Would you be frightened being left in a remote trailer with two little kids at night?

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Would you be frightened being left in a remote trailer with two little kids at night?

  • Yes, absolutely

    Votes: 149 36.1%
  • Nope

    Votes: 130 31.5%
  • Not with a dog.

    Votes: 53 12.8%
  • Not with a security system, a gun, and a dog.

    Votes: 81 19.6%

  • Total voters
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To be honest I would not be anymore afraid to be in a trailer than I would be to be in a house. Not really sure why it would make a difference. With that said, No I would not be afraid at all. I live in what would be considered the country and I feel much safer than I did when I lived in town. I am more afraid of the mountain lions, bears, racoons, skunks, etc. than I am of people in my area. I feel that it really comes down to the lifestyle you are living no matter what part of town you are in. MOO
To be honest I would not be anymore afraid to be in a trailer than I would be to be in a house. Not really sure why it would make a difference. With that said, No I would not be afraid at all. I live in what would be considered the country and I feel much safer than I did when I lived in town. I am more afraid of the mountain lions, bears, racoons, skunks, etc. than I am of people in my area. I feel that it really comes down to the lifestyle you are living no matter what part of town you are in. MOO

But we have it great here in Montana. We know nearly everyone in the state!!!

p.s., just over in the Bitterroot on Sunday and it was gorgeous 'til the rain hit.
But we have it great here in Montana. We know nearly everyone in the state!!!

p.s., just over in the Bitterroot on Sunday and it was gorgeous 'til the rain hit.

We do have it good! Been raining like crazy here! Its good though, makes it nice and green, and hopefully less fires!
I do believe that there are good and bad no matter where you live. It just really comes down to who and what you choose to surround yourself with.
Living in a remote home with children would not scare me. I would much rather be out in the country with no one around than in town where I live, even though my town is relatively small. I love the darkness of no streetlights. You can actually see the stars. You take precautions, whether it is big a great big dog, big gun, alarm system and a must for anywhere you live are well made locks. The best deterrent to becoming a victim of any crime is difficult access. Scum and crooks are everywhere but they will always pick the easiest home.

Yep, I agree, shadow. I used to live "sorta" in the country. It was out in the boonies, surrounded by woods, there were only three houses on our street. I miss it. You are right about the stars. My son and I lived there alone after my ex and I split up. whenever we knew there was going to be a meteor shower or something cool, we would take our sleeping bags out to the driveway and watch the sky and sleep out there (with my dog!). We also used to be able to see all sorts of wildlife, which I miss. We always looked forward to "bat time" we called it. At dusk when the bats would come out and swoop over your head. We had raccoons, armadillos, rabbits, squirrels, peacocks, turkey vultures, turtles - it was awesome. Not so much wildlife in suburbia.
If you google map RC's address, they have plenty of neighbors.The house isn't off on it's own at all. Some of those neighbors are pretty scary people though.

hahahaha that is exactly where I live, anyone every been to the Poconos??? its nothing but woods and more woods and bears, I moved here because you got more bang for your buck and all, a nice house but scary as crap alone at night!

We had a place in the poconos, and I went up there a couple times by myself and it was SCAREY! But in a watched-too-many-horror-movies feeling-like-some-lunatic-was hiding-in-the-woods-watching-the-house way. I would work myself up that some crazy person was watching me, cause it was so dark out there at night, the house felt like a sitting duck. But escaped-from-the-psych-ward lunatic possibility aside, there wasn't really a rational fear. I am sure if i grew up there, and it's all I knew, it wouldn't seem as spooky..

Realistic fright, in my opinion, has everything to do with the quality and lifestyle of your neighbors, no matter where you live. I have looked at apartments in places I would not feel safe at past 5pm, in the suburbs.

But i think i was much more easily spooked at 17. Then again, Misty is much more hard and street savvy than I have ever been.
You'd think they would have replaced/repaired the skirting around the place before they took some of these photos.

I am just reading this, very interesting to say the least. If you go to the link you will see a pic of the side view and the back door with the walkway/ ramp and there is still a brick on the walkway. Weird. This looks to be posted last a little over a month ago, I wonder if it's still for rent?
I know of at least 6 high-profile cases of pedophiles living in trailer courts who murdered children. So, yes, I would be afraid of trailer courts, especially in more remote areas. Must be easier for the pedo-murderers to live in trailers.
Short answer- Not at Misty's age. I didn't have a lick of common sense as a teen.

At my age now, and from my 30's onwards- yes. I would be afraid in a trailer at any time.. No way to truly secure windows and doors or even the flooring if someone wanted in. Plus, I've never heard of a trailer like theirs with a security system- kind of overkill, you know?
hahahaha that is exactly where I live, anyone every been to the Poconos??? its nothing but woods and more woods and bears, I moved here because you got more bang for your buck and all, a nice house but scary as crap alone at night! I really need to get a dog, If I didnt have two jobs and two little kids to raise I would have more time for a pet but time is not an option, also I cannot get a gun (because of the little ones) so now Im looking for a stun gun or something lol But If I were in a scary trailer in the middle of the woods with two little kids and I was only 17 It could be kind of freaky I guess.

Honey, forget the handguns, get a double barrel shotgun and learn how to load it, shoot it and store it, get familiar with it and shoot it at a range every so often just to get used to it and not be so scared of it. They dont require precision shooting.
The remnants of potted flowers - how sadly symbolic.

I don't think that is a brick on the ramp, it looks like a can of beer wrapped in a brown bag to me.
To be honest I would not be anymore afraid to be in a trailer than I would be to be in a house. Not really sure why it would make a difference. With that said, No I would not be afraid at all. I live in what would be considered the country and I feel much safer than I did when I lived in town. I am more afraid of the mountain lions, bears, racoons, skunks, etc. than I am of people in my area. I feel that it really comes down to the lifestyle you are living no matter what part of town you are in. MOO

At 17..petrified. Today...Momma Shoes is not scared of anything. Got my protection well in hand and scattered because there are many floors and rooms in this house...I be ready. Access has been limited, always carry my phone and when I sleep...Big Bubba is in the nightstand...three dogs and Country living in the mountains with two red lights. Bears, bats and deer. You do hear gunfire but we celebrate that because it means someone is going to eat well.:rocker:
At 17..petrified. Today...Momma Shoes is not scared of anything. Got my protection well in hand and scattered because there are many floors and rooms in this house...I be ready. Access has been limited, always carry my phone and when I sleep...Big Bubba is in the nightstand...three dogs and Country living in the mountains with two red lights. Bears, bats and deer. You do hear gunfire but we celebrate that because it means someone is going to eat well.:rocker:

Big Bubba:floorlaugh:
I have lived in Satsuma for the past 25 years and I am not nor have I ever felt scared living here in the boonies... It's quiet it's peaceful and if you don't have druggies visiting your home on a daily/nightly basis... it's safe. There are lot of retired individuals that call this area their winter home... It's just unfortunate to me, that the individuals that were interviewed by media, in regards to this case, not meaning family members, were not what I'd refer to as a fair and good representation of our little community....IMO.
I suppose what one person considers 'boonies' is not the same to another.

I have lived in the country most of my life. The kind of country where your nearest neighbor is more than a few miles away from you. Surrounded by fields and woods. I love that kind of living. At night when you sit out in the yard, you can hear all the critters and grasshoppers and tree frogs and such. Once in a while a coyote. Watch the deer graze in the twilight. It's the most peaceful thing you will ever know. Never needed a gun, always had a dog or two to keep me company, and most of the time it was just my daughter and myself, dog(s) and a horse or two until she grew up and out of the home. Nobody ever bothered us and we never bothered anyone else.

I'd take that kind of life anyday over living in the city. No way I could ever handle that. I like my peace way too much. But, I'm not scared of the boogey man either.

*Shrugs* I don't consider where they lived in the 'boonies' at all. But that's just my take on it.
I realize that this poll was created very early in the case so this is just my two cents worth here. The MH was not in a remote area. There were neighbors all around in that MH development. I don't think that it was a "new" thing with Misty being with someone's children at night, alone. As far as the children are concerned, IMO, these children had been locked inside that MH on more than one occasion all by themselves.
We too live 'in the boonies' and never had problem one .
Hope I never have to move to a city.
hahahaha that is exactly where I live, anyone every been to the Poconos??? its nothing but woods and more woods and bears, I moved here because you got more bang for your buck and all, a nice house but scary as crap alone at night! I really need to get a dog, If I didnt have two jobs and two little kids to raise I would have more time for a pet but time is not an option, also I cannot get a gun (because of the little ones) so now Im looking for a stun gun or something lol But If I were in a scary trailer in the middle of the woods with two little kids and I was only 17 It could be kind of freaky I guess.

I love the Poconos! We used to have a vacation home on Arrowhead Lake and I lived by myself there for a year after graduation. Yes, it was a bit creepy at night, especially if you had a bear banging around out back. BUT, I'd be more more scared living in a city with a high crime rate than in the country with a few critters.
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