Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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I truly believe Kate cares about her children and would walk through fire for them, even if she is making money off of them. I don't get the impression Nadya sees her brood as any different than a litter of puppies. Instead of getting breeder fees, she's getting contracts.
MomofBoys, I agree.

I don't think Nadya has the personality type required to parent so many small children. Kate is abrasive and bossy, and many times I do not like the way she speaks to (barks at) her children. But they have good manners and are disciplined. She cares about their safety and well-being.

Nadya, on the other hand, does not have the upper hand with the kids. They know she's not in control, and they take advantage of it. And because Nadya has not control, I think the kids probably feel that confusion and chaos, which is reflected in their behavior. I'm no psychologist, but I do know that any kid needs boundaries and rules. I didn't see Nadya lay down the law once, and her house full of screaming kids reflects that.
In your opinion, what similarities do you see in Kate and Nadya? (Do you see similarities in any of the other multiple moms that are on the television now, if you watch?)

I try not to pay much attention to either Kate or Nadya, but do they answer questions in interviews in the same "vague" (can't think of a better word to describe) way?

Are there any other shows with similar sized families, acquired in one or two pregnancies? If there are I haven't watched. These shows leave me feeling like a peeping tom or something. It isn't a good feeling...

I don't disagree with a single thing any of you said. Kate loves her kids and would walk thru fire for them, Nat'ama would look around kind-a in a daze. Until she saw a pap. Then she would start screaming at the top of her lungs; "I'm gonna die!! Oh my GOD!! Oh my GOD!! I'm gonna die...."

They can both say a lot, without saying a thing. (Nat'ama loves psychobabble) In the first interview she did with her mother, Angela told her to knock it off with the junk psychology.

They both have that type A, (don't get in my way) personality.

Neither of them accepts responsibility for the position they are in. Kate with her love donations and writing a letter to demand the state continue paying for nursing care of her kids, after the state had paid for an LVN to be in her house 30 hrs/week, the first year. Saying something along the lines of society/infertility treatment being to blame.

By John Grogan
We all remember hearing that Kate got a free nurse from the state of Pennsylvania for a year. Here’s where you can read more on it. She appealed the decision because “Kate Gosselin said she feels society has a responsibility to help with the children, since modern medicine promotes the use of fertility drugs, which can lead to multiple births.“ The state continued to pay for the nurse while the case was appealed.

“We did not ask for sextuplets. We wanted one last baby,” Gosselin tells me, quickly adding that she loves all six beyond words. “We took the risk and we lost.”


Then Nat'ama constantly talking about statistics. Statistically speaking I never, ever thought this would happen. Statistically speaking twins at the most. (Statistically speaking she already had 6 kids she wasn't supporting or caring for) Her father going on Oprah telling people not to make the babies suffer because their mom did something stupid. And PayPal on her web site.

Kate is completely estranged from her parents. (Her whole family really.)

Nat'ama will be estranged from hers before this is over. The only reason she isn't all ready is because her parents love and help care for her kids. She also says one thing to the camera when her mom isn't around (like her mom doesn't watch her interviews.:rolleyes:) then says something different to her moms face.

The end of the Fox interview her mom said "What Nadya has done is unconscionable and I still haven't forgiven her". At the rate Nat'ama is going she never will. My heart ached for both of her parents and the toll this has taken on them.

On line gossip claimed Kate wanted a talk show of some sort a while back, wasn't it a cooking and tips for moms kind of thing? I never saw her cook anything that she actually needed a book to make. Most of the recipes she made were taken off the side of a box, then she would make some very minor change to make it her own recipe. The story goes that her next book (shelved for the time being ) titled Love Is In The Mix was going to be the stepping stone to her own show.

Nat'ama wanted a talk show about child care and child psych. Then changed her mind, she wants to be a specialist for kids with autism. While her own beautiful little boy with autism wanders around the the back yard at her house holding a twig in his hand, completely lost in his own little world. He had a bite mark from her very aggressive and angry 2 yr old and a black eye, that I believe she said she wasn't sure where he got.:eek: She tells her mom she could be standing right there and Aiden would still walk into walls.:doh: (Probably the most truthful thing she's ever said and yet she doesn't get it.:rolleyes:. If I understand autism correctly the more treatment the kids get, from a young age and following thru at home with a lot of structure the better. Nat'ama's kids have no structure. No meal times, not even any bed times.

One other thing they have in common. Jon did not want more kids after Mady and Cara. Kate "talked him into it". Nat'ama's sperminator (according to her) said no many times and she always talked him into donating again. Except for this last time. According to the ROLvideo she made at the fondue cafe.

I also think it takes a certain type of personality to get thru a pregnancy with way more babies then we are made to carry. Something that most women are not able to complete. Whether their body breaks down from the added stress, or they just can't do it from the psychological angle and they end up going into labor sooner than is compatible with life.

IMO It must take a huge amount of inner strength to stay pregnant with 6 or 8 babies, to a point they are viable.

A couple years ago we had a women very close to where I live who had a bunch. (I don't know how many, but more than 4 or 5.) She went into heart failure and almost died. I think many women look at this as the amount of work involved once the babies come home. The reality is this takes a huge toll on a woman from very early in the pregnancy on.

speaking of octograndad...I think ppl learn what they live...even at Nadya's age.He could have planned better for the births;instead,he waited till they were born and then complained he only had $100 to his name,said that ppl should help Nadya and said he and was going back to Iraq (I never thought he was serious about that).But he had all that time to prepare...he could have went back bf the births and saved up some money in prep for the birth,as well as to help save octogram's house,in prep for the babies coming home.(Reminds me of Nadya not even buying cribs because she knew some would be donated).Seems he expected society to take care of a place for them to live,too.He did nothing,and waited for the chips to fall so he could then complain about it.Does this family ever do anything for themselves??Nadya is doing nothing short of living what she has been taught.I'm not making excuses for her,that's just the way I see it.And thus,she thinks it's ok.
In effect ,Octograndad did the same thing Nadya did..expected society to take care of it all.But why should the public help when HE wasn't willing to??? Charity begins at home.He played at part in teaching Nadya how to act,instead of being a good,responsible example to her.
Just my .02 worth.
JMO8778, I agree with you, Nadya's actions seem to be a product of her upbringing. She has a father who appears to be a "take all" kind of guy. With the "original 6", ole Ed coulda been over "wherever" and helped then to take care of the "original 6" and kept his (ex?) wife in a house and kept Nadya & family in a house. But as you said, he stayed put until the very end of the octo-pregnancy, and still (most likely) hasn't done a darn thing (except act as a funnel for some of the money, IMO) to make sure these babies have all the necessary things. Still waiting on contributions, is he? :silenced: One more thing... it's not gramps job to make sure the babies are cared for, it's Nadya's. BUT when he used the "Oh darn, I'm going to have to do this, just to provide for these babies..." then IMO? He shoulda made tracks and at least made it look like he was helping. :truce:

missmybaby, you put into words (and emoticons) things that my brain doesn't allow me to do. Kudos on your last post, comparing Kate and Nadya. :clap: I do believe that both Kate and Nadya are "takers", they will take and take and possibly never give back. In the way of church offerings or otherwise, I see no one "giving back". (I did see where Jon G. had a lemonade stand for the fire dept or something in his town, but I'm not sure if it was somehow a paid appearance~ I'm sure TLC has to be sure their hometown is "happy" too. If Jon G. did this with him and his children and rose above the greed? I'd be the first person to tell him "THANKS!!!"

The way I complain about these parents, you would think I've raised a hundred kids and did it all the right way? :p
JMO8778, I agree with you, Nadya's actions seem to be a product of her upbringing. She has a father who appears to be a "take all" kind of guy. With the "original 6", ole Ed coulda been over "wherever" and helped then to take care of the "original 6" and kept his (ex?) wife in a house and kept Nadya & family in a house. But as you said, he stayed put until the very end of the octo-pregnancy, and still (most likely) hasn't done a darn thing (except act as a funnel for some of the money, IMO) to make sure these babies have all the necessary things. Still waiting on contributions, is he? :silenced: One more thing... it's not gramps job to make sure the babies are cared for, it's Nadya's. BUT when he used the "Oh darn, I'm going to have to do this, just to provide for these babies..." then IMO? He shoulda made tracks and at least made it look like he was helping. :truce:

missmybaby, you put into words (and emoticons) things that my brain doesn't allow me to do. Kudos on your last post, comparing Kate and Nadya. :clap: I do believe that both Kate and Nadya are "takers", they will take and take and possibly never give back. In the way of church offerings or otherwise, I see no one "giving back". (I did see where Jon G. had a lemonade stand for the fire dept or something in his town, but I'm not sure if it was somehow a paid appearance~ I'm sure TLC has to be sure their hometown is "happy" too. If Jon G. did this with him and his children and rose above the greed? I'd be the first person to tell him "THANKS!!!"

The way I complain about these parents, you would think I've raised a hundred kids and did it all the right way? :p

I hadn't thought of some of the things you just replied to JMO. I have felt bad for Angela, I know she comes across as harsh, I kind of have the feeling she is just warn out. And if your suggestions about Ed are correct; and they do seem to fit don't they? She has been up against these 2 for years!! Now I feel even worse. What happened to him after the OPRAH SHOW? Does her dad give you the impression that he sits back, tells people what steps need to be taken by other peeps, but doesn't really hop into the mix himself?

Early on, were you surprised to find out Ed and Angela were divorced? I thought how nice for Octo-Mess; her parents are divorced, but amicable. This is a good thing right? Would have made her life easier. But of course in the interview she brought it up and turned it into a bad thing. They can do nothing right for this woman!

She claims O-Gma was not affectionate enough, that she was never caring enough and she criticized her and put her down constantly. Octo Twit says this as she sits on her bed, watching TV, with 8 crying infants and 3 crying toddlers. Then has the audacity to say kids need love and affection blah blah, as she leans over and puts the passy back in her baby's mouth. Never checking to see why she's crying and off handedly says about her 18 week old infant. She's the ultimate cry baby.:eek: I guess this is the same one who is a drama queen, because her sister is a good, quiet baby . How would she know? She doesn't even know their names!

We already know how Kate feels about hand outs. I think Nat'ama is one of those people the more you give the more she will take. Enough is never enough. This is why it was OK for her to have all these babies that she had no clue how she was going to raise. Has Kate met her match?

I know what you mean about the comparisons we make, but when you see someone failing at the really important stuff (IMO). Especially after we know they have been given really good, sound advice. It does kinda make our parenting skills or at least decision making skills look good.:D I have been thru a divorce that involved young children, but I don't think it takes that experience to know J&K are messing up. As far as Nutt'ya goes,
I don't know what the right answer is in her case. I don't think it takes having 6 kids to know she didn't need anymore. It's obvious most of us would not have put ourself in the position she found herself in. But I don't think she was alone in the bad decision making. Her doctor walked her to the spot she was in, he knew she wouldn't let him do selective reduction, maybe he should have thought of that when he put 8 (That number boggles my mind) fertilized eggs back into her.:no::shakehead::cursing::tsktsk::steamed:
I've been on the fence regarding Angela, one minute I think she's in on the big take (if it ever surfaces) and then I think she's been controlled/manipulated by her "loved ones :sick: " since she got with Ed. I remember seeing a tid bit of Angela scolding Nadya about the CPS thing with the little one who "walks into walls" and Angela seemed quite concerned BUT Nutty Naddy just kept dismissing her, like Angela is a child. Angela seems to be a "voice of reason" that no one listens to and then they continually dismiss her, like she's the oddball? WTH?

I was suprised to read, early on, that E and A were divorced. It began to look like A was the only one in the family who actually worked for a living and was keeping everyone (even E) with her retirement. That's just how it appeared to me and it's JMO.

It makes me mad that Nadya claims Angela was not loving enough, etc... because in the clips we've seen, Angela looks upon the older children with love in her eyes (IMO). Nadya seems to look at the children with a blank look, I just don't see love coming from her? I don't know how much interaction Angel has with the babies, Nadya seems like the type who wouldn't let Octogram near them as a punishment for voicing her opinion when she thought Nadya shouldn't have more babies? (Part of me wonders if Kate G. has done the same thing with her parents and Jon's mom- and anyone else who voiced anything "negative".)

Neither Nadya or Kate seem to appreciated criticism unless they initiate it. JMO!

To say the least I can about Octo doc, I question everything about him. I don't understand how a woman with a bad back and six kids at home, makes for a good candidate for a multiple birth, period. Her overall health (mental and physical) should have been enough to exclude her for being a candidate for any pregnancy- let alone a multiple.

I'm glad that against all odds, the babies and Nadya lived. That really is miraculous. I pray that Nadya eventually (soon) matures enough to care for her children. There are still many medical issues that could surface with the babies over time, and I pray they remain as healthy as they appear to be, I also pray that she eventually focuses on the children and worries less about a reality series. JMO! :twocents:
Originally Posted by Boyz_Mum

Neither Nadya or Kate seem to appreciated criticism unless they initiate it.JMO!
I hate to be the one to tell you but this isn't "JMO"as you stated, this is JAEO just about everyones opinion!! :innocent: ;) :cool: :p

OK, I've looked back over this thread and can't tell... Does Octomom have her own reality show or not? :waitasec:
I don't see anything on wikipedia or here about one...
OK, I've looked back over this thread and can't tell... Does Octomom have her own reality show or not? :waitasec:
I don't see anything on wikipedia or here about one...

I haven't read or heard anything about Octomom in a while. Fox did that one "special", and I thought Nadya was doing some of her own filming for a documentary type show, but I haven't heard anything about it since?

Good question!
I'm thinking production companies have found out there's to much negative publicity and also there would be very strict guidelines as far as what would be allowed to happen with the babies. Not saying Nadia would ask for strict guidelines, but child welfare etc is watching things very closely.

I'm just hoping that she hasn't gotten a brainstorm recently and is busy blowing up balloons in her back yard!!!

I haven't read or heard anything about Octomom in a while. Fox did that one "special", and I thought Nadya was doing some of her own filming for a documentary type show, but I haven't heard anything about it since?

Good question!

God help us all if her reality show dreams come true. I haven't been here for a long time because Octonut gets my blood pressure boiling for real. I really hope those babies are okay but I have my doubts they are 'thriving' in a safe environment at all. I think she'll hit the news again by the new year. My prediction. Unfortunately it'll take a serious serious injury for those children to be removed from the house. Which child will be the lamb sacrifice?:waitasec:
there was something about Eyesore,I mean Eyeworks (lol),in the UK filming her.not sure how that is going though.check nadyasuleman.com/forum for more info.I haven't read there in awhile.(and I feel much better the less I read about her!)
I'm just hoping that she hasn't gotten a brainstorm recently and is busy blowing up balloons in her back yard!!!

LOL! ain't that the truth..we all know how well (not) her science experiments operate,and that she LOVES to call 911!
I haven't read or heard anything about Octomom in a while. Fox did that one "special", and I thought Nadya was doing some of her own filming for a documentary type show, but I haven't heard anything about it since?

Good question!

I wouldn't even flip the channel to her show while it was on. Hopefully it tanked.

As far as the UK show, not sure it will work there either.
She's a has been.
I wouldn't even flip the channel to her show while it was on. Hopefully it tanked.

As far as the UK show, not sure it will work there either.
She's a has been.

I haven't been able to find any "new news" on Octo. There is a page on Eyeworks, with a minimal description of a one hour documtentary about being Octomom, but I can't find anything further to see if anything's been on the air yet. Link: http://www.eyeworks.tv/en/p485121609d6c6

I don't know if the page I linked is describing a biography of Octo that's for sale or if a company called "Bio" has purchased the documentary?

It sounds like "Octomom the Musical" has gotten good reviews. http://www.canyon-news.com/artman2/...50/Last_Chance_To_See_Octomom_The_Musical.php
There was a 2 hour special on Fox I think a few months ago.
It was done to see if there was interest in Octo here in the states.

"The two hour Octomom: The Incredible Unseen Footage special on FOX pulled modest numbers. The 1.6/5 (rating/share) with adults 18-49 trailed NBC. FOX notes that (excluding Univision) it won the night with the 18-34 year olds and women 18-34, and it did outperform last week’s reruns of Bones (1.3/5) & Lie To Me (1.0/3). Still: Octomom didn’t pull in the numbers like Jon & Kate Plus 8 in its heyday."

Couldn't find any other sites about the ratings.
There was a 2 hour special on Fox I think a few months ago.
It was done to see if there was interest in Octo here in the states.

That's the last story I've heard that Octomom has done (or that Radar has sold in regards to this family?) The eyework's page doesn't seem to be the same as the Fox show (eyeworks website diplays a show that is a one hour documentary)?

It seems as though the Fox special wasn't what American viewers wanted or needed to see? Do the folks in the UK (or anywhere?) want to see Octomom in action?
Octuplets mom's doc expelled from organization

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) -- The Beverly Hills doctor who gave fertility treatments to octuplets mom Nadya Suleman has been expelled from a professional organization.

Dr. Michael Kamrava (Kam-RAH'-vuh) was kicked out of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine last month.


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