Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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Here's a link on CNN to Nadya's

I'VE EARNED IT!!! - Meaning she's EARNED the house she's moving into.


"I earned it. ... No, my father did not purchase this house for me. I did it on my own,"

TRUE pathelogical liar when reports listed SHOW THIS NEW HOUSE IS IN THE FATHERS NAME. They have the documents showing the buyer. What a B!T@H

See - she isn't a very good liar either. A trained liar would have been able to back up that lie by adding she put the home in her father's name even though she bought it. Just one more thing her nutty mind does not computer.
Oh, I can't stand this woman. I don't post that much, but I just wanted to say I find her so annoying too. She reminds me of chalk skipping across a blackboard annoying.

I can't wait to see how long this lasts before the children go to CPS. No way will Nadya help care for these kids. I think she absolutely expects it to be done for her. I say she lasts a week at the most when all 14 are together before she runs for the exit.

Wish we could do a poll & take bets. LOL.

Believe 09, yup, a grifter, and yes, I saw the movie.
I wonder if Nadya has any idea at all what turmoil she has dumped on the rest of the country? Does she realize that her decision to have these babies has affected people all over the country? Even if we are not responsible for her finances, everyone I've talked to about her is worried about the children. Will they be well cared for? Will they be safe? Ultimately, will they be separated from their brothers and sisters?

It is not fair to them -- the children.

Did she just wake up one morning and think, "Gee, I think I'll have a litter of kids. My first six are boring the crap out of me."

If she had gotten pregnant naturally and it had resulted in 8 -- that would have been one thing (a miracle, mostly). But to do this intentionally...it just boggles the mind. It is so freaking selfish.

I have wondered this, too. (if she realizes what she has done). I don't think she does. I think she still see's this as "what will I get? I am special". I have a friend who see's the world like this, through her own set of dysfunctional "glasses". Big time rationalizing and messed up thinking IMO. Frustrating. I think Nadya's parents are responsible for her being this way.
Okay, vent. Feel free to skip.
As others here have said, I also buy my own, my husbands, and my kids' clothes at thrift stores. Nothing wrong with that , but it is just what we can comfortably afford. I am sure Nadya feels she (and maybe her kids) shouldn't have to wear used clothes because she (they?) deserve better than that.

Sort of off topic but still related ... we pay every month for medical insurance through my husband's work. It kicks in for things like surgery, childbirth, or big time bills. But we don't meet our deductible othewise and NOTHING is covered. It pays for NOTHING we use. The deductibles are so high. So we pay monthy for insurance, and for everything else full price! I tried to get immuniczations and care for my kids at the public health dept last year and was given an attitude because we have insurance and the stuff they have is for kids with no insurance.
sometimes it seems those who work and try to do it right are penalized, while those who buy their cigarettes and get their food stamps but don't provide are given a free ride - like Nadya!!
So I took my kids to a free clinic yesterday for their annual physical, because our insurance doesn't cover physicals. Does anybody else have this problem? I wonder why we even bother paying for insurance since we would be better off without it in the long run. (I know we're lucky we have it for anything BIG that happens). If we kept the hundreds of dollars every month we pay for insurance with, we could use that for the office visits and physicals and shots, etc....

BTW - Especially in times like these, I know there are many responsible and hardworking people who don't have insurance for various reasons and it isn't their fault. I am just irritated at being penalized for having it when it does nothing for us. And hearing of Nadya living off the system (and living well!), makes me mad!
Okay, vent. Feel free to skip.
As others here have said, I also buy my own, my husbands, and my kids' clothes at thrift stores. Nothing wrong with that , but it is just what we can comfortably afford. I am sure Nadya feels she (and maybe her kids) shouldn't have to wear used clothes because she (they?) deserve better than that.

Sort of off topic but still related ... we pay every month for medical insurance through my husband's work. It kicks in for things like surgery, childbirth, or big time bills. But we don't meet our deductible othewise and NOTHING is covered. It pays for NOTHING we use. The deductibles are so high. So we pay monthy for insurance, and for everything else full price! I tried to get immuniczations and care for my kids at the public health dept last year and was given an attitude because we have insurance and the stuff they have is for kids with no insurance.
sometimes it seems those who work and try to do it right are penalized, while those who buy their cigarettes and get their food stamps but don't provide are given a free ride - like Nadya!!
So I took my kids to a free clinic yesterday for their annual physical, because our insurance doesn't cover physicals. Does anybody else have this problem? I wonder why we even bother paying for insurance since we would be better off without it in the long run. (I know we're lucky we have it for anything BIG that happens). If we kept the hundreds of dollars every month we pay for insurance with, we could use that for the office visits and physicals and shots, etc....

BTW - Especially in times like these, I know there are many responsible and hardworking people who don't have insurance for various reasons and it isn't their fault. I am just irritated at being penalized for having it when it does nothing for us. And hearing of Nadya living off the system (and living well!), makes me mad!
laini, you're not alone in your thoughts. I'm sorry you are in this situation. But you have to remember, the insurance companies are not in the business of helping people with medical care. If they were, they would cover people who currently have medical problems. My husband has an artifical heart valve. He's had it for 12 years. We pay over $1,200 a month for insurance JUST for him. And, it does not cover anything that might have to do with his heart.
They love that "pre-exsisting" phrase. It's a great excuse for insurance companies to cover themselves. They only want to cover people in perfect health. It's a gamble. And they hold all the good cards.
Meanwhile, there you and your hubby are - trying to take care of your family. Cutting corners. Doing it all on your own and you have to see and hear about people like Octomom who believes she should have the world lain at her feet, even though she is a cheat.
You should vent. You should be mad.
I sincerely hope something good comes your way. Buy a lottery ticket. I hope you win BIG.
off topic but jmo
I so agree. THAT is why she has not bought any cribs or changing tables or diapers for these children. SHe KNEW she would get these things given to her. THAT is exactly what she expected and it makes me so angry. Now she has this new house, next she will be expecting AND will get a large enough bus to carry her children around. She will then get college funds paid for for ALL 14 of her kids, just as Jon and Kate's kids have. H*ll MY kids will only go to college if they get a scholarship. WHy does she feel her kids are more entiteled than mine? WHY does SHE think she is entiteled to ANYTHING??? SHe KNEW what she was doing when she had those 6 embryos implanted. It just went BETTER for her than she could ever have hoped when 2 split into twins. Can you tell I am a little angry with this whole woman's sense of entitlement?
off the record,but my daughter just started college,and she has about 5 different ways to pay for it going..so it is possible,even without a scholarship.(she did get a small one though).But the majority is student loan,grant,work study (she works on campus) and the rest is the parents' part,if they're able..that can be in the form of a parent loan or cash.(you need not have perfect credit to obtain one).we had some savings bonds from the grandparents for that,but she actually got that part back,so it's working out so far.and we're far from wealthy,but not on welfare,either.(and she still got a grant).
a student can also declare themselves independent from their parents,but we haven't needed to go there yet.good luck,all things are possible :)
Okay, vent. Feel free to skip.
As others here have said, I also buy my own, my husbands, and my kids' clothes at thrift stores. Nothing wrong with that , but it is just what we can comfortably afford. I am sure Nadya feels she (and maybe her kids) shouldn't have to wear used clothes because she (they?) deserve better than that.

Sort of off topic but still related ... we pay every month for medical insurance through my husband's work. It kicks in for things like surgery, childbirth, or big time bills. But we don't meet our deductible othewise and NOTHING is covered. It pays for NOTHING we use. The deductibles are so high. So we pay monthy for insurance, and for everything else full price! I tried to get immuniczations and care for my kids at the public health dept last year and was given an attitude because we have insurance and the stuff they have is for kids with no insurance.
sometimes it seems those who work and try to do it right are penalized, while those who buy their cigarettes and get their food stamps but don't provide are given a free ride - like Nadya!!
So I took my kids to a free clinic yesterday for their annual physical, because our insurance doesn't cover physicals. Does anybody else have this problem? I wonder why we even bother paying for insurance since we would be better off without it in the long run. (I know we're lucky we have it for anything BIG that happens). If we kept the hundreds of dollars every month we pay for insurance with, we could use that for the office visits and physicals and shots, etc....

BTW - Especially in times like these, I know there are many responsible and hardworking people who don't have insurance for various reasons and it isn't their fault. I am just irritated at being penalized for having it when it does nothing for us. And hearing of Nadya living off the system (and living well!), makes me mad!
yes,it stinks.luckily the health dept here does not give us an attitude.I always got the kids' shots there when they were growing up.
we're not in a poor community per se,it's just that the public health dept here is recognized by itself for what it is..public health,regardless of income and ins.so we're lucky in that respect.
hardest thing can be the waiting time though,to get an appt.
I don't think her father's behavior is too far from Nadya's~ would you consider him a grifter too? (Genuine question- I'm not being sarcastic. I think the whole family show some personality disorders...)

That is really possible-this can be a family thing...perhaps Gma isn't in the club, or her role is to mimic public opinion so that we all believe that there is some how a normal influence in the house.....sort of a Hollywood view of their family, but this is somewhat my opinion.

It seems like Suleman is a complete jack*** for trying to spring this con on the general public, but to a certain extent it is working. Even now she is enjoying her vacation from parenting-from what I have read, she likely has not actively parented her children ever, but that is a superficial media driven view on my part. She has enough money from her interviews to be living the life she wants to live right now-she has managed to make it this far without holding down a job or actively parenting/caring for her own children....why should she believe that this will stop just because the babies come home???

IMO DR PHIL is doing a pretty darn good job of enabling her,and profiting from it himself,at the same time.shame on him! ..putting down foster care,saying Nadya can do it with some training..(she needs to have the DESIRE to do it first!),practically throwing her a baby shower and ensuring the house is ready for the babies and baby items are there..that should have all been her job! it's not like she hasn't been paid for all of this.

..as far as what's going on with her on his show,IMO a deal was negotiated as far as things like what questions would be asked (and she may have even been coached on the answers), a wardrobe was probably included,and most likely an agreement between them that there would be a way to donate to her on his site,and who know what all else...probably everything she wanted given to her to begin with...yes,SHAME on him! he knows better!

on the good side,I read that no one has donated to Angels in Waiting for her...but I'm guessing Dr Phil and or the producers will,if necessary,since they won't have a way to keep the story going if the babies are not released to Nadya.
IMO DR PHIL is doing a pretty darn good job of enabling her,and profiting from it himself,at the same time.shame on him! ..putting down foster care,saying Nadya can do it with some training..(she needs to have the DESIRE to do it first!),practically throwing her a baby shower and ensuring the house is ready for the babies and baby items are there..that should have all been her job! it's not like she hasn't been paid for all of this.

..as far as what's going on with her on his show,IMO a deal was negotiated as far as things like what questions would be asked (and she may have even been coached on the answers), a wardrobe was probably included,and most likely an agreement between them that there would be a way to donate to her on his site,and who know what all else...probably everything she wanted given to her to begin with...yes,SHAME on him! he knows better!

on the good side,I read that no one has donated to Angels in Waiting for her...but I'm guessing Dr Phil and or the producers will,if necessary,since they won't have a way to keep the story going if the babies are not released to Nadya.

I've heard as well that no donations are even coming into Angels. I think because the likes of Phil & Gloria have NOT MADE IT BLATANTLY CLEAR that Nadya gets NO money.

And then on LKL last night, Angels spoke of the AMENDED contract and IT DID NOT INCLUDE MENTAL HEALTH for The Nutcase anymore. So she gets everything she wants already. No mental health / therapy, a big new home SHE EARNED and a bunch of money.

Wonder why no one is donating. If this woman doesn't get help why should we help her children remain with her period!:furious:

OH and Gloria mentioned that it's a SUGGESTION TO NADYA not to do a Reality style show based on potential health & safety issues of the children. SUGGESTION. Alrighty then. Even Angels gave in to this freak!
I haven't seen anything yet, but would be very interested to hear interviews with neighbors, classmates etc from when Nadia was growing up. She has an ex-husband also, wonder what his take is on all this, he could give some good insights on the family.

I've heard as well that no donations are even coming into Angels. I think because the likes of Phil & Gloria have NOT MADE IT BLATANTLY CLEAR that Nadya gets NO money.

And then on LKL last night, Angels spoke of the AMENDED contract and IT DID NOT INCLUDE MENTAL HEALTH for The Nutcase anymore. So she gets everything she wants already. No mental health / therapy, a big new home SHE EARNED and a bunch of money.

Wonder why no one is donating. If this woman doesn't get help why should we help her children remain with her period!:furious:

OH and Gloria mentioned that it's a SUGGESTION TO NADYA not to do a Reality style show based on potential health & safety issues of the children. SUGGESTION. Alrighty then. Even Angels gave in to this freak!

Without mental health care, Suleman certainly isn't going to get any better, not that she would anyway.

I'm still hoping these children are taken away from her. The Angels in Waiting nurses will only be able to do so much. I just can't imagine Nadya not finding some issues on which to fight them tooth and nail. She's verbally combative with her mother so I just can't foresee her behaving any other way with the nurses. She will do her best to make them miserable.

What credibility Dr. Phil had left, stepping in to help this particular woman is going to cost him big time.
Guess he did fall off a turnip truck yesterday, and does have stupid written across his forehead.

As far as Suleman goes, how's that working for ya, Dr. Phil?
So what does everybody think of the guy who came forward to have paternity tests done, and then said even if they aren't his he still wants to help. Who is he? Has it been determined if he's the daddy? She says there is no way it is him (pucker lips and smirk) and she knows who it is. I wonder if it is just an anonymous sperm donor for all 14, and she knows his "sperm #" and nothing more. Anything new on that?

I loved when Dr. Phil asked her about her wish to have a life of celibacy. LOL. She was embarrassed that was brought up. She is doing that for her kids. WTH! I detect more mental issues with that one.

That guy's skin is too dark to be the father of these children imo. He seems to come through as more African American than anything else. Yes, the children have curly hair, but none of them that I've seen are as dark skinned as that guy. I think he just wanted his 15 sec. of fame. I'd be surprised to find out he was the father. His name is Dennis Beaudoin. He was interviewed on TV about this so I don't think there's a problem with me mentioning his name.

That guy's skin is too dark to be the father of these children. He seems to come through as more African American than anything else. Yes, the children have curly hair, but none of them that I've seen are as dark skinned as that guy. I think he just wanted his 15 sec. of fame. I'd be surprised to find out he was the father. His name is Dennis Beaudoin.
He was interviewed on TV about this so I don't think there's a problem with me mentioning his name.

So true. Esp the baby with blonde hair. The sperm donor of the 8 babies I BET is blonde haired. WHo knows about the other 6. Since Nadya has black hair and dark eyes, and since one of her children has blonde hair as well as blonde baby hair on his arms, the sperm donor HAS to be blonde. Our twins we adopted , we saw in the hospital at 3 weeks of age. They were born at 29 weeks gestation so they were very small. Well the birth mother named these children Selena and Alfredo, definite hispanic names, because she though the father was her sometime hispanic boyfriend. Well I told the nurses that there was no way (in my mind) that these children could BE hispanic because they had blonde body hair and blonde head of hair. Well I turned out to be correct. She also had another sometime boyfriend who has dark blonde hair and blue eyes. So both of my twins have very blue eyes. Our twin daughter has the bluest brightest blue eyes I have ever seen. So it is MY opinion that the sperm donor almost has to be blonde headed. He could have been blonde as a child and then his hair turned darker, however it would have had to be blonde as a child.
I loved when Dr. Phil asked her about her wish to have a life of celibacy. LOL. She was embarrassed that was brought up. She is doing that for her kids. WTH! I detect more mental issues with that one.
me too.I suspect she's unable to hold a close and personal adult relationship with anyone,so she says she's doing it 'all for the kids'.yea,right.
the babies are not being released yet...and Ms Non-chalant doesn't seem to mind..(did she really think they would send her a list of proposals for redoing the house?? for some reason,she does not appear to want them there yet...)


This line from the article caught my eye:

"Suleman told Radar that the social workers were disappointed that she was not at the La Habra home for the inspection, adding she didn't know she was supposed to be there."

Now I want to know why Nadya wasn't there, was she getting her nails done? Seriously, if you had 8 babies in the hospital and wanted to bring them home, wouldn't you be at that home waiting for the social workers to visit?

I don't know why that part of the story was such a big deal to me, just one more little thing that makes me believe she doesn't care one iota about those babies. (IMO)
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