Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

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@ katydid23: Just curious about your position on the RZ case now: murder or suicide? TIA
Video at above link, @ 1.25:

"... the knot around her neck is known as a tug boat hitch ..."

Thanks for that.
I think this is huge.
I uploaded a video to YouTube which inserts into the news story two clips of the tug boat hitch or Lighterman's hitch.See @ 1:32 – 2:55

If someone was researching a good knot to use for a suicide hanging this would not make the list.
There are many simpler knots that would work well and on the complicated side, there’s a perfectly good knot for that – a hangman’s noose.
However, if you were used to making a tug boat hitch as say part of your job working on a tug boat, then it makes perfect sense.
How is this not a game changer?

Also, I happened to notice one of my illustrations (Rebecca’s head injuries) used in the story @ 1:09

That was from my post at:
nd am I being just very cynical to think that JS call (or text) in the morning to DS after AS text was an "A-OK" type of communication, i.e. after AS worked all night on the project and then called police? This has always bothered me: "at about 7:00 AM Dina who was at Max’s bedside received a call from Jonah telling her Rebecca had killed herself." It was a suicide story from the get-go with them. http://rebeccazahaumurder.wordpress.com

You are not being cynical without ( in my opinion) a good reason....
Thanks for that.
I think this is huge.
I uploaded a video to YouTube which inserts into the news story two clips of the tug boat hitch or Lighterman's hitch.See @ 1:32 – 2:55

If someone was researching a good knot to use for a suicide hanging this would not make the list.
There are many simpler knots that would work well and on the complicated side, there’s a perfectly good knot for that – a hangman’s noose.
However, if you were used to making a tug boat hitch as say part of your job working on a tug boat, then it makes perfect sense.
How is this not a game changer?

Also, I happened to notice one of my illustrations (Rebecca’s head injuries) used in the story @ 1:09

That was from my post at:

Ah! I meant to pm you and tell you that I saw that. I ever backed It up to look again! Sure enough they stole your hard work cynic! It is the best description I've found of the RZ's head injuries though so I can't blame them but they should have given you credit!

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nd am I being just very cynical to think that JS call (or text) in the morning to DS after AS text was an "A-OK" type of communication, i.e. after AS worked all night on the project and then called police? This has always bothered me: "at about 7:00 AM Dina who was at Max’s bedside received a call from Jonah telling her Rebecca had killed herself." It was a suicide story from the get-go with them. http://rebeccazahaumurder.wordpress.com

You are not being cynical without ( in my opinion) a good reason....

I've also always entertained the idea that DS went back to the hospital earlier, or in some other way someone communicated with Jonah about what had happened, and that if he wanted to save Adam he'd go along with the suicide story or he knew before the call he apparently made to Rebecca (was that around midnight or 1 am?) which is why he made that call. Also Jonah would have known he could be implicated, or maybe, since he might not know if there was video or whatever supporting his alibi at the time. And, guess what! Someone also had his car, right? It seem to me he could have been expecting that call from Adam and it was already planned to call Dina at 7 am. They all had to wait to claim Rebecca was just discovered by Adam when he woke up.

The reason I am saying this is because I do not think Jonah wanted Rebecca dead and I don't think he would want this controversy over a dead woman at his house. But he became inextricably involved when Adam became involved. I don't think he would care if Dina or Nina went down for this.
Thanks for that.
I think this is huge.
I uploaded a video to YouTube which inserts into the news story two clips of the tug boat hitch or Lighterman's hitch.See @ 1:32 – 2:55

If someone was researching a good knot to use for a suicide hanging this would not make the list.
There are many simpler knots that would work well and on the complicated side, there’s a perfectly good knot for that – a hangman’s noose.
However, if you were used to making a tug boat hitch as say part of your job working on a tug boat, then it makes perfect sense.
How is this not a game changer?

Also, I happened to notice one of my illustrations (Rebecca’s head injuries) used in the story @ 1:09

That was from my post at:
Hiya CYNIC!! Long time "no read" your fabulous posts. Now I know why so many adore your research. Hmm..."the knot around her neck is known as a TUGBOAT HITCH"
Wait for it, wait for it......WE HAVE A SMOKING GUN!! I can't help but recall the words AS spoke during the Lie Detector Test...."I'm a CAN DO KIND OF A GUY."
And Nesbitt's comment, "She probably couldn't tie those knots the same way again....they were random" (I paraphrased Nesbitt's comments because I hate going back and watching the dog and pony press conference, but think you get what I am emphasizing) Rebecca could not "duplicate" the knots/bindings because she NEVER did them in the first place... big duh!
I've also always entertained the idea that DS went back to the hospital earlier, or in some other way someone communicated with Jonah about what had happened, and that if he wanted to save Adam he'd go along with the suicide story or he knew before the call he apparently made to Rebecca (was that around midnight or 1 am?) which is why he made that call. Also Jonah would have known he could be implicated, or maybe, since he might not know if there was video or whatever supporting his alibi at the time. And, guess what! Someone also had his car, right? It seem to me he could have been expecting that call from Adam and it was already planned to call Dina at 7 am. They all had to wait to claim Rebecca was just discovered by Adam when he woke up.

The reason I am saying this is because I do not think Jonah wanted Rebecca dead and I don't think he would want this controversy over a dead woman at his house. But he became inextricably involved when Adam became involved. I don't think he would care if Dina or Nina went down for this.

Yes...the more I think about it...I think JS wouldn't have wanted it, but I think he knew. My opinion only, of course.
Yes...the more I think about it...I think JS wouldn't have wanted it, but I think he knew. My opinion only, of course.

Yeah, I think he knew, probably shortly after the murder took place. My bet is that you know who got some delight in telling him about it knowing he was not going to tell LE. IDK... I could go with some other theory though.
Yeah, I think he knew, probably shortly after the murder took place. My bet is that you know who got some delight in telling him about it knowing he was not going to tell LE. IDK... I could go with some other theory though.

...and this would fit with JS having his own contribution to the cover-up, that he called at 12:30 and delivered the somber news to Rebecca VIA a VOICEMAIL that Max was not going to make it.

IIRC This VM conveniently disappeared from her phone and was never confirmed because "she must have listened to it and deleted it."
Ah! I meant to pm you and tell you that I saw that. I ever backed It up to look again! Sure enough they stole your hard work cynic! It is the best description I've found of the RZ's head injuries though so I can't blame them but they should have given you credit!
hanks for thinking of me. :)
I want to mention that in terms of giving credit, it would have been the right thing to do but as it’s being used for a good cause, it doesn’t bother me.
Also, I should mention, (as I did in the posts where I used illustrations involving anatomy,) that the poster, Sorrell Skye, helped me a number of times. Thanks again Sorrrell!
Hiya CYNIC!! Long time "no read" your fabulous posts. Now I know why somany adore your research. Hmm..."the knot around her neck is known as a TUGBOAT HITCH Wait for it, wait for it......WE HAVE ASMOKING GUN!! I can't help but recall the words AS spoke during the Lie Detector Test...."I'm a CAN DO KIND OF A GUY."
And Nesbitt's comment, "She probably couldn't tie those knots the same way again....they were random" (I paraphrased Nesbitt's comments because I hate going back and watching the dog and pony press conference, but think you get what I am emphasizing) Rebecca could not "duplicate" the knots/bindings because she NEVER did them in the first place... big duh!
IQuestion- thank you for the kind words and blush-inducing introduction to your post.

I also want to say thank you to all the awesome posters here that continue to keep this forum going and seeking justice for Rebecca.
I don’t post much here or WS in general for a number of reasons but I think of this case very often.

As you mentioned some comments from back in the day, I thought I'd add a few more...

“The slip knots that were on the feet, the wrists and the neck were all of the same type.”

SDSO briefing, September 2, 2011
See video @ 32:00

(The above statement must be untrue.)


How did she learn these complex knots?
We don’t believe she did. These knots were not as complex as they have been made out to be, which is what we discovered when we attempted to recreate the knots on Rebecca’s wrists. Simply stated, this is one of those questions which will most likely never be answered with any certainty.

The San Diego Sheriff's Department released an extraordinary video demonstrating how they believe she tied her own hands behind her back: First, the woman doing the demonstration ties her hands loosely in the front and pulls one hand out of the knot. She then puts her hand into the knot behind her back and pulls on aloose cord to tighten the rope.
Dr. Cyril Wecht has been retained by Zahau's family to investigate her death, and he's scoffing at the police video. INSIDE EDITION's Paul Boyd spoke with Wecht.
"Let me ask you, for $100,000 right now, can you do it? I can't. This is ridiculous for the sheriff's office to have presented that as proof. It's not proof. It simply suggests that it can be done. I don't have any question that it can be done. My question is, does this young lady have any skill, any knowledge in this binding phenomenon? Not many people do," said Wecht.
And Zahau's sister Mary told INSIDE EDITION that Rebecca could not have tied such a complex knot.
"My sister didn't know anything about knots. Those are very complicated knots and a very complicated way of binding yourself. I don't believe it," said Mary.

LYNDSEY PHILPOTT, FORENSIC KNOTTING EXPERT: It`s a very curious thing to be able to tie yourself in knots. And seeing the way in which the video displayed it, you first of all have to find the halfway point on the line, and then put it over yourself like this.
PINSKY: How would you know to do that? I would not know to do that unless I were a sailor from the 17th century or something. And I'm a young woman in distress. I'm going to think to do that?
PHILPOTT: I really don't think that anybody could think to do that.


Forensic analysis of the computers related to Rebecca revealed NO searches for knots, how to tie knots, etc.
Perhaps that’s why the SDSO instead took the position that the knots were not complicated - but they sure were "shy" about telling us how many hours it took to duplicate the knots for their video.

I would like to see a picture of the knot for myself, but given the location I can't see that happening. I do hope that that the knot has been definitively identified as a tug boat hitch and will not be subject to some contrary opinion by some liar-for-hire "expert."
I've also always entertained the idea that DS went back to the hospital earlier, or in some other way someone communicated with Jonah about what had happened, and that if he wanted to save Adam he'd go along with the suicide story or he knew before the call he apparently made to Rebecca (was that around midnight or 1 am?) which is why he made that call. Also Jonah would have known he could be implicated, or maybe, since he might not know if there was video or whatever supporting his alibi at the time. And, guess what! Someone also had his car, right? It seem to me he could have been expecting that call from Adam and it was already planned to call Dina at 7 am. They all had to wait to claim Rebecca was just discovered by Adam when he woke up.

The reason I am saying this is because I do not think Jonah wanted Rebecca dead and I don't think he would want this controversy over a dead woman at his house. But he became inextricably involved when Adam became involved. I don't think he would care if Dina or Nina went down for this.

Have you ever thought about why this part of the timeline is so important? In my opinion, the vm was likely nothing but an simple everyday message left by Jonah to touchbase with Rebecca and say goodnight. I do not believe the message included anything about Maxie's imminent death. If it had, the message would have been a treasure piece for Gore. SDSO would have found a way to preserve and retrieve Jonah's vm. No doubt about it.

So who deleted the message? I truly believe the message contained some talk about Dina and or Nina. Likely a few sentences from Jonah giving Rebecca a heads up about Dina being on the war path. The message may have included talk about Dina and Nina wanting to stop over and talk to Rebecca. Jonah may have even told Rebecca to ignore them and not let them in. I strongly believe this is why the message was so important and ultimately deleted by either Dina or Nina. After torturing and killing Rebecca the message had to go. Dina and Nina knew the message would not look favorable on them. This was one piece of evidence a dryer sheet could not erase.

With all that said, how complicit was Jonah in covering up the vm and Rebecca's murder? He definitely gave LE a storyline about Maxie's imminent death, therefore Jonah had prior knowledge before Adam found Rebecca. In my opinion, one or two things happened. One, Dina returned to the hospital and told Jonah about the deleted message. Two, Adam and Jonah conversed during the wee morning hours and AS shared the vm tidbit. Adam's phone records were never requested. Either way Jonah was prepared to give detectives details about a vm he left Rebecca. Prepared is the key word. Of course there is a 3rd option. Someone at SDSO told Jonah what to say. If we want to make this look like a suicide, here's what you do. Just my opinion.
Thanks for that.
I think this is huge.
I uploaded a video to YouTube which inserts into the news story two clips of the tug boat hitch or Lighterman's hitch.See @ 1:32 – 2:55

If someone was researching a good knot to use for a suicide hanging this would not make the list.
There are many simpler knots that would work well and on the complicated side, there’s a perfectly good knot for that – a hangman’s noose.
However, if you were used to making a tug boat hitch as say part of your job working on a tug boat, then it makes perfect sense.
How is this not a game changer?

Also, I happened to notice one of my illustrations (Rebecca’s head injuries) used in the story @ 1:09

That was from my post at:

Thank you for creating the YouTube video!

SDSO knew from the very beginning the knot was complicated. In my opinion, it is the sole reason SDSO made the video in the first place. Gore had to sell and push his little theory. What other reason could there be to spend time and resources on producing a video on how to tie a knot? Especially when there was more pressing matters to deal with. Nonsensical, all mind games. The video was nothing but a simple PR trick to persuade public opinion.
Have you ever thought about why this part of the timeline is so important? In my opinion, the vm was likely nothing but an simple everyday message left by Jonah to touchbase with Rebecca and say goodnight. I do not believe the message included anything about Maxie's imminent death. If it had, the message would have been a treasure piece for Gore. SDSO would have found a way to preserve and retrieve Jonah's vm. No doubt about it.

So who deleted the message? I truly believe the message contained some talk about Dina and or Nina. Likely a few sentences from Jonah giving Rebecca a heads up about Dina being on the war path. The message may have included talk about Dina and Nina wanting to stop over and talk to Rebecca. Jonah may have even told Rebecca to ignore them and not let them in. I strongly believe this is why the message was so important and ultimately deleted by either Dina or Nina. After torturing and killing Rebecca the message had to go. Dina and Nina knew the message would not look favorable on them. This was one piece of evidence a dryer sheet could not erase.

With all that said, how complicit was Jonah in covering up the vm and Rebecca's murder? He definitely gave LE a storyline about Maxie's imminent death, therefore Jonah had prior knowledge before Adam found Rebecca. In my opinion, one or two things happened. One, Dina returned to the hospital and told Jonah about the deleted message. Two, Adam and Jonah conversed during the wee morning hours and AS shared the vm tidbit. Adam's phone records were never requested. Either way Jonah was prepared to give detectives details about a vm he left Rebecca. Prepared is the key word. Of course there is a 3rd option. Someone at SDSO told Jonah what to say. If we want to make this look like a suicide, here's what you do. Just my opinion.

Of course there's a 4th option....Jonah knew
about it. He's a smart man. He successfully
blocked the Zahau's attorney from entering
the crime scene and then had it 'remodeled'.
He's had Bill Gore to his house for parties
and has a bulldog team of lawyers and PR
I'm just throwing it out there. I don't think
of the Shacknai's are innocent.
My opinion only.
Have you ever thought about why this part of the timeline is so important? In my opinion, the vm was likely nothing but an simple everyday message left by Jonah to touchbase with Rebecca and say goodnight. I do not believe the message included anything about Maxie's imminent death. If it had, the message would have been a treasure piece for Gore. SDSO would have found a way to preserve and retrieve Jonah's vm. No doubt about it.

So who deleted the message? I truly believe the message contained some talk about Dina and or Nina. Likely a few sentences from Jonah giving Rebecca a heads up about Dina being on the war path. The message may have included talk about Dina and Nina wanting to stop over and talk to Rebecca. Jonah may have even told Rebecca to ignore them and not let them in. I strongly believe this is why the message was so important and ultimately deleted by either Dina or Nina. After torturing and killing Rebecca the message had to go. Dina and Nina knew the message would not look favorable on them. This was one piece of evidence a dryer sheet could not erase.

With all that said, how complicit was Jonah in covering up the vm and Rebecca's murder? He definitely gave LE a storyline about Maxie's imminent death, therefore Jonah had prior knowledge before Adam found Rebecca. In my opinion, one or two things happened. One, Dina returned to the hospital and told Jonah about the deleted message. Two, Adam and Jonah conversed during the wee morning hours and AS shared the vm tidbit. Adam's phone records were never requested. Either way Jonah was prepared to give detectives details about a vm he left Rebecca. Prepared is the key word. Of course there is a 3rd option. Someone at SDSO told Jonah what to say. If we want to make this look like a suicide, here's what you do. Just my opinion.

Yes, I keep puzzling over it. The whole 'imminent death' reason for the phone call has never made sense. We've talked about it before and there are a couple of reasons why it doesn't. Excellent point on Jonah having prior knowledge. I didn't realize/remember Adam's phone records hadn't been requested (WTH?).

It appears to be true that Jonah found this out before Adam's phone call and there are limited options of how he knew about Rebecca's death before the next morning, as you say. When Dina left the hospital the night before is still not clear let alone when she returned. They tried too hard make it look like she came back at 7 am... punctuated by a phone call.
Of course there's a 4th option....Jonah knew
about it. He's a smart man. He successfully
blocked the Zahau's attorney from entering
the crime scene and then had it 'remodeled'.
He's had Bill Gore to his house for parties
and has a bulldog team of lawyers and PR
I'm just throwing it out there. I don't think
of the Shacknai's are innocent.
My opinion only.

I have a hard time thinking he would go along with such a messy murder or anything that would end up in a staged suicide in the mansion, that just doesn't seem like his style. BBM being the key words. But, I agree, none of them are innocent. At the very least I think Jonah was complicit in covering it up.
This is just a general legal question. How many times can they submit amended complaints? At this rate, it could go on forever. The costs for both sides has got to be ridiculous. And I don't even want to know how long discovery could take with this case.
Just marking my spot....
I saw cynics name pop up in my feed...I must always read every post of cynics!!!;)
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