Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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"In the meantime, the Kaiser Permanente hospital where the eight newborns remain under care reportedly has applied to the state for assistance with its expenses under the Medi-Cal program. We don't know yet whether any of the octuplets will be disabled in ways requiring public assistance. It appears that, in the case of the Suleman family, raising 14 children takes not simply a village but the combined resources of the county, state and federal governments."

This is a really good article- thanks for posting it!
I'm trying to very hard not to take my wallet out also. Those babies are very hard to resist. All 14 of them. I won't post a comment on there because the system will surely crash.

I think it would be nice if the publicist put a photo of the other 6 children on the page. At least it would make it look like they aren't lost in the shuffle?
I love how the website is basically just a homepage and the only two places you can click to go is Make a Donation and Leave a Comment. That website is not set up as a celebration of her children.

I am torn because one part of me doesn't want people to give money to this woman yet another side does to help secure the future of these innocent babies.

I was looking forward to reading the comments people left but you can't see what other people wrote - no fun.
I love how the website is basically just a homepage and the only two places you can click to go is Make a Donation and Leave a Comment. That website is not set up as a celebration of her children.

I am torn because one part of me doesn't want people to give money to this woman yet another side does to help secure the future of these innocent babies.

I was looking forward to reading the comments people left but you can't see what other people wrote - no fun.

I have the utmost concern that these children need to be provided for and taken care of, and if people choose to give money then that is their own choice. However, there is no indication that this woman will ever use the donated money for what it is intended to be used for...i.e. her children. She misused the disability money by not paying any expenses and leaving those for her mother to pay, she misused the student loan money to pay for her fertility treatments, she misused the SSI support payments for her children since she didn't use it to take care of her children--again, her mother paid for that. So what would make anyone feel that this money will be used for the children? Donations will most likely go to pay for her manicures and cosmetic surgery procedures while the state and federal governments pay for her children.
I have the utmost concern that these children need to be provided for and taken care of, and if people choose to give money then that is their own choice. However, there is no indication that this woman will ever use the donated money for what it is intended to be used for...i.e. her children. She misused the disability money by not paying any expenses and leaving those for her mother to pay, she misused the student loan money to pay for her fertility treatments, she misused the SSI support payments for her children since she didn't use it to take care of her children--again, her mother paid for that. So what would make anyone feel that this money will be used for the children? Donations will most likely go to pay for her manicures and cosmetic surgery procedures while the state and federal governments pay for her children.

Thank you for being a voice of reason. :blowkiss: As mouthy as I've been here, I never expected my heart to melt at the sight of the babies. You gave me a dose of reality... thanks!
How would she live off of student loans? In my experience the student loan check is made out to the school and the student jointly.

I would like to know that as well. The only student loan money I had any real discretion over was Pell Grant money and that was never all that much a semester. Other loan money went to the school.
I actually did post that, and the theory that the doctor was trying to improve his numbers, early this morning, here: Post #647 http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3284796#post3284796

I skip long posts too sometimes, so I understand why it got overlooked. ;) I'm bringing it up again now only because I think it actually did have some interesting information in it even beyond those two things, and I was wondering what you all thought about them. :eek:

I'm especially interested in what you all think of how this all fits with what she said in her interview, and the dishonesty of her publicist in emphasizing the "welfare" remark.

(That part really angers me. People are still defending it with the fact that it isn't technically welfare. But she didn't leave it at that - she said she was getting no help from the government - see transcript I posted in that post.)

SSI is welfare. It is need based. If one gets regular SS disability, that is not, that does not take household income into consideration. SSI does - one can be disabled and not eligible for SS disability for whatever reason and qualify for SSI only if the household income is below a certain level. If the household income rises for any reason, the eligibility for SSI can stop. So I don't know how people can say it is technically not welfare, it is a form of it.
The publicist in the interview I heard and transcribed wasn't truly dishonest about the welfare. he was very careful to only repeat what she said. They asked what he thought and he said something like it was not his job to comment but to only share what Octomom said. he is a completely ineffective and actually he doesn't even spin well.
This whole thing stinks.
I have also heard a rumor that her old boyfriend,the sperm donor, is now married.

Regarding the sperm donor. There was a case, and I can't recall where or exactly when, but, within say the past five years, where two women had a child via a sperm donor - a friend of theirs, and when the resulting child was in its teens, the sperm donor got hit with child support, and back child support. Can't recall if the women went after him or the state. Does anyone else recall this?

I am thinking the ruling basically said the donor and recipient couldn't waive the child's right to support from both parents and since it wasn't done by an anonymous clinic sperm donor had to pay. Don't recall if this was appealed.

So, I think sperm donor better get ready to start paying the state.
I guess that is her "alternate way of making money." That's what she said in the interview shown on the Today Show yesterday. She has an alternate way of making money that works for her. Hmmmm, getting pregnant and making the state pay for them.

I wish some reporter would ask her to explain her "alternate way". I am sure many of us would be interested if it is legal and doesn't involve scamming the welfare system or breeding litters.
Nadya should get in touch with Casey and Cindy they could probably advise her on PR people and Lawyers.

Sorry,it just felt good to say that..Hope no one take's offense.

ROFL - no offense here. It felt good to read it. :laugh:
Interesting stat that I missed.
Dr Kamrava is known for having the most aggressive implantation techniques.
But his center has one of the lowest success rates.
I know there are a lot of variables involved as maybe those that have been unsuccessful before end up at his clinic because of his aggressiveness. That of course could skew the reults.
BUT, I wonder if he implanted so many because he knew they would take and it would boost his success rating.
This is not an accusation, just a thought in trying to understand the thought process IF IF this guy was the attending doctor.

I can only speak to my own personal experience with the Fertility specialists from UW, but it is very, very risky to transfer multiple embryos at one time.
Too many embryos transferred means a reduced chance that even one of those embryos will successfully implant in the uterine wall. My doctors never transferred more than two embryos during any cycle because of this, and other factors. I did have one awesome little embryo actually "take hold" and begin to grow upon implantation......and she's now an amazing and beautiful 6 year old! :)

I think its important to add that "transfer" is different than "implantation".
A doctor can transfer a number of embryos into a woman's uterus, but there is no guarantee of actual implantation. In other words, a doctor cannot implant any embryos. After a transfer occurs, either embryo implantation may occur with the uterine wall, or it will not. There are many factors at play, of course, and this varies with everyone. I was very, very lucky to have one precious one hang on for dear life and make it all the way. :)

I am so horribly upset by what this so-called "doctor" did. Un-freaking-believable!

Thank you, JBean, for passing along all this info.
I have the utmost concern that these children need to be provided for and taken care of, and if people choose to give money then that is their own choice. However, there is no indication that this woman will ever use the donated money for what it is intended to be used for...i.e. her children. She misused the disability money by not paying any expenses and leaving those for her mother to pay, she misused the student loan money to pay for her fertility treatments, she misused the SSI support payments for her children since she didn't use it to take care of her children--again, her mother paid for that. So what would make anyone feel that this money will be used for the children? Donations will most likely go to pay for her manicures and cosmetic surgery procedures while the state and federal governments pay for her children.

My sentiments exactly! Can't be repeated often enough IMO. If I wanted to give any money to the children, I would want to be sure it would go into a trust just for their care and run by an impartial third party, NOT Nadya who will probably get itchy fingers with that money.
Regarding the sperm donor. There was a case, and I can't recall where or exactly when, but, within say the past five years, where two women had a child via a sperm donor - a friend of theirs, and when the resulting child was in its teens, the sperm donor got hit with child support, and back child support. Can't recall if the women went after him or the state. Does anyone else recall this?

I am thinking the ruling basically said the donor and recipient couldn't waive the child's right to support from both parents and since it wasn't done by an anonymous clinic sperm donor had to pay. Don't recall if this was appealed.

So, I think sperm donor better get ready to start paying the state.

Me, too. I think he is getting a pass that he ought not to be getting. For sure once he saw what she did with the first 6 embryos he ought to have been scrambling to get custody of the remaining ones. Or better yet, never have let her have his sperm at all. He is partially responsible! Even though she's a complete loon and they're not a couple, without his actions those babies would not be here.
OK.....deeeep breath. I am trying sooo hard not to totally lose it here. I was at work last night when Dateline was on, and my husband refused to tape it for me (lol) because he knows the TV would have been smashed beyond repair at my hands. I see it is possible for me to watch it online, and now I'm really torn about viewing it. I know I must sound like a broken record now, so please forgive me, but my daughter (from my IVF) has a Mommy and Daddy who work different work shifts to not only pay the bills (including IVF bills) but to accomodate her school schedule so that one of us is always here for her!! No Nannies in my little house, no welfare, no food stamps, no benefits.........just a Mommy and a Daddy who love their girl to the moon and back six times over and who believe that children are a gift from God. I am not going to watch the Dateline piece right now.......I don't want the ugly thoughts to invade my head once more. Seeing the clips on TV was bad enough......I just want to take my crochet needle and POP those flippin' fish lips of hers!!!

Sorry for the rant (again). I am really praying for those kids. Someone needs to put their interests first......because their mom sure isn't doing it.
Wasn't it reported that her infertility dr came up with a way of "stitching" embryos into the uterine lining? That has me thinking that Dr FrankenFertile knew he had a willing test subject because Nadya was obsessed with having babies. Maybe his incentive was to offer up payment and monies for the plastic surgery. I know what I am saying kind of all sounds far-fetched, but being as horribly screwed up as this case is: anything is a possibility.
Wasn't it reported that her infertility dr came up with a way of "stitching" embryos into the uterine lining? That has me thinking that Dr FrankenFertile knew he had a willing test subject because Nadya was obsessed with having babies. Maybe his incentive was to offer up payment and monies for the plastic surgery. I know what I am saying kind of all sounds far-fetched, but being as horribly screwed up as this case is: anything is a possibility.

Wasn't that what the video of her and the doctor was about? Placing the egg onto the uterine lining or adhering it somehow? I don't know if I'm mixing it all up now?

I don't think you're being far fetched at all- I think even the doctor might have been in on making Nadya a cash cow. JMO...
Wasn't it reported that her infertility dr came up with a way of "stitching" embryos into the uterine lining? That has me thinking that Dr FrankenFertile knew he had a willing test subject because Nadya was obsessed with having babies. Maybe his incentive was to offer up payment and monies for the plastic surgery. I know what I am saying kind of all sounds far-fetched, but being as horribly screwed up as this case is: anything is a possibility.

Ooops, sorry Elphaba and others as I seem to be stalking your posts - it's just that we seem to think alike!:laugh: Anyway, I too was wondering why we haven't found the plastic surgeon. Maybe the plastic surgeon is on the payola list as well.

So - I don't think your thoughts are far fetched at all!
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