Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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DNA Solves
I heard on the news today that Octomom is starting her own film company to shoot her own reality show. Her company is called Octokids or something.
I heard on the news today that Octomom is starting her own film company to shoot her own reality show. Her company is called Octokids or something.

We need to keep on top of the source of funding that she receives...but then again I suppose GA will do that....I mean really. Who wants to watch her badly parent her children for the camera?
We need to keep on top of the source of funding that she receives...but then again I suppose GA will do that....I mean really. Who wants to watch her badly parent her children for the camera?

So if no one will give her 'her dream' to have her own show, she's making her own? This is how desperate the woman is for fame? I cannot imagine if no one wants to sign her, there will be no Television stations willing to buy and air it either.

I'm sure she'll take to the internet and charge a fee to log on. :sick:
PattyCake, about that photo. If you look carefully and read Octomom's lips she is whispering "Gentle" to that little curly headed kid.
I'm with you, I too get a pang of fear when I see that more messages have been posted on this thread.
her hair is all flopped down in the other baby's face, too. :/
I haven't ranted in awhile over Octothing, but I just can't believe how she holds these babies, for the most part by their necks. She's not supporting their little backs at all, just supporting their neck & letting their spines dangle.

I hope she does come up with her own tv program & it goes bust. She isn't going to have any better luck finding sponsors on her own. All she's doing, if you ask me, and no one did ha, is trying to find anyway into the limelight so she can further distance herself from her brood.

I think she fully intends to let nannies do the raising of these children. It is just so wrong of this woman to have so many children, and who pays for it? The children. These children couldn't possibly bond with this woman. She doesn't have the time to bond with them nor does she choose to spend what time she has bonding with them.

I have a feeling Octo and her mother act a lot like KC and Cindy probably used to do, constantly going at it. The only difference is Octo & octogram do it for money.
I haven't ranted in awhile over Octothing, but I just can't believe how she holds these babies, for the most part by their necks. She's not supporting their little backs at all, just supporting their neck & letting their spines dangle.

I hope she does come up with her own tv program & it goes bust. She isn't going to have any better luck finding sponsors on her own. All she's doing, if you ask me, and no one did ha, is trying to find anyway into the limelight so she can further distance herself from her brood.

I think she fully intends to let nannies do the raising of these children. I
t is just so wrong of this woman to have so many children, and who pays for it? The children. These children couldn't possibly bond with this woman. She doesn't have the time to bond with them nor does she choose to spend what time she has bonding with them.

I have a feeling Octo and her mother act a lot like KC and Cindy
probably used to do, constantly going at it. The only difference is Octo & octogram do it for money.

:scream: aaarrrRRRRGGGGGGG!!!!! RRRRRRRrrroooAAAAARRRR!!!! AAAAAHHhhhh.....

After those pictures of Octo-klutz where she dang near dropped that tiny baby (while her hair completely covered the face of the other one) I had to give myself a self imposed time out :beamup: from her antics. Anything I came back and shared with you would surely gotten me a time out... :runaway:

Even relying on my smiley's couldn't save me... :nono:

Watching one of her toddlers pull the hair on that newborn baby's head, while NS said "gentle, gentle" :cry: Just pushed me over the edge. :furious:

I did see a great comment on the web site that posted those pictures, someone over there was surprised she wasn't carrying the babies by the nape of the neck like a cat! So I suppose that's something!! :bang:

So now she's starting her own company :rolleyes: Gloria better hurry up and get that money put in trust for those babies. Goodness knows they're gonna need it if only to pay years and years of therapy!!

Does anyone know, did she ever sell off her birth tape? I don't recall ever hearing that it sold. Maybe that should give her a clue. We don't want it!! We only watch now out of fear for those children!!! :no:
I've a feeling the birth tape was censored.Dollar signs probably popped up in Nadya's eyes when the surprise 8th baby was announced.Instead of a normal response such as "I hope the baby is ok",or "wow,one more baby to love!",her eye$ went ka-ching,ka-ching!!! ..with the ringing of cash register sounds when the 8th one was pulled out.

I wish I was an artist.That would make a great cartoon. :D $ $ marks where her pupils are supposed to be.
I've a feeling the birth tape was censored.Dollar signs probably popped up in Nadya's eyes when the surprise 8th baby was announced.Instead of a normal response such as "I hope the baby is ok",or "wow,one more baby to love!",her eye$ went ka-ching,ka-ching!!! ..with the ringing of cash register sounds when the 8th one was pulled out.

I wish I was an artist.That would make a great cartoon. :D $ $ marks where her pupils are supposed to be.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
respectfully snipped


(pardon,it's automatically deleting the bad word out and thus not going to the pic.you'll have to click on pic #4 (after the first 3 at the top,scroll down) in the link in the prior post).
It's even more disturbing close up..she has one hand 1/2 way under the baby,with his face in the sun.He is clearly uncomfortable,and she is flopping him around like he's a rag doll.

btw,I don't see any way in heck this baby is biologically hers!! I think she and the doc threw in a few donor eggs,and baby Noah here is the result of one of them.He is far, far too light skinned and light haired to be related to her,IMO.
I hope the IVF Dr is examined to the max,and that DNA tests are run on ALL 14 of the kids!! AND that the results are made public.I mean no embarrassment to the kids,but enough is enough.The taxpayers have been scammed enough!And the kids deserve to know the truth someday about their heritage,IMO.

Great minds and all that:


In the bath tape and octo sings to all 8, one (possibly 2) of those babies are so fair, the one doesn't even look like he is hers, compared to the other 13. :bath:

Noah, is fair and looks like he might be blond, forget the same dad I wonder if he has the same mom? Did her doc just use up whatever he had laying around? :waitasec:

every picture I see of him I wonder the same thing. In one of the tapes she claims she had all information about the father in her medical chart "thrown away". I would be very surprised to hear the doctor did as she asked. Her chart is a legal document, doctors are not supposed to throw things away!! Even if a Pt. dies, the doctor has to keep the information for X number of years. (In CA it's either 7 or 10, I can't remember which.)
respectfully snipped

Great minds and all that:

every picture I see of him I wonder the same thing. In one of the tapes she claims she had all information about the father in her medical chart "thrown away". I would be very surprised to hear the doctor did as she asked. Her chart is a legal document, doctors are not supposed to throw things away!! Even if a Pt. dies, the doctor has to keep the information for X number of years. (In CA it's either 7 or 10, I can't remember which.)
yes,I've a feeling it's even more of a scam/sham than was previously thought.Nadya somehow got together,with help...some donor eggs(and possibly some of her own),enough to implant at least 6...if not more,for the higher-order multiple birth she was seeking.I hope the Dr and clinic are investigated TO THE MAX,and fined,shut down..whatever it takes...to expose this nonsense ! I also hope that includes DNA tests for all the octuplets..Nadya is a liar to the max,and the whole scam should be exposed ! I mean no harm to the babies,but she has lied and used the public enough,and I hope the whole house of cards is brought down on her!
She is not even smart enough to realize that as the babies get older,it just becomes more obvious that some (or possibly all) of them are not biologically hers.the girls look like they might be hers,but that's all the resemblance I can see in any of them.
I wonder what she is gong to do when they get older and curious and possibly get ahold of home DNA tests??? ALL it would take would be a cup she has used, or a hair from her brush to get enough dna extracted for one.I can only imagine their reaction as an adult to realizing they were only born to be used by her.
My mother was a brunette with brown eyes who had six children, three with blond hair, three with brown hair and three with blue eyes and three with brown eyes. I'm sure if she were a single mother and no one knew our father had blond hair as a child and blue eyes, some might think the fairer children were not hers.

Also, my father's parents were both brunettes with brown eyes but they each had blond mothers with blue eyes and that was passed down to him.

You can't always tell by looking whether someone is related or not.
SewingDeb, I agree -- genes are a crapshoot. In my family, I was the only red-headed kid. Not ginger red, but auburn red. People used to ask my mom where I got my red hair, and she'd say, "I think the postman had red hair..." Jokingly, of course. I have a mole on my face in the exact same place as a similar mole on my dad's face, only mine is on my left side and his is on his right. My middle kid has the same mole (on the right side), and she has some red in her hair. So I guess those red-haired genes are buried in my family line somewhere.

It's funny, though. Nadya's little fair-haired one is so different looking than the others with dark hair.
My mother was a brunette with brown eyes who had six children, three with blond hair, three with brown hair and three with blue eyes and three with brown eyes. I'm sure if she were a single mother and no one knew our father had blond hair as a child and blue eyes, some might think the fairer children were not hers.

Also, my father's parents were both brunettes with brown eyes but they each had blond mothers with blue eyes and that was passed down to him.

You can't always tell by looking whether someone is related or not.

This is very true, but when you look at 1 thru 6 and put them up against the octs, baby Noah and one of the other octs, not only have blond hair and a fair complexion. They look nothing like their sibs, the rest IMO look like siblings.

It would not surprise me in the least to find out her doctor implanted her with some of her eggs and some eggs harvested from someone else. Possibly without her knowledge. Maybe even an accident on his part. It would not be the first time this happened.

Her doctor behaved in a way that goes completely against current approved practices when he implanted 6 fertilized eggs in her uterus. If he is willing to cross one line, it isn't as difficult to think he may cross another.
SewingDeb, I agree -- genes are a crapshoot. In my family, I was the only red-headed kid. Not ginger red, but auburn red. People used to ask my mom where I got my red hair, and she'd say, "I think the postman had red hair..." Jokingly, of course. I have a mole on my face in the exact same place as a similar mole on my dad's face, only mine is on my left side and his is on his right. My middle kid has the same mole (on the right side), and she has some red in her hair. So I guess those red-haired genes are buried in my family line somewhere.

It's funny, though. Nadya's little fair-haired one is so different looking than the others with dark hair.
that's the feeling I get when I see his pic as well...like something isn't quite right.
This is very true, but when you look at 1 thru 6 and put them up against the octs, baby Noah and one of the other octs, not only have blond hair and a fair complexion. They look nothing like their sibs, the rest IMO look like siblings.

It would not surprise me in the least to find out her doctor implanted her with some of her eggs and some eggs harvested from someone else. Possibly without her knowledge. Maybe even an accident on his part. It would not be the first time this happened.

Her doctor behaved in a way that goes completely against current approved practices when he implanted 6 fertilized eggs in her uterus. If he is willing to cross one line, it isn't as difficult to think he may cross another.
It wouldn't surprise me, either.I get the feeling she and the Dr colluded in this whole scam;Nadya for the fame and handouts she knew she would receive,and the Dr who wanted to be known as the one who helped conceive the high-order multiple birth,therefore bringing more attention and clients to his clinic.I don't think either of them suspected they would attract such negative attention.

But I do understand about genetics;one of my kids is olive-complected with light brown hair, brown eyes and tans easily,while the other is fair-skinned,with dark-hair,blue eyes and always burns in the sun.Not to mention one is right-handed, while the other is left.And both have the same bio father (and mother-me).I just get the feeling that is not the case w some of the octuplets though.I know it's subjective and just a feeling,but it just wouldn't surprise me at all if she and or the Dr threw some donor eggs into the mix,in order to help ensure a higher-order multiple birth would occur.
I think Dr. Phil made a bad P.R. move in getting involved with Octomom. Many of my friends/family as well as myself say that just didn't sit right. Anyway, Dr. Phil is really too darn full of himself lately.
I think Dr. Phil made a bad P.R. move in getting involved with Octomom. Many of my friends/family as well as myself say that just didn't sit right. Anyway, Dr. Phil is really too darn full of himself lately.

:Welcome-12-june: WBS! I think a lot of people feel the same, but when he decided to get out he sure made it quick and clean!
:Welcome-12-june: WBS! I think a lot of people feel the same, but when he decided to get out he sure made it quick and clean!

Ditto on the welcome to Wannabesleuth! :blowkiss:

missmybaby, you are right, Dr. Phil sure did exit the scene quick and clean! It truly suprised me that he went to bat for Nadya to begin with, he is still getting backlash for the Brittney Spears debacle, from what I've read.

Has there been any more "news" on the fertility doctor? I agree with some of the posts where the blonde baby seems to look different from the other children/babies although I'm sure it's possible for Nadya to have a fair skinned blondish baby, her mom (Angela) looks like she has a fair complexion?

I haven't been paying attention to Nadya lately, has there been any more info on her and her creation of her own reality show?
..not that I've read.
Her mom is (was,I should prob. say),dark haired from the younger pics of her.I'm guessing she went gray and probably did just enough with it to cover that up.She looks like she's aged fast..poor woman.I'm sure I would too if I had Nadya for a daughter and had to help look after all those gkids!
..not that I've read.
Her mom is (was,I should prob. say),dark haired from the younger pics of her.I'm guessing she went gray and probably did just enough with it to cover that up.She looks like she's aged fast..poor woman.I'm sure I would too if I had Nadya for a daughter and had to help look after all those gkids!

Angela looks like she had darker hair, do you think her skin is fair? Since all the other children appear with such dark hair, it's odd to see what looks like a blonde in the bunch! The only way anyone would know for sure is if DNA was ordered for some reason or another. It would be interesting to know what Dr K is "up to" in that fertility clinic of his...

Seriously, can you even imagine how wearing it would be to have 6 grandkids for many hours of the day for these past years? That makes me feel for Angela. :blowkiss:

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