Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California, #3

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"The Public" doesn't seem to support the Zahaus at all. Seems like it is just a small group of people. Afterall, only 56 people donated to their last slickly produced fund raising effort, which even received media coverage in San Diego.

The Zahaus only raised about 1% of their lofty $525,000 goal.


I don't believe that you can equate whether or not the public supports the Zahaus based on whether or not they donated. In fact, I fully support the Zahaus search for justice, yet I didn't donate. And, the reason I didn't donate is because I didn't trust the fact that my donation would become public record. At that time, there was quite a bit of ugliness going on with the Patch and the development of LHK. I was not about to put my name out there anywhere.

What isn't my opinion, but first hand experience, is that anyone I've talked to in Coronado believe this case stinks to cover up and corruption.
The idea that RZ committed suicide is absolutely ludicrous when you think about how she would have had to gag and hop and tie herself up naked and all the other ridiculous steps she would have had to have undertaken. That's why the public doesn't believe it. I'll tell you this much, though. If I were guilty and fighting to keep my freedom, I'd be insisting and shouting from the rooftops that this was suicide. I hope it gets acted out in court. That would be a sight to see.

My thoughts and prayers are with the Zahau family as they take on this David vs. Goliath battle.

I completely agree! There is a big, beautiful bridge that she could have jumped off of that would done the job. And, there would even be drama involved (because most insist she was looking for a dramatic exit). None of the scenario laid out makes any sense to me.

Exactly my point LuckyLucy, it is still guessing and not a proven fact. We have been over this numerous times and nothing has changed. I've stated maybe it was Rebecca, but until proof exists, we don't know! Why can't you kindly do the same?

Because, Rebecca was the only one with access to HER computer. X left Tuesday, early afternoon. Adam did not arrive at the guest house until 8 pm, and Rebecca was in the upstairs during that time - texting- and IMO, doing computer searches.

I think the detective saying the searches were in the last 24 hours and on REBECCA'S computer IS proof it was Rebecca. That is my opinion. We can agree to disagree.
Respectfully, if you were on the side of LE, why then would you continuously excuse Rebecca and her minor sister of hurting Max? LE ruled Max's death an accident.

ETA - As well, I believe the over the top bashing of Rebecca and her entire family is the reason your posts are not well received. I do not believe it has a single thing to do with supporting LE. Isn't it a little hypocritical to complain about Dina bashing when you do the same thing to the Zahau family?

I do not excuse Rebecca and X for Max's accident. I wish Rebecca Zahau had not committed suicide and had been investigated by Child Protective Services. but she took her life, and all the answers with her. I do wish LE had tested the scrapings they took from under little Maxie's nails. I do think that should have been tested and don't understand why it was not.

Very true that the Zahau followers don't receive my posts very well. Seems the truth and pointing out that the Zahaus have NO evidence whatsoever ruffles their feathers a bit. Tht must be why they gang up to attack me, like today. The truth hurts sometimes, I guess.

I have never bashed the Zahau family, the way that Dina, Nina, and GS have been talked about on this forum. They have been trashed, ripped apart, accused of heinous things, and vilified - all based on rumor. I have never seen a VICTIM family discussed so ruthlessly.

I think the Zahaus only after money in this Civil suit, because they way they have acted from day eight has proved that to me.

I think anyone that reads these threads can make up their own minds as to who is bashing who. Or is it whom?

I don't believe that you can equate whether or not the public supports the Zahaus based on whether or not they donated. In fact, I fully support the Zahaus search for justice, yet I didn't donate. And, the reason I didn't donate is because I didn't trust the fact that my donation would become public record. At that time, there was quite a bit of ugliness going on with the Patch and the development of LHK. I was not about to put my name out there anywhere.

What isn't my opinion, but first hand experience, is that anyone I've talked to in Coronado believe this case stinks to cover up and corruption.

100% agree! Thank you BBL...Sadly, at the time tactics were being used by someone in cyberspace to intimidate posters.
I completely agree! There is a big, beautiful bridge that she could have jumped off of that would done the job. And, there would even be drama involved (because most insist she was looking for a dramatic exit). None of the scenario laid out makes any sense to me.

Jumping of a public bridge would most likely gather onlookers and defeat your intended purpose of killing yourself if that is what you truly want to do. I think the dramatic exit was to piss off Jonah. I dont insist she was looking for a dramatic exit that point I could care less about but you have to admit it was/is pretty over the top as if designed to evoke certain emotions from either the public or something more personal. The message on the door shows she wanted to get a message to someone and was not content in just killing herself.
I do not excuse Rebecca and X for Max's accident. I wish Rebecca Zahau had not committed suicide and had been investigated by Child Protective Services. but she took her life, and all the answers with her. I do wish LE had tested the scrapings they took from under little Maxie's nails. I do think that should have been tested and don't understand why it was not.

I have never bashed the Zahau family, the way that Dina, Nina, and GS have been talked about on this forum. They have been trashed, ripped apart, accused of heinous things, and vilified - all based on rumor. I have never seen a VICTIM family discussed so ruthlessly.

I think the Zahaus only after money in this Civil suit, because they way they have acted from day eight has proved that to me.

I think anyone that reads these threads can make up their own minds as to who is bashing who.


With all due respect LuckyLucy, are you serious? You have called the Zahau's horrible names and accused RZ and XZ many times of hurting Max. Have you changed your opinion since those posts were made?
I don't believe that you can equate whether or not the public supports the Zahaus based on whether or not they donated. In fact, I fully support the Zahaus search for justice, yet I didn't donate. And, the reason I didn't donate is because I didn't trust the fact that my donation would become public record. At that time, there was quite a bit of ugliness going on with the Patch and the development of LHK. I was not about to put my name out there anywhere.

What isn't my opinion, but first hand experience, is that anyone I've talked to in Coronado believe this case stinks to cover up and corruption.

This fund raising campaign happened right before this lawsuit was filed. Not early on.

I DO think that one can tell how little support the Zahaus have from the tiny number of people that donated. Their Facbook page has very little support, as well. Only 125 likes.


And everyone I've talked to in Coronado and San Diego trust that LE got it right in Rebecca's suicide, and feel the Zahaus are just out for money. However, some do question Max's accident.

With all due respect LuckyLucy, are you serious? You have called the Zahau's horrible names and accused RZ and XZ many times of hurting Max. Have you changed your opinion since those posts were made?

I have called the Zahaus gold diggers and liars. I think Max's accident happened other than any of the various stories Rebecca gave. Whether she took the time to stage the scene, or was somehow involved - either accidently or on purpose - I do not know. The fact that she took her life instead of facing the questions of Child Protective Services is very hinky, which leaves me to believe she did have something to hide. And I stand by that. That is my opinion.

But I do sincerely hope that when this case is dismissed they can finally admit that Rebecca committed suicide. I also hope they make a public apology to Adam, Dina, and Nina. Then I pray that they get intensive counseling and find some peace.

Dina has been called fat, jealous, ugly, a drunk, a pill popper, abusive to her own child, about to have her child taken away from her, raging, crazy, a witch, vindictive, and the list goes on and on and on.

Anyone else want to chime in here on some of the nasty things said about Dina, the mother of a dead child?

Is there a criteria in a Federal suit? I recall discussing something about the dollar amount way back, I could be wrong. TIA

Yes, for a federal suit in which the only basis for federal jurisdiction is diversity of citizenship of the parties, there is a minimum amount of $$$ that must be at stake. I think it's still $75,000. I haven't had a case close to the line in a long time, so I haven't had to check.

Someone please PM me if I missed any other questions. I scroll a lot in this forum since there's so much nastiness.
^ I never said that Rebecca's mugshot was an indication of Rebecca's future suicide. I said that I thought that face was the last one little Max likely saw, and that the mug shot showed the real face of Rebecca Zahau - full of anger and rage and capable of hurting a little boy in order to get Dina Shacknai out of Jonah's life.




This post does not go along with what you just stated. Are you not saying RZ hurt Max to get Dina out of Jonah's life?
Always someone's else's fault...just like to the Zahaus it is someone else's fault that Rebecca killed herself. The self--professed Christians are so ashamed of Rebecca's defiant, nude suicide that they prefer to try to fame three innocent people for murder rather than face the truth.

I am not surprised that Dina will not win the case against Jonah. Even though we know that Max told someone he was scared of being alone with Rebecca, and that Dina asked Jonah that Max never be alone with Rebecca and XZ, since both had violent tendencies, and Rebecca had recently been arrested for shop lifting $1000 worth of jewelry from Macy's, and the only living witness to the accident has been whisked away again - this time to Germany - it was still a long shot that a case could be made since the adult responsible for Max's death hung herself rather than face the questions of Child Protective Services and a court of law.

All cases that don't have evidence will eventually be thrown out - just like the Zahaus fradulent case will be thrown out in February.

Judge Bacall already harshly admonished the Zahaus for having no evidence in their seventh try at a complaint, and we see that they defied her order and submitted the eight iteration of the complaints no evidence included. that is because they have none.

The Judge will not think trying to frame innocent people for murder in order to save their Christain reputation and (very unChristianly) make $10 million dollars is amusing, and I predict she will fine them heavily and also require them to pay all the defendants court costs.

The Zahaus will never have evidence because they made up their claims from internet rumors. The police, however, have plenty of evidence - physical and circumstantial - that proves Rebecca Zahau took her own life and that no one else was involved.

Can't wait to see how much the Zahaus are fined and how much they have to pay Dina and Adam Shacknai and Dina Romano for filing a false court case and wasting the Courts time for over two years.


Always wishing for justice and peace for the falsely accused Shacknai family.

This post attacked the Zahau's religion and more allegations XZ was whisked away this time to Germany to avoid CPS.

Respectfully, I'm only bringing these 2 posts forward because your opinion has changed drastically in such a short time. You have attacked the Zahau family more viciously than just calling them gold diggers. I am not going to continue searching threads. I know what I have read in the past year about Dina and Rebecca in these threads. You have been anything but kind to Rebecca and her family. It originally started with constant stories about XZ and allegations about her biological mother.
I have a couple of questions regarding the WDS. Is it against the defendants as a whole? For example, can one person be found guilty and two innocent? Also, can the decision be appealed? If Dina, Nina and Adam are found innocent can the Zahaus appeal this? Conversely if they are found guilty can they appeal it? Thank You In Advance.

There is a thread specifically devoted to AZlawyer, questions like those probably ought to be asked there, so she doesn't have to scroll and roll through some of these **** *advertiser censored* posts.

Or perhaps email her as she suggested a few posts away.
This post attacked the Zahau's religion and more allegations XZ was whisked away this time to Germany to avoid CPS.

Respectfully, I'm only bringing these 2 posts forward because your opinion has changed drastically in such a short time. You have attacked the Zahau family more viciously than just calling them gold diggers. I am not going to continue searching threads. I know what I have read in the past year about Dina and Rebecca in these threads. You have been anything but kind to Rebecca and her family. It originally started with constant stories about XZ and allegations about her biological mother.

XZ was NOT "WHISKED AWAY" to Germany, and RZ was NOT her mother. To suggest either is preposterous. Interesting why GS matriculated at JS's alma mater in NY, but then suddenly went to a university out of the county...........
I am far from any defense person for Dina except to say that I feel she is innocent and you disagree to the point that you consistently try to make fun of others who have differing opinions. Your idea that we are her Defense IMO proves your insulting nature. If we disagree we have to be working for her defense instead of normal folks off the street with differing opinions which makes us less than normal to you.

I have made fun of no one. I am clearly stating that the "tone and tenor" of those defending Dina, et al, has changed greatly which I am not alone in noting. There has definitely been more civility among those defenders including yourself. It's frankly welcome as many posters have stated they don't choose to even follow this forum because of the lack of civility.
That is IF it goes that far and IF the judge wants to believe that two wristlet slinging women and a millionaires brother got all into a murder scheme together. I feel it is highly doubtful..and LE has already determined it to be suicide. This is why I feel it is going no where.

Do you know of any cases that were determined by LE to be a suicide that later ended up being a group killing by a WDS? Look at those women, do you think they could really pull something like that off?

BBM. The "look" of the defendants isn't even on my radar as to their possible guilt. And I'll leave it at that for obvious reasons.
I admit at first I did not believe it either, it seemed crazy but if the alternative is that Dina, Nina and Adam all collaborated to do this then I am not buying it. Jonah was fine with Le's findings about Rebecca and his son. Maybe he knows something we don't as he seems to be the only one fine with both conclusions.

Snipped respectfully and BBM. I agree that Jonah's silence is deafening and believe it speaks volumes. The one thing I do recall that was reported in an article is that Jonah asked some of the funeral attendees whether or not they knew of anyone that would want to murder (or hurt?) Rebecca (I paraphase). That was striking and I don't have the link handy.
Posted by *Lash*
This post attacked the Zahau's religion and more allegations XZ was whisked away this time to Germany to avoid CPS.

Respectfully, I'm only bringing these 2 posts forward because your opinion has changed drastically in such a short time. You have attacked the Zahau family more viciously than just calling them gold diggers. I am not going to continue searching threads. I know what I have read in the past year about Dina and Rebecca in these threads. You have been anything but kind to Rebecca and her family. It originally started with constant stories about XZ and allegations about her biological mother.
I did not attack their religion. I said that trying to frame innocent people for murder is "UnChristianly". God and Jesus would agree with me, but since I don't have a link (except the Bible) I will just say that is my opinion.

It is the Zahaus that constantly mention they or Rebecca are/were Christians. A Goggle search of MSM news article just brought up 846 hits.

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I didn't say that X was whisked away to Germany to avoid CPS. I said she "had been whisked away again" to Germany and this was after her deposition. She posted it on a social media page. But since we can't post screen shots of those, we will say it is my opinion.

I think if you will take the time you read my posts more carefully, it will save on so much posting for clarification.

And I do think Rebecca is X's biological Mother. Rebecca called X her daughter. Who says that about their sister??

And X's supposed Mother (who is too old to have given birth to her, IMO) was not called ONCE the entire time X was in Coronado. Not even when she was being sent home early.

And X is the spitting image of Rebecca.

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