Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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Also, it is my understanding a never married single mother CAN NOT get government assistance other than WIC and Food stamps without naming the father so the state can collect from the father and not foot the mothers bills.

I'm real curious how this 'sperm donor' is going to remain anonymous and not have any liability for these 14 childrens financial support.

ETA: sometimes a mother will claim she doesn't know... or will name anonymous guys which the state will go after and DNA will prove they are not the father.... I just don't know how one who donated sperm can remain anonymous. After all, wouldn't the clinic have his name, and the courts can order his name be given and over ride Hippa.... I think.

As I understand it, and, I could be wrong, SSI is run out of the Federal Social Security office - and not the states, so SSI might have different rules.
As I understand it, and, I could be wrong, SSI is run out of the Federal Social Security office - and not the states, so SSI might have different rules.

I agree. What I am trying to think of, are which agencies will only provide financial support *if* the father is named. It certainly appears as if this mother has figured out which ones will pay out without her being required to name the birth father. Now, if Kaiser gets the state to pay some of the hospital bills, or goes after the state for hospital bills I believe that is -one- the state will in fact want reimbursement from the father. Cash assistance and housing assistance from the state would also require the name of the BF.
The mom's parents seem to be throwing her over the side- the mother has been very critical, and the dad has very helpfully pointed out that the name Nadya put on the birth certificatessssssss is not actually that of the donor. Apparently putting a false name on the bc is a felony in the state of California.

Ok...14 felonies at 3 years each.....more than enough time even with good behavior for these kids to grow up adopted into decent homes!
NBC is standing firm that they did not pay her anything. Highest levels are saying no no no.
Thanks for the TMZ link. Some of the comments are spot on and I need a laugh as this woman is making my blood boil.

Such as:

5. Do we get to pick the name of the child we want to sponsor? And does it come with a photo and bio sheet with monthly updates? Oh, wait. That's a different save the children fund . . . My bad.

This is one of her (I can't bear to say her name...) statements that is so out there.

“I’m providing myself to my children. I’m loving them unconditionally, accepting them unconditionally.” Everything I do, I’ll stop my life for them and be present with them. And hold them. And be with them. And how many parents do that? I’m sure there are many that do, but many don’t. And that’s unfortunate. That is selfish.”

What the heck is that all about?
LMAO! Gloria Allred is getting involved. I do not know what side she is on though. With Glo,. you never know.
NBC is standing firm that they did not pay her anything. Highest levels are saying no no no.
NBC released something about this but I haven't seen it. Please post if anyone runs across it. They are adamant and want the world to know they didi not give her a penny.
Radaronline and Splash paid her but NBC says they absolutely did not.
NBC is standing firm that they did not pay her anything. Highest levels are saying no no no.

I sure hope they didn't, but there is a link somewhere on here where it states that she was paid the $200,000 in licensing fees by NBC. It did not state whether it was for pictures, video or what was "licensed".
NBC is standing firm that they did not pay her anything. Highest levels are saying no no no.

Did you see on the give me money site that the photos of the octuplets are copyright NBC????
Thanks for the TMZ link. Some of the comments are spot on and I need a laugh as this woman is making my blood boil.

Such as:

5. Do we get to pick the name of the child we want to sponsor? And does it come with a photo and bio sheet with monthly updates? Oh, wait. That's a different save the children fund . . . My bad.

This is one of her (I can't bear to say her name...) statements that is so out there.

“I’m providing myself to my children. I’m loving them unconditionally, accepting them unconditionally.” Everything I do, I’ll stop my life for them and be present with them. And hold them. And be with them. And how many parents do that? I’m sure there are many that do, but many don’t. And that’s unfortunate. That is selfish.”

What the heck is that all about?
I think she said that in the same breath as "money is just paper and she doesn't need it."
LMAO! Gloria Allred is getting involved. I do not know what side she is on though. With Glo,. you never know.

I'm a betting woman.

She going to be on Octomum's side and she'll go out of sight as nearly all Gloria's clients seem to go out of sight. Hey, Heather Mills went quiet and that's next door to a miracle for me!
Did you see on the give me money site that the photos of the octuplets are copyright NBC????

Yes, I did notice that and therefore just assumed that it was part of this whole licensing fee thing.
I sure hope they didn't, but there is a link somewhere on here where it states that she was paid the $200,000 in licensing fees by NBC. It did not state whether it was for pictures, video or what was "licensed".
that is what they are trying to counter. they are saying that they did not give her anything in any way shape or form. I am hearing this on the radio,so we'll see how far they take it.
Even stranger that David was the son of Solomon in the bible.... Book of Kings I think it was... interesting she came up with this combo for a make believe birth dad name.

Just for the record, Cubby, I believe David was Solomon's father.
Just for the record, Cubby, I believe David was Solomon's father.

Yes, David begat Solomon with Bathsheba (sp?). I'd think that the sperm donor should have some protection or at least signed some agreement to not be held responsible financially. Surely the state has some sort of loophole for women in this situation, or even women who might have had unknown partners and no idea who the baby's father might be.
Yes, David begat Solomon with Bathsheba (sp?). I'd think that the sperm donor should have some protection or at least signed some agreement to not be held responsible financially. Surely the state has some sort of loophole for women in this situation, or even women who might have had unknown partners and no idea who the baby's father might be.

I'm a never married mother. When I filed for child support the paperwork the state required me to fill out specifically stated do indicate ALL men I had 'relations' with within 3 months prior to and after the estimated date of conception. Having been in a LTR I was pretty humiliated with the paperworks questions, however, in some cases I am sure woman don't know... but they DO know, or hope they know, the names of who they had relations with.

I know there have been other cases of friends being SD's - there was the two lesbians who split up and the donor was required to pay CS when the child was already a teen.

What remains here, is why a state would 'protect' a fathers responsibility to pay when his sperm has fathered 14 children. I don't know that the laws include manner of conception. If that were the case any non married father could claim an agreement as a donor with no financial responsibility. I'm sure he did not agree to fathering 14 children... however where is the line drawn when a single woman has 14 children and clearly can not financially support them herself? And what did the donor do to ensure his sperm did not father 14 kids? Where was HIS say in all of this? If verbally, he's not going to have much of a leg to stand on ( no pun intended ;) )

I guess we will see in time... what the state of CA does with this one.
I feel a rant coming on, my apologies in advance. I should never have watched this again. But it's like a train wreck, I could not help but look back. Infuriating. I did leave a comment asking how the donations will be handled, who receives and how monies are disbursed. I do not really expect a response. I would not ever want to see Ms. Suleman near a dime donated for the care of those poor children. She brought 14 children into the world with no solid resources because she "longed for a connection" and lacked "a feeling of self, identity"? Because her mom didn't "openly express" her love, or give her siblings? This is what THERAPY is for. She says she is "responsible". She then says she plans to go back to school. Who pays those loans? Who supports these children then? Who provides the childcare while she sits in class? (Please grandmommy, just say NO!) How is this responsible? Who supported her when she says she was "saving her money for IVF"? Who has been caring for her first six children? My sister and her husband struggled through 2 high risk pregnancies, she continued to work on bedrest with an infusion knowing they had to put food on the table. They did not try for 3 because they know they cannot support another. I had one mis, one premie, sometimes using a credit card at the Clover store for milk between paychecks. I did not try for more because I knew I could not provide enough support. I still worry every night how I can continue to help my son through college, while knowing I can be downsized tomorrow, and this idjit lives her dream on everybody else's time and dime. It just never even occured to us to leech because of a dysfunctional childhood. Yikes! End rant. I have a compelling urge to leave this on her comments section. Perhaps titled clue by four. Again, my apologies. Now back to lurking in the basement.
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