Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

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Please note the "All above is my opinion only" tag under the post. However, I will look through my transcript of the show and note where she said this tomorrow. Thanks for pointing out the rules to me, Mr. Spock.
I don't recall what Mary said on Dr. Phil or the context. In the investigative report and Max's autopsy, the 911 call was made at 10:10am. According to Rebecca's cell phone records the first person she called was Jonah at 10:24am.

RZ's phone records -

Key to RZ phone bill -


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Ah, but that ship has sailed, his mother neglected to do the necessary (file her own wrongful death suit) work to get her answers. Shameful, as we all want the facts. This particular case is about Rebecca, not Maxie. [/QuoteL]

Dina, Nina, and Adam will be allowed to call witnesses in order to defend themselves.

There were only approximately 40 hours from the time Max "fell" to the time Rebecca comitted suicide. If part of Dina's defense is to show that Rebecca committed suicide, she might want to prove that Rebecca was afraid that Child Protective Services would be investigating her. That, along with Rebecca boarding her dog, rushing XZ back home, how quiet everyone said she was, her diaries, The Housewife - all of these may be part of Dina's defense, along with witness testimoney that she was at the hospital all night.

Only 40 hours.

IMO, every one of those 40 hours will be examined - what Rebecca and XY were doing, and what Dina, Nina, and Adam were doing. There is no way to separate Max and Rebecca, and Mary and XZ should be prepared to take the stand.
I've been looking through some old threads, and I saw that many of you were convinced it was Jonah Shacknai that was responsible for Rebecca's death. Many went on and on about how horrible jonah was and how he was a killer.

Question: Do you think the Zahaus are now accusing the wrong people? Or were you wrong about Jonah?

Please note the "All above is my opinion only" tag under the post. However, I will look through my transcript of the show and note where she said this tomorrow. Thanks for pointing out the rules to me, Mr. Spock.

Show link would be sufficient for Me, if someone wants to watch it let them look up the time stamp....My opinion only..

Tactfulness goes a long way with me and I've noticed with a lot of others too.
I can't speak for anyone but myself. In regard to JS, he had an alibi, a real one. Whatever else I may think of the man doesn't matter because the night RZ was murdered, he was accounted for, in a verifiable way. Until that information was made public, of course he would be thought of as a suspect.

I do however think that he knows more about both RZ's and MS' deaths than has been reported. But that's JMO.

I've been looking through some old threads, and I saw that many of you were convinced it was Jonah Shacknai that was responsible for Rebecca's death. Many went on and on about how horrible jonah was and how he was a killer.

Question: Do you think the Zahaus are now accusing the wrong people? Or were you wrong about Jonah?


My theory is consistent with typical crime statistics - the most likely culprits are those who were the last persons to see the victim, particularly those who were known to be at the crime scene shortly before the victim's death. Thus far, there's proof that Jonah was at the hospital during the time Rebecca was killed.

So, no, Jonah isn't on my list of suspects. JMO.
Where did you find this information? Provide a link to anywhere that corroborates Rebecca having called Mary before Jonah following Max's accident. If your an insider with relevant information I believe you must be vetted in order to make such claims.

Here is a link to the Dr Phil 09 21 2012 full program:

At NO point does Mary say Rebecca called her before calling Jonah. At the 28:20 time stamp, Mary relates a conversation she had with Rebecca later that day when Rebecca tells her about the sequence of events:
".. that she [Rebecca] had to call Jonah and let him know."

What I find most interesting in this segment is that both Dina and Mary are open to the possibility that perhaps another person or "persons" could have been present when Maxie suffered his accident.
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Ah, but that ship has sailed, his mother neglected to do the necessary (file her own wrongful death suit) work to get her answers. Shameful, as we all want the facts. This particular case is about Rebecca, not Maxie. [/QuoteL]

Dina, Nina, and Adam will be allowed to call witnesses in order to defend themselves.

There were only approximately 40 hours from the time Max "fell" to the time Rebecca comitted suicide. If part of Dina's defense is to show that Rebecca committed suicide, she might want to prove that Rebecca was afraid that Child Protective Services would be investigating her. That, along with Rebecca boarding her dog, rushing XZ back home, how quiet everyone said she was, her diaries, The Housewife - all of these may be part of Dina's defense, along with witness testimoney that she was at the hospital all night.

Only 40 hours.

IMO, every one of those 40 hours will be examined - what Rebecca and XY were doing, and what Dina, Nina, and Adam were doing. There is no way to separate Max and Rebecca, and Mary and XZ should be prepared to take the stand.


Yeppers. Approximately 40 hours. Raging. Planning. To murder. Rebecca Zahau.

No proof at all Maxie's mother was with him during those hours she spent beating, torturing, strangling, murdering Rebecca and then attempting a clean-up. No witnesses, nada on camera of her at Rady. But, there is a witness who has her at Rebecca's and Jonah's place.

And XZ? She wasn't even in state when her sister was murdered. What could she possibly offer up regarding her sister's murder except possibly Rebecca's statement...Dina is going to kill me...
Lash, thank you for the info re Adam and the Ambien. I have read Ann Rule's book.. I must say I'm not that big a fan of hers, as a writer in general...but that's OT. What's interesting here is --nowhere-- can I find ANY proof Adam took ambien that night, aside from his own say-so. None. No mention of blood tests, nothing. Yet the ambien is talked about as a 'fact' everywhere it comes up - including Rule's book. What if it isn't? Is my question, there. It could be convenient on several levels, to claim so. In any case, I cannot take it as a fact until I see some evidence it is one.
Hi Ausgirl!

Several pieces of information came from Ann Rule's book. One piece, the Ambien. Another, the movie The Housemaid. Admittedly I have concerns using details from the book as fact. I personally do not doubt the info in Rule's book, but she is a fictional writer. There lies my dilemma. As an example, The Housemaid video is not included in the 3 pages of items seized from search warrant 41227, yet Rule alleges in her book it was a seized item. As well as the Ambien, I haven't found where Redden asked about Ambien or where Adam gave it as an answer in any MSM articles nor the 5 min polygraph video. Below are excerpts from Rule's book. I hope this helps.

Ambien -

The Housemaid -

5 min poly video - http://kfmb.videodownload.worldnow.com/KFMB_20130511015525187AA.mp4
Warrant 41227 - http://ftpcontent.worldnow.com/kfmb/misc/warrant_41227.pdf

I think an insider had already posted a while back that there were many errors made by Ann Rule in her story about Zahau's murder. So we have to take much of it with a grain of salt.

E.g., Ann Rule wrote that people at hospital vouched that Dina was at the hospital the night Rebecca was murdered. However, if that was the case, then why have these so-called eyewitnesses not come forward and testify or avow on a sworn court affidavit that that was the case on Dina's behalf? Had they done so, Dina would not have to be go through this extent with her lawyers to try to defend herself as Rebecca's murderer and fight the Zahau WDS with her "150 items" now. Why Dina would need to waste all her time, effort and money to fight the Zahau lawsuit when Dina presumably had all these eyewitnesses who saw her at the hospital "sitting vigil" by her son's bedside makes zero sense.

I think Ann Rule might have used gossip and innuendo to embellish the Zahau murder story. I don't believe there even was a Housemaid video present in the Spreckels Mansion nor that the video was confiscated by police in their seizure of relevant items on investigation of Zahau's murder. If there was, certainly during the infamous Gore press conference, he would have gladly exposed it to the media that day in September 2011 when he made sure to "leak" that someone searched for Asian anime lesbian *advertiser censored* on Zahau's computers. I also think she used gossip when writing about Adam admitting to using Ambien...
Question: Do you think the Zahaus are now accusing the wrong people? Or were you wrong about Jonah?



I think the Zahau family has named exactly the right people in their lawsuit. Like inthedark, I also believe Jonah knows more than he may have told investigators. He also knows exactly what Dina's behavior was like, and what she said to him, and to others when in his presence, in the 40 critical hours between Max's terrible accident, and Rebecca's violent and gruesome death (murder, IMO).

For example, Jonah knows first hand what kind of physical violence Dina has meted out before, as he was her intended target during their tumultuous marriage and divorce.

I feel pretty certain that DS and JS had words privately between them, after Max's accident, about the circumstances under which Max was injured. He certainly knows what DS said to him about RZ's presence in the home when Max fell, and how she felt about that. For example (and I'm speculating, to make it clear), if DS was enraged at RZ, and ranting at him about that during those 40 hours, JS would know that. He could have, for example, assumed DS was going to "confront" RZ, thinking DS was "only" going to yell and ask questions. Perhaps (and again, I'm speculating), he never thought Dina would go so far as to hurt Rebecca physically, or murder her, and was stunned to find out Rebecca had been murdered. But I think it's very possible, IMO, that he knew DS was enraged at RZ and planning to confront her. Maybe he said something about this to RZ, maybe not.

But RZ's comment that "Dina is going to kill me" clearly indicates that Rebecca expected an angry confrontation from Dina at some point in the near future.

I'll stop here, but yes, I think Jonah knows more than he may have told investigators.
I think Jonah knows more too. The question is how long he's going to throw his brother under the bus. How long will he let Adam take the blame?
I had a thought about the Shacknai teens. Someone upthread mentioned that perhaps we will have more proof/ confirmation as to the exact departure details of the older Shacknai teens. Or that Jonah will be compelled to provide more information, etc. about their departure.

It occurs to me that while that might be "nice to know" in light of what happened to Max, it doesn't seem that it would be at all relevant any more in this narrow case about Rebecca's death.

See, whether they were present in the home when Max fell or not, it didn't ever appear that Dina (or Nina or Adam) ever spoke about this in their public comments about Max's death, or that any of them held the Shacknai teens responsible in any way. Dina has said the most about this, publicly, and she clearly, definitely holds Rebecca (and XZ) accountable for Max's accident.

I think that's very significant, and actually more pertinent to the wrongful death lawsuit than producing "proof" of what time the teens left town. Because whether or not the teens were present, it is Rebecca that Dina has stated she believes is responsible for Max's death. And that strongly goes to grief/ revenge motive, IMO. So, I don't think it matters anymore whether "we" get proof of when the teens left. I don't think it matters at all to the wrongful death suit, but I could be wrong.

As far as this wrongful death suit is concerned, Max died of an accidental fall. It's clear both RZ and XZ were in the home when that happened. I don't think it will be necessary to delve into Max's fall very deeply, because the relevant issue is that Dina holds Rebecca responsible for whatever happened. Dina's state of mind as it relates to Rebecca is what is important as the circumstances are revealed to show how the Zahau family believes DS, NR, and AS are responsible for Rebecca's death, IMO.

IANAL, so I might be wrong about all this, but I think this is a situation where we have to keep coming back to the basis for THIS lawsuit-- which is Rebecca's death. JMO. And where the Judge will have to keep the focus on Rebecca's death, and not what the defendants might think happened to Max. IMO. That's going to be a real challenge for everyone involved, IMO.
I agree with KZ above. No reason to get verification of when Jonah's older children left the mansion. Dina has not accused either teens of hurting her son Max.

Dina has only accused Rebecca and her younger teen sis XZ of "torpedoing" Max and causing the "homicide of Maxie".

I think given her vocalness in the matter, Dina put her own foot in her mouth and gave the courts and the public just cause for why she would have harmed Rebecca -- out of grief/revenge/rage/shock/disbelief for the loss of her "one and only" beloved son Maxie and for the fact that Rebecca had presumably stolen her husband away from her.

The Zahaus' WDS is about Rebecca's murder and who committed it. IMO, it is evident and almost self-explanatory that given Dina's explosive violent rages in the past and her "justified" anger/rage for the loss of her one and only beloved son Maxie by the very woman Dina perceived to have stolen her man Jonah, that it is most likely Dina who would have perpetrated a hateful, vile, humiliating, torturous murder upon Rebecca. Let's just say if anyone had motive to harm/kill Rebecca, it would be Dina.
I think Jonah knows more too. The question is how long he's going to throw his brother under the bus. How long will he let Adam take the blame?

I don't believe Jonah will throw his own brother under the bus. What for, particularly since I do not believe Jonah had a physical hand in harming/killing Rebecca. If Jonah's going to indict anyone, it'd be his [modsnip] ex-wife Dina who fought him in court for a big chunk of his money during the divorce. Human nature dictates he blame his [modsnip] ex-wife rather than the brother he barely ever sees and who shares his blood.
I think Jonah knows more too. The question is how long he's going to throw his brother under the bus. How long will he let Adam take the blame?

IMO Jonah believes he is helping Adam out, not throwing him "under the bus". Isn't he helping pay for Adam's defense? Just MOO
Here is the link where [modsnip] Mary Zahau says Rebecca called her BEFORE she called Jonah Shacknai the morning Max "fell". She didn't say "she had called" which would have been past tense, she said "she had to call" - meaning she had NOT CALLED HIM YET.

Watching this again made me wonder why XZ was never given a polygraph test, why XZ's cell phone wasn't checked, and why fingerprints and DNA were not taken from the scooter and chandelier. Note that this is also different from other stories Rebecca told where she did not hear a crash, she simply found Max in the foyer.

At 28:25, Mary Zahau says:

"I remember my sister calling me and telling me that it was a bad day and that she didn't have time to talk for long but she did tell me she had heard a loud crash when she was in the bathroom and max was unconscious and she tried to give him CPR and that she had to call Jonah to let him know and that they had to go to the hospital."

Stick to the lawsuit and don't bring the old news into it, please. There was a reason the other threads were closed. This thread is about the lawsuit.

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