Wow! Thank God for Richard Grund & Thank God LP Told on the Anthony's!!

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This is what I always thought too that she was trying to keep the A's and Jesse separated so they wouldn't compare notes. I now think that the start of the "Jesse did it" scheme came into play very early on. I remember Cindy asking Casey in a very early jail house video who she could trust and named all of Casey's friends. In doing so, she gave Casey choices as to who would be the best candidate to pin it on. I remember Casey telling Cindy that she didn't trust Jesse and they should keep away from him. I also remember Lee going through a similar list of Casey's friends (although in a very covert way) and asking also who could be trusted. I guess Jesse was elected by unanimous consent of all the the A's to be the "patsy".

Jesse Grund knows too much about the Anthony Family. Jessie was also an Orlando Police Officer at one time if I am correct. If he tells police like it is with the Anthonys, George and Cindy Anthony see Jessie as a threat to their family if he co-operates with police and why shouldn't he. Its ludicrous to believe that Grund would want any child dead let alone Caylee.
I don't think Cindy, George and Lee should point the finger at JG especially when their darling daughters constant claims of a Zenaida, was the person who was the perp. If you think of how many scenarios Casey has come up with and led police on empty chases I am not surprised they are getting desperate enough to blame others.
Thankfully, JG passed the lie detector test.

Any idea if Annie took one? Her interview raises a few questions..

I still wonder what happened to cause Annie's hat to end up in the garbage ripped up?
I still wonder what happened to cause Annie's hat to end up in the garbage ripped up?

Apparently that cap was given to KC by JG.

Since KC didn't trust him, she got rid of that cap..

KC knows how to manipulate people, all her friends knew she lied but no one ever called her on them. That's not a friend one can trust...:behindbar
I remember in one of CA's LE interviews she said she now believed "the nanny" was whoever was watching Caylee at the time and not necessarily ZFG.At the time I was thinking CA was finally being honest with LE,but now I see it was to set up friends of KC's.
About LP,I think there were things that LE knew,but couldn't share with civilians,like the Grunds.LP wasn't bound by the same policy and could let the family know.I'm glad he did.

so if CA believes it was "WHO EVER " then on the day....
Little Angel CAYLEE Disappeared....
& the "WHO EVER" Took her and the "WHO EVER" gave
KC a SCRIPT ~ then
why is the name ZFG and the discription of the curlie hair
Hispanic 20ish year old woman the one she gave....

the "WHO EVER" should be described as the
why drag the innocent "WHO EVER's" into to the crime !!!

Did the "WHO EVER" who took CAYLEE Kill her.... or did
one of the other "WHO EVER'S" get CAYLEE from the other
"WHO EVER" and then.... that "WHO EVER" kill her....


Is it "WHO EVER # 1" ?
Is it "WHO EVER # 2" ?
Could it be "WHO EVER # 3" ? ? ?

or maybe just maybe Miss Liar KC :liar::liar::liar:

will have to choose.... which Door is it ???
Which Door is the "WHO EVER" behind...????

Sorry .... My TICKED OFF Button is pushed again by these
dumb _ $$ stories !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless ALL who seek ~JUSTICE~ for the little Angel
Caylee ` murdered and left in the swampy woods for Months !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U N B E L I E V A B L E !!!!!!!!
just DISGUSTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless !
I still wonder what happened to cause Annie's hat to end up in the garbage ripped up?

Anne said in her interview that the hat was given to KC by JG. Anne had it on her head is all
I feel ya JJGRAM. We all get those moments with these peeps. It's ok.:blowkiss:
How wonderful that in your state, Florida, all of these police and FBI interviews get released to the public. Normally we would have to search any media interviews to find conflicting stories by the parties, but here we get to see actual sworn statements and contradictions, under oath. It is a treasure trove! All of the statements her family gave are going to be the icing on the cake to bury her, (the cake of course being the outrageous, easily disproved lies she told the investigators and the wild goose chases she took them on). I would be interested to learn if all of the criminal cases there are automatically released in the same fashion or only when the media or member of the public requests them. The other great thing is all of these witnesses still post on their my space page, even knowing that all of that can come in to impeach them. (My personal favorite is yesterday Annie titled her page Today is the day that decides my fate! KC hadn't even bothered to have someone delete her entire photo bucket account,(all of the photos were literally still up there for the public to see the morning of the hearing) thus the State was able to argue that JB saying her photos were never meant to be public was moot. Even my eleven year old nephew would know to prepare by putting yourself in the opposing team's seat and imagining what their argument might be, and to research any public information that KC may have out there! I know he has law clerks and interns, why do you think he comes to court so ill prepared? It is hard to watch.

Does anyone know if any of C or G's depo has leaked yet?
so if CA believes it was "WHO EVER " then on the day....
Little Angel CAYLEE Disappeared....
& the "WHO EVER" Took her and the "WHO EVER" gave
KC a SCRIPT ~ then
why is the name ZFG and the discription of the curlie hair
Hispanic 20ish year old woman the one she gave....

the "WHO EVER" should be described as the
why drag the innocent "WHO EVER's" into to the crime !!!

Did the "WHO EVER" who took CAYLEE Kill her.... or did
one of the other "WHO EVER'S" get CAYLEE from the other
"WHO EVER" and then.... that "WHO EVER" kill her....


Is it "WHO EVER # 1" ?
Is it "WHO EVER # 2" ?
Could it be "WHO EVER # 3" ? ? ?

or maybe just maybe Miss Liar KC :liar::liar::liar:

will have to choose.... which Door is it ???
Which Door is the "WHO EVER" behind...????

Sorry .... My TICKED OFF Button is pushed again by these
dumb _ $$ stories !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless ALL who seek ~JUSTICE~ for the little Angel
Caylee ` murdered and left in the swampy woods for Months !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U N B E L I E V A B L E !!!!!!!!
just DISGUSTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless !

It's WHOEVER they throw against the wall and sticks.Or maybe WHOEVER doesn't matter to them as long as it creates reasonable doubt. What I find fascinating is the way the A's continued to lie even when it was evident the public wasn't buying it.That's why the Kidfinders crew was so important to them and why LP became the enemy .
Even though LP has made some outrageous statements I have always felt he has a good, big heart.
Casey and her family made a fool out of him, he is not the type of person to cross, I hope he continues on his journey of making all of their lives a living h*ll.
The sooner that entire family is exposed the better.:furious:

I think he has a good heart, too. Now and then, he shoots from the lip. But, I think he's all about Caylee.
God Bless Jesse, Richard and Leonard. They all are really good people with big hearts. You guys ARE the best! Thank you very much for all that you've done to help out with this case.

Thanks heavens that JG and KC did not marry! She is SO not worthy, of him.
I guess the OCSD & the FBI are lucky that LP showed up to let them know what was really going on...!!

I know there are some who believe that LP deserves credit for something but I respectfully disagree.

In my opinion he has done nothing but endanger this investigation, spread rumors, cause rampant speculation & insult nearly the entire population of Florida. Including his fellow bondsmen & bounty hunters.

When LP's not busy "Mugging" for the camera in a self serving attempt to enhance his profile, he's either falsely accusing innocent people or defiling Caylee's memory with another one of his unfounded and unsubstantiated "Theories".

If any good at all has come from LP's involvement it was a total & complete accident and to give him credit for aiding this investigation in anyway is an insult to the people who actually deserve the Credit....The OCSD & the FBI.

Also, any information that LP may have against Casey is useless.

LP would make a horrible witness & the prosecution would be best served by avoiding him altogether.

How could they possibly ask the jury to take LP at his word when the OCSD wanted to give him a lie detector test after the "ECON River Fiasco".

What are they going to say? We only believe "Half" of what LP has to say?

I can see the cross examination now......

According to Leonard.......Lee Anthony is Caylee's father, Mr. Kronk and his girlfriend are involved in a conspiracy and all the Bondsmen & Bounty Hunters in FLA are "Jealous" of him

Or Jose could just ask Leonard to expand on these statements..

PADILLA: Because I've been around this business for 33 years, and I've seen cadaver dogs hit on things that sometimes don't turn out to be a body.

PADILLA: I believe the baby's alive. I believe she passed her off to one of her friends -- Watch my baby, I`ll be back in a couple days.

PADILLA: What the media interprets as a woman that's callous and doesn't care, I believe, is a woman that knows her daughter is with people that she's been with before.

PADILLA: I think she passed her off to a baby-sitter so she could spend more time without being bothered, with her boyfriend.

I agree 100% With you :clap::clap::clap::clap:
I agree 100% With you :clap::clap::clap::clap:
God knows he is going to make money off this, and he has messed up, but just him telling Nick about Hoover having the video of DC in the woods helps me give him some slack. he could have Bee lined it to the tabloids, instead his first call was to FBI. I agree they had a reciprocal relationship, and they confided in him things they wanted leaked, much the way the press secretary gives an un-named source story to a journalist that they want leaked. He had a choice to make and he chose the right thing to do. Kc's own friends and family and men she have slept with (Ricardo) have actually sold stories and pictures and he didn't, at least not with this incident.
Thank you, Mama. Is there a thread or an article for that so I can catch up? How could they do that to that good, sweet boy? Of all people they pick him?:mad:

Because there's proof that KC made up Zanny. They think JG is all they have left to blame. They seem to be overlooking two things: 1) JG was cleared, completely, very early on, and 2) all the evidence points to KC. No one else.
Yes I was really shocked to read George's statements about his daughter. I thought to myself "Why would George say all of this?"
George's reality is that he has to keep peace with an unstable,(my opinion), and very controlling woman. So as long as he lives in that house with Cindy, he must stifle his thoughts and beliefs and continue to live in Cindy's Delusion, which is a lie.
It's really very sad, I think. How in the world will George ever be whole and healthy? He can never be well while this charade continues. I think the man would be so much better off out on his own and away from Cindy and the life of lies she demands!
I sing praises for LP. He will keep it real, and he won't let anyone forget the bs and the lies that this family attempts to push.

I feel like in his DEPO he seemed to be putting on a tough guy show for CA - his questions were not even that difficult. It was like he was overacting with those eyebrows.
What is with Cindy's comment, in the deposition, that Jesse is the one that first mentioned the "nanny", Casey said the babysitter ? Didn't Casey's initial statements include the word nanny to describe Zenaida ?
What is with Cindy's comment, in the deposition, that Jesse is the one that first mentioned the "nanny", Casey said the babysitter ? Didn't Casey's initial statements include the word nanny to describe Zenaida ?

CA was asked how long she had heard the name "Zany" and since she had previously stated she heard of the name for about the last 3 years, she now ties JG's 2006 relationship with KC into that statement by claiming JG was the first person to ever use the title "nanny" around the A home.

But then CA also told detectives in her interview with them that she now believes "Zany the Nanny" was either JG or AH OR whomever happened to be watching Caylee at the time.

She's just adding to the A's finger-pointing at JG.
It just doesn't make any sense that CA would insinuate that Zanny was Jesse or Amy--I mean, for Pete's sake, after Caylee was found, if it was indeed one of them, why wouldn't KC just come clean? The fact that she hasn't goes to show that Zanny couldn't possibly be either one of them....or anyone else, for that matter. IMO.
People are on here saying Jesse should sue KC, my vote is not to even dignify any of it with a response.
I think his father is making sure that Jesse does not get any of this BS the A's are trying taken seriously by LE. Everyone's opinion, across the board is that all of the KC sized lies (I have coined that phrase, I think it is very funny) that the A family are perpetuating are BS. No one believes them. No one.

My advice to him would be to hold his head high, testify to the truth, continue in his life with his future plans, continue to believe that God has a sweet, honest girl for him to marry and have his own children with. (It matters that LE has cleared him, publicly and I am very glad they have). Knowing that, I would tell him close this chapter and move on with the rest of your beautiful life, when you are old and gray and looking back your life, the five years you knew CK will disappear among all the other good people, your accomplishments, and all that you can be proud of. If I had the kid's address I would tell him I am proud of him and not to waste another moment looking back.

Jesse if you should ever read this, your life has just begun, treasure the happy memories of a sweet little baby, let the rest go. Be proud that you loved her without condition, it was honorable that you wanted to raise her as your own. God sees you, he knows your heart. The way......., the very, very best way to honor her memory is to have a happy and full life. Julia Watson
People love to bash Leonard, but if it weren't for him stepping up, and saying this is bull----, and evil and I am going to let Jesse, his family and law enforcement know the A family is actually trying to frame Jesse.......... they may have gotten away with it. I thought he was fantastic for coming off her bond once he realized she was not looking for the baby, that is rarely ever done (unless the person commits another crime while they are out on bail), but him stepping forward and letting it be known what they are up to about Jesse really really makes me thankful to him! Way to go Cowboy!!!!

All of the Anthonys have been openly , and Baez has been. openly suggesting that Jessie did it. They are really going to try that at trial. Poor kid. It is shameful! The jury us going to despise this family for it. imo In April I thought he should just rise above it and not sue, I have since been persuaded their evil deeds require a consequence, so I am now on the other side of that fence.
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