Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

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Friday, Sep 30, 2011

Rebecca Zahau's Family Wants State to Investigate Coronado Mansion Death

Zahau’s brother-in-law and Mary’s husband Doug Loehner, who is a police officer, wants a copy of the police reports.“The case is closed,” he said. “I don’t understand why we don’t have them. “

I don't see anyone keeping MZL's husband's profession a secret. I can't imagine why they would want to. I belive the fact that he is LE was mentioned on the Dr Phil show, though I haven't rewatched it lately so that's MOO. Should MZL while giving interviews hoping to raise awareness of RZ'S brutal death opened with by the way my hubs in a LEO? MZL has shown determination to keep the focus of those interviews on trying to get RZ'S death reinvestigated not on herself or her husband. SMH.
Yes, K_Z ....indeed Jonah is the wild card in all of this but he MUST be called because he is either:
a).directly involved
b).withheld evidence
c).made misleading answers to detectives questions

Potential Jonah Questions
1- when you went to dinner with RZ and your brother on early Tuesday evening, describe RZ's frame of mind.
2- when you returned to Rady Hospital after dinner around 7:45pm -8:00pm when did Dina and Nina ask to borrow your car?
3- did you ask Nina....why not just borrow your sister's car?
4- when you gave Nina the keys to your car - were your Spreckels "house keys" on your car key chain?
5- when you were at Rady Hospital that Tuesday night [July 12,2011] do you recall what Dina was wearing? Do you recall what Dina
was wearing the next morning at Rady when you informed her of RZ's death?
6- what was Dina's reaction when you told her that Rebecca is dead?
7- why didn't you borrow Dina's car that early morning once Adam gave you the news about Rebecca and be there for Rebecca?
8- do you believe if you did go to your house that you would've made sure that Rebecca's nude body wouldn't have been laying on the grass until
after 9:00 pm?
9- going back to that Tuesday night at Rady Hospital on July 12,2011....were you sitting inside or outside Max's room until you left at 1:00 am
early Wed. morning? Where was Dina sitting inside or outside? Did you have a conversation with Dina before you left Rady at 1:00 am? If not,
when was the last time you physically saw or conversed with Dina that night?
10- when you returned to Rady Hospital after dinner that Tuesday night [July 12,2011] did you see Dr.Brad Peterson? Did you talk with Dr.Peterson on this night? If so, was Dina present during this conversation? Did you receive any new medical information from Max's doctors between the hours of 8:00 pm -11:30 pm that Tuesday night? If not, then why would you call Rebecca at such a late hour after seeing her earlier for dinner and expecting her the next morning with a fresh set of clothes that she mentioned to sister Mary later that Tuesday evening in a phone conversation?
11- did you leave a message for Rebecca at 11:48 pm that Tuesday night? If so, what was the message?
12- you were at Rady Hospital with Dina from Monday afternoon until some point that Tuesday night.How angry was Dina towards Rebecca? Did Dina blame Rebecca? Did Dr.Brad Peterson say anything Monday or Tuesday to suggest something other than an accidental fall with Max's injuries?
13- were you ever concerned leaving Rebecca ALONE in your Mansion that Tuesday night with only your brother on the property? You knew your
ADT Security System was flawed and the Romano sisters and Adam knew the backdoor is left unlocked....did you recommend at or after dinner to
Rebecca to LOCK THE BACKDOOR while she was ALONE that night and other nights to follow?
14- did Rebecca ever express concerns about one of both of the Romano sisters at dinner or after? Were you aware that a Coronado police officer overheard Rebecca telling her sister that,"Dina is going to kill me" when the Officer was talking RZ's sister to a Emergency Care because she needed stitches from leg cuts after Max fell picking up pieces of glass.
15- did you ever see that red/orange towing rope that was used to bound Rebecca's arms and legs? How about your boat that you keep at the Marina....did you have a towing rope on that boat?
16- did you think that Rebecca had the skill to bound herself with the towing ripe?
17- do you think Rebecca would deface your door with a strange painted message?
18- why didn't you hire a top PI to gather ALL the facts early in this case? Yet you or your company hired a high profile Defense Attorney [Paul Pfingst] only hours after RZ was found dead.
19- were you aware how many police responses came from ADT Security alarm since you purchased Spreckels Mansion? It's common knowledge that during the summer your kids would spend weeks with you at the Mansion yet you had an ineffective ADT Security System...please explain?
20- did you change all the locks at Spreckels Mansion after your divorce from Dina? If not, why not given Dina's known temper and dislike for Rebecca.
21- do you think your brother was involved in the death or cover-up of Rebecca's case?
22- there was blood found on your bedroom carpet just outside your bathroom yet there were no tampons found anywhere.....any opinion of this aspect of the investigation?
23- there was "clump" of hair found on the wall of your bathroom shower....any opinion of this aspect of the investigation?
24- do you believe Rebecca wrote that message on the door?
25- do you believe Rebecca died closer to 1:00 am than 3:00 am that early Wed. am [ July 13,2011] ?
25 - do you believe Rebecca facilitated this elaborate suicide with finding this towing rope - cutting into various pieces then tying the bedpost and then gagging herself with a shirt then bounding her arms/legs?
26- did Rebecca ever walk around your house in AZ nude?
27- do you believe that Rebecca would hang herself nude?
28- did you know that Adam took Ambien?
29- did you know the adverse reactions Ambien has on many people?
30- could you bound yourself with a rope in the same manner that Rebecca was found?
31 - how Tall is Adam?
32 - do you think Rebecca LOCKED the backdoor after coming home from dinner that Tuesday night with Adam? Adam mentioned he didn't know
Rebecca that well so it's logical to think that Rebecca didn't know Adam that well either and given this was the FIRST TIME she was ALONE
in that Mansion, she would ensure her safety given her previous comments about Dina killing her - Nina's rambling and now the Tow Boat operator from Memphis staying nearby in the guesthouse.
33- what time did your automatic sprinklers come on in the backyard?
34- did you see photos of the "caked mud" on the soles of both Rebecca's feet? Do you have an opinion how her soles of feet got so muddy? Did you have any dirt inside the Mansion?
35 - Adam made a comment Wed. morning [8 am] inside the Coronado Mobile Command vehicle in the prescence of Coronado Chief Scanlon and
Officer Klein ...."this is f-in crazy . I don't think my bedside manner is that bad......[Ann Rule book pages 178,179]. Do you have an opinion on
Adam's comment?
36 - do you think the neighbor lady that heard SCREAMS from the direction of your house at 11:35 pm that Tuesday night was Rebecca calling for HELP?
37- do you have an opinion on how an elderly neighbor could hear SCREAMS from the direction of your house yet your brother Adam never mentioned anything about SCREAMS that night?
38 - do you have an opinion on how "caked mud" could be on the soles of Rebecca feet yet there wasn't any dirt/mud on the carpet or floor inside the Mansion? There were some dirt footprints on the floor that belonged to Adam when he supposedly went into the house to get a knife to cut Rebecca down.
39 - have you seen Adam since July 2011?
40 - do you think the Zahau family is pursuing this case more for the TRUTH vs any monetary gain?
I don't see anyone keeping MZL's husband's profession a secret. I can't imagine why they would want to. I belive the fact that he is LE was mentioned on the Dr Phil show, though I haven't rewatched it lately so that's MOO. Should MZL while giving interviews hoping to raise awareness of RZ'S brutal death opened with by the way my hubs in a LEO? MZL has shown determination to keep the focus of those interviews on trying to get RZ'S death reinvestigated not on herself or her husband. SMH.

Then they won't mind if he's called to the stand for questioning about why he doesn't trust all of the officers that worked on Rebecca's case, I trust.
Then they won't mind if he's called to the stand for questioning about why he doesn't trust all of the officers that worked on Rebecca's case, I trust.

If that should occur, the reasons he has stated in the media - that full reports and personal property belonging to RZ have not been given to her family - are logical questions anyone would ask. Why would anyone familiar with RZ's case get excited about that?

IMHO, its not a big deal.

The attorneys for RZ's family likely have a lengthy list of people to depose and questions to ask. Questioning RZ's BIL, who has little to do with the case, doesn't seem to be an urgent matter and would yield little if any information relevant to the case.
Sorry to be asking, I usually prefer to look things up for myself, but I'm having trouble finding this:

--- How does anyone *know for sure* that Adam actually did take an ambien that night? Was there a blood test? Or was it just his say-so?

Then they won't mind if he's called to the stand for questioning about why he doesn't trust all of the officers that worked on Rebecca's case, I trust.

I can't imagine why they would. He has had to sit by and watch his wife be rendered to pieces by various people involved in the kitty litter and horrible things said about her sister and her family. Judging by the specifics of RZ's case and MS's case we know that BOTH of the families (save JS) were not happy at all with how things went down. What we do have here is one family still fighting for justice and only naming anyone because a federal judge said that they had to. Unlike others, who simply threw everything under the sun to disparage dead woman's family.

Mmmh k.

I'm just going on gut here and saying that I don't doubt that MZL's hubs would be perfectly happy to state what he thinks about what happened to RZ and her case. The fact that he is LEO bears no bearing whatsoever on him testifying about what has gone down with the investigation and subsequent misleading acts by SDSO. Unless of course some higher up is putting pressure on the poor man, then well, I hope they open up another suit, because that :censored: doesn't fly.

I bet he'd even have a few insights into what happened to that darling boy in your siggy. We'd all love to know.

Guess who has the answers...

As for answers to what happeded to Max, I expect XZ, Doug, and Mary to be called as witnesses. Will be good to find out why Rebecca called Mary before she called Jonah that morning, and why XZ was rushed out of town.
Idk -how- many times I have wished everyone immediately concerned with both cases could be given some of magic truth serum and just fess the hell up to what they know. BOTH cases have dubious aspects.. justice was done for no-one IMO, and it's like an open wound the rest of the world can only imagine feeling, for both families.

My hope is that this case now is an opportunity for truth to prevail, even a little bit more of it would be an improvement. best case scenario, there'll be pressure on local LE to hand the case over to an independent authority. They clearly are just a bit too invested in the suicide finding to ask the unanswered questions repeatedly until unequivocal answers are unearthed, or provided..
I don't believe anyone was bribed or paid off... I believe people do things for all sorts of reasons and benefits that have nothing to do with "direct payments".

Exactly, Frigga.
As for answers to what happeded to Max, I expect XZ, Doug, and Mary to be called as witnesses. Will be good to find out why Rebecca called Mary before she called Jonah that morning, and why XZ was rushed out of town.


As much as the defendants might like this civil suit to be about Max's accident, it isn't. I trust that the very experienced Judge Whelan will keep the case focused and on track, and not let it wander too far into the weeds. In fact, if the defendants attempt to make this case about how RZ or her sister "torpedoed" (Dina's words, used repeatedly) Max over the railing, it will only become more apparent how the motive for hurting Rebecca developed. In other words, using "I think she or her sister killed Max" will only make the three of them look MORE guilty of Rebecca's wrongful death, not "less" guilty. IMO.

Limited portions of Max's medical records are sure to be subpoenaed as evidence for this case, IMO. Especially portions where specific prognosis discussions were documented by various physicians, etc. Goes to motive, who knew what and when. I think some of the nursing notes may also be subpoenaed. JMO.

I wonder if Jonah will metaphorically "hold his nose" and gift LOTS of $$ to Dina, Nina, and Adam, for the purpose of them offering to settle the case, and make it all go away for HIM.

And if there really is 130 interrogatories, Dina and her attorney are more than a little annoyed and bothered by this case moving forward, IMO. That means it's occupying a rather significant portion of their time and attention. I think that's a very good thing.
As for answers to what happeded to Max, I expect XZ, Doug, and Mary to be called as witnesses. Will be good to find out why Rebecca called Mary before she called Jonah that morning, and why XZ was rushed out of town.

I have to agree with K_Z on this. The case at hand specifically deals with Rebecca's death. The federal judge hearing the case seems unlikely to allow the trial to be diverted into an investigation of Max's death, nor is he likely to call Doug or Mary to the stand to testify about Max's death unless it specifically pertains to RZ's murder.

Hopefully DR's lawyer isnt encouraging her to attempt to turn this into a trial about MS's death. As K_Z points out, doing so could work against DR, making her appear to jurors as vengeful and possibly guilty of RZ's murder.
I know this is a bit off topic, but I haven't looked at Jonah's nonprofit in Max's memory in more than a year. I continue to be impressed with the sustaining legacy he has built in the memory of Max. Such a well-thought out plan for a memorial nonprofit, IMO, and reflects something that was personally an interest of his young son.

I'm glad to see something positive come out of this really terrible, sad situation. Jonah is a colorful figure, and has been described as controversial, but this effort, IMO, has been a genuine tribute to his very loved son. Very glad that so many deserving young kids can participate in sports because of this memorial nonprofit. I think this is well done, and clearly sustainable in its mission, IMO. A wonderful tribute to the little boy that was Max, and clearly successful, IMO.


June 6, 2014 - Nearly 7,000 Scholarships Granted During Our First Two Years.

I ask for your help so that we may further the MaxInMotion mission, continue to do well for deserving youth in Arizona, and proceed to honor the memory of my late son, Max. Tomorrow would have been his ninth birthday, and it gives all of his family and friends pride to know that we are helping young athletes, whether they are economically or physically challenged.

Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution again this year or making a commitment to do so.
^ I will say good job to Jonah, on this. Max was loved, that is for certain.

Now... justice for Rebecca and let the truth come down on the side of justice. I do not believe she committed suicide. I wonder if she and Max are together on the other side?
Sorry to be asking, I usually prefer to look things up for myself, but I'm having trouble finding this:

--- How does anyone *know for sure* that Adam actually did take an ambien that night? Was there a blood test? Or was it just his say-so?

Sorry to be asking, I usually prefer to look things up for myself, but I'm having trouble finding this:

--- How does anyone *know for sure* that Adam actually did take an ambien that night? Was there a blood test? Or was it just his say-so? TIA!

Hi Ausgirl!

Several pieces of information came from Ann Rule's book. One piece, the Ambien. Another, the movie The Housemaid. Admittedly I have concerns using details from the book as fact. I personally do not doubt the info in Rule's book, but she is a fictional writer. There lies my dilemma. As an example, The Housemaid video is not included in the 3 pages of items seized from search warrant 41227, yet Rule alleges in her book it was a seized item. As well as the Ambien, I haven't found where Redden asked about Ambien or where Adam gave it as an answer in any MSM articles nor the 5 min polygraph video. Below are excerpts from Rule's book. I hope this helps.

Ambien -
“Did you see Rebecca again last night?” Redden asked. “After you went to your room in the guesthouse?”

“No. I didn’t see her or talk to her. I went to the guesthouse, drank a Diet 7Up, and called my girlfriend.”

Adam said he’d taken an Ambien sleeping pill and gone to bed. He recalled getting up during the night to go to the bathroom, and falling back to sleep until a quarter after six in the morning.”

Excerpt From: Rule, Ann. “Fatal Friends, Deadly Neighbors.” This material may be protected by copyright.

The Housemaid -
Among the items seized on the Shacknai estate was a Japanese video titled The Housemaid. Its scenario was chillingly similar to aspects of the life Becky lived—a beautiful maid who was in love with her wealthy employer, who adored his child. It was an erotic love story.”

Excerpt From: Rule, Ann. “Fatal Friends, Deadly Neighbors.” This material may be protected by copyright.

5 min poly video - http://kfmb.videodownload.worldnow.com/KFMB_20130511015525187AA.mp4
Warrant 41227 - http://ftpcontent.worldnow.com/kfmb/misc/warrant_41227.pdf
As for answers to what happeded to Max, I expect XZ, Doug, and Mary to be called as witnesses. Will be good to find out why Rebecca called Mary before she called Jonah that morning, and why XZ was rushed out of town.

Where did you find this information? Provide a link to anywhere that corroborates Rebecca having called Mary before Jonah following Max's accident. If your an insider with relevant information I believe you must be vetted in order to make such claims.
As for answers to what happeded to Max, ....

snipped by me

Ah, but that ship has sailed, his mother neglected to do the necessary (file her own wrongful death suit) work to get her answers. Shameful, as we all want the facts.

This particular case is about Rebecca Zahau. Not little Maxie.
I know this is a bit off topic, but I haven't looked at Jonah's nonprofit in Max's memory in more than a year. I continue to be impressed with the sustaining legacy he has built in the memory of Max. Such a well-thought out plan for a memorial nonprofit, IMO, and reflects something that was personally an interest of his young son.

I'm glad to see something positive come out of this really terrible, sad situation. Jonah is a colorful figure, and has been described as controversial, but this effort, IMO, has been a genuine tribute to his very loved son. Very glad that so many deserving young kids can participate in sports because of this memorial nonprofit. I think this is well done, and clearly sustainable in its mission, IMO. A wonderful tribute to the little boy that was Max, and clearly successful, IMO.


Absolutely K_Z.

OTOH...that other 'non-profit', any idea how it's doing???
Where did you find this information? Provide a link to anywhere that corroborates Rebecca having called Mary before Jonah following Max's accident. If your an insider with relevant information I believe you must be vetted in order to make such claims.

Mary told this to Dr. Phil on the show that also featured Dina Shacknai.
Mary told this to Dr. Phil on the show that also featured Dina Shacknai.

Link to the actual show and time stamp where she supposedly states this. Otherwise it's not corroborated and cannot be stated as fact.
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