Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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So true. Esp the baby with blonde hair. The sperm donor of the 8 babies I BET is blonde haired. WHo knows about the other 6. Since Nadya has black hair and dark eyes, and since one of her children has blonde hair as well as blonde baby hair on his arms, the sperm donor HAS to be blonde. Our twins we adopted , we saw in the hospital at 3 weeks of age. They were born at 29 weeks gestation so they were very small. Well the birth mother named these children Selena and Alfredo, definite hispanic names, because she though the father was her sometime hispanic boyfriend. Well I told the nurses that there was no way (in my mind) that these children could BE hispanic because they had blonde body hair and blonde head of hair. Well I turned out to be correct. She also had another sometime boyfriend who has dark blonde hair and blue eyes. So both of my twins have very blue eyes. Our twin daughter has the bluest brightest blue eyes I have ever seen. So it is MY opinion that the sperm donor almost has to be blonde headed. He could have been blonde as a child and then his hair turned darker, however it would have had to be blonde as a child.

So were you able to change their names after the adoption?
Oh, I can't stand this woman. I don't post that much, but I just wanted to say I find her so annoying too. She reminds me of chalk skipping across a blackboard annoying.

I can't wait to see how long this lasts before the children go to CPS. No way will Nadya help care for these kids. I think she absolutely expects it to be done for her. I say she lasts a week at the most when all 14 are together before she runs for the exit.

Wish we could do a poll & take bets. LOL.

Believe 09, yup, a grifter, and yes, I saw the movie.

I wondered when I was following this everyday if she looked in the mirror and saw some kind of saint looking back!

Her phony pious smile really did remind me of some nuns I knew in school. The way she reached in and rubbed her new baby's heads, like she was some sort of Madonna bestowing gifts of life to the masses. :puke:

She hasn't cared for her first 6 and she expects people to believe she's going to care for these? She's nothing more than a human incubator. Not even a good one.

She got home from the hospital after being gone for weeks and away from her older children, did she stay? No! She went (by herself) to get her nails done, a couple days later to buy make up. Mom of the year she ain't!

I don't like to chime in on rant boards about other people but I can't think of a single good thing to say about her. Those babies (all 14) make me so sad. And how big a message is the USA sending when we say, NO we won't help support this woman. This coming from the most generous nation in the world!

The same people who have sent hundreds of dollars to KC Anthony won't send this woman a dime! I hope the networks that said no reality show is in the works are paying attention. She needs help, I might donate towards that, if she were to sign herself into a mental hospital, I'd be will to send her a few bucks.

I hope the state has already started looking for foster to adopt homes for these babies. They are going to need so much in the future. Let alone what they need now. No way will open adoption work for these kids. Open adoption means this woman gave you birth, but we are your parents and we all love you. Nadya will never agree to take the back seat.
I feel so bad for those 14 children. Nadia is a nutcase and shouldn't be in charge of 14 puppies. How long can the "Angels in Waiting" nurses take care of her children? At over 100,000.00 a month only being generated from donations I don't see this going on for very long especially with the economy. I'm so dissapointed in Gloria. Those children should be adopted out to people who can properly take care of them and afford them. It would be wonderful for all of them to stay together but at what expense? She's uneducated, no husband, her parents are almost retired. How can she afford these children for 18 years? or even 1 year? she can't!!! She's out getting Frappacinos at Starbucks and manicures while her Mother is watching the other 6 that I feel are already neglected. it's sickening!! The Doctor who did this should be in jail. We are talking about babies!! I hate when people do this to puppies, let alone babies. Had to vent!!
Here's a link on CNN to Nadya's

I'VE EARNED IT!!! - Meaning she's EARNED the house she's moving into.


"I earned it. ... No, my father did not purchase this house for me. I did it on my own,"

TRUE pathelogical liar when reports listed SHOW THIS NEW HOUSE IS IN THE FATHERS NAME. They have the documents showing the buyer. What a B!T@H

PC of course she earned it!! :footinmouth: Celebrities make top dollar for interviews and selling shots of their kids!! :lepsmilie:

It's possible she is buying this house herself, it's a lease to own deal but she has no credit, no job, no money prior to last month she wouldn't qualify for the rental agreement let alone a lease with option to buy in her own name. It's possible she doesn't even have the ability to sign for the insurance she needs. I hope she appreciates her dad signing for her.:twocents:

Why would she not show up for the inspection? Didn't it occur to her the nurses would have questions? This is another huge red flag. She doesn't know enough to be at home to talk to the people who are going to say yay or nay to her bringing her children home!!?! :crazy: :furious:

:baby: :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby:
FINALLY, SOMETHING TO MAKE ME LAUGH in this case. The news and pictures of the TPing of her new house just came on the TV and caused me to burst out a loud laugh.
I laughed at the "celebitchy" portion of the link. (Gotta get a life- so many things amuse me!)

Anyway, I am curious now, Nadya looks rather slim for having the belly she had with the octs. A uterus shrinks with breast feeding (and she'd have to be pumping non stop since she's only at the hospital with the babies 6 hours a day- from what we've read.) Anyway, in between nail appointments (and missing Social Workers), is she busy pumping milk or has she had lipo/tummy tuck to get that tummy to shrink? :waitasec:

Maybe I'm just jealous that she is doing better than I did after a few C-sections. (And really jealous that she looks thinner in 2 months than I have in 9 years.)

Reality sucks.
I wondered about the tummy myself. Even if she has dropped a lot of weight, there would still be loose skin after carrying eight.
I wondered about the tummy myself. Even if she has dropped a lot of weight, there would still be loose skin after carrying eight.

I wondered when she left the hospital if maybe they had given her a little help when she had her C Section otherwise, she must be wearing SPANX, that wonder garment that hides all flaws.

I saw the episode on Jon and Kate plus 8, she only had 6 babies tucked in there and her belly was a smooshy mess before her tummy tuck.
Ok now with Nadya getting all the attention and free stuff she wants,I suspect this pattern of being on a roll is not going to stop.She now has Dr Phil a her disposal;it is a user-user relationship.14 kids is not going to be enough..why should it be? It is not a record.It is not top-dog in her book.She is going to want to outdo everyone,to be the main attention-getter.So in a couple of yrs,I suspect we'll see her pregnant,yet again.She's going to want to outdo the Duggars,all in one fell swoop.21 kids and counting,or something like that...JMO!
Ok now with Nadya getting all the attention and free stuff she wants,I suspect this pattern of being on a roll is not going to stop.She now has Dr Phil a her disposal;it is a user-user relationship.14 kids is not going to be enough..why should it be? It is not a record.It is not top-dog in her book.She is going to want to outdo everyone,to be the main attention-getter.So in a couple of yrs,I suspect we'll see her pregnant,yet again.She's going to want to outdo the Duggars,all in one fell swoop.21 kids and counting,or something like that...JMO!

I sit here and say "I hope you're wrong", but inside I feel you could be right. Within the next couple of years and the octos become tots, I have little doubt that Nadya will feel the ticking of her biological clock and perhaps decide to have another "shot" at birthing. I'm also betting that the ticking of the clock will get louder as the money disappears.

Next time she might "prove" to all of us that she's a "hands on mom". In her world there will always be reasons and excuses for continuing to do what she wants. Next time, there might be a man involved (not a donor) and then we'll all have another reason to celebrate and shower them with gifts. This might be a real life "never ending story".
Gotta wonder how much love Nadya's going to be feeling from the new neighbors, a single mom with 14 kids and a media circus that follows her every step, not to mention Uncle Phil stopping by for tea.

Welcome to the neighborhood NOT!

Too late now but is "Gated Community" a phrase she is unfamiliar with?
Yes Boyz_Mum, I am sweet. I'm also kind, thoughtful, generous, and most of all humble. Thanks.

Where's that daggum Groan button when I need it! :laughbig:
I saw a tour of her new house with the social workers visiting and those slick marble stairs scare me a lot. A child could fall down them or climb over the railing and fall. I wish she could have found a house all on one level. Not to mention the nurses/nannies/whomever having to go up and down stairs all day and night. I know the babies will be downstairs, but still.
I saw a tour of her new house with the social workers visiting and those slick marble stairs scare me a lot. A child could fall down them or climb over the railing and fall. I wish she could have found a house all on one level. Not to mention the nurses/nannies/whomever having to go up and down stairs all day and night. I know the babies will be downstairs, but still.

The things you mention are scary and now with the toilet papering story, (although funny) it makes me really concerned about
their safety if things escalate.
I saw a tour of her new house with the social workers visiting and those slick marble stairs scare me a lot. A child could fall down them or climb over the railing and fall. I wish she could have found a house all on one level. Not to mention the nurses/nannies/whomever having to go up and down stairs all day and night. I know the babies will be downstairs, but still.

IMO, if she REALLY cared about all her children, she would have taken an extra week to shop around and find a house with 5 or 6 bedrooms, without the marble stairs and with a closed landing on top. I imagine she was focusing on the "grand" characteristics of the home, not the ones that make a house safe for kids (all one floor, carpeted stairs, closed landing, etc.). The one blessing-- that she did not buy a home with a built-in swimming pool!!
IMO, if she REALLY cared about all her children, she would have taken an extra week to shop around and find a house with 5 or 6 bedrooms, without the marble stairs and with a closed landing on top. I imagine she was focusing on the "grand" characteristics of the home, not the ones that make a house safe for kids (all one floor, carpeted stairs, closed landing, etc.). The one blessing-- that she did not buy a home with a built-in swimming pool!!

imo she picked out a house to fit her, not the babies or the toddlers, a home she wanted. I haven't seen one time when she has put any of her children ahead of her wants or needs.

Rant... I'm so tired of hearing how smart this woman is, why do we hear how smart she or Casey A. are? Heck I have a sister who is "smart" yet she doesn't have a lick of sense!

imo she picked out a house to fit her, not the babies or the toddlers, a home she wanted. I haven't seen one time when she has put any of her children ahead of her wants or needs.

Rant... I'm so tired of hearing how smart this woman is, why do we hear how smart she or Casey A. are? Heck I have a sister who is "smart" yet she doesn't have a lick of sense!


If it makes you feel better, I don't think she's smart. I think she's kind of diabolical~ always scheming.
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