Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California, #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Not if she had been adopted by Rebecca's parents. And if she was R's child, they had obviously trying to hide it for X's entire life, so don't think it would become public knowledge when R committed suicide.

I could care less if she were R's child, except where it concerns Max.

OK so I was guessing she was in her 40's maybe or something when the other 2 were born, but if it was 60's Im not so convinced. IMO that would not only be rare it would be stupid too! Thats time to enjoy grandbabies not raising kids IMO.
What the? 67?

He was born Oct. 15th 1932, and died at the age of 81 in 2013. X was 15 in 2013, so that makes him, 66? 67?, when she was conceived?

There is no first wife listed in the obit.

I have never heard that he is 25 or 30 years older than his wife, but I suppose it is possible if she married at 15 or 16 and he was in his late 40's. But I think they have both been referred to as old, maybe by Mary? IIRC...

I have called the Zahaus gold diggers and liars. I think Max's accident happened other than any of the various stories Rebecca gave. Whether she took the time to stage the scene, or was somehow involved - either accidently or on purpose - I do not know. The fact that she took her life instead of facing the questions of Child Protective Services is very hinky, which leaves me to believe she did have something to hide. And I stand by that. That is my opinion.

But I do sincerely hope that when this case is dismissed they can finally admit that Rebecca committed suicide. I also hope they make a public apology to Adam, Dina, and Nina. Then I pray that they get intensive counseling and find some peace.

Dina has been called fat, jealous, ugly, a drunk, a pill popper, abusive to her own child, about to have her child taken away from her, raging, crazy, a witch, vindictive, and the list goes on and on and on.

Anyone else want to chime in here on some of the nasty things said about Dina, the mother of a dead child?


Just because someone is the mother of a dead child does not automatically equate with them being a good or upstanding person with good character. I feel so sorry for the loss of her child but that doesn't automatically make her an angel or untouchable, IMOO. Especially because it is MO that she murdered Rebecca.
But there is NO EVIDENCE of that...even four years later.

I find it puzzling that so many peoplpe here don't seem to understand the physical evidence that proved Rebecca committed suicide.

Physical evidence doesn't take sides. It is what it is.

Rebecca's mother's mother was much younger than her late husband............if you knew the family then you would know that.

What does Rebecca's Grandmother have to do with this? We are discussing Rebecca and X's Mother, Pari.

I have told you before (just up thread) that I don't know the Zahaus. I do not think I would care to know a family that charges innocent people with murder to make money. But that's just me.

Just a question about DNA. I know LE stated there was no other DNA found in the room where Rebecca went over the balcony. Did nobody ever use that room except Rebecca? Was there no DNA belonging to anyone else who lived there, or a cleaner or visitor? No trace of anybody else?

Here is the DNA info -

Were there prints and DNA on the knives?

The small knife had Rebecca’s DNA, and only Rebecca’s DNA. No fingerprints were developed from this item. The large knife had Rebecca’s fingerprints, and only Rebecca’s fingerprints. A low level of DNA material was found on this knife as well, but it was not enough for any comparison.

Were there prints and DNA on the rope?

Rebecca’s DNA was found on the rope, particularly in areas that would have to be manipulated to tie the knots. Only Rebecca’s DNA was found on these items other than one “artifact,” which is a fragment of material that could be DNA, but does not contain enough information to determine who, or what, it came from (animals and plants also have DNA that can be left behind). The rope could not be fingerprinted.

Were there prints of her or anyone else in the house?

Rebecca’s prints were found in all areas of the incident scene, and on items directly related to the event (knife, paint tube). There was one fingerprint from a child found on the bed frame (possibly from Max), along with one other unidentified fingerprint. These two prints were from an area of the bedframe that was not near the location the rope was secured. Immediately around the area the rope was secured to the bed we found several of Rebecca’s prints, and only Rebecca’s prints. We fully expected to find many fingerprints in this house because, simply stated, it is a house. Anyone living in or visiting a residence can leave behind fingerprints, which is why we had to focus on items directly related to the event.

Here is the DNA info -

Were there prints and DNA on the knives?

The small knife had Rebecca’s DNA, and only Rebecca’s DNA. No fingerprints were developed from this item. The large knife had Rebecca’s fingerprints, and only Rebecca’s fingerprints. A low level of DNA material was found on this knife as well, but it was not enough for any comparison.

Were there prints and DNA on the rope?

Rebecca’s DNA was found on the rope, particularly in areas that would have to be manipulated to tie the knots. Only Rebecca’s DNA was found on these items other than one “artifact,” which is a fragment of material that could be DNA, but does not contain enough information to determine who, or what, it came from (animals and plants also have DNA that can be left behind). The rope could not be fingerprinted.

Were there prints of her or anyone else in the house?

Rebecca’s prints were found in all areas of the incident scene, and on items directly related to the event (knife, paint tube). There was one fingerprint from a child found on the bed frame (possibly from Max), along with one other unidentified fingerprint. These two prints were from an area of the bedframe that was not near the location the rope was secured. Immediately around the area the rope was secured to the bed we found several of Rebecca’s prints, and only Rebecca’s prints. We fully expected to find many fingerprints in this house because, simply stated, it is a house. Anyone living in or visiting a residence can leave behind fingerprints, which is why we had to focus on items directly related to the event.


Thanks for the info.
Does that mean there was no DNA on any item used in the hanging incident except Rebecca's and nothing else in the room was tested?
That's a bit confusing.

There was Rebecca's DNA on the ropes and the small knife. Rebecca's fingerprints on the large knife, the paint tubes, bed frame, and bed leg where the rope was tied. Rebecca's fingerprints were also on the door, door frame, and paint brushes, IIRC. I believe that info was given in the Press Conference that was held to release the findings, but I'll have to look for that tomorrow. I think that must be what they are referring to when they say " Rebecca's prints were found in all areas of the incident scene."

Human DNA too low to get a profile from was also on the large knife. That usually means the DNA is old and/or has degraded.

One unidentified child's fingerprint and one unidentified fingerprint was found on the bedframe, but not near where the rope was tied.

Adam, Dina, and Nina all willingly gave their fingerprints to LE.

If someone wore gloves there wouldn't be prints. It's just odd that no other prints were noted. Like on the door and door frame. Where there other prints but they belonged to people in the house so it wasn't noted, or were there literally no other prints at all?
I've tried to search it but can't seem to find anything.

Thanks for the info.
Does that mean there was no DNA on any item used in the hanging incident except Rebecca's and nothing else in the room was tested?
That's a bit confusing.


Hi MissUnderstood!

This is a very good article about the DNA. Mixed DNA found at the scene including some unidentifiable. Several pieces of evidence were never even tested. Sheriff Gore stated they felt it was unnecessary to collect DNA samples from Jonah or Dina.

Sheriff's Crime Lab Director Michael Grubb did not dispute the presence of unidentifiable, mixed DNA at the Coronado scene.

"The majority of the DNA under Rebecca Zahau's fingernails was her own," said Grubb. "Various fingernails were tested as separate samples and one of them showed a DNA mixture but the level of DNA was so low that it was an un-interpretable mixture."

In addition to the fingernail sample, unidentified DNA also was recovered from the rope used in Zahau's alleged hanging; a large knife used to the cut the rope; the bed frame to which the rope was tied; a door knob on the balcony door; and a pair of black gloves found on a table in the mansion, Grubb said.

"DNA can come to be on all sorts of surfaces; door knobs, any public surface can gain DNA from a number of people and it will reside there and may be picked up by someone else," said Grubb. "When you have a low-level mixture and it's so low that it's un-interpretable, it means that even if we have other subjects to compare, it's not going to be fruitful."

Because the amount of mixed DNA recovered was so minuscule, San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore said it was unnecessary to collect DNA samples from Zahau's boyfriend, Arizona tycoon Jonah Shacknai, or Jonah's ex-wife, Dina Shacknai.

There was Rebecca's DNA on the ropes and the small knife. Rebecca's fingerprints on the large knife, the paint tubes, bed frame, and bed leg where the rope was tied. Rebecca's fingerprints were also on the door, door frame, and paint brushes, IIRC. I believe that info was given in the Press Conference that was held to release the findings, but I'll have to look for that tomorrow. I think that must be what they are referring to when they say " Rebecca's prints were found in all areas of the incident scene."

Human DNA too low to get a profile from was also on the large knife. That usually means the DNA is old and/or has degraded.

One unidentified child's fingerprint and one unidentified fingerprint was found on the bedframe, but not near where the rope was tied.

Adam, Dina, and Nina all willingly gave their fingerprints to LE.



1. It has been a long time. I don't recall fingerprints from a child being found, can you provide a link? TIA

2. I know Adam and Nina were fingerprinted. I don't recall the same for Dina. Can you provide a link? TIA
Were the black gloves found in the mansion Latex ones? Or do we know? Also were they left from medics/ambulance for Max ? Were there other black gloves in the garage or somewhere? Just curious cause the black gloves have always kind of stood out to me as odd, unless they were left by medical personnel who had been in the home earlier working on Max.

1. It has been a long time. I don't recall fingerprints from a child being found, can you provide a link? TIA

2. I know Adam and Nina were fingerprinted. I don't recall the same for Dina. Can you provide a link? TIA

1. Is in the information I provided above.
2. Will look for link later today.
The lack of DNA and prints is telling to me. Gloves found at the scene would lead me to believe it is likely gloves were worn by the defendants. It seems so obvious. I don't consider lack of evidence to be, well, evidence. Take for example, the knife that Adam used to cut Rebecca down. Where is that? Why are there no prints on that? He would have had to touch the rope to cut her down. He even said that he loosened it. So, where are his prints? Where is the DNA?

It is even worse if these things weren't even tested. That would mean that "someone" determined it would be called a suicide right away. It doesn't mean that everyone there had to be in on it. Just a few key people. One being the medical examiner that showed up 12 or so hours later. I always wondered what Pfingst was negotiating behind the scenes.
If there had been anyone else there with Rebecca that night, they would have found their DNA. All of the DNA that was found that was NOT Rebecca's was of a level too low to get a profile. That would not have been the case with DNA that had just been left. There is no way anyone could have "wiped off" their fresh DNA, leaving only Rebecca's.

As far as gloves go, where do they get the gloves? The Zahaus claim Dina and Nina just came to talk to Rebecca and Dina went into a blind rage, chasing her around the courtyard and hitting her on the head with a red dog bone (even though Dina has been described here as fat and gargantuan, and we know R could "run like a gazelle".

Why would they have brought gloves if they were just coming to talk to R?, oh, and they just brought an extra pair for Adam, just in case they woke him up? And they are genius enough to do all this, yet leave a glove and tie Tug hitch knots? (The knots were actually easy slip knots according to LE).

According to the Zahaus, they had not yet decided to kill R at this point, so why would they have gloves? They take her up the the balcony room from the courtyard. When did they put gloves on? Wouldn't they have left fingerprints BEFORE they put the gloves on?

Why did they not leave one hair, one eyelash, one skin cell, NOTHING left from THREE people? And we know the room was not cleaned prior to LE arriving from the photos.

We are suppose to believe that Dina is in a blind rage, and Nina is stupid and just does what her sister tells her, and Adam has Asperger's or is Autistic and is so much of a raging sexual pervert that he has to pinch R's nipples...YET they are so on top of it that they move R's unconcious body around the room leaving fingerprints everywhere she would have had to touch in order to commit suicide and somehow get her DNA on the INSIDE of the knots? Without leaving any finger shaped bruising on her? They can't be criminal geniuses and also be working on the fly in this killing frenzy.

Nope, it is clear from the evidence that Rebecca Zahau was the only one in that room that night. SHE was the only person touching the door, the paint tubes, bed frame where the rope was tied, and she was the only one thing that rope.
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