Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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Even if this is also not an option, why get the embryos implanted NOW, at the worst time in her life (single, no job). Why not leave them and get your life together, then implant them?

Not just that, but in a bigger picture, our country is in a mess and she knew she was going to have to rely on state/govt help... but she found it ok to pump out 8 more children on a state this is financially strapped. There are couples out there that want kids and have jobs and money, but are holding back because the over all economic situation in this country is on shaky ground. They just do not want to bring them into this world when it's not a good time for anyone. For a woman that wanted kids, you would think she would want the best for them... not push them out into a welfare world, where even that world doesn't know where it is going to get its next dollar or dime.

This woman is selfish and mentally corrupt, IMO.
I'm appalled by her attacking OctoGram and saying she is being "inflexible". Ummmmmm... HELLO... Nadya, your mother is in a financial mess because she rearranged her life to take care of your children while you willingly and selfishly became a breed mare.

Who called Nadya an Octobitch? Bravo to you!!!!! ...and I'd like to add "Ungrateful & Delusional" to that deserved title. :)

I don't understand Octomom's argument. She says she had no choice, that she couldn't abort any of the eight. So what was she supposed to do, she says. How about not having any of the eight implanted, since she already had six kids and no job?? What is she on her mom's case for??

She's on her mom's case in this video because it is staged. Notice how they both end the argument/discussion at the same time and seem to look as if they're waiting for the next direction.
A video of the two having words would probably sell better to the networks. Everyone involved in this situation from Serial-Mom to unethicial doctor is a phony.
She's on her mom's case in this video because it is staged. Notice how they both end the argument/discussion at the same time and seem to look as if they're waiting for the next direction.
A video of the two having words would probably sell better to the networks. Everyone involved in this situation from Serial-Mom to unethicial doctor is a phony.

I agree. And except for checking in here at WS, I am boycotting all media about all of the Octocons , including today's Oprah.
Not just that, but in a bigger picture, our country is in a mess and she knew she was going to have to rely on state/govt help... but she found it ok to pump out 8 more children on a state this is financially strapped. There are couples out there that want kids and have jobs and money, but are holding back because the over all economic situation in this country is on shaky ground. They just do not want to bring them into this world when it's not a good time for anyone. For a woman that wanted kids, you would think she would want the best for them... not push them out into a welfare world, where even that world doesn't know where it is going to get its next dollar or dime.

This woman is selfish and mentally corrupt, IMO.
(my bold)

Well said, Elphaba. And she really and truly is. It boggles the mind to see her cocky arrogance and having the gall to lecture her own mother! :loser:

As though she hasn't committed of one of the most public F-Up's imaginable... that has and will cost that mother she so berates.

It's like someone breaking a long smelly wind in an elevator and not only refusing to say "excuse me" but then insulting the perfume of the lady next to him. :snooty:

Enough already. Time to gong the girl, now. She obviously wants help with no accountability, and it ain't gonna happen. Better not, anyway. Adopt out the kids and send her to work and therapy.

:gavel: :weaklink:
I agree. And except for checking in here at WS, I am boycotting all media about all of the Octocons , including today's Oprah.

Good for you!
I too have not chased any network coverage of this story. I find the best the coverage right her at this site.
The comments from members are very inlightening. We have some sharp people here.
She's on her mom's case in this video because it is staged. Notice how they both end the argument/discussion at the same time and seem to look as if they're waiting for the next direction.
A video of the two having words would probably sell better to the networks. Everyone involved in this situation from Serial-Mom to unethicial doctor is a phony.

I didn't see the context - was this presented as an accidental "caught on tape" thing? If so, I agree.

I thought it was just "staged" only to the extent that they knew they were going to debate... and if so, I really don't think it was deceitful or phony on the grandmother's part.

Either way, I think she is really and truly beaten down by all of this. :( She's the only one for whom I have any trust or sympathy.

The AP is reporting that Suleman's father is claiming that the interview with Anne Curry occurred under "duress"...he actually used the word kidnapped in his interview, as in:
"They bombard her with all these cameras," Doud said. "I am not saying that they kidnapped her. What I am saying is that it absolutely should have given her a little time until she heals at least and not be under so much medication."

NBC refutes all of this....FWIW, I am boycotting all of the taped media on this story-it is making me...:sick:
I understand what you are saying-but I also suspect that some other couple would have been delighted to receive the fertilized eggs as well...I don't think they necessarily would have to be flushed. JMO. Perhaps I have a simplistic view of IVF??
There is such a thing as embryo adoption, which is whole, fertilized embryos. Usually the people who choose to adopt these are right-to-lifers who don't want them destroyed. Fine, the future potential children probably be better off with those loonies than with Octomom!
There is such a thing as embryo adoption, which is whole, fertilized embryos. Usually the people who choose to adopt these are right-to-lifers who don't want them destroyed. Fine, the future potential children probably be better off with those loonies than with Octomom!

Hmmm right to lifers are loonies. I guess I'm a loonie. I'm prolife and my mom is pro choice. We agree to disagree. Yes the children would probably be better off with parents who want children and cannot have their own no matter wether they are porchoice or prolife.

I am(being prolife) ticked off at this women for being so selfish. I due hope CPs steps in.

The AP is reporting that Suleman's father is claiming that the interview with Anne Curry occurred under "duress"...he actually used the word kidnapped in his interview, as in:
"They bombard her with all these cameras," Doud said. "I am not saying that they kidnapped her. What I am saying is that it absolutely should have given her a little time until she heals at least and not be under so much medication."

NBC refutes all of this....FWIW, I am boycotting all of the taped media on this story-it is making me...:sick:

Unreal.. Watching it now though, and Oprah isn't letting him get away with it! LOL She says Nadya looks fine, and reminds him that Nadya's people were looking for people to do the interview...

(I have no qualms watching any of these things as long as they aren't whitewashing her. I say shine the light on all her behavior. Besides, I don't think anyone knows what we're watching unless we've agreed to install the nielson's ratings box or use the diary? I sure hope not, anyway! lol)
There is such a thing as embryo adoption, which is whole, fertilized embryos. Usually the people who choose to adopt these are right-to-lifers who don't want them destroyed. Fine, the future potential children probably be better off with those loonies than with Octomom!

I guess I'm a loony, too. I never thought my thinking was that far out.

I believe Nadya saw the fertilized embryo as human beings and didn't want them destroyed. Actually, I don't know what she believes since she speaks very little truth. I agree with that part, but nothing said that she had to have them herself. Or had to have them now, when she didn't have the means to support them.

There is a fallacy in her argument.
I have with held comments on this entire mess since the begining because I have conflicting thoughts. But I have to say something (because I am that kinda person lol). I thought here is the best place to do it.

I think the woman is nuts. Not because of the children but because of her mental status. Angelina Jolie look alike? Is she trying to one up Angelina on how many kids she can collect? No sex in, I forgot in how many years. Having eight more babies when you already have one with developmental disabilites? Nuts, Weird, and Selfish.

But I am really surprised by how everyone is reacting to this. Yes, in this day in age it is scary to think of bringing one child into this world, let alone 14. But we have a right to be parents. This stuff about CPS involvment really really bothers me. My grandmother has 12 children. I am the eldest of seven. I have five perfect daughters of my own. I am not sure if I am prolife or prochoice...I can see both sides and I straddle the fence (sorry). It is not a crime to have a lot of children. It is a blessing. I disagree with almost everything I have heard about this woman so I am not defending her. CPS rules in TN state that if everyone has their own bed and at least one dresser of their own, crowding is not a reason to remove a child. CPS calls should be reserved for situations where a child is a IMMEDIATE risk of physical, mental/emotional harm. CPS involvment would only make this worse and cost us more money. Besides though their are many great CPS workers in this country, for the most part it is a screwed up system. I can see them taking all of the kids into custody, splitting them up...that is wrong. The children have a right to be together and I can't imagine them finding a single home for 14 kids. Has there ever been any mention of the mother abusing her children in the past? If one did call for a CPS investigation what would be the complaint? She has a lot of kids? Not a crime. She lives in a small home? Not a crime. She is weird? Again, not a crime (even though it should be sometimes) Is it right for the government/courts to decide what makes the perfect family? If they do become involved it should be as a support. She should be required to work full time. She needs life time therapy and it should be mandatory. I believe she has mental health issues but does that mean that any person with mental health issues shouldn't be allowed to be a parent ? Any money she recieves as payments for media coverage should be placed in a trust, for her children, that someone else can controll. She should not be allowed to use that money for her career as a life time student or for plastic surgery to look like Angelina!

I do not think these children will ever be abused. Though I think their mother is selfish in her reasoning, I do believe she loves her children.I am however defending our rights as Americans. It is absolutely wrong for her to expect us to pay for her kids. I agree with everyone who has a problem with her getting welfare payments. But if she is employed, gets her own home, and cares for those babies is the rest of it any of our business? We didn't see this kind of up roar when the first set of octuplets were born all born alive...I think we are imposing our own opinions on this family as if we are all perfect. Families come in all shapes and sizes...

Personally I think the doctor is more screwed up than the mother...what an idiot. Take his license.

Finally, I have a questions...is it possible for the state to go after the sperm donor for repayment of the welfare money. Though she used IVF...he is still the father and should be responible for what he "helped cause". Can she be legally prevented from having more kids? Would that be right?
If all her interviews are on target and she loves her kids and wants all 14 let her get a job. Then, she can support them like all single mothers with or without food stamps. Her choice but may not be the best decision, but it is hers. It is also our choice not to support her financially. Which I would never do even if I won the lottery.
I agree concernedperson. IF she can prove she's capable of raising these children not only financially but emotionally & mentally as well. I for one cannot see it. She's far too selfish and so out of touch with the reality of her circumstances. I believe abuse comes in many forms, one can be neglect. It's an impossible situation for her to raise 14 babies in a healthy environment. I am hoping the CPS claim would be to her mental capabilities of such an overwhelming situation, financial ability, ascertaining that she can KEEP a roof over their heads, etc. There's more than enough to warrant an appropriate CPS complaint.

Above comment from JenAmazed, with all due respect, all my great-grandmothers had more than 10 children. However, there was a husband full time, a large farm to feed the children & the children were born at various ages thus giving 'live in' help towards raising such a large family. My mother and her brother were 18 years apart. That uncle and I were 4 years apart & we're much more like brother and sister than my mother and him.

That is not this case whatsoever. I'm not sure your analogy can compare to larger families years ago. Just MHO.
The bitterness about this case is very interesting. If you change the story a bit, how outraged would people be? Let's say a single mom was 21 and got pregnant with her 5th child. She'd done drugs, but all of the children were blessed to be born healthy. So what does she decide to do? She decides not to abort the baby, delivers the baby and is now a single mom with 5 kids dependent on the state.That happens a lot.

Next scenario. A married couple decides to have children. They are not able to conceive. The husband agrees to allow another person's sperm to be used. The couple goes through IVF countless times, resulting 5 preganancies, and 6 children (one set of twins). At this point, I am not hearing a lot of outrage. In fact, I don't hear much outrage at all. Now, you learn that 6 embryos were implanted for the first pregnancy and you think that was a stupid/ irresponsible decision. Fortunately, only one baby was born. If the story is correct, the results of that pregnancy dictated how the next implantation was performed and on and on. 7 years later, there are 4 individual births, and one set of twins. Nothing out of the ordinary and one happy family (well sort of). This woman divorces but decides to use the rest of her eggs, and not let them die/waste etc.She implants 6 eggs as usual to try to get pregnant. I'm hearing people say that at this point that is crazy, but she is almost done with her master's degree and has parents to help. Now the twist that makes everyone mad. She got pregnant and there were 8 babies. She choose not to do selective reduction. Now everyone is furious.

Well, what if that lady in the first case was 21, had 4 kids already and became pregnant with triplets. She also feels selective reduction is wrong and has all 3 children.

How can we fault one person for being against selective reduction and not the other person? Is it because one person got pregnant on purpose and the other person didn't?

I get that the situation is sucky. I get that octomom doesn't tell the truth, that she is unemployed, that she is selfish, the other kids have lived with grandma. But how is that different from so many other stories out there. Oh yes, it is different because she was against selective reduction and what she had done in the past to have one baby resulted in 8 babies. Shouldn't we be angry about how the first implantations were done 8 years ago with 6 eggs rather than being upset that they knew how her body reacted each time before and did the same thing again?
rainbows&gumdrops - I for one am not 'upset' or disgusted with the fact that she didn't choose selective reduction. It's her selfish reasons for having ANY children in the 1st place. She flat out told Ann Curry that having these children would give her the love and affection she missed out on in her own childhood. She had children for mentally ill reasons. That is never a reason to bring kids into the world. She should also be sterilized and her uterus removed.

UGGG, I'm so disgusted with this case, I may have to back off for awhile. It gets me too worked up.
I agree concernedperson. IF she can prove she's capable of raising these children not only financially but emotionally & mentally as well. I for one cannot see it. She's far too selfish and so out of touch with the reality of her circumstances. I believe abuse comes in many forms, one can be neglect. It's an impossible situation for her to raise 14 babies in a healthy environment. I am hoping the CPS claim would be to her mental capabilities of such an overwhelming situation, financial ability, ascertaining that she can KEEP a roof over their heads, etc. There's more than enough to warrant an appropriate CPS complaint.

Above comment from JenAmazed, with all due respect, all my great-grandmothers had more than 10 children. However, there was a husband full time, a large farm to feed the children & the children were born at various ages thus giving 'live in' help towards raising such a large family. My mother and her brother were 18 years apart. That uncle and I were 4 years apart & we're much more like brother and sister than my mother and him.

That is not this case whatsoever. I'm not sure your analogy can compare to larger families years ago. Just MHO.

What PattyCake said. :thumb:

"What ifs" and partial analogies just aren't much help, or even fair in a way, you know?

It took me forever to finally agree that cps should step in. It took every straw to break that camel's back. If there were fewer or lighter straws, as the what-ifs and analogies presented above have, then we would be reacting differently.

We are reacting to all of the elements of this unique situation, combined. It isn't anywhere near due to any single bias or decision she made.

I still would prefer to see the kids stay together. But it will take a lot of "ifs" to come to fruition before I believe it is the healthiest thing for them. :( And that is what really matters, I think.
Going back to rational thought here, I have stated I believe whole heartedly in the win/win offer from Angels group. I think its a selfless amazing thing and this woman will get help in many ways including mentally and the children will be in a very safe environment.
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