Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

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If I may suggest...AS or DS could have gone over to the boat to get the rope.

Thanks, kittychi.

IP seemed to be dead set on Jonah physically committing Rebecca's murder and I just want to understand her reasoning and evidence. She said that Jonah had returned to RMH at 1pm implying that he had time to commit murder and then return to RMH to show up on surveillance tape. That is what I interpret from her words.

IP, can you state explicitly what you are thinking? TIA
With all of the bizarro behavior of the major players, it is difficult for me to believe that JS is completely in the clear with, at the very least, having an inklng about what was going on. But that is just my opinion.
I wasn't suggesting that Jonah used his yacht. I was implying that the rope came from one of his two boats, a ten minute walk from Spreckels. IIRC, Jonah did not check in to the RMH until around 1am, at which time Rebecca was already dead......
Thank you Inparadise I was wondering what the kerfuffle was concerning the location of the boats. I almost fell off my chair laughing, listening to Det. Behemoth's explanation of the "void on the shelf" in the garage. He painstakingly described how "genius police investigators" figured out where Rebecca could have retrieved the rope. Hmmm, that would be a big, "DUH! DID HE REALLY SAY THAT?" Well, I'm going to let SDSO in on a little secret, "There are over 10,000 registered boats in San Diego county , and I'd bet there are probably more than 5,000 red tow ropes in the immediate area." (I would venture to say there are more red tow ropes per capita on Coronado Island than suguaro cactus in Paradise Valley.) I don't think figuring out where the tow rope came from required any great investigative effort. But, if SDSO is continuing to push the meme of suicide, I guess a naked woman retrieving it off a shelf in a garage, is just as good an explanation as any, huh?
If someone were to believe the "void on the garage shelf explanation", why couldn't the void have been from a box of paint supplies or a box of knives, too?
I'm not criticizing any posters, just SDSO's explanation....it would be hilarious if it wasn't so stupid. (Inparadise was simply pointing out there were multiple locations from which a red tug rope could have been retrieved. I get it, now!) If RZ had been killed with an Alpine pick axe in Coronado, then maybe finding the source of the Alpine pick axe would be extremely relevant. What is relevant about the rope you ask? THE WAY IT RELATES TO KNOTTING STYLE FOUND ON THE VICTIM'S BODY.
Secondly, the presence of specialty knives costing hundreds of dollars. MAKO sushi knives....the former tenant was a SUSHI CHEF...did someone have access to the apartment after the tenants left?? I wouldn't imagine those were available in a simple guest house for weekend visitors....just sayin'. Did detectives check the other apartment for recent entry, finger prints, signs of disturbance?
And of course, as Sleuthers, how many times have we read/heard about people making phone calls to victims (after their death) in order to mislead detectives? Too many times. I agree about the 1:30am phone call to Rebecca....she was already incapacitated or dead.
I think the ball was dropped on this case, big time!
Quote Originally Posted by IQuestion
Mistake #6 (From The Seven Mistakes in Suicide Investigation)The presence of a Suicide Note certainly suggests suicide. However, there are a number of investigative considerations to determine whether or not the note is genuine.

• Was it written by the deceased? IT WASN'T WRITTEN on paper, it was printed...harder to discern the writer

• Was it written voluntarily? Even if Rebecca printed any of it, she could have been threatened by the large knife

• Does the note indicate suicidal intent? Note does not show intent, it shows and explanation and a TAUNT

SDSO never proved or said Rebecca wrote on the door, it was another one of their assumptions, IMO.
With all of the bizarro behavior of the major players, it is difficult for me to believe that JS is completely in the clear with, at the very least, having an inklng about what was going on. But that is just my opinion.

Yes I had said the same in one of my posts above. I think JS knew something evil was a-brewing. He and Dina likely exchanged heated words at the hospital with his telling Dina "Rebecca saved Max. She gave him CPR." Why else would Nina keep mentioning that in her interview to CBS? That Rebecca said she gave Max CPR...I just wanted to ask Rebecca questions on what happened to Max...That's why I texted her and went over to the mansion that night...

With Dina's explosive, violent personality, it's hard to imagine JS was unaware of what might possibly happen.

But did he personally lay his own hand in assaulting, tying Rebecca with ropes, putting noose around her neck and throwing Rebecca over the balcony of his beloved Spreckels? Methinks not.

To IP, if I came on strong, it's because in the past you've also implied that Jonah or his older teen children had a direct hand in either causing the accident of his own son Max over the interior balcony or that he forced Rebecca to cover up for his other teen children and that Jonah then cut the chandelier down to cover up Max's accident -- implications which I find reprehensible and without reason and evidence. No, I do not believe his teens were involved in Max's accident. And no, I do not believe Jonah coerced Rebecca to then lie about his teens either. No I do not believe he went and got some type of tool, climbed atop a ladder and cut down the chandelier.

I believe Rebecca was a moral, upright person who would not lie about something so serious and jeopardize the life of Max for the sake of covering up for two teens, and to hold on to her love for Jonah... No one would do such an amoral thing unless they harbor evil and selfish intent in their hearts. I do not believe Rebecca was such a person.
Quote Originally Posted by IQuestion
Mistake #6 (From The Seven Mistakes in Suicide Investigation)The presence of a Suicide Note certainly suggests suicide. However, there are a number of investigative considerations to determine whether or not the note is genuine.

• Was it written by the deceased? IT WASN'T WRITTEN on paper, it was printed...harder to discern the writer

• Was it written voluntarily? Even if Rebecca printed any of it, she could have been threatened by the large knife

• Does the note indicate suicidal intent? Note does not show intent, it shows and explanation and a TAUNT

SDSO never proved or said Rebecca wrote on the door, it was another one of their assumptions, IMO.

I agree with the last question, that the door message was a TAUNT. I believe it was a taunt at Jonah -- that his beloved Rebecca, the one who presumably saved his son Max, cannot be saved now by Jonah -- which of course, then begs the question, if Jonah was involved in murdering Rebecca, why would Rebecca's murderers need to then paint a taunt at Jonah?

Makes no sense if Jonah was physically present at Spreckels and directly involved in Rebecca's murder.
I'm pretty familiar with this case, but I don't recall anyone speculating JS was on scene when Rebecca was murdered.

However, I absolutely believe Maxie did not die at the hands of Rebecca, her sister or Maxie going over that infamous railing.

Pin down the timeline of the people in the house that morning, give absolutes of who was where, when they were there and perhaps the theory regarding JS and a couple of others will be dismissed. Until then, IMO, that particular theory will stand strong. If we learn what really happened to Maxie, then we will have a complete picture of the whos, whys and when in Rebecca's horrid last few hours of her life.

It would be so easy to dismiss it with verification. WTH hasn't there been any hard evidence???
I'm pretty familiar with this case, but I don't recall anyone speculating JS was on scene when Rebecca was murdered.

However, I absolutely believe Maxie did not die at the hands of Rebecca, her sister or Maxie going over that infamous railing.

Pin down the timeline of the people in the house that morning, give absolutes of who was where, when they were there and perhaps the theory regarding JS and a couple of others will be dismissed. Until then, IMO, that particular theory will stand strong. If we learn what really happened to Maxie, then we will have a complete picture of the whos, whys and when in Rebecca's horrid last few hours of her life.

It would be so easy to dismiss it with verification. WTH hasn't there been any hard evidence???

Like I said, IP was IMPLYING it saying that Rebecca was murdered around the timeline when Jonah was NOT on video at RMH. <mod snip>
Not sure why others instead of IP is responding to my request for specifics. I asked IP what she was explicitly saying. Still waiting for reply.

What ticks me off is when someone is/claims to be an insider and has a personal bias against a POI in the case and is using their status as insider to drive home a bias. I don't like INJUSTICES against ANYONE. If there's evidence of Jonah's active involvement in Rebecca's murder, then state it plainly and give the evidence. Enough with the innuendoes.
Active involvement?, passive involvement?, suspected involvement?, knowing who was involved?, etc. The first is a crime, the others; a good defense attorney (showing up at 9am) might argue the police would have a hard time proving anything more than that? Interestingly, 2 young men in Toronto have been convicted of killing a young teen in an accident....AND THEN staging another accident in order to cover up their involvement in the first accident!!
Just to keep y'all fully informed, the "first accident" was a crime, as the driver of the vehicle was under the influence. Moving the body, staging another accident and getting his passenger to assist in the cover-up and 911 call is pretty darned disgusting. (I won't link the actual case, google it Ontario, skateboarding accident, coverup staged)
Staging an accident scene? (because I don't think anyone intentionally hurt that beautiful child), or leaving the scene of an accident?.....I have always felt these were strong possibilities since the beginning of this tragedy. (Hey, I'm on a sleuthing site, which means I'm suspicious of everyone...until the case is solved. Sleuthing 101....EVERYONE'S A SUSPECT.)
Please remove my 'personal integrity' quote since my response right before it was removed. It now looks like I'm saying something different than I was saying originally. Thanks)
<respectfully snipped>

(Hey, I'm on a sleuthing site, which means I'm suspicious of everyone...until the case is solved. Sleuthing 101....EVERYONE'S A SUSPECT.)

Totally agree with that, IQ. Early on there were rumors that the 3 kids had been "planking" and taking photos of each other. This was never verified, but cameras were taken as evidence from the home. There has always been a cloud over when the two older kids left on a flight to their mother's home. It has never been verified when they left town. It is beyond me why a mother or father would not just say "do not mess with my kids and leave them out of this, they left at ___ o'clock," instead of never letting a rumor or question like that be cleared up.

We can believe whatever we want when there is no evidence or verification. I am afraid we will never get that, IMO.

Although I have little confidence that the binding demonstrated in the SDSO video is the actual binding found on the wrists of Rebecca, (see my comments in post 544,) I decided to re-create the binding from the perspective of it being tied on someone rather than self-applied.
See the video below.

From my limited research into bondage knots and bindings, (YouTube videos,) a “figure eight” pattern was not employed, they all appeared to wrap around the outside of the wrists or legs and then cinched to tie-off in the center. The "Double" or "Two Column" binding turned up many times as a standard way of binding wrists.
I illustrate a “Double Column” bondage binding in the video below.

The tendency to incorporate a figure eight pattern is, however, common in the nautical world and is, for example, used to tie-off to a mooring bit as in the illustration and picture below.



It’s unfortunate that we don’t have access to more pictures showing the rope around the wrists. Foolishly, I thought that that the SDSO binding was the actual binding because how could they botch that, I asked? As per my previous comments, (post 544,) it’s apparent that the “painstaking” investigation of the binding was no more thorough than the “investigation” into Rebecca’s death in general.
Interestingly, the AR makes mention that the wrist binding is similar to the leg binding insofar as it shares the “figure-eight” methodology and once again there is mention of two distinct knots, one on each ankle.

Autopsy Report

The ankles are bound by rope similar to that on the neck and the wrists. Similar to the wrists, the rope is arranged in a roughly figure eight pattern and the ankles can be separated a maximum of 2 inches at the narrowest point. The right ankle has six loops and the left has eight. There is a knot on the proximal right lower leg exiting anteriorly. There is a second similar knot on the left ankle.


The wrists are bound behind the back with the reddish-orange, braded rope described above. This piece is not attached to the neck ligature or the ankle bindings. There are five loops around the right wrist and six around the left. The wrists can be separated a maximum of 2-1/2 inches apart at their narrowest point. There is an 84 inch segment of rope extending from a slip knot on the left wrist. This 84 inch segment pulls through the slip knot. This segment extends from the left wrist into the right hand and exits between the right index and middle fingers. The shorter segment of rope extends from a fixed knot on the right wrist. There is a small amount of black apparent paint on one of the middle loops around the left wrist. The segments of rope are arranged roughly in a figure eight pattern.

From what I was able to research, it appears that the binding on the wrists was more “boating than bondage," or perhaps "boating meets bondage."

Just as Cynic has stated previously, the Tugboat Hitch requires 3 wraps around a bollard, in this case a neck.

IMO, RZ's murderer stood behind her, NOT facing her, and looking down at the back of RZ's head while she was seated with her legs taped to the wicker chair. Thus the knot began with the rope under her chin rather than behind her neck.

Looking at Cynic's excellent illustration of the damage to RZ's neck as per the AR (Illustration 1), IMO the X criss cross furrows on the back of her neck well below the ligature furrows that angle upwards towards the ligature knot were a result of the first 2 tugboat hitch loops.

Illustration 1: Cynic's interpretation of the AR. Thank you, Cynic!

The final (3rd) rope loop/wrap and knot (the ligature) would then be yanked upwards with the snap of the 9 ft drop. The first 2 rope loops/wraps remain at neck level, as illustrated in Cynic&#8217;s video (Illustration 2).

Illustration 2. Stop frame from Cynic's excellent Tugboat Hitch video. Again, many thanks, Cynic!

When tying the Tugboat Hitch around my own neck, front to back, rather than back to front, then flipping the rope to create the double hitch knot, the two loops remain in place, horizontally across my neck, even after applying force on the knot and tightening the knot by pulling upwards. They do NOT move upward with the knot.

Note: when creating the two loops directly below my ear, then looping the third time and applying the double hitch, the two original loops crossed over each other behind my neck.

This would also explain the X criss cross at the back of the neck as reported in the AR as well (see Illustration 3). The 2 crossed-over loops being BELOW the knot/ligature furrow would also explain the 1-1/2 x 1-1/4 inch group of apparent petechiae in that area, which were a result of the pressure imposed by the 2 stationary loops in the tugboat hitch knot.

Illustration 3: The furrows that would result from a Tugboat Hitch used in hanging IMO

Tying the rope OVER RZ&#8217;s long hair, rather than directly on her skin, was a clever move as it helped &#8220;soften&#8221; the continuity of the furrows, thus resulting in irregularities and gaps in the furrows. This scenario fits the wounds as documented in the autopsy report.

Among evidence items the Zahau family is suing Gore and the SD county is the video of the autopsy. Why has the autopsy video been withheld? I would imagine (presume?) the family received autopsy photos of some nature or other. If not, I once again would presume the photos would be included in the evidence law suit. Quite simple to be selective and biased in selecting what to photograph, whereas a video is/should be continuous. Any gaps in the video would be beyond suspect.

I am an experienced rock climber. I can make knots in my sleep. I grew up sailing. I had never seen the Tugboat Hitch before, and even with Cynic's excellent video and online resources, it took me several hours to figure this one out, primarily since i had to keep starting over and adding more and more rope in order to have enough to add the double hitch at the end, and also to leave an additional 6-1/4 inches of rope. The tugboat hitch requires more than double the amount of rope needed to make, for example, a simple hangman's noose.

IMO It is virtually impossible to make a tugboat hitch without a bollard. I tried. Doesn't happen.

IMO the use of a tugboat hitch rather than a simple hangman's noose is an enormous FLY IN THE OINTMENT for the defense. The video of the autopsy, when presented to the jury, will prove unequivocally that RZ did NOT and COULD NOT have inflicted this upon herself.
Hey Carioca,

Thank you for the outstanding analysis, I've been meaning to respond to your post for a long time.
(By the way, nice to meet a fellow rock climber.)
I essentially agree with everything you said.
The assumption that probably everyone made, including me, was that some sort of noose-like knot was used on the neck and, indeed, if I were to commit suicide by hanging I wouldn't even consider anything but a hangman's noose. It is very easy to learn and make, and has obviously stood the test of time.
It also has the advantage of being able to be tied on its own and thereby able to be visually checked and tested prior to applying to the neck. The tugboat hitch, on the other hand, would be extremely difficult to self-apply and it would necessitate checking in a mirror while making it as you wouldn't want the knot to fail.

As you've illustrated, the autopsy report makes a lot more sense with the knowledge of the type of knot used.
Based on the facts that DECEDENT was found naked and the clothing she was wearing on that date was not found at the scene of the murder, Plaintiffs allege that once inside the residence, the Defendants stripped off her clothing. Based on the tape residue found on DECEDENT’s legs, and the fact that no tape with similar adhesive was found at the scene, Plaintiffs allege that the Defendants first restrained DECEDENT with tape, and gagged her, while they were devising and planning the rest of the scheme, and later removed the tape from the scene.


Since the clothes Rebecca was wearing on that date were not found at the scene, did Rebecca even take a shower?
My husband is an experienced sailor and had never heard of or seen the Tugboat Hitch. He found this animated demonstration of it which confirms Carioca's conclusion that a bollard is required:


Lighterman's (Tugboat) Hitch Tying
Wrap the rope twice around the bollard. Pass a bight under the standing end and over the bollard. Wrap an extra turn around the bollard. Pass a bight under the standing end and over the bollard and continue adding more turns as needed.

Lighterman's (Tugboat) Hitch Details
Uses: The Lighterman's Hitch is unusual in its approach to taking a heavy load. No knot is tied - instead the rope is passed partially round the standing end in one direction and then in the other &#8211; each time dropping a bight over the bollard.

Tying it: The version shown here starts with two initial turns (often called "a Round Turn"). This provides a reliable way of taking the initial strain and is often enough to control a load while the hitch is completed. For larger loads an extra initial turn can be used.

Advantages: The beauty of the Lighterman's Hitch lies in its simplicity and the ease with which it can be safely untied and eased out. As each turn is removed, the tail can be eased to determine whether the load is threatening to cause the remaining turns to slip.
respectfully snipped, bbm:

I believe Rebecca was a moral, upright person who would not lie about something so serious and jeopardize the life of Max for the sake of covering up for two teens, and to hold on to her love for Jonah... No one would do such an amoral thing unless they harbor evil and selfish intent in their hearts. I do not believe Rebecca was such a person.

Mug shot here (2009):


Phoenix police confirmed to RadarOnline.com that Nalepa walked into a Macy’s store before putting $1,000 worth of jewels into different shopping bags and leaving.

Police revealed that she was grabbed by the store’s security guards before they called them and she was arrested.

Nalepa pled guilty to a misdemeanor and paid a $500 fine before attending a shoplifting ‘diversion’ course.

This matter makes her no more or less deserving of a resolution but just shows that a wide brush used to paint other players can be used on her as well.

Mug shot here (2009):


This matter makes her no more or less deserving of a resolution but just shows that a wide brush used to paint other players can be used on her as well.


Before July 2011, you could have looked up RZ on Google and found that mug shot, and perhaps her photo from the eye surgery place...not much else.

Before July 2011, you could have looked up DS and JS and found quite a few unsavory things, photographs included and snippets of police reports included.

Interesting to me that (IMO of course) it was very likely DS who first exposed Rebecca's mug shot when it showed up on Coronado Patch as DS did the background check on RZ while RZ was dating Jonah.

Not sure what the purpose of that exposure would be except to infer that her death "wasn't that bad" because she had a police report history and a mug shot. The benefit to DS by exposing that was, of course, to show how "evil" Rebecca was and also to distract attention from herself as a possible POI.

My opinion only, of course.
Mug shot here (2009):


This matter makes her no more or less deserving of a resolution but just shows that a wide brush used to paint other players can be used on her as well.

Jade, (love the name btw) "a wide brush to paint"?? (bbm) Is that a subliminal message? Afterall, a paint brush was used to leave a message on the door.
As have said before, "I live in a glass house and am well aware (as a result of my advancing years) that we all have a past." I'm not saying we all have "mugshots" but we all have something in our past that we hope will never end up on the front page of the NYTimes or (God forbid) RadarOnline with its hot-pink background motiff. If a person gets arrested, pays their fine and attends court ordered classes....should we still stand on the sidelines and continue to insult their past? Many famous people have had been arrested for shoplifting....even Farrah Fawcett (AND SHE WAS ARRESTED TWICE!), Winona Ryder, news reporters, and elected officials, etc. I wish it were not so, but, "it is what it is." All have moved on in life, putting their past behind....and none of them chose to hang themselves because of the disclosure. I truly pray, no teen or young adult chooses to commit great bodily harm upon themselves because of a G-D-mugshot for shoplifting! (Sorry, but this really angers me....because I can't help but think of the young people who have been cyber-bullied, with disastrous outcomes.)
I understand equating previous "police calls for violence" with current accusations of violence. I understand previous arrests for "sexual assault" with current accusations of sexual assault and no one would deny its importance in understanding recurrent and escalating behaviors. In each of the aforementioned scenarios....people were physically injured (assaulted.) However, I can't make the leap from a shoplifting arrest to any of the issues on this case. Respectfully IQ
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