WS Members/loved ones who have Coronavirus or testing for Coronavirus (Group Hug)

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We have had quite a few patients call and say they have had a cold, or cold symptoms, and they are not allowed to return to work until they have a coronavirus test. If the test is negative, they can return to work. But their employer won’t allow them back until they have a negative test. Problem is, they can’t find a place to get tested. So they are off work until they are able to get a coronavirus test.
Yep, I guess they will never be working because I believe nobody will test them if they don't have any symptoms anymore and they haven't tested positive originally. I wonder if their employees will ever figure that out.
If employee requires testing, then they should do it themselves. Get a private company to test like NBA is doing for their players.
No, I work in healthcare as a nonessential employee, offsite from main hospital. We are part of a nationwide corporation. We were sent to work remotely, after Tuesday, with no plans on when that changes. They don't want the offsite people any where near the hospital.
Otto - any update on your situation?

LA County just rented a bunch of RV's and put them at the only major beach campground, for self-quarantining of people who had no place else to go.

While it is possible that an RV could contain CV19, it's really really unlikely and a day of heat in the sun should pretty much sterilize it. It's your son who is likely to bring the virus in, not the RV that's likely to infect him.

Tents work too (along with the isolation techniques people mentioned above)
Hi all, I am v lazily quoting my own post from the main cv thread! Someone suggested I come over here and share what's happening with me at the mo. Hope you find it helpful.

I'm sorry HKP. It is not fun. Our Dr is basically sure we ( me & DH) had this back at the end of 2019. I lysoled the crap out of everything all day long. Son never got it. A month later- he got it from work. Potassium, Vit C, mucinex with cough suppressant and cal/mag/zinc. Humidifier and rest. They all helped us, imo
This discussion is for personal stories from people who are part of this community to discuss coming into contact with the virus.

Anyone who is is isolation, quarantine, or ill, please let us know.

My son will be in isolation when he arrives in Canada in the next 24 hours, and we don't yet have a safe place for him to isolate. He can't isolate at home, regardless of the number of bathrooms and bedrooms, plates and cutlery sets. He cannot self-isolate at home because no one at home is willing to take the risk, much as we love him.

There are no facilities for him to self-isolate. I can probably trick a hotel into taking him for 2 weeks, but then what, call them to disinfect the room after he vacates?

Who else is dealing with isolate, quarantine and illness?

Dear @otto,

What about contacting your M.P.? Sometimes they can advise who to contact in government without having to spend a week on the internet. This may help.

Have you contacted the following website? Somehow, your son must fall into one of these categories.

Your son also meets requirements of a Canadian returning home during this pandemic and there is help provided in those cases.

How are things going there? You and your son are in my thoughts. I just wish there was something I could do. Please keep us posted.

Best regards,

Support for Individuals -

The new Emergency Care Benefit
Introducing the Emergency Care Benefit providing up to $900 bi-weekly, for up to 15 weeks. This flat-payment Benefit would be administered through the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and provide income support to:

  • Workers, including the self-employed, who are quarantined or sick with COVID-19 but do not qualify for EI sickness benefits.
  • Workers, including the self-employed, who are taking care of a family member who is sick with COVID-19, such as an elderly parent, but do not qualify for EI sickness benefits.
  • Parents with children who require care or supervision due to school or daycare closures, and are unable to earn employment income, irrespective of whether they qualify for EI or not.
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That's not exactly true. There is anti malaria drug (effectiveness against covid still not clear) but it can be prescribed off label.
There is an experimental anti-viral that can be given either through clinical trial or for compassionate use. So, yes, correct diagnosis could be very important.
I highly doubt American doctors are writing prescriptions for malaria drugs for suspected respiratory viruses at this time.
I went to refill my prescription two days ago and the pharmacy is out, unsure of when more will be available. Maybe just a coincidence but this has never happened to me before.
Not a coincidence. There are shortages because these drugs are touted as a treatment for covid, when it's not even clear if they do any good for it.
Not to jinx myself by causing a run (lol), but I purchased a case of tonic water (the higher that quinine is in the ingredient list the better I ranked it); and have been forcing down a daily glass. (I figured apart from the included calories, it couldn't hurt. They do have diet versions, for those who can worry it down without sugar.)

Apart from that, I'm not currently employed; so I rarely go out except for walking exercise; the occasional regular shop or restaurant pickup; or a specialist appointment (podiatrist and allergist, neither of which have canceled on me so far). Conversely, my optometrist and dentist have texted they're not currently seeing any clients; which is fine with me as I didn't have to see them.

I have not gone to get tested, primarily because I'm wholly asymptomatic. (I'm not saying the tonic water is the cause of my good fortune or anything, heh.) But I wouldn't be surprised if the primary difference between getting sick or not getting sick, rests with whether or not you yourself have to go to a place of employment daily and have people breathing all over you. Schools and offices are known petri dishes.
I cannot edit my previous post but wanted to add that Ryan Marino (who I quoted) is an MD and a medical toxicologist (specialist in how certain substances exert toxic effects on the human body)
We have had patients show up at our clinics asking to be tested, in nearly all of our clinics we have no CV test kits so we aren’t testing.

We advise them to call the dedicated health department CV hotline, and give them the number. They are screened by health department personnel, but unless they are high risk (over age 65, or with other chronic conditions) they aren’t offered testing but told to go home and self-quarantine.

There simply aren’t enough tests available to test everyone who needs tested.

Not sure what state you are in, but everyday new testing kits are being approved in tbe private sector. Has your corporation reached out to these "new companies"? Most state labs are continuing to follow CDC protocol....Direct contact, nursing home, healthcare workers or inpatient hospitalization.
I've been in quarantine since last Friday, symptoms since early last week but they won't test me bc I haven't traveled or been in contact (knowingly) with a confirmed case. Doctor said to just assume I have it. Fever, dry cough, fatigue, some shortness of breath, but nothing my inhaler can't handle. I had just gotten over pneumonia a week before I got sick, so I doubted I had it when I went into quarantine bc we hadn't had a confirmed case on the Island, but later found out it's been in our community since the beginning of the month. (That was quite the run on sentence!)

I'm still feeling pretty awful, and my shortness of breath has been worse today, hoping I feel a little better tomorrow. When I get sick, I stay sick forever since I'm immunocompromised (lupus, lupus nephritis, sjogren's, hashimoto's). I already have lung issues (pulmonary hypertension) so am keeping a really close eye on it.

As a fellow spoonie, I’m saying extra prayers for you. Please keep us updated.

@otto I am also praying a solution presents itself for your son and his isolation turns out to be just a staycation and no illness.
I've been in quarantine since last Friday, symptoms since early last week but they won't test me bc I haven't traveled or been in contact (knowingly) with a confirmed case. Doctor said to just assume I have it. Fever, dry cough, fatigue, some shortness of breath, but nothing my inhaler can't handle. I had just gotten over pneumonia a week before I got sick, so I doubted I had it when I went into quarantine bc we hadn't had a confirmed case on the Island, but later found out it's been in our community since the beginning of the month. (That was quite the run on sentence!)

I'm still feeling pretty awful, and my shortness of breath has been worse today, hoping I feel a little better tomorrow. When I get sick, I stay sick forever since I'm immunocompromised (lupus, lupus nephritis, sjogren's, hashimoto's). I already have lung issues (pulmonary hypertension) so am keeping a really close eye on it.

jjs ,
I see that you haven’t posted today and hope that you are doing ok!

I am concerned that with your pre-existing conditions, your doctor should be prescribing some of the medicines that have been found to ease COVID symptoms. Please keep us posted on how you are doing if you are able. You are in my prayers!
jjs ,
I see that you haven’t posted today and hope that you are doing ok!

I am concerned that with your pre-existing conditions, your doctor should be prescribing some of the medicines that have been found to ease COVID symptoms. Please keep us posted on how you are doing if you are able. You are in my prayers!

I'm here, just have been playing video games with the husband all day! I've been taking plaquenil for 10 years, so I'm good there! And I've been relying on my inhaler. Just sleeping a lot, I'm very tired-- today I slept until 1:00 pm :( My chest is still very tight and I can't take as deep of breaths as usual, but I'm not at the point to put myself even more at risk and go to the hospital, which is the only way I would get tested. Canada (BC at least) is really dropping the ball on testing, for whatever reason. I'm still hoping that I don't have Covid, and this is still just leftovers from my pneumonia. I'm afraid that my husband is going to bring it in to our house for real if I don't have it. He rides the bus to and from work every day. His work is doing very good with social distancing, as of Tuesday they are going to call in only (he is a sales manager). If things get any worse his work is very understanding and they've already talked about him having to stay home for my sake if necessary.
Those drugs can have some pretty powerful side effects. A young woman killed herself recently after having an adverse reaction to malaria drugs. Just because people want them doesn't necessarily mean the doctors should start handing them out to everyone they know.

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