Would you lie in court to save your child? CLOSED FOR REVIEW

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Would you lie to save your child's life?

  • Yes

    Votes: 100 18.1%
  • No

    Votes: 261 47.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 191 34.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I am so surprise while I respect the honest opinions to see that so many parents would lie to let their child get a way with murder. If my child was murdered then I would hope that the parents would give their child support but not help them get a way with murdering my loved one.
I wouldn't lie so he could get away with murder, I'd lie to keep him from the death penalty. As I said, LWOP, I could handle. But I would fight the needle with everything I have in me - I'd lie, lie, lie, then lie some more if I had to.
I said IDK because I was thinking of the many possible scenarios. But, in this instance, no. I would do everything in my power to fight the DP however.
Disgusting describes it perfectly. She should take that Caylee necklace she wears off, she should NOT be wearing it. I am appalled.


And she can hand it over to Jeff Ashton, IMO! That man is fighting for justice for Caylee! I'm so impressed by him!:woohoo:
To save my child's life?! That's a question I'm so surprised there are so many no's for. Not talking about allowing your child to go unpunished..but to save them from being KILLED and no longer on this earth. I can't even imagine so I can't say what I'd feel in Cindy's position..but at this moment I can't ever imagine me not at least trying in some way to keep my child from dying a deliberate death.

I feel like that's what the victim impact statement is for, honestly. I don't feel she will get the dp anyway, due to the fact that they can't prove how she died, but Cindy and George could save her life in the penalty phase by asking the jury to spare her, and I believe they would vote for life in prison if the parents asked for it. I would not outright lie for my child in court, certainly not in a murder case for my grandchild, and definitely not the night after I said I believe she's not innocent. What's next - is George going to say he molested her?? Good grief.

I don't know, I have not faced the possibility of my child facing the DP, or my child being accused of killing my grandchild. I don't believe I could possibly know what I would do until I am faced with it. We surprise ourselves sometimes, don't we? I've done several things in my life that I said I could never do.
Lets not forget that KC could have taken a plea deal, she is the one that wanted all or nothing.
That's why my love is CONDITIONAL- you murder my grandchild, that's where my love ends!!!:hand::snooty:
So, to answer the question, Absolutely NOT! Under no circumstances, will I lie to save my daughter's life, even if it means the Death Penalty!!! I can say that unequivocably, for certain!!!

I'm sort of the same way. I do think I'm conditional with my kids. I'd cut them off if they murdered someone, especially a child.

If I thought they made a stupid mistake and it spiraled out of control that would be different.
In court you place your hand on the bible and swear u won't lie. I would not lie for my children in a court of law. Talk about sending the wrong message!!! Cindy an burn in h--- for all I care!!!!! I hope the SA has enough balls to charge her with perjury. If I was her lawyer I would resign.
In court you place your hand on the bible and swear u won't lie. I would not lie for my children in a court of law. Talk about sending the wrong message!!! Cindy an burn in h--- for all I care!!!!! I hope the SA has enough balls to charge her with perjury. If I was her lawyer I would resign.

I was thinking the same thing about her lawyer. The saddest part is that she'd be willing to lie for Casey, which in effect could deny justice for Caylee. What about her innocent granddaughter? I was listening at work and almost fell off of my chair when I heard her claim those internet searches were hers. Horrifying.

I voted yes. If DP was not on the table , I would vote different.
I honestly think that most parents would lie to if a child was on trial with a DP looming in the distant future. That is why in many countries parents are not allowed to testify against a child. Their testimony would be highly suspect. If I would be on a jury in a similar case, I would take a testimony from a parent with a grain of salt.
That said, I would not be surprised if CA would, at a later point in time, confirm that KC did come to her with a complaint that GA abused her, but she did not believe it, followed by a many sobs. It all depends how the trial is progressing and if her latest testimony did not have enough impact on a favorable outcome for KC.
Wouldn't it depend on the situation though? I mean if you are saying that you've raised these wonderful kids, then it's not the same situation at all. Who is going to need to lie when they've raised kids who are responsible?

I took the OP to be if the kid was in a situation like this. Reminds me of the movie Before and After with Liam Neeson and Meryl Streep when their son is accused of a crime. One is willing to lie and cover up, the other is not

If you're asking me, personally, it would not depend on the situation: I would not commit perjury in court for my child. End of story.

If you're speaking to the Casey Anthony case, how do we know that George and Cindy weren't raising their children to become responsible adults? As parents, they probably did the best that they could and never expected to find themselves in their current circumstances. I'm not going to sit in judgment of George and Cindy's parenting style, but I think it's safe to say that most parents will eventually question the role that they've played in shaping the lives of their offspring. jmo
Honestly, no. There is no one on this planet I'd lie for in a situation like this.
I'd never lie. But I admit I wouldn't be very co-operative to anyone trying to seek the DP for my child.
I voted that "yes" I would lie IF it meant that she would not get a death sentence. However, "NO" if it was just to get them out of a pinch!
Death is different.
Cindy is back to her old self. I would not lie.

Cindy: "yes, I have a flex schedule and um, yes, now that you ask me, I do re-call searching neck-breaking. Yes, yes I did. I was at work attending to a patient and decided to get my keys and go home and search Internal Injuries and then Chloroform and of course Chlorophyll. Once I printed out "How to make chloroform in your kitchen" I searched spleen injury and hot body contest. Then I went back to work and finished giving that sponge bath when I suddenly realized I forgot something, so I got my keys again, I hate when I do that, I got home and then searched google for Henkel Duct Tape and vintage red gas cans, then sir, I returned to work and changed more adult diapers"
I think I would lie to save my child´s life.
Wasn´t there a staement from G and C Anthony´s lawyer today that they did not think that their daughter is innocent, but that they would do anything to save her life?
I can´t blame them. Really. They already lost their granddaughter. I don´t think they can take anymore death.
I have a hard time with some of Cindy's answers, in light of the fact that she and George have stated they desperately do not want their daughter to face the death penalty.

I can understand and empathize (to a degree) with their plight; I just can't grasp their saying they do not know IF their daughter killed little Caylee. I truly believe they DO have an opinion of guilty vs innocent, rather they simply do not want to ever say the words aloud as it would make their nightmere "real" in ways they can't handle, emotionally.

JMO, obviously...
I would not lie in court given these circumstances. Don't know what I would might do in other circumstances. Even though I wouldn't lie in court I'd certainly beg for his life.
I don't have kids but I'm sure my mother would lie for me to keep me from getting the DP..I'm an only child, if that matters.
I voted that I don't know, and I just don't. I have a daughter. I cannot imagine even the first step in this process - my daughter killing someone. So the continuation of that thought process becomes surreal to me. I can't even imagine that far.

I have never stood between my child and her just consequences. I don't cover up for her mistakes. So I know that I wouldn't lie to keep her from consequences in general.

But death? The needle in her arm? Watching through a window as someone puts my own child to death while tied down on a bed? I can't help but think - yes, if I knew she was locked up for life and couldn't hurt anyone else, I can see how I could lie to save her from being killed in that way.

However I can't picture myself lying in court, or to an attorney, under oath, to get to the point where I'm lying to save her life.

So I don't know. I think my instinct would be to lie for her. I don't know if functionally I could make myself do it.
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