Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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I admit I never watched Dr Phil, I can't stand to actually watch anything with Nadya speaking.

I don't think any of us said foster care was an option. I want these children permanently removed from her care and adopted out. That unfortunately takes a bigger case to make by removing her rights. She won't do it willingly. So CPS needs proof.

I don't have a clue where Dr Phil is getting his info from, no one has ever talked about fostering these kids. ADOPT, safe normal stable home. What planet does that guy live on?

This twit reached a new high with me telling that reporter how "she earned the house" she's moving into.

There goes my blood pressure again.
Now reports are saying that Angels may not be able to follow through on this deal as they cannot financially afford it. The money has to come from us but Gloria Aldred is guaranteeing that all money donated will be used solely for the care of the 14 children and none will end up in Nadya's 'hands'.

Now this just breaks my heart all over for those kids.

I'm pleased CPS is involved and being very tough on this mom now but to hear this Angels contract might all be for nothing.

How MUCH are we the public expected to pay? For goodness sakes!!! I heard last night it will take upwards of 4 MILLION dollars just to raise these babies till the age of 18. That does not include the other 6. Now I am like most people in the USa, I don;t have alot of financial freedom to allow me to take from my family and give to this irresponsible piece of S**t woman. However I might be willing to give a one time small donation. However I would want to make d**n sure that this woman does NOT have anyway to touch this money. If they hired a trustee that would allocate these "donations" from us, the general public, to make sure this woman did not get ONE PENNY and that all of this goes ONLY to these 14 children, then I don;t think they would have any problem collecting a large amount of money that will at least get these children;s cares started. I personally am so mad that this woman has gone out and constantly gets her nails done, gets to pay $200 for a shirt to wear on Dr Phil as well as a pair of shoes that cost $200 for the show. I have to buy my clothes from thrift stores and most of my kids clothes (5 kids) comes from consignment sales, because that is what our budget allows. I do not work outside my home as I chose to stay at home with our three little ones until next year when the twins go to Kindergarten. WHat ENTITLES this woman to be allowed to make a huge living off the fact that she had all these kids? This woman is a scam artist. SHe has been defrauding the welfare system, the SSI office as well as insurance fraud. WHy is NO ONE investigating all that? My oldest daughter was diagnosed with ADD, but SHe never received SSI for it as a disability. Then this woman had a hurt back and received disability for that but she can jump on a trampoline with her children. How LONG will we allow this woman to take advantage of our kindness and our flaws in our system? SHe is amking a life of this. I don't begrudge these chilren anything. However I will NOT feeely take from my children, nor do I think others should, and just give give give to this woman HOPIG that she will do the right thing and use it on her kids. We already see she does NOT do the right thing. Case in point her mother losing her house yet Nadya never paying her a penny to help. Instead being greedy and selfish trying to have yet more kids she could not raise. Does anyone feel the same as I?
I watched Dr Phil tonight, imo every time this woman was told about something donated, she gets this goofy look of amazement on her face that looks so staged to me, she's getting everything she thought she would when she put this plan into motion, everything donated. This is just the beginning and she is going to use those babies for everything she can get, how will they ever be able to have a normal childhood?


I so agree. THAT is why she has not bought any cribs or changing tables or diapers for these children. SHe KNEW she would get these things given to her. THAT is exactly what she expected and it makes me so angry. Now she has this new house, next she will be expecting AND will get a large enough bus to carry her children around. She will then get college funds paid for for ALL 14 of her kids, just as Jon and Kate's kids have. H*ll MY kids will only go to college if they get a scholarship. WHy does she feel her kids are more entiteled than mine? WHY does SHE think she is entiteled to ANYTHING??? SHe KNEW what she was doing when she had those 6 embryos implanted. It just went BETTER for her than she could ever have hoped when 2 split into twins. Can you tell I am a little angry with this whole woman's sense of entitlement?
I admit I never watched Dr Phil, I can't stand to actually watch anything with Nadya speaking.

I don't think any of us said foster care was an option. I want these children permanently removed from her care and adopted out. That unfortunately takes a bigger case to make by removing her rights. She won't do it willingly. So CPS needs proof.

I don't have a clue where Dr Phil is getting his info from, no one has ever talked about fostering these kids. ADOPT, safe normal stable home. What planet does that guy live on?

This twit reached a new high with me telling that reporter how "she earned the house" she's moving into.

There goes my blood pressure again.

:furious: This is how I really look because my blood pressure is rising by the minute (and I'm breathing flames)... lol!

PattyCake, honest to goodness, if you could hear some of the swear words floating through my brain, you would laugh! I'm at the point that nothing I'm thinking can be put in print!

I honestly want the babies to be cared for, and can't explain why I'm so angry. Just seeing photos of Nadya getting out of the SUV, yapping on a cell phone makes me ill! Why isn't she with her children she wanted soooo badly???

I have to find something constructive to do with all this anger.
:furious: This is how I really look because my blood pressure is rising by the minute (and I'm breathing flames)... lol!

PattyCake, honest to goodness, if you could hear some of the swear words floating through my brain, you would laugh! I'm at the point that nothing I'm thinking can be put in print!

I honestly want the babies to be cared for, and can't explain why I'm so angry. Just seeing photos of Nadya getting out of the SUV, yapping on a cell phone makes me ill! Why isn't she with her children she wanted soooo badly???

I have to find something constructive to do with all this anger.

Boyz_Mum, please take care of that blood pressure. We need your posts here at Websleuths. I too have anger toward her. She's selfish and a phony.
Take that anger that's eating at you and go out shopping today. Buy something just for you. It doesn't have to cost much. Or, go get a manicure. Let some one pamper you and let that anger go!
HUGS cause you really are concerned.
All of the above posts - I agree with everything said!

She goofed at the end of the Phil interview. He asked her about her being surprised by all of these donations. Her reply was something like "I just didn't think it would be put together this fast", (rather than "I am shocked and overwelmed! Thank you!".)

Then she goofed again when she said at the end of the interview that before all of this being donated she was just going to get the basics together first - cribs, and things like new carpet and mobiles for all of the babies!

I am happy to see the Angels group looks so serious and devoted to the details. You can tell they won't be walked on by Nadya. So sad when they talked about the babies' outstretched fingers may be cute but it shows severe stress.

I don't think they will put up with her crap. They talked a lot about mimicking Nadya's mothering. (the shirts she sleeps in will be used to caudel the babies, same smelling lotion as Nadya's, etc...)

Here is what I predict. They will require that somehow the babies living areas are totally seperate from the other six. THey can't deal with the other six during caring for the eight. Before long (I'm predicting when babies 3 and 4 come home) Nadya will get pissed and not like being told what to do and leave - have a million reasons to not be there. And the Angels will take care of the babies.

It really irked me how Dr. Phil kept going on that people need to realize foster care isn't an option here. Nobody wants them in foster care! I think many (me!) think they should be adopted out. There would be a list of 100's of couples willing to make arrangements to immediately adopt AND financially care for them individually or as twins! JMO of course. He should be barking at Nadya about the horrors of foster care for the babies, not his viewers!!! Ugh!!

Just thinking about all of the families who are losing their homes right now....

I agree these babies should be adopted as well, as twins at least. I am also so mad about everyone talking about how there are no good foster parents. For those of people who want to talk about how no one should be in foster care, please remember that in cases when children are taken into foster care it is ALWAYS as a temporary situation. This is when the state is providing services to the bio parents to try and help them KEEP their children. Also infants RARELY ever stay in foster care. Most are adopted early on. it is when the children are taken in when they are older or when the state can;t get their s**t together to terminate the parents rights so these children can be adopted. I have no doubt these children would be adopted asap. They would NOT grow up in foster care. It would just be a matter of fast the state, lawyers and judges can get together and finalize the adoptions. Bioparents lose their children all the time when they cannot provide basic needs for their children. Or if a child is in danger due to the parent(s) not keeping an eye on children and are suffering neglect. I don;t like the thought of any children being taken away from their birth parents IF that child is being cared for properly and not lacking in any care. However this woman has already proved that she cannot keep a safe eye or take care of the basic needs of her 6 children much less her other 8 preemies. Then in foster care please remember that MANY of these children may not even be alive today if they were not removed from their birth parents. Not all cases, are this extreme, but our three were. So I wish everyone would have some POSITIVE stories about foster care and adoption. (Boy I seem to have gone off in 2 directions with this email. sorry)
How MUCH are we the public expected to pay? For goodness sakes!!! I heard last night it will take upwards of 4 MILLION dollars just to raise these babies till the age of 18. That does not include the other 6. Now I am like most people in the USa, I don;t have alot of financial freedom to allow me to take from my family and give to this irresponsible piece of S**t woman. However I might be willing to give a one time small donation. However I would want to make d**n sure that this woman does NOT have anyway to touch this money. If they hired a trustee that would allocate these "donations" from us, the general public, to make sure this woman did not get ONE PENNY and that all of this goes ONLY to these 14 children, then I don;t think they would have any problem collecting a large amount of money that will at least get these children;s cares started. I personally am so mad that this woman has gone out and constantly gets her nails done, gets to pay $200 for a shirt to wear on Dr Phil as well as a pair of shoes that cost $200 for the show. I have to buy my clothes from thrift stores and most of my kids clothes (5 kids) comes from consignment sales, because that is what our budget allows. I do not work outside my home as I chose to stay at home with our three little ones until next year when the twins go to Kindergarten. WHat ENTITLES this woman to be allowed to make a huge living off the fact that she had all these kids? This woman is a scam artist. SHe has been defrauding the welfare system, the SSI office as well as insurance fraud. WHy is NO ONE investigating all that? My oldest daughter was diagnosed with ADD, but SHe never received SSI for it as a disability. Then this woman had a hurt back and received disability for that but she can jump on a trampoline with her children. How LONG will we allow this woman to take advantage of our kindness and our flaws in our system? SHe is amking a life of this. I don't begrudge these chilren anything. However I will NOT feeely take from my children, nor do I think others should, and just give give give to this woman HOPIG that she will do the right thing and use it on her kids. We already see she does NOT do the right thing. Case in point her mother losing her house yet Nadya never paying her a penny to help. Instead being greedy and selfish trying to have yet more kids she could not raise. Does anyone feel the same as I?

Please know I'm not at all suggesting any of us give any money. Personally, someone who is so completely incompetent, has no job, was homeless (living with mom at age 33 with 6 kids IS HOMELESS)... and on top of it all, CLEARLY SUFFERING FROM SOME SERIOUS MENTAL DISEASE... never be given 1 penny.

And beyond the mental issues, she is a true con artist down to the core. The con artist in her scares me far more than a woman that has 'issues' from her childhood. The con artist NEVER cares about anyone else but themselves.

I'd rather see that the public not donate so CPS is forced to remove these children and have them adopted out seperately.
I wonder if Nadya has any idea at all what turmoil she has dumped on the rest of the country? Does she realize that her decision to have these babies has affected people all over the country? Even if we are not responsible for her finances, everyone I've talked to about her is worried about the children. Will they be well cared for? Will they be safe? Ultimately, will they be separated from their brothers and sisters?

It is not fair to them -- the children.

Did she just wake up one morning and think, "Gee, I think I'll have a litter of kids. My first six are boring the crap out of me."

If she had gotten pregnant naturally and it had resulted in 8 -- that would have been one thing (a miracle, mostly). But to do this intentionally...it just boggles the mind. It is so freaking selfish.
imo Dr Phil is doing it for the ratings, this story will be going on for a long time and he'll be right there in the middle of it, the kids will probably start calling him Uncle Phil! Well with all his money, he can buy her the bigger house and will probably want to instal cameras throughout to record their every move.


Yeah , then she WILL have that reality show she so longs for. She can get everything from speaking engagements, to free Gymboree clothes, to a free fully paid college fund for her 14 kids. JUST what she had in mind.
Two things that struck me yesterday. I have tried not to look or listen to Natalie for the past week or so because she irks me to no end.

Number #1: Dr. Phil is so proud of himself that since he has been talking to her she has admitted that she shouldn't have had all the embryo's implanted. That it wasn't a prudent thing to do IIRC.

I watched her face when that conversation happened (it was a clip) IMHO she was working him over. She was saying whatever she needed to say. Manipulation. I then thought to myself, that's who she is---A chameleon---she will tell you whatever you want to hear so she can get what she wants. I've met a few ppl like that in my lifetime.

Another thing, TMZ reported on TV what she paid for her clothes during that interview. Anyone else see what's wrong with this picture?


O/T rant read no further if you are easily offended: Who does this cell phone yacking--- Jolie wannabe---with her store bought nose---her silicone enhanced trout mouth---lip gloss poppin---wearing 200 dollar shoes---I don't get welfare but I get food stamps---I just bought a half million dollar crib---think she? She needs a dose of reality and quick.

Yeah I'm hatin' on her as my kids call it.

I am right there with you. I am hatin on her too.
Boyz_Mum, please take care of that blood pressure. We need your posts here at Websleuths. I too have anger toward her. She's selfish and a phony.
Take that anger that's eating at you and go out shopping today. Buy something just for you. It doesn't have to cost much. Or, go get a manicure. Let some one pamper you and let that anger go!
HUGS cause you really are concerned.

azwriter, you are so sweet! If I didn't have to travel through 90 miles of mountains, I would totally go shopping today!:) My motivational anger has just allowed me to redesign the whole arena of entitlement programs, even though no one would listen! LOL! :blowkiss:
I looked Dr Phil up on wiki...he makes 30 mill a year...30 MILLION!!!! ..and he expects the REST of the american public to DONATE to her???? when there is a recession going on??? hello??? did I MISS something here???? reminds me of celebs who cut records to sell to raise money for various charitable causes...ok,that's actually doing some good,but while they're at it...why don't THEY donate?? they're the ones with all the money,not the rest of the average US.
I would really like to see someone ask Dr Phil how much HE has personally donated to Nadya!!!

I have a new nickname for him.....30 mill Dr Phil!!!!!

I have always wondered the same thing. IF these celebs actually gave up more of their money then they could do alot of good. Now I do know they do give some but most is only a drop in the bucket to what they could afford to give. We, as a nation, are very giving of both our time and MONEY. It is usally from us lower to middle class people that give and donate so much. I think the rich need to give much much more. Esp those celebs that make millions per movie or per commercial or song played.
I wonder if Nadya has any idea at all what turmoil she has dumped on the rest of the country? Does she realize that her decision to have these babies has affected people all over the country? Even if we are not responsible for her finances, everyone I've talked to about her is worried about the children. Will they be well cared for? Will they be safe? Ultimately, will they be separated from their brothers and sisters?

It is not fair to them -- the children.

Did she just wake up one morning and think, "Gee, I think I'll have a litter of kids. My first six are boring the crap out of me."

If she had gotten pregnant naturally and it had resulted in 8 -- that would have been one thing (a miracle, mostly). But to do this intentionally...it just boggles the mind. It is so freaking selfish.

I honestly don't think Nadya gives a damn about the children, the new babies or anything. I honestly don't think she is capable of love and may have believed that having these children would change that. I seriously think she suffers from a personality disorder. IMO.
I honestly don't think Nadya gives a damn about the children, the new babies or anything. I honestly don't think she is capable of love and may have believed that having these children would change that. I seriously think she suffers from a personality disorder. IMO.

TOTALLY AGREE! I watched part of the video that showed the Kaiser Social Workers walking around Octomom's new house. I am sure that they are onto her and realize she has some serious issues (yes, some sort of personality disorder). Those nurses are going to watch her like a hawk-- and she knows it. But, IMO, the stress of the situation will bring out her true colors.

Also, one of the hardest lessons I have learned in my half-century on this earth is NOT EVERYTHING IS FAIR. When I lived in NY I went through some horrible times with the housing cooperative I was part of. One of the owners stole money from an escrow fund we set aside to pay our maintenance into. The guy who did it was a sociopath and had the majority of the owners convinced that the minority of us who knew he stole the money were crazy. It was unbelievable how gullible many of my neighbors were! I had to let go of a lot of anger and such in order to get on with my life-- particularly the concept of "fairness." Eventually (it took about 5 years) it was proven that he did take the $$, but no one ever apologized for the way they treated the owners who were right.

But I do believe that people like Nadya will eventually face justice for their actions. Karma will come back and bite her in the butt somehow!

As far as open adoption for her kids-- her craziness reminds me of my stepdaughters mother who I swear is bi-polar with histrionic and narcissistic tendancies. It will be hell on Earth for adoptive parents if there is an open adoption-- she will try to control everything and make it unbearable for the parents and the kids. Same with any foster care situation. I am afraid there are no good solutions here other than to let her sit on a throne and be Queen Mother while everyone else takes care of her kids and praises her mothering skills. It's sad because all 14 kids are going to face a lot of challenges in their lives!
Here's a link on CNN to Nadya's

I'VE EARNED IT!!! - Meaning she's EARNED the house she's moving into.


"I earned it. ... No, my father did not purchase this house for me. I did it on my own,"

TRUE pathelogical liar when reports listed SHOW THIS NEW HOUSE IS IN THE FATHERS NAME. They have the documents showing the buyer. What a B!T@H
Please know I'm not at all suggesting any of us give any money. Personally, someone who is so completely incompetent, has no job, was homeless (living with mom at age 33 with 6 kids IS HOMELESS)... and on top of it all, CLEARLY SUFFERING FROM SOME SERIOUS MENTAL DISEASE... never be given 1 penny.

And beyond the mental issues, she is a true con artist down to the core. The con artist in her scares me far more than a woman that has 'issues' from her childhood. The con artist NEVER cares about anyone else but themselves.

I'd rather see that the public not donate so CPS is forced to remove these children and have them adopted out seperately.

OMG-you helped me finally crystallize my thoughts about her...she is a grifter. Anyone see that movie with Jon Cusak and Angelica Huston??? Suleman is a grifter, plain and simple. It is all about the con.
at rummage sales would clothes these kids cheap.

I could afford it but enjoyed rummage sale so much...most of the baby and young kids clothing didn't even looked used.

People buy the cute stuff for good and the kids outgrow it...mine would wear this pretty cute stuff for everyday use.
OMG-you helped me finally crystallize my thoughts about her...she is a grifter. Anyone see that movie with Jon Cusak and Angelica Huston??? Suleman is a grifter, plain and simple. It is all about the con.

Yes believe09! That helped me put my finger on her behavior during the interview with Dr. Phil where she acts like she will say anything to get what she wants...it's the con. It's been her plan all along.
OMG-you helped me finally crystallize my thoughts about her...she is a grifter. Anyone see that movie with Jon Cusak and Angelica Huston??? Suleman is a grifter, plain and simple. It is all about the con.

I don't think her father's behavior is too far from Nadya's~ would you consider him a grifter too? (Genuine question- I'm not being sarcastic. I think the whole family show some personality disorders...)
azwriter, you are so sweet! If I didn't have to travel through 90 miles of mountains, I would totally go shopping today!:) My motivational anger has just allowed me to redesign the whole arena of entitlement programs, even though no one would listen! LOL! :blowkiss:

Yes Boyz_Mum, I am sweet. I'm also kind, thoughtful, generous, and most of all humble. Thanks.
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