Would you lie in court to save your child? CLOSED FOR REVIEW

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Would you lie to save your child's life?

  • Yes

    Votes: 100 18.1%
  • No

    Votes: 261 47.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 191 34.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Can someone tell me how one can take the stance that lying is wrong and be attacked? It is amazing to me there is so much compassion for Cindy but none for fellow WSers who find what Cindy is doing very wrong?

I do not understand.

I had to eat a piece of apple pie to think about this Food helps me think thats why Im so healthy looking lol.
Im not slaming CA in any way really. Im only saying that I would not lie. But just like I said before you have to walk in someone's shoes to know why they feel like they do and in that sense, I dont know of anyone on here that has been in her position to really honestly answer this poll. I just know that I wouldnt even bail my eldest dd (yes one of my dd's did turn out imperfect)out for child neglect and OMG if I didnt catch carp from a bondsman and the PD because I was an awful mom for leaving her in there (for 2 whole days mind you and then they ROR'ed her).

My kids arent perfect but I truely believe they would never take a life and I stand by my choice to leave her in jail and I stand by my opinion that I would not lie if they killed their child. Actually, thinking about it when I went to court and got perm custody of my grandchild dd and the ex wanted me to lie about what a great mom she was and how she visited and helped all the time with the baby(she didnt) and I told the judge just as it was.
If Cindy covers for the chloroform searches, that would take out the premeditated charge. That would save Casey's life. But hopefully won't let her off scott free. I hope.

There is still a dead body in Casey's car.

She will not get off scott free, no way, no how - there is still that whole 31 days thing.
When it comes to whether your child might get the death penalty; anyone who says they wouldn't lie to save their child from the possibility of such a fate is lying - or doesn't have a child.

An interesting comment because I honestly (no lying!) do not believe I would lie for my kids. Maybe it's because I honestly do not believe they would ever be evil enough to warrant such a charge as first degree murder.

Your comment is very intriguing though, knowing from where you come from with your opinion.
If Cindy covers for the chloroform searches, that would take out the premeditated charge. That would save Casey's life. But hopefully won't let her off scott free. I hope.

There is still a dead body in Casey's car.

Respectfully disagree, in two ways-

One, I think the chloroform searches could have been originally meant for developing a weapon to used on Cindy, not Caylee, in March of 2008 (guess that's not disagreeing, that's just me saying it might not be what meets the eye).

Two, I believe that cutting one, then two, then three, then a fourth piece of duct tape, placing them over your child's face and in your child's hair and possibly wrists and putting a heart on for cutesiness in plenty of premeditation.

Oh, and to add a third...placing duct tape over your child's mouth and nose and into her hair is aggravated child abuse, IMO, and when it results in death of the victim, it can carry the death penalty in Florida.
Can someone tell me how one can take the stance that lying is wrong and be attacked? It is amazing to me there is so much compassion for Cindy but none for fellow WSers who find what Cindy is doing very wrong?

I do not understand.


I honestly didn't see anyone get attacked. I just thought we were having a nice debate here.
Of course you have to know I didn't mean like 'she fell into the pool and drowned so lets hide the body' type of accident. I'm talking about the 'I did something really stupid and negligent and got scared and tried to cover it up' type of accident. Exactly the type of accident that I think took Caylee Anthony's life. I think ICA did some really negligent, careless and wreckless things that resulted in the baby's death. I don't think ICA set out intending to commit murder, but did commit negligent homicide and/or aggravated child abuse. And in that case I completely understand her mother not wanted to participate in sending her to the DP. Obviously no matter what happens CA and GA wouldn't be responsible for ICA receiving the DP if she does, but their testimony could very well play a part in her not receiving the DP.

Somebody earlier put it perfectly. Your choice may not be mine and mine not yours, but we all have the freedom to own our own choice. If my child did something negligent and as a result accidently and unintentionally caused the death of someone else I would not participate in sending him to the DP, even if it meant I had to lie. Our justice system isn't perfect, and it certainly isn't always right. I believe in the DP, for those who intentionally commit violent crime. I get incredibly angry at people like Casey who play with the posibility of death so they can satisfy their own selfish wants. I just don't know that someone deserves death for anything but intentional actions. Its a fine line. Maybe I'd feel differently if someone I loved was a victim. I know I have often said that if one of my loved ones was ever killed by someone who couldn't stop texting long enough to drive I would move heaven and earth to see that justice was doine...

Hi Jack! Yes, I assumed you did not mean she drowned, matter of fact I had started to put some options in the reply but was trying to keep it more black and white.

If Caylee died from ICA overdosing her with chloroform, that is such an overt act of child abuse IMO it should totally negate any reduction in sentence. Seriously who uses chloroform (or any illegal drugs) on their 2 year old then cries "But it was an accident!" If this is what happened, why should ICA be let off the hook?

Putting Caylee in the trunk with or without drugs would IMO be the same, ICA was not a 12 yr old who didn't know better. Cars plus the Florida heat kills kids!

So what kind of accident could it be, where ICA didn't intentionally kill Caylee but she is willing to sit in jail for three years charged with murder rather than admitting the truth? Willing to risk the DP?

Does ICA telling Lee that "Maybe I am a spiteful b!tch" say anything about her frame mind?

If "Bob" drinks a 12 pack of beer, then gets in his car and plows down a child in a crosswalk, he can claim it was a horrible accident but he knew the chance he was taking when he got behind the wheel. Does the fact that it was a horrible accident make him any less responsible for that child's death?
The question asked is one I have thought about quite often, esp when we talk about DP cases.
My belief is that a crime involving murder is the worst thing a person can do.

I would not and could not lie about anything I knew, did, or didn't do, whether it sent my only child to his death or not.

I feel very strongly about the issue of " justice for all" !!
i would not lie in court to save my child's life, not under oath. i might fib a bit during the sentencing phase if i thought it might help save his life (what mom wouldn't?)

You're onto something there. I don't think I'd ever lie on the stand, but when it came to make a plea before the judge - yah, I'd probably be front and center asking for a lighter sentence. But if he did the ultimate crime, like killing a child -- that would be a tough call. I might just have to wash my hands and walk away!


I struggle to understand why all of the A's have behaved as they do, I may hate what they have done, but I think that I can't judge what they have done because I haven't had to live and cope with their situation. It makes it difficult for me to have a firm opinion about them, so I voted IDK because I just don't.

Trying to image what I would do if I were in their situation is like pondering what I would do in the event I was abducted by aliens. Finding myself in either situation is just so improbable I can't even get to the point where I can think about what I would do.

But regardless of what the A's do, "The Truth Is Out There". (Reference to The X-files", they usually had that written during the opening credits, IIRC.) Mulder was led by his heart, Scully by her intellect... it sucks for me because my heart and wanting to be objective with my brain are at times very conflicted.

Here's the original X-files opener, if you go to the very, very end you can see what I'm talking about. I can't explain it very well:
I honestly didn't see anyone get attacked. I just thought we were having a nice debate here.

RespectfullyQuoted donnam

I don't know, I saw a post that said if you are of the opinion you would not lie for your child it was either because you were without child-or a liar. And considering my opinion is that I would not lie for my child and I am without child...I took that a little personal. But, I am sure that is my problem. :yes:

No I wouldn't. I have always told my kids that I will not lie for them. I won't volunteer information but I won't lie either.

In a case like this one, I would have to tell my child that I love them but I can not be a part of what they have done and will not protect them from paying for their crime. On the stand, I would have to tell the truth as I know it.

In the end, I would be on my knees begging for my child's life but I still would not lie.
they wouldn't ever be free since the other option is LWOP.

How do you know what the effect of the lie would be? The jury could always believe the lie created reasonable doubt and the person would be free. At this point Cindy is not saving Casey from the DP, she could possibly be setting her free. No one knows what will turn a jury or how.
RespectfullyQuoted donnam

I don't know, I saw a post that said if you are of the opinion you would not lie for your child it was either because you were without child-or a liar. And considering my opinion is that I would not lie for my child and I am without child...I took that a little personal. But, I am sure that is my problem. :yes:


Don't take it personal, it is an opinion. I respect your opinion, even if we don't share the same thoughts on this one. :hug:
I struggle to understand why all of the A's have behaved as they do, I may hate what they have done, but I think that I can't judge what they have done because I haven't had to live and cope with their situation. It makes it difficult for me to have a firm opinion about them, so I voted IDK because I just don't.

Trying to image what I would do if I were in their situation is like pondering what I would do in the event I was abducted by aliens. Finding myself in either situation is just so improbable I can't even get to the point where I can think about what I would do.

But regardless of what the A's do, "The Truth Is Out There". (Reference to The X-files", they usually had that written during the opening credits, IIRC.) Mulder was led by his heart, Scully by her intellect... it sucks for me because my heart and wanting to be objective with my brain are at times very conflicted.

Here's the original X-files opener, if you go to the very, very end you can see what I'm talking about. I can't explain it very well:

This gets to the heart of the matter as well....most of us, though unfortunately some here have actually had to go through this, would consider this completely foreign territory-it's why I answered IDK.

And again, to me in regards to Cindy, it really doesn't come down to a simple question of a lie here, a mistruth there. Or letting JB lie and going along with him. Nope, she knew that would get her kicked out, so she made sure she crafted a way to stay on that stand and, basically, retell KC's lies in her own voice.
Some indicate they do not believe anyone would be completely truthful, but don't mention whether they/we believe that people would be as methodical as CA was.

Would you sit down and plot a way to explain your work schedule?
Would you sit down and plot a way to explain computer searches?
Would you say that you still think the kidnapper has your grandchild, three years later?
Would you say that you believe she is still alive while coveting some other poor kid's ashes?
Would you pretend that you needed to look up ingredients that you found on bottles of chemicals in your house, when the same label that listed the ingredients would indicate whether the product was poisonous?

I know she had prior depos and knew what would be asked....so she premeditated the lies. Is that what we're really asking here, if a parent would sit down and premeditate one lie after another? Or if they would simply be evasive?
i would not lie in court to save my child's life, not under oath. i might fib a bit during the sentencing phase if i thought it might help save his life (what mom wouldn't?)


Casey? Well, I guess she isn't a mom anymore. That is what makes this question so ironic.
How do you know what the effect of the lie would be? The jury could always believe the lie created reasonable doubt and the person would be free. At this point Cindy is not saving Casey from the DP, she could possibly be setting her free. No one knows what will turn a jury or how.

Understood, I still would lie to save my childs life. Does that mean to some I will burn in He** for all eternity? Maybe, but, it is my eternity. We don't all have to agree here. Everyone has different opinions and I respect them all.:cheerful:
I cannot imagine the pure torture of having to make that choice. There is no doubt in my mind that I'd sacrifce my own life if it meant saving my son.... but on the other hand if he willingly participated in monsterous acts (such as this) I would want him to be accountable...

And there is also the consideration of which is the ultimate form of punishment - the daily agony of spending the rest of your life in prison or laying on a table and falling asleep forever.

Spending the rest of my life knowing that my son was being subjected to unspeakable acts that occur in prison might be a worse punishment for him and for me.

I've also warned him in advance (not that I really need to because his biggest fear is getting into trouble for anything by anyone) but it was "a good to know" for me growing up... If he ever gets arrested he is not to call me because I will make him sit there and think about what he did... so far it worked for me (clean slate here)!

Uugghh... way too heavy of a subject to think about before bed...
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