Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California, #4

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Completely agree. It is bizarre that Dina would purposely draw attention in court to her threatening behavior of XZ. I believe it is a strategic move. Possibly an attempt by Dina's attorneys to open the window to enter evidence that would otherwise be ruled irrelevant. In my opinion, if this case goes to trial, Dina intends on using Max's death as her defense.

Dina's attorney asking XZ why she, a witness, needed an attorney is 'threatening behaviour??? GMAB.

This case will NEVER go to trial. But Max's death is her defense, since she was at Rady's sitting by his death bed when Rebecca Zahau did her angry, naked suicide stunt instead of answering questions about what REALLY happened to him.
Fortunately, it works both ways. For example, Dina defaming a minor by publicly accusing them of homicide.

ETA - If history is truly a prediction of the future, I doubt Dina would sue any member of the Zahau family. Another example, Dina filed a WDS in Max's death against Jonah not Rebecca's estate nor XZ. She could have, but she did not. In my opinion, because the means would do not justify the end result. Dina's supporters have opined the Zahau's are poor. Nothing for Dina to gain, not worth the legal expense she would accrue. JMO.

Dina never accused XZ of homicide. She said "only XZ and Rebecca were there", which was true. One or both had a hand in Max's "accident".

AFAIK, no one has ever said that Dina did not sue the Zahaus because they are poor (they are not). She didn't sue them because the adult RESPONSIBLE for Maxie's death COMMITTED SUICIDE, rather than face the consequences.

I agree, Lash—if it goes to trial, Dina will use Max’s death as a defense. Her delusional thinking and vindictiveness are so firmly entrenched that she really can’t help herself, IMO. And that’s going to come across to the jury as the “cell block tango defense” we’ve discussed here before—that “she (RZ) had it coming”. Dina will not, IMO, be viewed by a jury as a "nice" or sympathetic defendant. Her lawyers need to keep her out of court, and off the witness stand, at all costs, if they can, IMO.

We definitely know part of Dina’s defense plan is to bash and harangue and accuse pretty much every member of the Zahau family of any ridiculous or hateful thing she can think up or fabricate that could possibly make them look bad or suspicious.

I think Dina will also use the “pity me, I’m a bitter ex-wife” defense, too—as in, “Jonah left ME for HER”, etc., etc. But that strategy just makes her look vindictive and guilty, too. Nasty, dishonest defense tactics when there are no facts to offer as a defense, IMO.

IMO, I think we’re going to abruptly find out that Adam is no longer a part of the lawsuit very soon—perhaps in the early part of the new year, or the spring. I think there is behind the scenes negotiating to settle his part, and we won’t hear anything at all until it’s a done deal. Just my opinion. If/ when that happens, Dina will really be pi$$ed, and re-double her efforts to smear the Zahaus. Nina is in it till the end, until whatever conclusion happens, IMO. She has no money, no career or professional reputation, and is loyal to her twin sister. Nothing really for her to lose. She’ll march in place on the sidelines till it’s over, IMO.

It is ridiculous to think that Adam is going to settle this sham lawsuit when it is about to be thrown out of court for lack of evidence (since none of it ever happened and it is all a figment of Mary Zahau's vindictive and irrational mind.)

Now that is delusional thinking!
Funny that some are saying that the Zahaus are going to settle with Adam, when it is Adam that they accuse of killing Rebecca. I guess some think this is about $$$$ for the Zahaus, after all.

Adam will NEVER settle for something he did not do. The Shacknais have much more pride and believe in the truth more more than that.

The truth is Rebecca committed suicide, and for Adam's part in cutting her down and trying to save her, the evil and greedy Zahaus accuse him of murder. What a disgusting family.

The TRUTH is the Zahaus have no evidence for their claims, which are just figments of their imaginations. Rebecca committed suicide, whether they like that or not.

Look at the court calendar - the end is coming for the Zahaus and their hateful, sinful attempt at making money off of the victims of their sister, Rebecca Zahau.

02/19/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Demurrer / Motion to Strike
02/19/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Discovery Hearing
02/19/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Demurrer / Motion to Strike
02/19/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Civil Case Management Conference - Complaint
02/26/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Summary Judgment / Summary Adjudication (Civil)
03/11/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Demurrer / Motion to Strike
Really, its all very sad and tragic. I have a cousin who lost a child, I've seen up close what it can do to a mother. I want to have sympathy for Dina- I truly do- but she has proven herself rage filled and vindictive. I understand the rage, anger is a necessary part of the grief process but the vindictive nature towards another child makes no logical sense to me- it makes the rage seem different then just part of the process.

I don't know quite how to put it into words properly but its as if the rage came before... is not associated with the death of her son- her sons death added fuel to it but its old, ancient rage. There is something dangerous to it. My cousins anger was different it was full of sadness and turned inward... it was withdrawn, shocking but new.

If she comes off this way to a jury- things will not go well for her- but maybe thats the way its supposed to be. I would understand a mother going insane for a moment in time, I could find compassion for lashing out if it was honest, truthful and admitted. This was not that... this is from way before Max ever came into being.

Why didn't she file a WDS against Rebecca's estate if only to get to the truth? Could it really be about money? Rage from a parent of a dead child should be all about justice and finding the truth. I don't understand this.
I think you said this perfectly, and I agree.
Dina never accused XZ of homicide. She said "only XZ and Rebecca were there", which was true. One or both had a hand in Max's "accident".

AFAIK, no one has ever said that Dina did not sue the Zahaus because they are poor (they are not). She didn't sue them because the adult RESPONSIBLE for Maxie's death COMMITTED SUICIDE, rather than face the consequences.

Bold...oops...yeah she did. Take a lookie at this. https://youtu.be/e0hzc1-46-Y

Color and underlined...wow....same words we read here time and time again.
From the Demurrer that Judge Bacall will rule on in February, when the case will be dismissed:


After two years, during which Plaintiffs’ counsel have filed eight separate iterations of their complaint in federal and state court, the allegations before this Court remain insufficient and, therefore, the demurrer should be sustained without leave to amend and the case should be dismissed with prejudice.

As explained in previous briefing, Rebecca Zahau’s tragic death was, after a thorough investigation by law enforcement, determined to be a suicide. Unable to accept this conclusion, Plaintiffs’ counsel filed parallel federal and state cases with nothing more than threadbare allegations that three individuals conspired to murder her. Yet after four years of investigation and four sets of counsel, the only allegation connecting Defendant Adam Shacknai to the purported conspiracy is based on a “belief” held by the Plaintiffs. Where an allegation is based on nothing more than a “belief,” it is black-letter law that the allegation must be accompanied by allegations setting forth facts upon which the belief is founded. Gomes v.Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. 192 Cal. App. 4th 1149, 1159 (2011). The Second Amended Complaint, however, fails to make any such allegations.

After eight attempts to state a claim against Mr. Shacknai, enough is enough. This demurrer should be sustained, and this time, sustained without leave to amend.


A. No Factual Basis Is Set Forth for the Allegations Against Mr. Shacknai.

As the Court explained in its May 1 order: “Allegations based on information and belief must set forth facts upon which the belief is founded. Gomes v. Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. (2011) 192 Cal. App. 4th 1149, 1159; Dowling v. Spring Val. Water Co. (1917) 174 Cal. 218, 221.” Order at 4. Rader Decl. Ex. M at 4. Indeed, Gomes makes clear that “[a] pleading made on information and belief is insufficient if it merely asserts the facts so alleged without alleging such information that leads the plaintiff to believe that the allegations are true.” Id., 192 Cal. App. 4th at 1158.

Under this standard, the SAC is insufficient. Like the FAC, the allegations that connect Mr. Shacknai to the purported conspiracy remain unchanged—they are alleged only on information and belief. That is, the FAC alleges nothing more than: “Plaintiffs believe that at this time, ADAM, who . . . was sleeping in the guest house at the residence, was awakened by the commotion and came to the scene.” FAC ¶ 21 (emphasis added). Although the SAC has certain additional allegations as to the other defendants, there are none with respect to Mr. Shacknai. Rather, the SAC simply recycles the same sentence from the FAC, which this Court already has found insufficient: “Plaintiffs believe that at this time, ADAM, who . . . was sleeping in the guest house at the residence, was awakened by the commotion and came to the scene.” SAC ¶ 22 (emphasis added). Simply, the SAC utterly fails to allege any information that leads Plaintiffs (or their counsel) to believe this allegation is true. Therefore, Mr. Shacknai’s demurrer should be granted.[\B]

C. The Court Should Dismiss the Claims Against Mr. Shacknai With Prejudice.

The allegations of the SAC—which, between the various complaints submitted to this Court and in federal court, are in their eighth iteration—accuse Mr. Shacknai of a heinous crime. Yet after these myriad iterations, and after being directed by this Court to plead the facts that lead Plaintiffs and their counsel to include the allegations made on information and belief, the only allegation that supposedly connects Mr. Shacknai to the purported conspiracy has no factual basis. The SAC merely recites the same unsupported “belief” allegation from the defective prior complaint: “Plaintiffs believe that at this time, ADAM, who . . . was sleeping in the guest house at the, was awakened by the commotion and came to the scene.” SAC ¶ 22 (emphasis added).

Not only is responding to the various iterations of the complaint taking their toll on the defendants, so are the media reports. For example, on the same day as the August 1, 2014 CMC—at which the parties agreed the Plaintiffs would file an amended complaint before this Court—an article dappeared stating: “Attorneys for both sides will be back in court next January [i.e., January 2015] to set a trial date.” Rader Decl. Ex. O. The article quoted Plaintiffs’ counsel extensively, including with respect to the allegations as to Mr. Shacknai. Id. Most recently, approximately a week after the Court ordered Plaintiffs’ counsel to re-plead the complaint, yet another article appeared about this case. Plaintiffs’ counsel “told NBC7 there is now a piece of evidence he thinks could be the key to this mysterious case: an audio recording of investigators interviewing a woman who was near the Spreckels Mansion before Zahau's body was discovered.” Id. Ex. P. It is unclear why this merited the coverage it received. Four years ago, Plaintiffs’ then-counsel was brandishing this exact information as “new compelling evidence” in support of her contention that the Decedent was murdered. Id. Ex. Q.

After eight iterations of the complaint spanning nearly two years in both federal and state court, Plaintiffs’ counsel have alleged nothing more than they “believe” Mr. Shacknai joined the purported conspiracy. At this point, the only conclusion to be drawn is that they have alleged nothing more because they cannot. As a matter of law, that a plaintiff “believes” someone committed a wrong is not enough to require someone to stand trial. Therefore, the SAC should be dismissed with prejudice.


After four years of investigation, four sets of counsel, and eight iterations of the complaint, Plaintiffs’ counsel have been unable to come forward with any allegation for including Mr. Shacknai as a defendant in this case other than a belief for which they have no factual basis. Therefore, the Complaint and each of its causes of action should be dismissed as to Mr. Shacknai, and dismissed with prejudice.

Dated: June 1, 2015 WINSTON & STRAWN LLP
Adam's demurrer 7/1/2015
^ Yes, she said ONE of them killed Max. But from the extent of his injuries, I would bet she thinks it was Rebecca. So, as I said before, she never accused XZ of killing Max. Afterall, it was Rebecca that committed suicide in the nude - a sign of extreme GUILT.
Dina's attorney asking XZ why she, a witness, needed an attorney is 'threatening behaviour??? GMAB.

This case will NEVER go to trial. But Max's death is her defense, since she was at Rady's sitting by his death bed when Rebecca Zahau did her angry, naked suicide stunt instead of answering questions about what REALLY happened to him.

Respectfully, please don't spin my words. I did not say the question is threatening behavior. The answer to that question could open a window to Dina's harassment of XZ.

*Possible* example -
Dina's atty: Why did you need an attorney?
XZ: Because Dina publicly accused me of killing Max.
Yes, it's at 5:32 in the video. "Rebecca and Xena were there and one of them killed Max".

So there it is.

There. It. Is. It all makes so much sense, in terms of what I've been feeling.
Dina never accused XZ of homicide. She said "only XZ and Rebecca were there", which was true. One or both had a hand in Max's "accident".

AFAIK, no one has ever said that Dina did not sue the Zahaus because they are poor (they are not). She didn't sue them because the adult RESPONSIBLE for Maxie's death COMMITTED SUICIDE, rather than face the consequences.

Oh, come on now. If you have a 'hand' in someones accident- it is not an accident.
Crappy spin, lulu.

If the ex mrs. jonah skacknai thought it was Beautiful Sexy Healthy Rebecca who "brutally assaulted", "thrown down like a torpedo" who 'killed' Maxie, there is no doubt in my mind she would have stated it was Rebecca. And left X out of the conversation.

She absolutely is inferring one or the other. Rebecca or X. Or, imo, both "brutually assaulted" "thrown down like a torpedo"

@ 1:10 and @ 5:25
Crappy spin, lulu.

If the ex mrs. jonah skacknai thought it was Beautiful Sexy Healthy Rebecca who "brutally assaulted", "thrown down like a torpedo" who 'killed' Maxie, there is no doubt in my mind she would have stated it was Rebecca. And left X out of the conversation.

She absolutely is inferring one or the other. Rebecca or X. "brutually assaulted" "thrown down like a torpedo"

@ 1:10 and @ 5:25

Brutally assaulted... thrown down like a torpedo... had a 'hand' in the accident.

Why wouldn't she go after the woman she thinks was responsible- legally- the woman's estate- to tell all the world what happened to her son? In a court of law?
Respectfully, please don't spin my words. I did not say the question is threatening behavior. The answer to that question could open a window to Dina's harassment of XZ.

*Possible* example -
Dina's atty: Why did you need an attorney?
XZ: Because Dina publicly accused me of killing Max.

underlined b m

If it is Dina's attempt to use Max's death as her defense, I sure hope that she is prepared for all the "hard" evidence regarding the older Shacknai children were also present at the time of Max's accident...........the airline records and the testimony of the flight attendant working first class on that 1:46 pm flight to Atlanta will all be admitted as evidence.
^ The Shacknai children left early that morning, around 6:30 am - long before Max's accident. That has been reported in MSM. So you are incorrect on that. In fact, the mods have requested that we not discuss that any longer, since there is no evidence at all of that.

BTW, InParadise, you never did anwer my question about Mr. Haager, the man who (mistakenly) claimed that he saw Dina that night. You have said you know him.

Can you tell us how you know him and if you have talked with him about his deposition? When did he take that? What did she say about it? How do you know him? Have you know him for a long time, or did you meet him after Rebecca's suicide?

Did you mention to him that you post as an insider here on WebSleuths?

Have you been called for deposition in the case as well?
^ any hard evidence spelled out in MSM, lulu?

Nope, didn't think so.
Brutally assaulted... thrown down like a torpedo... had a 'hand' in the accident.

Why wouldn't she go after the woman she thinks was responsible- legally- the woman's estate- to tell all the world what happened to her son? In a court of law?

Because the woman she thinks is legally responsible took the coward's way out - nude, vengeful, suicide - instead of answering questions about what truly happened.

You can't question someone who is in the grave in a hot, pink casket.
^ any hard evidence spelled out in MSM, lulu?

Nope, didn't think so.

Here ya go, hon.

According to reports pieced together from several sources, between 6 and 7 a.m. on Monday, July 11, the twice-divorced Shacknai and his 6-year-old son, Max, drove his other children—Ethan, 13, and Gabby, 14—to the San Diego airport for a flight to Phoenix, where they were meeting their mother. Gabby and Ethan hugged and kissed their little Maxie goodbye. It would be for the last time.


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