WS Members/loved ones who have Coronavirus or testing for Coronavirus (Group Hug)

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My youngest son is 17 years old (emotional immature, adhd) has a fever today. Was able to get it down with motrin. Not much of an appetite. He had a panic attack because he said he doesn't want to die and he thinks he has the virus. He hasn't been tested or to the dr. I told him to lay on the couch and he had some gatorade and chicken noodle soup. He took a shower and is back on the couch.
I am in Michigan (last I checked 6th highest confirmed cases in the US). I have had a backache, nausea and a bad taste in my mouth. In the last 4 mos, I have had the flu (had a flu shot), pneumonia (had pneumonia shot a few years ago - due to allergies, bronchitis etc since my 20s, now 54). Washing our hands alot, my son's sheets are in the wash.
Wishing everyone wellness. Thanks for the thread, it helps to hear symptoms, tips, their experience etc.
My youngest son is 17 years old (emotional immature, adhd) has a fever today. Was able to get it down with motrin. Not much of an appetite. He had a panic attack because he said he doesn't want to die and he thinks he has the virus. He hasn't been tested or to the dr. I told him to lay on the couch and he had some gatorade and chicken noodle soup. He took a shower and is back on the couch.
I am in Michigan (last I checked 6th highest confirmed cases in the US). I have had a backache, nausea and a bad taste in my mouth. In the last 4 mos, I have had the flu (had a flu shot), pneumonia (had pneumonia shot a few years ago - due to allergies, bronchitis etc since my 20s, now 54). Washing our hands alot, my son's sheets are in the wash.
Wishing everyone wellness. Thanks for the thread, it helps to hear symptoms, tips, their experience etc.
Might want to skip the Motrin and use Tylenol. There have been reports that ibuprofen and that type of pain killer can exacerbate this illness.
I have had a cough on and off for over 12 days now, and back pains and a small temple headache that flares up now and then. I know myself so well, when this started, a virus always starts with me feeling very sleepy during the day...and falling asleep wherever I happen to be...which happened twice the first week, then the coughing, then the aches...then I would feel great for two days...then right back to body aches and mild coughing again. The stories others have above mine sound very familiar with my symptoms.

Its very unusual and I keep placating myself by saying..oh its the pollen, (which has never bothered me before) or I just have a "mild" case and it will go away soon. I do my pulse ox at intervals during the day and its all fever but a week ago I had chills but never bothered to take my temp.

I think what happens is, if you feel better you start doing more and then relapse..which is what i think is going on with me.

Its only me and the dog here and I have definitely been sheltering in place all this time and getting everything delivered contactlessly, so no worries about passing this on to anyone else (hopefully)

Hope you feel better very soon @tabitha111
I traveled to Mexico the first of March and became very sick there with fever, coughing, digestive symptoms. My very good medical insurance wasn't effective there so I couldn't go into a hospital though I sought treatment from several doctors there. I felt like I was dying. No test. Got home and phoned my doctor who didn't want me coming into his office, so no test, and referred me to the emergency room. The hospital ER that I went to wasn't thrilled that I was there either-they kept me in the waiting room for several hours and never brought me back into a treatment room. No test. I went home and isolated and have gradually gotten better though I'm still not well. I'm not a celebrity nor politician so no test was ever allocated to me. I feel lucky that I survived.
Might want to skip the Motrin and use Tylenol. There have been reports that ibuprofen and that type of pain killer can exacerbate this illness.

Yes my daughter in law (a physical therapist at one of our hospitals) texted me about that. Thank you. I double checked and it was alleve and not motrin.

Today, no fever for my son. He is feeling tired and his eyes are red. He said he was cold but now in comfortable.
hey @otto

we've talked a bit about your son over the last couple of weeks

im shocked to hear you couldn't find somewhere to isolate him back home in Canada, i expect he'll be there soon if he left when you told me he did

i guess the best bet is to rent an AIR BNB and yeah pay for the hospital grade clean before he moves out, its an option i guess and iv seen others who had done similar things

chances of him obtaining it from melbourne are very low but chances of him getting it getting back to Canada are probably higher since everyone is trying to get home, still the chances are low and i hope all goes well

a cabin is a great idea somewhere a little outside the city but close enough to a hospital just in case, fresh air and some isolation from others is a great idea from the poster above

I live in a rural area, most cabin owners have taken their rentals off the market. Several mountain and coastal towns have closed hotels and motels.

I have a couple of friends family members in quarantine.
  • Friends granddaughter returning from Spain. One of the grandmothers gave up her house and moved in with the son. They used plastic and closed off most rooms, removed and boxed up tons of stuff like photo, extra dishes etc. GD, is in the den attached to the kitchen with a bath, the rest of the house is off limits. Meals are delivered daily and lots of face time. So far so NO signs of a temperature but she is very depressed.
  • A friends son returned.. They purchased a cheap, like $1500. used very small camping trailer. They even considered a prebuilt storage building, but would require insulating. Its still cold in the mountains here, so they are housing the camper in the garage. They sealed the door from house to garage and covered in plastic. His meals are delivered to the driveway.
  • A friends daughters family returned 10 days ago. They traded houses with a retired family member in a country setting. The person who picked them up and their family are isolating with them. They even built bunk beds to accommodate all the kids. They will continue to stay in this home for the next several months. All parents are working from home and the kids are now all homeschool.
Having followed the preparation of several friends. This is ALOT of work!! Families and friends are really pitching in, offering supplies, volunteering to deliver meals, providing books and games and moral support.

@otto, I hope you will soon be able to find a solution.
Coby Torda is in the ICU at Kaiser Moanalua and requires a ventilator to breathe. Earlier this month he was diagnosed with coronavirus and quickly deteriorated.

The 37-year old Ewa Beach man was in good health before contracting the virus.

His family says he went to the gym regularly and played volleyball weekly.

Family of young Hawaii coronavirus patient pleads: Heed ‘stay-at-home’ warnings

I wasn't sure I was going to post this, but here I go:

My DS has a co-worker in his early 30s who is now in the hospital with COVID19.

DS worked with him directly last Friday. His co-worker is in a terrible fight for his life. DS has a serious immuno disorder, and of a similar age. No symptoms, thank God. We are so worried.

We just found out yesterday. I can't even begin to tell you how frightened we are for our DS, and so worried about his young co-worker.

The anxiety I feel is nearly overwhelming. I wish we could just all go to sleep for the next few months, and wake up with this GONE.

Prayers up, please, for this young man and his family. I just can't believe this. What a nightmare.
I wasn't sure I was going to post this, but here I go:

My DS has a co-worker in his early 30s who is now in the hospital with COVID19.

DS worked with him directly last Friday. His co-worker is in a terrible fight for his life. DS has a serious immuno disorder, and of a similar age. No symptoms, thank God. We are so worried.

We just found out yesterday. I can't even begin to tell you how frightened we are for our DS, and so worried about his young co-worker.

The anxiety I feel is nearly overwhelming. I wish we could just all go to sleep for the next few months, and wake up with this GONE.

Prayers up, please, for this young man and his family. I just can't believe this. What a nightmare.

Prayers all around.
Hi all, I am v lazily quoting my own post from the main cv thread! Someone suggested I come over here and share what's happening with me at the mo. Hope you find it helpful.

Reading your post was a huge shock factor for me. My sister was in a hospital for treatment the same time a patient who tested positive was - she had been exposed. She fell ill and with this combined was tested on Monday evening. I had spent time since exposure before she got sick. I have not been tested, and am unable to quarantine unless dr ordered as my employment has stated repeatedly that they care, but that standard absence policies and subsequent disciplinary action up to and including termination after 7 absences in a rolling year - I already have 3 from past Illnesses. Even if dr ordered, we still get the first absentee of the time swag counted against us. I explain so much because it’s really bothered me that they are making it impossible for a person to self quarantine when that person feels potential, is sick, etc.

To my original intent of responding.. Was last around my sister Saturday. I started feeling not well Tuesday evening. From here I’ve had very single symptom that you are having - and trust I’ve researched a lot on symptoms to try to see if these odd ones had been common at all and really didn’t find anything. Whatever you have I have the same thing, my jaw dropped with every symptom you said you have.

I’d had a slight annoying headache pretty much all Tuesday but that evening I was working a 12 hr overnight shift 7-7. Around 11p my knees “ached” is the best way I was able to explain it. Just felt like my joints were achy. Headache was more prevalent now but still nothing like a regular headache, but at this time I realized I’d had to take ibuprofen all day to make it stop, once it wore off I felt it again, and still do now. Then I just started feeling yucky in general. Throat hurt but minimal. My lips started to get an irritation like From the start of dehydration. Since that night it has only gotten worse. That night I had my first cough that again, like all else was mild but it find myself really stopping at every symptom and thinking about it because they are all somehow different than a “regular” experience. Now when I cough my chest hurts, but I am very minimally coughing. A deep breath has also illustrated the chest pain. I’ve had barely any appetite even though really my belly feels hungry. Even if I make something that is a typical favorite I can only do a bite or two before I just can’t eat anymore. Not feeling upset or anything just no desire to eat it. And starting last night a numbness, off taste on my tongue. I was suspecting it was maybe attributing to my lack of desire to eat but I didn’t want to eat before my tongue and mouth felt like this. A couple other slight symptoms too. I’m really hoping my sister gets her results soon, The test was done late Monday night. Will help piece of mind. Though I have another concern from a possible exposure at my job. I’ve chalked this up to being in my head because of everything, to just a “regular” cold or Illness, but that was pretty alarming reading your symptoms being basically an exact match to me, having not heard or read of anyone experiencing them, and really how I feel has declined with passing time.

I am off work till Monday (regular days off) and I just want to sleep, I’m just whipped. In the end it’s only been about 36hrs since the weird knee aches started (kinda discounted the headache prior because they are a common problem), and it’s definitely brought me to a point where I feel certainty if I don’t have it, I definitely have something. I’ve already not been to see any family or friends since last week to ensure even just community wise our families kids and elderly are less potentially exposed - I miss them and am sick of feeling like this already. I usually see my 2 yr old grandson and 1 yr old granddaughter every day! It’s getting hard and I’m really trying to suppress the thought I think I may have it.

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