NOT acceptable??? NOTHING.

SHE DOES NOTHING - I've never for a split second see any mothering ability in her whatsoever. She has NO SKILLS to raise any kids. I don't care how many kisses you can give a kid, that does not raise a healthy responsible adult. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

DO SOMETHING NADYA - like parent your kids?!! Discipline them, set boundaries, show them what's NOT acceptable behaviour. OTHERWISE YOU have a nightmare on your hands when all these kids can walk and talk. Someone is going to get shoved down those stairs one day and it will not be a happy ending.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Now I have to leave or y'all going to go deaf with my screaming.

Re bold: I was watching the nonrsponse of Nadya to the child's wild unending swinging at everything and couldn't understand this either. Then it was clear to me - she can't have any "negative energy" in her house. If she just surrounds those kids with nothing but "positive thoughts", they will automatically know how to behave. Please don't allow this woman to have a reality show to show how to parent using her psychobabble positive energy theories of child rearing. Help!!!!!!
I read somewhere and I honestly cant remember where but cable networks are not wanting to pick up her show because they didnt think they could get advertisers for it! I mean if pampers wont even help in giving diapers to this so called mom (like they do for alot of other multiple births) then you know other major companies want no part of her either...
of course it might be a good place to advertise mental health drugs.

Why are you giving them ideas? ;)

:floorlaugh: OMGosh ty for the chuckle

JUSTSAYING: I believe you are right about the 'positive' energy.

I also think Nadya thinks being 'firm' with the kids, especially in front of the camera will also make her look bad. She is doing an injustice to those kids. I would be running the tightest ship imaginable with 14 kids. Have charts, they'd be helping with housework (older ones) and I'm there to be a compassionate loving STRONG mom but not their friend. If one kid is hitting the other, that kid is taken immediately onto timeout chair, etc. Her lack of response showed me that there is no discipline whatsoever. HER NEEDS and HER INTERVIEW was far more important than being a mother.
This has probably already been said but last night I couldn't escape seeing her on NG in a clip where she was talking to a reporter about the black eye (that was some shiner, btw but I have seen worse) and the bite mark.

Now I have to admit I can't abide listening to her whiney manipulative voice, but I did hear her children. The one child was desperately looking for attention. The way he said "mommy mommy" over and over. I could just hear it in his voice, that baby wants and needs attention.

O/T my Husband wants to know how she acts when the cameras are off and everyone goes home. He's a cynic. He doesn't buy the "gentle...gentle...gentle" act. (That's what he calls it)
I read somewhere and I honestly cant remember where but cable networks are not wanting to pick up her show because they didnt think they could get advertisers for it! I mean if pampers wont even help in giving diapers to this so called mom (like they do for alot of other multiple births) then you know other major companies want no part of her either...
of course it might be a good place to advertise mental health drugs.

Mental health drugs or Birth control. Just a joke...:D
Oh and one more thing...sorry...

I don't know why but it really grated on my nerves when she was talking about her sons and called them...this one and that one and pointed at them.

Now I have called my children...that boy as a term of endearment. It's just the way she said it that rubbed me the wrong way.
If it's this bad now, what's it going to be like when the youngest 8 are two years old and in the biting stage? Imo it's criminal what she has done and why haven't we heard more about the Dr that helped her do it?

This has probably already been said but last night I couldn't escape seeing her on NG in a clip where she was talking to a reporter about the black eye (that was some shiner, btw but I have seen worse) and the bite mark.

Now I have to admit I can't abide listening to her whiney manipulative voice, but I did hear her children. The one child was desperately looking for attention. The way he said "mommy mommy" over and over. I could just hear it in his voice, that baby wants and needs attention.

O/T my Husband wants to know how she acts when the cameras are off and everyone goes home. He's a cynic. He doesn't buy the "gentle...gentle...gentle" act. (That's what he calls it)

Repeating the word "gentle" over and over to a child who is acting out or being rough is something I've seen my daughter do. Only, she does it with her boxer dogs to calm them down.
Oh and one more thing...sorry...

I don't know why but it really grated on my nerves when she was talking about her sons and called them...this one and that one and pointed at them.

Now I have called my children...that boy as a term of endearment. It's just the way she said it that rubbed me the wrong way.

It's like she's collecting them - hoarding them like the stereotypical crazy cat lady, but with children instead.
It's like she's collecting them - hoarding them like the stereotypical crazy cat lady, but with children instead.

Exactly! She has given birth to her own personal "court" of admirers, sources of unconditional narcissistic supply.
Oh and one more thing...sorry...

I don't know why but it really grated on my nerves when she was talking about her sons and called them...this one and that one and pointed at them.

Now I have called my children...that boy as a term of endearment. It's just the way she said it that rubbed me the wrong way.

I watched that last night and kept wondering if maybe she didn't remember his name! But what it really felt like was her way of ignoring him; 'he doesn't behave like I want him to so I won't acknowledge him'. Of course he's 2, he doesn't have a clue and she's not helping. AARRGGGG!! :(

With all the psych she has studied she doesn't understand her own 2 yr old saying 'get that camera out of my face'. :banghead:

How often do we hear her refer to her children by their name? The oldest boy, often. The rest, well when I heard Aiden had a bite my first thought was 'Aiden is one of Jon and Kate's, not NS'. I had never heard her say his name before. Still haven't, her kids are all just lumped together by her, as part of her collection.

Repeating the word "gentle" over and over to a child who is acting out or being rough is something I've seen my daughter do. Only, she does it with her boxer dogs to calm them down.

:spit: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
And this is why we look forward to your posts!!! We need you here!

Mental health drugs or Birth control. Just a joke...:D

OMG! Can you imagine the mileage BC companies could get out of this?

Had an IUD lately? See your MD or this could be you!!!! :eek:

She is the poster child for planned parenthood; be careful what you wish for!
I doubt very much Octomom remembers the names of all 14 youngsters. I suppose a tatoo on each of them with their name would help her. Until then, she'll just have to point and say "that one."
But let's face it, how can she teach them appropriate behavior, when she doesn't know how to act herself.
Do the rest of you have that much trouble with kids biting? I only had two children, close together in age, but biting was NEVER a problem.
Anyone got any insight as to why kids bite and explain it to me? And, how do you stop them from biting without a muzzle?
There is just NO WAY you can look after that many kids and discipline and teach them effectively.

Not supporting that crazy mom, but I wouldn't want my every parenting move on camera.

I'm afraid I might pop "that one" on the bottom and put an end to the biting (if that worked, doesn't work on all kids).

It's just such a hot mess. I wish the babies would be put up for adoption and she could concentrate on the toddlers she's already got which are already too much for a single mom.

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