Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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I think those babies will be in charge. :cool:

And I hope those nurses keep track of how much time octo-mom spends away from all the children. This ain't about her.

I think to cover their butts legally, there will be endless note taking. Just speaking to an RN cousin of mine. There has to be a clear concise record of everything that goes on in that home. ANd thank GOD there will be. ITs all about the kids.
I'd like to know how Nadya thinks she is going to be able to raise this many kids. There's no Dad, her parents are pretty old and the nurses won't be there for 18 years. It's going to be a nightmare every year especially the next five. And, a 4 bedroom house isn't going to be big enough unless it has two living areas that one can be converted into a nursery.
I get that Angels will be caring for the babies-I heard rumors that Gma moved out-but the TMZ video of the little boy playing with the camera shows her taking a walk with one of the children...for sure the woman who walked into the house with Suleman in the video was some kind of stylist/assistant....to go along with her $200.00 flats and $200.00 blouse that she wore on the show.


See, I have confused myself-what other adults will be living with OctoMom and where will they be staying??
Last night on either Inside Edition or TMZ (yes, I watch it) - Nadya was getting out of a really nice black SUV with her body guard (they said), then walked up to the house with the lady (personal assistant or stylist as someone said above?). This the clip with the paparazzi giving her son a camera. Did that bother anyone else??!! First, they were doing this with her son in the street by parked cars. Nothing scares me more - someone backing out around a parked car can't see a little kid. What were the kids doing i the street?? Then, Nadya walks past the kiddies and up to the door. As going in says to son "don't play with the paparazzi" and breaks into laughter before going in. WTH!!?? Why did she leave him out there with him? Why is he playing in the street? Why is she so wrapped up with herself??

The Dr. Phil interview she said something about being "oh yes ... feel good that I'm financially secure... of course (pucker lips)... for 10 months".

Ten months? That's something to feel good about? LOL. I would be worried, not saying how I'm financially secure now.

Then about selling the birth video. She says "oh no, no! I don't know. I mean, I want to have copies made for friends to share it... What a bunch of crap. Why is she doing a blog? She should barely have time to shower herself.
Bodyguard? Paparazzi?? Stylist??? This con-artist should be on trial right after Madoff and yet she's living the high life????

Being honest and hardworking hasn't paid off quite so well.

Bodyguard? Paparazzi?? Stylist??? This con-artist should be on trial right after Madoff and yet she's living the high life????

Being honest and hardworking hasn't paid off quite so well.


Couldn't we all be happy that the media is helping her along with her delusions? ;) Which I think she really has, is true mental delusions.

Whatever blood money she's received for pimping her children off to the media will dry up, even if she's been given 10 million dollars (which I'm sure she has not - not even close). A person who was basically homeless, no job and made all these decisions will not be able to handle any amount of money. She'll do what she's done in the past, blow it all.

People like this will fall flat on their face. They can't keep up appearances forever. The walls will crumble. Once this dies down and she is actually IMPRISIONED with the nurses 24/7 like she damn well should be with all those babies, she'll crack.

I feel so strongly that she has such deep mental issues that it is only a matter of time.

Until then, I'm very pleased that the babies will be nurtured and cared for - however chaotic their lives may be... they'll still be cared for and SAFE. The nurses will not let Nadya sit on her butt, eating bon bons and doing more interviews.

Real life is about to happen and it won't take 6 months for the sky to fall in her world. Her time is coming.

And like I said before, this time, there will be a huge compliation of professional nursing notes all with their opinions of how she's coping with all these children. There is no way for Nadya to be successful in these circumstances - zero. It's impossible to raise 14 kids under the age of 8 all by yourself. Which ultimately is what the nurses will be training her for - to be taking care of all 14 ALL herself.

WHEN Nadya 'loses it again' and can't blame pregnancy hormones for her mental breakdown, the children will be removed because there will be documented evidence to provide to the judge. Nadya doesn't realize it right now but everything that will take place in that home can & will be used against her in the future. I still am certain she will lose those kids.
Couldn't we all be happy that the media is helping her along with her delusions? ;) Which I think she really has, is true mental delusions.

Whatever blood money she's received for pimping her children off to the media will dry up, even if she's been given 10 million dollars (which I'm sure she has not - not even close). A person who was basically homeless, no job and made all these decisions will not be able to handle any amount of money. She'll do what she's done in the past, blow it all.

People like this will fall flat on their face. They can't keep up appearances forever. The walls will crumble. Once this dies down and she is actually IMPRISIONED with the nurses 24/7 like she damn well should be with all those babies, she'll crack.

I feel so strongly that she has such deep mental issues that it is only a matter of time.

Until then, I'm very pleased that the babies will be nurtured and cared for - however chaotic their lives may be... they'll still be cared for and SAFE. The nurses will not let Nadya sit on her butt, eating bon bons and doing more interviews.

Real life is about to happen and it won't take 6 months for the sky to fall in her world. Her time is coming.

And like I said before, this time, there will be a huge compliation of professional nursing notes all with their opinions of how she's coping with all these children. There is no way for Nadya to be successful in these circumstances - zero. It's impossible to raise 14 kids under the age of 8 all by yourself. Which ultimately is what the nurses will be training her for - to be taking care of all 14 ALL herself.

WHEN Nadya 'loses it again' and can't blame pregnancy hormones for her mental breakdown, the children will be removed because there will be documented evidence to provide to the judge. Nadya doesn't realize it right now but everything that will take place in that home can & will be used against her in the future. I still am certain she will lose those kids.

Bolding mine...I agree! One $14 lipgloss at a time!
I feel sorry for the Angels who will feel obligated to keep coming in to help, even if she treats them with the kind of complete disrespect and lack of appreciation that she continually shows to her mother on camera. What will they do when she demands that they be her servants and take care of HER needs and speaks to them as she does her mother?
I feel sorry for the Angels who will feel obligated to keep coming in to help, even if she treats them with the kind of complete disrespect and lack of appreciation that she continually shows to her mother on camera. What will they do when she demands that they be her servants and take care of HER needs and speaks to them as she does her mother?

At 135,000 per month, Angels group will have an iron clad strongly worded agreement as to what IS going to happen in the home and what her responsibilities are. I've been around enough nurses in my life to know that they won't tolerate her sitting on her butt for longer than a 5 minute break. And they certainly won't allow themselves any disrepect or being mistreated.

She wanted these babies, they're going to make certain she's the one that will be raising them

They're there to help, not to cater. They are her backup. Don't kid yourself that she didn't go fighting tooth and nail with this deal. There were probably a million ground rules and she'll either abide by all of them or lose her kids. I think they've cornered her and she will not like it one bit. Which will lead to eventual failure. Remember: Angels told her early on - NO camera's no interviews, nothing. It is not in the best interest of those kids. They've made a lot of rules realizing the type of human they have on their hands.

I think her hand was forced and forced hard! I think she was told by CPS, hospital or whomever, take this deal or no kids!
You are probably right PattyCake~ I'm just miffed that she is parading around town with all the fixings and that there are people in "the real world" who are suffering because their job is gone, their house has been foreclosed on (like Nadya's mother!), etc...

I am also a little mad at Dr. Phil. He was traipsing around with all his "doctor credentials" and seems to be using Nadya just as he seemed to want to use Britney Spears, for his own personal gain. (I can't say he's lost a viewer with me, I really never watched him to begin with.)

Any word on what the IVF doctor is doing these days? He's created a Frankenstein.
You are probably right PattyCake~ I'm just miffed that she is parading around town with all the fixings and that there are people in "the real world" who are suffering because their job is gone, their house has been foreclosed on (like Nadya's mother!), etc...

I am also a little mad at Dr. Phil. He was traipsing around with all his "doctor credentials" and seems to be using Nadya just as he seemed to want to use Britney Spears, for his own personal gain. (I can't say he's lost a viewer with me, I really never watched him to begin with.)

Any word on what the IVF doctor is doing these days? He's created a Frankenstein.

LMAO-"Doctor Phil" is a stage name. I doubt he is still licensed to practice, PhD that he was-he was licensed in TX until Oprah made him a star. I wonder if she regrets that-I have seen his contracts and they state in no uncertain term that the advice he dispenses during the show has to be followed up/approved by an actual licensed physician.

Head shakin.
You are probably right PattyCake~ I'm just miffed that she is parading around town with all the fixings and that there are people in "the real world" who are suffering because their job is gone, their house has been foreclosed on (like Nadya's mother!), etc...

I am also a little mad at Dr. Phil. He was traipsing around with all his "doctor credentials" and seems to be using Nadya just as he seemed to want to use Britney Spears, for his own personal gain. (I can't say he's lost a viewer with me, I really never watched him to begin with.)

Any word on what the IVF doctor is doing these days? He's created a Frankenstein.

Totally disgusted with Dr Phil and how he's handled it all. I'm thoroughly sick of Nadya's display of pretending she's some true celebrity. For what? This woman deserves worst mother of the year award.

I maybe wrong but she'll get hers Boyzmum... life always comes full circle. And reading today she spoke of having to take this money from the media blitz because NO donations were coming in for the babies!

there are no donations dontcha think the money you're earning needs to go towards the children? She makes no sense. Wants money for the kids but blows it on herself. I think the bodyguard, etc are all people SHE'S paying for. If the 1st 2 kids are coming home next week and she's forced to abide by the agreement, we won't be seeing anymore nail salon visits or bodyguards either. They will make her work 24/7, get 'appropriate' sleep time and time to shower. The nurses will be forcing this woman to grow up and take responsibility. 6 months is NOT long for Nadya to make some massive changes.

She told Dr Phil she's felt like she's on holidays. He doesn't call her on her BS... that she's STILL acting like she's on holidays. Angels will NOT remain there wasting their time and money if she continues to do these things.

Her bubble is truly about to burst. Want the pin...?
Did you guys see how she sparred with her mother on Dr. Phil several days ago? It will happen with the nursing staff, guaranteed. As I have said before, this will not end well. Wish I didn't have to say that.
You know what I find sad (aside from every point in this whole saga)?

The bodyguard. She would not have needed the service of a bodyguard if she could have just shut her mouth to begin with. (IMO) People would be so kinder toward her and her actions should she not have sought out this "celebrity". (I realize the hospital came forth with the amazing octo story, but Nadya herself "pimped" the rest of the story out.)

Dr. Phil (IMO) should not sensationalize this any further. I don't find him to have any credibility anyway, but he should have learned something from the fiasco when he tried to intervene with Britney.
Did you guys see how she sparred with her mother on Dr. Phil several days ago? It will happen with the nursing staff, guaranteed. As I have said before, this will not end well. Wish I didn't have to say that.

How long do you think the nursing staff will put up with Nadya? (Or how long will Nadya stand for the nursing staff trying to teach her how to care for these children?)
LMAO-"Doctor Phil" is a stage name. I doubt he is still licensed to practice, PhD that he was-he was licensed in TX until Oprah made him a star. I wonder if she regrets that-I have seen his contracts and they state in no uncertain term that the advice he dispenses during the show has to be followed up/approved by an actual licensed physician.

Head shakin.

I am wondering how he got the PhD to begin with? I hope he follows up with a liscensed physician once in a while, I think he's whack. (My humble opinion...)
How long do you think the nursing staff will put up with Nadya? (Or how long will Nadya stand for the nursing staff trying to teach her how to care for these children?)

One step futher? How long do you think Nadya will stand for the nurses teaching her how to discipline and create order in that house?

She doesn't want to grow up and she won't. It will end bad!

I'm just relieved that there is care for the babies in place and a full documentation for the next 6 months.

Dr Phil is a joke. Let him foot the bill.
Is there anything in the contract that Nadya has with Dr Phil to make sure he is going to give Nadya an allowance too?
Nadya sounds like someone who wants everyone to wipe her bottom..and that is putting it nicely,as I can't say it here the way I would normally put it.I suspect the publicist quit because that is what was happening..the Suleman's think everyone should jump when they say so.

I don't think it's going to work out w the nurses,either.it's just going to be a matter of time before the children are removed;she's child-like herself and has no respect for authority or for what's in the best interest of her kids.

I would really like to see the IVF Dr. sued for the hospital bill......IMO,he's as responsible for it as Nadya is.

As far as everything being put in the grandparents' names,too bad they can't go after her for fraudulent conveyance or something.
I hope the gparents leave everything they have to the gkids in a trust fund,not to be touched until they're adults,and then only by them.(and nothing for Nadya).That may sound mean(or maybe it doesn't,considering the circumstances),but I think they've done enough for her,and it's not about her anymore.
One step futher? How long do you think Nadya will stand for the nurses teaching her how to discipline and create order in that house?

She doesn't want to grow up and she won't. It will end bad!

I'm just relieved that there is care for the babies in place and a full documentation for the next 6 months.

Dr Phil is a joke. Let him foot the bill.

Boy PattyCake, you're really on a roll today about Octomom. And all of your posts make sense.
I too predict a lot of friction between her and the professional care-takers. We know that she lies (denies plastic surgery) and when she speaks she does have an attitude that she is always right.
This whole thing about donations is so wrong. How many of us have had hard luck and expected others to clean up the mess? She acts as if she's supposed to have donations pouring in.
What she did, have eight premie infants while she has 6 at home under the age of 7 isn't something to be proud of. There's nothing to admire.
I'm still trying to figure out if she's just stupid or plain nuts.
As for Dr. Phil, don't even get me started. I'm still shaking my head over the stunt he pulled with the Natalee Holloway case.
He cares only about ratings for his show. That's his job. Not giving guidence to people in need of mental or emotional help.
my opinion only.
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