Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

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At this time it has never been made public what time the *advertiser censored* was viewed or by whom. Sheriff Gore nor Bremner released the in depth details. Maybe it was RZ, but until it is proven please do not bloviate the facts.


In a phone interview with News 8, Bremner later confirmed that more than a dozen searches of sexual content – using terms like "raped, sexy Asian girls, and bondage anime" – were accessed on a computer the day before Zahau's death.

"It's important to the investigation because there is an image from anime, and its called bond anime and it shows an Asian women bound; at least her hands are bound behind her back," said the Seattle-based attorney.

Bremner said it was not Zahau who looked at the online content and suggested the computer may have been accessed by someone using an airline account.

"Never in a million years would she have those fantasies; and never in a million years would she even look at *advertiser censored*," said Bremner told News 8. "There was somebody interested in doing her harm, with these kinds of searches."


News 8 asked Sheriff Bill Gore whether *advertiser censored* was found on Zahau's computer at a news conference Wednesday, but he refused to comment on the content recovered.

"That information is now in the possession of Anne Bremner if she'd like to discuss that with you," said Gore. "We're not really putting out all the specifics of the information found on the computer."

Those specifics are contained in the forensic computer report that Sheriff Gore also said he is not inclined to release.

"We released what we thought was pertinent so the public could understand how we arrived at our conclusions. To release the whole file would not be in keeping with our own policy," said Gore.

http://www.760kfmb.com/story/160836... censored*-found-on-coronado-mansion-computer
Thanks Lash,
As noted in the article, “Bremner said it was not Zahau who looked at the online content and suggested the computer may have been accessed by someone using an airline account.”
From the same article, "Bremner said Adam Shacknai claimed during a lie detector examination that he was viewing *advertiser censored* on his iPhone just before he walked out of the mansion guest house and found Zahau hanging."

Fact: Men access *advertiser censored* more that women. Although it’s simply something “everyone” knows, statistics do back this up and indicate men are between three to five times more likely to view internet *advertiser censored* than women.
Fact: Adam Shacknai admitted accessing *advertiser censored* on his phone in the morning, just prior to the time he claims to have discovered Rebecca hanging.
Playing the odds here doesn’t lead to Rebecca, it does, however, lead to AS.

Who is more likely to seek out *advertiser censored* online? According to data taken from Internet users who took part in the General Social Survey:
•Men are 543% more likely to look at *advertiser censored* than females.
http://www.covenanteyes.com/2013/02/19/*advertiser censored*-statistics/
Thirty percent of women watch Internet *advertiser censored*, according to a new study.
The number is higher for men - 70 percent - in research conducted at the University of Sydney’s Graduate Program in Sexual Health, reports Australia's Courier-Mail.
http://www.nydailynews.com/life-sty...-*advertiser censored*-study-article-1.173109
Dina said she thought Max's death was a homicide, and never said she thought it was done on purpose. Homicide includes many options:

Killing of one human being by another. Homicide is a general term; it includes murder, manslaughter, and other criminal homicides as well as noncriminal killings. Murder is the crime of intentionally and unjustifiably killing another. In the U.S., first-degree murder is a homicide committed with premeditation or in the course of a serious felony (e.g., kidnapping). Second- and third-degree murder involve lesser degrees of intent. Manslaughter is commonly divided into voluntary (or first-degree) and involuntary (or second- and third-degree) manslaughter. The first type encompasses any homicide resulting from an intentional act done without malice or premeditation and while in the heat of passion or on sudden provocation; the second type is variously defined in different jurisdictions but often includes an element of unlawful recklessness or negligence. Noncriminal homicides include killings committed in defense of oneself or another and deaths resulting from accidents caused by persons engaged in lawful acts.


You are correct, semantics aside, DS believes that MS died as a result of a homicide. That it was someone's fault. That there was someone to blame. That someone could be held responsible for his death.

Regardless of the wording of her accusations, she was casting blame on RZ and her minor sister. Since RZ had the audacity to die and not give her answers to her many questions. It's also a nifty thing to have a defense attorney throw out, say it a mitigation phase or perhaps in a civil suit. Though IMO, it just reads like someone saying, "RZ killed MS, that's why she felt so guilty, she took her own life" to deflect attention from all the questions that remain after SDSO's shoddy (shady) and incomplete investigation of the death of RZ.

Regarding the Japanese rope play, if RZ and JS practiced this, so what? If the bindings had been consistent with that, you can bet that SDDO would have jumped on the information to explain their theory.

Also, if they were into kink of any kind you can bet that LE knew about it. Speaking of that, people don't normally change their habits in that area all that often, DS is probably quite aware of what JS is into. I could care less what RZ and JS got up to during their private time. It doesn't really have any bearing here. I imagine that if RZ wanted to give JS the final image of her in some sort of sexual manner, she would have been found in their bed, or at the very lease in their bedroom.

Also, no need to cast shade at others who have researched the topic due to this case or others here at WS. There is a running joke around here about getting medical alert bracelets to tell your rescuer to wipe your computer browser history. We have seen all kinds of things, researched many weird and off topic items for cases, including this one.

Somewhere in the last few pages (?) I read that the rope (which may or may not have come from the garage!) was cut into 3 pieces before being used for the noose, hand binding and foot binding. Was the rope cut in the guest room? Was the tool used to cut the rope found/listed as evidence? Wouldn't it take a knife to cut through that type of rope?

It certainly would take a knife or other sharp object to cut through the rope. If one of the knives in the room was used, it's very curious that there are no shavings from the rope anywhere. One would need a very strong tool to cut the thick rope in one snip. Even, then, there would be leavings from the rope. So far, this has never been shown to have been found.

Respectfully Snipped-

LuckyLucy2 - This photo was posted on Maxie's website after the Dr. Phil show. Smaltzy?

I wonder if the Z family took smiling photos of themselves to be posted on public websites on their visits to that set, when they were there to discuss their deceased loved one?

inthedark14, I apologize. The first mention that it was not suicide by Mary Zahau was in the Coronado Patch two days after the suicide. Those articles are no longer accessible so I cannot prove that.

This was out on the 16th, and it was attributed to "a friend" that didn't want to be identified. IMO, she was speaking on behalf of Mary Zahau, although that is just my opinion.

Saturday, Jul 16, 2011

A friend of Nalepa, who asked not to be identified, said the woman she knew was born in Burma, attended a Christian Bible College in Austria and would never consider suicide.

Source: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/loc...-Mansion-Mystery-125658918.html#ixzz3BAjWfc00

Mary Zahau officially (besides the Coronado Patch article) went to the press on July 19th. These are only two of the links. There are many.

July 19, 2011 - "Rebecca was a beautiful, vibrant, loving and kind person and she would never do this to herself," Zahau's sister Mary Zahau-Loehner told ABC News.


July 19, 2011 - Reached at her home in St. Joseph, Missouri, Nalepa’s distraught sister said she didn’t believe her sister would have taken her own life. “It was not a suicide,” she said. “Because I know my sister.”


We certainly know that MZ has emphatically stated that she believes her sister did not commit suicide. The request for links was for when you stated that she "had nothing but good things to say about JS".

Thanks anyway though! :seeya:

You are correct, semantics aside, DS believes that MS died as a result of a homicide. That it was someone's fault. That there was someone to blame. That someone could be held responsible for his death.

Regardless of the wording of her accusations, she was casting blame on RZ and her minor sister. Since RZ had the audacity to die and not give her answers to her many questions. It's also a nifty thing to have a defense attorney throw out, say it a mitigation phase or perhaps in a civil suit. Though IMO, it just reads like someone saying, "RZ killed MS, that's why she felt so guilty, she took her own life" to deflect attention from all the questions that remain after SDSO's shoddy (shady) and incomplete investigation of the death of RZ.


Dina held RZ responsible for her precious son's death because RZ was the adult in charge of Maxie's welfare. moo

I don't believe RZ killed herself because she "felt" guilty but more because she "was" guilty and realized she could not hold up under the intense heat from questions by LEO and the Shacknai family. OMO

<Member snipped> I think my point was well made.

Could we be afforded the link that the SDSO performed an incomplete investigation? Yes. Or no.

MOO and all that jazz
Respectfully Snipped-

LuckyLucy2 - This photo was posted on Maxie's website after the Dr. Phil show. Smaltzy?

And Dina came to this with her paid PR people and attorney as well. Her "PR" rep's name is on the door with Dina's in photo. Ms Hallier with her at Dr Drew later that day. AFTER taping Dr Phil show.

Let the discovery and depositions begin!
Dina held RZ responsible for her precious son's death because RZ was the adult in charge of Maxie's welfare. moo


Was DS satisfied / received proof that the S kids were supposedly on an early morning flight the day MS reportedly fell?

I thought I read the S kids were believed to be scheduled on and took a mid-day flight from SD to S Carolina, IIRC?

Was DS also satisfied / received proof that JS was at the golf course or at the gym when MS reportedly fell?
Jonah would have know if Rebecca was in to *advertiser censored* and bondage play. All SDSO had to do was ask him. IMO, they did, and he said "yes" and mentioned Shibari rope tying.

What the heck are you basing this opinion on?
Jonah would have know if Rebecca was in to *advertiser censored* and bondage play. All SDSO had to do was ask him. IMO, they did, and he said "yes" and mentioned Shibari rope tying.

What the heck are you basing this opinion on?

And if Jonah DID say "yes" , why the heck was no bondage gear or Shibari type stuff collected during the search warrant? If Rebecca and Jonah were into that stuff, it would make more sense she use their actual gear in question during her supposed "suicide theatrical display" . Why use a boating tow rope from the garage? It makes no sense.

Did Jonah or Mr Phingst repress these bondage/Shibari items from being collected during the search warrant?
And if Jonah DID say "yes" , why the heck was no bondage gear or Shibari type stuff collected during the search warrant? If Rebecca and Jonah were into that stuff, it would make more sense she use their actual gear in question during her supposed "suicide theatrical display" . Why use a boating tow rope from the garage? It makes no sense.

Did Jonah or Mr Phingst repress these bondage/Shibari items from being collected during the search warrant?

I've wondered about this as well. About the Gore interview when he was threatening to "release everything". From Gore's letter to AB

"This decision, however, may be re-evaluated if it becomes clear that parts of the investigation have been released to the media and to the public 'piecemeal', and that such a selective release of portions of the investigation has presented our investigation in a false light."
taken from this link: http://www.cbs8.com/story/16194812/sheriff-warns-zahau-attorney-case-file-may-be-opened

Why the heck would JS care if there was something like that found? RZ obviously was not found in S&M, Japanese bondage or any thing of the sort. She wasn't found in their bed, in their room or even hanging off the balcony in their bedroom. Why would SDSO need to hold something like that back? This did not happen 50, 30, even 10 years ago. The world is well aware that people have their kink. Certainly some people would have been a little aghast (think Aunt Pitty Pat smelling salts here) but really? No way.

The quotes are all weird and broken. I don't know how to fix that.
I think it's a little ridiculous. What irritates me is that the media still reports Rebecca was found hanging. There is no official witness report by an authority indicating Rebecca was indeed hanging. This is all on the say so of Adam Shacknai who, imhom is the responsible one who performed this execution. Rebecca was found lying on the lawn.

I know Cynic has done a lot of work on trying to recreate the nautical knots. Thank you, Cynic.
Hi Zinn,
No, the wicker chair was NOT taken into evidence. Yup, hard to believe... such an obvious source for evidence, which is par for the course in this biased investigation. That chair is probably at the bottom of the ocean or in a dump somewhere, along with RZ's car.

Adding to evidence not gathered, the darn red dog bone was NOT taken in for forensic testing. A turned over wicker chair and a dog bone right in the middle of the scene and neither were collected? How did SDSO determine what was pertinent to their investigation if they were truly being unbiased?

Another oddity, how is it that Rebecca's fingerprints were only found on one of the knives? SDSO states no fingerprints were developed from the small knife. If RZ gathered the knives, I would expect fingerprints to be on both knives. Maybe they got lost in the evidence collection. I'm sure it happens, but still something to ponder. 1 pair of gloves, 1 glove, missing fingerprints, found fingerprints...sure seems to me like there was more than one person in the room.

Were there prints and DNA on the knives?
The small knife had Rebecca&#8217;s DNA, and only Rebecca&#8217;s DNA. No fingerprints were developed from this item. The large knife had Rebecca&#8217;s fingerprints, and only Rebecca&#8217;s fingerprints. A low level of DNA material was found on this knife as well, but it was not enough for any comparison.



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I think it's a little ridiculous. What irritates me is that the media still reports Rebecca was found hanging. There is no official witness report by an authority indicating Rebecca was indeed hanging. This is all on the say so of Adam Shacknai who, imhom is the responsible one who performed this execution. Rebecca was found lying on the lawn.

I know Cynic has done a lot of work on trying to recreate the nautical knots. Thank you, Cynic.

I agree. No reason for the police to believe everything POIs say upon finding a "violent, suspicious death". Particularly not one who states he was viewing *advertiser censored* on his iPhone when a nude, bound victim is found on the grass... Absolutely absurd behavior on part of the police.
I agree. No reason for the police to believe everything POIs say upon finding a "violent, suspicious death". Particularly not one who states he was viewing *advertiser censored* on his iPhone when a nude, bound victim is found on the grass... Absolutely absurd behavior on part of the police.

When I think about it, everyone involved displayed absurd behavior after Rebecca's death--and that is only what we have been told publicly:

1. AS's bizarre phone call to 911
2. AS texting JS with the news of RZ's death
3. JS calling DS to tell her of RZ's death
4. JS not coming back to the mansion at all
5. Paul Phingst showing up at the scene
6. ME not showing up for hours
7. NR interview afterward with her wristlet and yoga pants
8. AS bizarre lie detector video

I am sure I am leaving things out.
When I think about it, everyone involved displayed absurd behavior after Rebecca's death--and that is only what we have been told publicly:

1. AS's bizarre phone call to 911
2. AS texting JS with the news of RZ's death
3. JS calling DS to tell her of RZ's death
4. JS not coming back to the mansion at all
5. Paul Phingst showing up at the scene
6. ME not showing up for hours
7. NR interview afterward with her wristlet and yoga pants
8. AS bizarre lie detector video

I am sure I am leaving things out.

Adding to kittychi's list of the absurds:

9. Paul Pfingst's call to 911
10. The "8-second gap" in Adam Shacknai's call to 911

"Zahau" vs. County of San Diego; William D. Gore et al

The 911 calls of Adam Shacknai and Paul Pfingst on July 13, 2011 (2)

(2) The Adam Shacknai 911 tape has an unexplained "8-second gap" at 1:43 of the 911 call during which no sound was recorded. We are informed by the Coronado Police Department, which recorded the call, that there was no "8-second gap" in the original recording. For comparison purposes, the call to police by Paul Pfingst had no such gap. […]
Funny, those words run throughout the Zahau's claims.


The Zahau's were not conducting the "investigation"! They had no access to the items that held key information, including the items from the guest house.
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