WS Members/loved ones who have Coronavirus or testing for Coronavirus (Group Hug)

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DNA Solves
Good to hear that, JJS!

If they are willing to let him work from home during this I think it would be wise to make an executive decision and just say we’re not waiting for it to get any worse! I am surprised they are still allowing people in public transportation. Buses, trains, planes are all places where everybody is Breathing recirculated air, even if they are not sitting right next to each other. COVID-19 can live as an aerosol for up to three hours.
Thinking of you all and sending well wishes ❤️

As HKP mentioned only hospital admissions are being tested over here (UK) so we don’t know for sure but my partner has had a bad headache, sore neck and body aches since yesterday and an on/off sore throat over the weekend. Today he has felt pretty bad, bed bound and his temperature was up so I got him to call 111 (NHS) for advice who told him to self isolate for 7 days, and me and the boys (4 years old & 2 months old) for 14 days..

This makes me terrified for my kids :(

I was really hoping we wouldn’t catch this but it looks like we may have, currently he doesn’t have a cough yet and boys are okay, I’ve had chills on and off but I don’t know if I’m being paranoid or it’s anxiety which has been so so bad today I haven’t been able to stomach food.

Anyway I just wanted to vent, glad there’s a place on here to do so.

Sending love to all
Good to hear that, JJS!

If they are willing to let him work from home during this I think it would be wise to make an executive decision and just say we’re not waiting for it to get any worse! I am surprised they are still allowing people in public transportation. Buses, trains, planes are all places where everybody is Breathing recirculated air, even if they are not sitting right next to each other. COVID-19 can live as an aerosol for up to three hours.

Public transpo is crazy, but a lot of essential service workers use it to get to and from work here.

Unfortunately, he can't work from home, what they are doing is taking orders over the phone, pulling it from the warehouse, and putting it out front for pickup. He works in trades sales.
Thinking of you all and sending well wishes ❤️

As HKP mentioned only hospital admissions are being tested over here (UK) so we don’t know for sure but my partner has had a bad headache, sore neck and body aches since yesterday and an on/off sore throat over the weekend. Today he has felt pretty bad, bed bound and his temperature was up so I got him to call 111 (NHS) for advice who told him to self isolate for 7 days, and me and the boys (4 years old & 2 months old) for 14 days..

This makes me terrified for my kids :(

I was really hoping we wouldn’t catch this but it looks like we may have, currently he doesn’t have a cough yet and boys are okay, I’ve had chills on and off but I don’t know if I’m being paranoid or it’s anxiety which has been so so bad today I haven’t been able to stomach food.

Anyway I just wanted to vent, glad there’s a place on here to do so.

Sending love to all
Ahhhh Hay Louise I am sorry to hear this. Try not to worry and remember it will be mild for most if you do have it.

I have had v bad shoulder and back ache (much better today, day 4). Also chills and low appetite. Mine started with a big headache. Cough comes and goes for me. My temp was ok today, presuming my newly arrived thermometer works. Bizarrely had a couple of small nosebleeds too.

I didnt feel 100% sure even after the 111 questionnaire until I heard today that two close colleagues have it. That clinched it for me.

I dont have little ones so it is easier for me as I am just being looked after by Mr HKP and my 23 year old son. They leave trays at the door! I am not enjoying being shut away in my bedroom with it being so sunny outside but just counting the days, and also blessings that *touch wood* it hasnt been too bad for me.

I have had a couple of minor episodes after coughing where I felt I couldnt catch my breath too easily. Only momentary but obviously not too pleasant.

Rest as much as you can with the babies and take the paracetamol regularly, they have really helped me. I feel for you because the fatigue is quite intense.

Lots of love xX
I'm pretty sure we had it at my house , and I'm almost positive I gave it to my favorite pup, she passed a couple weeks ago. She was 17 Please be careful if you are coughing around your furry babies, I am still devastated and will be forever.
Thinking of you all and sending well wishes ❤️

As HKP mentioned only hospital admissions are being tested over here (UK) so we don’t know for sure but my partner has had a bad headache, sore neck and body aches since yesterday and an on/off sore throat over the weekend. Today he has felt pretty bad, bed bound and his temperature was up so I got him to call 111 (NHS) for advice who told him to self isolate for 7 days, and me and the boys (4 years old & 2 months old) for 14 days..

This makes me terrified for my kids :(

I was really hoping we wouldn’t catch this but it looks like we may have, currently he doesn’t have a cough yet and boys are okay, I’ve had chills on and off but I don’t know if I’m being paranoid or it’s anxiety which has been so so bad today I haven’t been able to stomach food.

Anyway I just wanted to vent, glad there’s a place on here to do so.

Sending love to all

Try to keep yourself calm, Honey. Remind yourself of the statistics...for a global pandemic of this proportion, the death rate is actually very low. IF you have it, the chances that you will survive it are very good, and then you will have acquired antibodies that will protect you from reinfection. Keep reminding yourself of the facts, keep being smart in your approach to this, and give yourself permission to take mental time outs from constant news coverage. And keep us updated ! We care about you ! :)
I was not tested, even though I am immunosuppressed and have lung issues. They just quarantined me. They told me that I would not be tested unless I need to be hospitalized. Here they are ONLY testing now if you have symptoms and are a front line health care worker or have symptoms and have knowingly been in contact with a confirmed case or are being hospitalized, and sometimes not even then.

I really hope they stop with all this plaquenil stuff. I actually need it as part of my daily medications. Our pharmacy is starting to get low on everything. They didn't have a libre sensor for my daughter a couple days ago and we had to search other pharmacies. They said that they haven't gotten any medical supplies that they have ordered and medications are starting to get low.
I'm so happy, my husband is bumping up his holidays and after friday he will be off for at least 23 days (with holiday pay). I wish his business wasn't considered essential (plumbers and electricians have to have parts and goods to complete their work, and THEY are essential) but at least I don't have to worry for a while. We may kill each other in those 23 days, but at least I'll be safe ;)
Ahhhh Hay Louise I am sorry to hear this. Try not to worry and remember it will be mild for most if you do have it.

I have had v bad shoulder and back ache (much better today, day 4). Also chills and low appetite. Mine started with a big headache. Cough comes and goes for me. My temp was ok today, presuming my newly arrived thermometer works. Bizarrely had a couple of small nosebleeds too.

I didnt feel 100% sure even after the 111 questionnaire until I heard today that two close colleagues have it. That clinched it for me.

I dont have little ones so it is easier for me as I am just being looked after by Mr HKP and my 23 year old son. They leave trays at the door! I am not enjoying being shut away in my bedroom with it being so sunny outside but just counting the days, and also blessings that *touch wood* it hasnt been too bad for me.

I have had a couple of minor episodes after coughing where I felt I couldnt catch my breath too easily. Only momentary but obviously not too pleasant.

Rest as much as you can with the babies and take the paracetamol regularly, they have really helped me. I feel for you because the fatigue is quite intense.

Lots of love xX

Try to keep yourself calm, Honey. Remind yourself of the statistics...for a global pandemic of this proportion, the death rate is actually very low. IF you have it, the chances that you will survive it are very good, and then you will have acquired antibodies that will protect you from reinfection. Keep reminding yourself of the facts, keep being smart in your approach to this, and give yourself permission to take mental time outs from constant news coverage. And keep us updated ! We care about you ! :)

Thank you both so much ❤️ & HKP I hope you keep feeling better each day and make a speedy recovery X
Hey guys and gals, yes I think I have it, or there is a very slim chance that what I have is something completely different, which seems unlikely.

Symptoms -

around 2 weeks ago and still continuing now - pain that mimics the migraines that I now only very occasionally suffer from but used to get regularly - only the medication I am prescribed for them didn't work. continual dull pain around right eye and right temple area. Eventually when I thought a week later it might be the virus I took paracetamol for it and it does give me temporary relief but since I don't want to take too much paracetamol I limit myself to once maybe twice a day. I also supplement this with steam with a recipe of essential oils tailored for sinusitis and it also helps a little.

around 1 week ago - a cough but it fluctuates. sometimes I think it's getting worse (more chesty) and sometimes I barely have one and it's dry and for some hours I don't have one at all. I have had a few moments of thinking I'm short of breath but that is usually late at night when I'm checking myself after reading a horror story of someone who developed pneumonia with it, so I think it's self-induced panic. I tend to avoid reading too much about this! Also sometimes sore twinges which I imagine is my bronchial tubes but again, after a steam session it goes away.

a few days ago - I wouldn't call it a nosebleed but blood in the tissue a couple of times when I blow my nose. I don't really have a cold but it does seem to be mimicking a cold that wants to start but doesn't quite get off the ground.

no changes in appetite. no idea if I have had a fever because I have no thermometer but no sweats, just a feeling that sweeps over me sometimes of being hot and cold at the same time, cold hands but suddenly needing to remove layers of clothing to cool off.

All very strange! I am not staying in bed but I do have a couple of hours sleep every afternoon when the 'headache' gets too much. I cleaned the whole house yesterday and cooked dinner for myself and my two sons, so I'm obviously not dying on my feet. (yet! :) ) Today marks day one of our enforced lockdown (UK). We are allowed out once a day for exercise with members of our own household, maintaining social distancing, plus strictly necessary trips only to buy supplies.
As an RN working overtime the past 2-3 weeks in a local nursing home/skilled rehab facility, I, too, believe the virus has been spreading here for several weeks more than authorities have said this far. I believe most people will test positive or have antibodies (If those were being tested.) IMHO.
Hey guys and gals, yes I think I have it, or there is a very slim chance that what I have is something completely different, which seems unlikely.

Symptoms -

around 2 weeks ago and still continuing now - pain that mimics the migraines that I now only very occasionally suffer from but used to get regularly - only the medication I am prescribed for them didn't work. continual dull pain around right eye and right temple area. Eventually when I thought a week later it might be the virus I took paracetamol for it and it does give me temporary relief but since I don't want to take too much paracetamol I limit myself to once maybe twice a day. I also supplement this with steam with a recipe of essential oils tailored for sinusitis and it also helps a little.

around 1 week ago - a cough but it fluctuates. sometimes I think it's getting worse (more chesty) and sometimes I barely have one and it's dry and for some hours I don't have one at all. I have had a few moments of thinking I'm short of breath but that is usually late at night when I'm checking myself after reading a horror story of someone who developed pneumonia with it, so I think it's self-induced panic. I tend to avoid reading too much about this! Also sometimes sore twinges which I imagine is my bronchial tubes but again, after a steam session it goes away.

a few days ago - I wouldn't call it a nosebleed but blood in the tissue a couple of times when I blow my nose. I don't really have a cold but it does seem to be mimicking a cold that wants to start but doesn't quite get off the ground.

no changes in appetite. no idea if I have had a fever because I have no thermometer but no sweats, just a feeling that sweeps over me sometimes of being hot and cold at the same time, cold hands but suddenly needing to remove layers of clothing to cool off.

All very strange! I am not staying in bed but I do have a couple of hours sleep every afternoon when the 'headache' gets too much. I cleaned the whole house yesterday and cooked dinner for myself and my two sons, so I'm obviously not dying on my feet. (yet! :) ) Today marks day one of our enforced lockdown (UK). We are allowed out once a day for exercise with members of our own household, maintaining social distancing, plus strictly necessary trips only to buy supplies.
TT it sounds likely presuming I have it, because v similar symptoms to me.The nose thing is weird and def tallies up. Sorry guys for tmi but it could help. When you blow your nose it has blood in it, and yes I caused a minor couple of nosebleeds by blowing too hard and knocking it with my hand when it was itchy! I am using a humidifier as well but nose still v dry and uncomfortable.

Not complaining btw, appreciate I am fortunate in the big scheme.

Day 5 here feeling better all the time. Tired today but yesterday was emotional as my work closed and the lockdown is so intense but so necessary due to idiots.

Still havent left my bedroom hardly at all :(
TT it sounds likely presuming I have it, because v similar symptoms to me.The nose thing is weird and def tallies up. Sorry guys for tmi but it could help. When you blow your nose it has blood in it, and yes I caused a minor couple of nosebleeds by blowing too hard and knocking it with my hand when it was itchy! I am using a humidifier as well but nose still v dry and uncomfortable.

Not complaining btw, appreciate I am fortunate in the big scheme.

Day 5 here feeling better all the time. Tired today but yesterday was emotional as my work closed and the lockdown is so intense but so necessary due to idiots.

Still havent left my bedroom hardly at all :(
I think by the time it started to dawn on me that I had it it was too late for me to isolate myself from my sons. And there is no one else here to keep the place habitable and tend to our cat (she had an operation beginning of last week and needed antibiotics and painkillers and wound cleaning until Saturday), it would make me more sick honestly to stay in my room thinking of all the things that need doing, like special attention to cleaning tap handles, fridge handle etc. I would feel like a fraud staying in bed too because I've had flu worse than this where I could not get up and I hope to goodness that is not something I have in store. I hope you feel better soon HKP and that your loved ones stay safe and well. The same goes for everyone here, and everywhere.
This discussion is for personal stories from people who are part of this community to discuss coming into contact with the virus.

Anyone who is is isolation, quarantine, or ill, please let us know.

My son will be in isolation when he arrives in Canada in the next 24 hours, and we don't yet have a safe place for him to isolate. He can't isolate at home, regardless of the number of bathrooms and bedrooms, plates and cutlery sets. He cannot self-isolate at home because no one at home is willing to take the risk, much as we love him.

There are no facilities for him to self-isolate. I can probably trick a hotel into taking him for 2 weeks, but then what, call them to disinfect the room after he vacates?

Who else is dealing with isolate, quarantine and illness?
Most people would be willing to take some risks for a family member.
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I hope everyone is feeling better!

I am feeling quite a bit better today, still a bit of a cough and still get shortness of breath, but I think that's related to my pulmonary hypertension. No fever yesterday. Total quarantine ends Friday! I'll still be staying in, but at least I could go for a walk or such.
I hope everyone is feeling better!

I am feeling quite a bit better today, still a bit of a cough and still get shortness of breath, but I think that's related to my pulmonary hypertension. No fever yesterday. Total quarantine ends Friday! I'll still be staying in, but at least I could go for a walk or such.

I’m really glad @jjs I hope you continue improving and are back to normal soon.
I have had a cough on and off for over 12 days now, and back pains and a small temple headache that flares up now and then. I know myself so well, when this started, a virus always starts with me feeling very sleepy during the day...and falling asleep wherever I happen to be...which happened twice the first week, then the coughing, then the aches...then I would feel great for two days...then right back to body aches and mild coughing again. The stories others have above mine sound very familiar with my symptoms.

Its very unusual and I keep placating myself by saying..oh its the pollen, (which has never bothered me before) or I just have a "mild" case and it will go away soon. I do my pulse ox at intervals during the day and its all fever but a week ago I had chills but never bothered to take my temp.

I think what happens is, if you feel better you start doing more and then relapse..which is what i think is going on with me.

Its only me and the dog here and I have definitely been sheltering in place all this time and getting everything delivered contactlessly, so no worries about passing this on to anyone else (hopefully)
I forgot to mention the sore throat...mine hasn't been excruciating...but its there. It feels like the beginning of strep throat, but doesn't get full blown. Just so those of you who might be experiencing the same know.

I sleep with a humidifier at night as I read the virus does not like heat and humidity. I leave the 2 fans off that I usually have blowing on me all night long...sigh....

I also drink a full Emergen-C packet every 6 hours (I follow what the nurses are saying they are doing personally at home for themselves..they have their reasons- mostly because the drs are treating the worst Covid patients with IV Vit C in order to prevent sepsis, they admit its not the same as IVC but doesnt hurt to up your C at this time) and Tylenol and Muscinex. I also take melatonin (good for lung function and I learned that on here!) and Vit D - which Dr. Campbell speaks of often.
I too have a diminished appetite, but I can still taste and smell (one of the sx that they are noticing is folks have no taste or sense of smell) but by this time of the evening here, I am not hungry...usually have soup and salad middle of day and not much else.
My sister keeps prodding me to go get the test...but no way do I want to sit in my car for hours just to probably be told that I don't qualify. (the are doing drive up testing here)

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