Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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amazing that this woman didn't even think about planning for nannies and bigger houses until AFTER these babies were born! I mean she knew THERE WERE AT LEAST SEVEN OF THEM...at that point what surprise is it that there was an eighth? I just got done watching most of those radar interviews and she is so full of crap I could throw her in my garden and she could supply a small town with fertilized crops for a century!

I hope cps is all over this! I mean how can one woman with no husband and no job take care of all of these children? I am beside myself!

((aside....not that I care about her obvious plastic surgery on the lips.... but she told the radar reporter that it was weight gain from her pregnancy and that they would go down as she lost weight!!!!)))
radar had a video tour of the house. The backyard was fenced and did not have a pool...unless she got a completely different one....
house w no yard sounds like she never intended to keep the kids anyway..and may have been smoozing it up w the media and milking the situation for all she can till the kids are removed.certainly appears that way.
I'm more concerned about the pool. Who in their right mind with 14 young kids, buys a house with a pool? That's a bigger safety issue to me than the lack of a yard.
radar had a video tour of the house. The backyard was fenced and did not have a pool...unless she got a completely different one....

Thanks. I looked at all the houses on that block and none of them are suited for 14 children to play outside.

I was going to post a map link but I don't think it's really kosher to do that.
I'm more concerned about the pool. Who in their right mind with 14 young kids, buys a house with a pool? That's a bigger safety issue to me than the lack of a yard.
me too and hopefully it doesnt have one.its just that if she intentionally bought a house w no yard, she might not have planned on keeping the kids anyway?
From the map and news video coverage, it appears that the home is in the upper right corner of the cul-de-sac, looking straight at the map. The backyard is small and rectangular, and the home is what is considered in Southern California a "patio home".

here is the radar video tour of her house....you guys are right... the backyard is a grass patch... if a class of 14 tried to have recess out there they would injure each other. It does look in better shape then her poor mother's home (btw...tmz was reporting that Grandma's house could be foreclosed!!!... that is sad...)
In addition to the CPS reports regarding the childrens' well-being, does anyone else suspect that elder abuse may be at issue? Honestly, the way she rants at her poor Mother must be the tip of the iceburg with this nutcase!

She's going to get rid of the grass in the back yard and get a trampoline?

The stairs in the house would be precarious for 8 toddlers.
She was required to fix the stairs, and I saw a video where the stairs had been closed off.*

But look at the front "yard". It is tiny. There is hardly any grass. There is a wall faced by brick and there are brick/concrete steps leading up to the house. There is no way that is safe for small children. Houses at the end of a cul-de-sac usually have a huge yard.

There are hundreds of homes in Southern California that would have met her standards that have far better yards and much more appropriate floor plans.

1. staircase - no
2. upstairs bedrooms - no
3. tiny backyard - no
4. raised front yard with lots of brick and concrete - no
5. driveway easement for 2 neighbors driving through to get to their homes - no

I'm certain there is more, but I haven't watched all of the video because frankly her voice drives me crazy, not to mention her attitude.

Who was advising this woman? Does she listen to anyone who isn't law enforcement or a hospital administrator or a representative from Children's Protective Services? Obviously not.

*EDIT: The open stairs were filled in so children couldn't fall through or get a leg stuck
it is just my nurse opinion, but I see this woman completely losing her mind within the month and this going from being octo mom to psyche unit patient with CPS involved. jmo of course...

I am shocked and sickened and in dire fear for all 10 children. I honestly thought she would wait at least till all babies were home to pull this crap!
nursebeeme, I had a chilling thought.........you know how much her 911/suicide call sounds like Angelina's in The Changeling? Well look where Jolie's character ended up, the psych ward!
Is Octomonster soooo sick and twisted that she is plotting a similar path?
CPS get those kids outta there STAT!!!!
Where is her rude daddy now? The last interview I saw of him on Nightline he came across arrogant and cocky, not to mention talking in a threatening manner. One thing he said is NO ONE WILL TAKE MY GRANDCHILDREN AWAY! And he said that she WILL get her psych degree! Where you at gpa? You raised this trainwreck and I blame both grandparents. While the grandma obviously loves the first six very much and she is probably the "mother figure" to them, she is to blame for not getting help or putting a stop to Nadya's crap and just going along with it.
I see nothing about that house that would lead me to think it was an acceptable home for 14 kids. And what in the world does she mean that she wants to get rid of the grass in the backyard somehow?

I know kids love trampolines, but the homeowners insurance policies are higher if you have one. Since her kids have so little supervision, I think a trampoline would be the last thing to put in that yard.

Very small living room and they took over the family room for the babies' room. So where are the 6 kids going to play?

And those open stairs! I know they have been enclosed, but instead I would have just found a more suitable house. Nadya is not practical and the decisions she has made do not support the premise that she is thinking only of the kids. I wonder if she picked the house just because it was on Madonna Ln.

I am not sure I believe that she planned for the kids to be taken away though. I think she just figured she would be the puppet master and she would have lots of help to jump at her command.
Where is her rude daddy now? The last interview I saw of him on Nightline he came across arrogant and cocky, not to mention talking in a threatening manner. One thing he said is NO ONE WILL TAKE MY GRANDCHILDREN AWAY! And he said that she WILL get her psych degree! Where you at gpa? You raised this trainwreck and I blame both grandparents. While the grandma obviously loves the first six very much and she is probably the "mother figure" to them, she is to blame for not getting help or putting a stop to Nadya's crap and just going along with it.

I think the grandparents made some effort to stop the trainwreck, although it may have been too little too late. They claim they met with the Dr. and begged him not to implant any more embryos.

Where is the big house gpa claimed they had that nobody would find?
Good question about the house she actually ended up buying. I thought she ended up with a house that has a pool with a fence around it, and a small yard. It's been a while since I thought about it. quote] snipped

Makes sense - It's cheap to maintain a pool, especially with no income. But she has been through so much and deserves something better than little blow-up pool like my kids have.
Actually the house she bought does not have a pool, the video is at radaronline. It's a small rectangular backyard with mostly grass which she wants to take out. And replace it with what?? Gravel? Dirt? Concrete? Bricks?

Sorry everyone. I'm just on a roll today about this person.
Actually the house she bought does not have a pool, the video is at radaronline. It's a small rectangular backyard with mostly grass which she wants to take out. And replace it with what?? Gravel? Dirt? Concrete? Bricks?

Sorry everyone. I'm just on a roll today about this person.

I heard that she wanted shards of real crystal so it glimmers all the way to the heavens.


Quote from Nadya... maybe she has a few brain cells.
"accusing the group of spying on her and reporting her to child welfare officials, her spokesman said Monday."

Suleman later had several confrontations with the nurses, Czech said, and the situation grew unbearable Sunday when Suleman came to believe that Angels in Waiting founder Linda West-Conforti was allegedly filing a report against her with child welfare officials

YES Nadya part of THEIR JOB was to report back about the safety, health & well being of your children. You want to call concern 'spying' then yes, they were 'spying' on you. :rolleyes: DON'T YOU GET IT PSYCHO MAMMA??? Everyone CARES about your babies, their health & well being. IT ISN'T ABOUT YOU!!!

so shocking that there were multiple confrontations... in less than a week. VERY unstable woman! :mad:

AND WE GO ON.................. HER lawyer states this: Czech said that Suleman will have her nannies trained by nurses from the Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center, where the octuplets were born on Jan. 26.

Well MR CZECH~ you have a shocker coming.
Thanks for mentioning that, always. I think he will jump back in, and I really hope people don't start criticizing Dr. Phil when he does. He does care about the welfare of those children, just like everyone else. YMMV, but I think that is accurate.
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