WS Members/loved ones who have Coronavirus or testing for Coronavirus (Group Hug)

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Hello all, just thought it might be helpful if I dropped in with an update re my own situation.

So day 8 for me. Temp is normal. Legs still ache and I still cough now and then. I'm probably still fatigued, to coin the phrase, in that I would struggle with routine daily activity. Oh and bizarrely, my mouth is very sore and dry on the outside (need lip balm!). But otherwise, I seem to be coming through it and feel much better today :).

I believe my son is now showing symptoms which is causing me mum anxiety. I'm glad I'm well enough to take care of him, even tho he's in his 20's! I think all we can do is try and get thro it one by one as best we can, and make sure the person who needs most help is given it (in a home situation, I mean).

One thing and this isnt helpful as I know they are in short supply, but I got through a lot of paracetamol. I managed to find cold and flu capsules which contain it and have been taking those. It was the back and leg pain which would have stopped me sleeping or resting otherwise. Not suggesting stock piling for a moment, but try and make sure you have enough for a few days in the house. I also had Berocca for Vit C and my regular Vit D (prone to joint aches as it's low, so my aches may be aggravated perhaps). I continued taking all my bp and cholesterol meds.

The other thing which is tricky, even though we have probably all prepared, is the self isolation of the rest of the house and the practical impact that has on things like groceries (particularly milk for coffee, in our case:rolleyes:). My husband rolled his eyes when I did a "big shop" the weekend before I got this but he has unrolled them many times since!

Final piece of advice from me, is make sure your bedroom is set up ready for at least 7 days self isolation. Get a spare tv in there or Prime on your laptop etc if you havent already. Kindle charger or books. Straighten it up a bit if you need to. Load in the spare throws and hot water bottle for the chills. Set your humidifier up if you have one. Just so you dont need to worry about these things if you do start to feel unwell.

Hope this helps

I highly doubt American doctors are writing prescriptions for malaria drugs for suspected respiratory viruses at this time.

Some surely are, and some I know have ordered chloroquinone for themselves and their families. I know some doctors who are prescribing it to patients before it runs out. If it's high risk patients, I understand that (and indeed, one doctor who has gotten some for self and family is indeed a high risk patient himself)

Then, of course, there are the university hospitals who are using the drug in hospital.

Hello all, just thought it might be helpful if I dropped in with an update re my own situation.

So day 8 for me. Temp is normal. Legs still ache and I still cough now and then. I'm probably still fatigued, to coin the phrase, in that I would struggle with routine daily activity. Oh and bizarrely, my mouth is very sore and dry on the outside (need lip balm!). But otherwise, I seem to be coming through it and feel much better today :).

I believe my son is now showing symptoms which is causing me mum anxiety. I'm glad I'm well enough to take care of him, even tho he's in his 20's! I think all we can do is try and get thro it one by one as best we can, and make sure the person who needs most help is given it (in a home situation, I mean).

One thing and this isnt helpful as I know they are in short supply, but I got through a lot of paracetamol. I managed to find cold and flu capsules which contain it and have been taking those. It was the back and leg pain which would have stopped me sleeping or resting otherwise. Not suggesting stock piling for a moment, but try and make sure you have enough for a few days in the house. I also had Berocca for Vit C and my regular Vit D (prone to joint aches as it's low, so my aches may be aggravated perhaps). I continued taking all my bp and cholesterol meds.

The other thing which is tricky, even though we have probably all prepared, is the self isolation of the rest of the house and the practical impact that has on things like groceries (particularly milk for coffee, in our case:rolleyes:). My husband rolled his eyes when I did a "big shop" the weekend before I got this but he has unrolled them many times since!

Final piece of advice from me, is make sure your bedroom is set up ready for at least 7 days self isolation. Get a spare tv in there or Prime on your laptop etc if you havent already. Kindle charger or books. Straighten it up a bit if you need to. Load in the spare throws and hot water bottle for the chills. Set your humidifier up if you have one. Just so you dont need to worry about these things if you do start to feel unwell.

Hope this helps


VERY helpful and HOPEFUL. I keep reading stories of people who have had a much more severe course than you have (and are in hospital) and it's lovely to read that you are doing so well. I'm sorry that you got it at all and that your son has it (would make me very anxious too).

Good advice in that last paragraph. Will do!
VERY helpful and HOPEFUL. I keep reading stories of people who have had a much more severe course than you have (and are in hospital) and it's lovely to read that you are doing so well. I'm sorry that you got it at all and that your son has it (would make me very anxious too).

Good advice in that last paragraph. Will do!
Thanks @10ofRods that means a lot.

My colleagues are experiencing similar, thank goodness.

I think it's good to be reminded that most people they say will have mild symptoms *touch wood* but I completely understand that it's protecting the vulnerable that matters. My own parents in their 70s have not left the house for three weeks now and have had no visitors. We just need to get them through this.
Thinking of you all and sending well wishes ❤️

As HKP mentioned only hospital admissions are being tested over here (UK) so we don’t know for sure but my partner has had a bad headache, sore neck and body aches since yesterday and an on/off sore throat over the weekend. Today he has felt pretty bad, bed bound and his temperature was up so I got him to call 111 (NHS) for advice who told him to self isolate for 7 days, and me and the boys (4 years old & 2 months old) for 14 days..

This makes me terrified for my kids :(

I was really hoping we wouldn’t catch this but it looks like we may have, currently he doesn’t have a cough yet and boys are okay, I’ve had chills on and off but I don’t know if I’m being paranoid or it’s anxiety which has been so so bad today I haven’t been able to stomach food.

Anyway I just wanted to vent, glad there’s a place on here to do so.

Sending love to all
I'm worried for you all - so far, we don't have any symptoms or know anyone who does but I've been keeping to myself since returning from vacation - stay safe.
I'm worried for you all - so far, we don't have any symptoms or know anyone who does but I've been keeping to myself since returning from vacation - stay safe.

Just an update on my situation as I really haven’t had a chance to come on here properly :(

James (my partner) started feeling ill 7 days ago but he didn’t isolate until 5 days ago as it started as neck pain..

Me and my boys are still doing okay with no symptoms (fingers crossed it stays that way)..

I’m so unsure whether it was/is Coronavirus or not, he’s feeling much better today and his temperature was only up once on the day he felt the worst (5 days ago) and minimal coughing/hardly coughing at all - just like the type of cough with a regular cold.. I just hope he continues to feel good and can come out of isolation on Monday and rejoin the household lol.

Hope everyone else is doing okay!!
Just an update on my situation as I really haven’t had a chance to come on here properly :(

James (my partner) started feeling ill 7 days ago but he didn’t isolate until 5 days ago as it started as neck pain..

Me and my boys are still doing okay with no symptoms (fingers crossed it stays that way)..

I’m so unsure whether it was/is Coronavirus or not, he’s feeling much better today and his temperature was only up once on the day he felt the worst (5 days ago) and minimal coughing/hardly coughing at all - just like the type of cough with a regular cold.. I just hope he continues to feel good and can come out of isolation on Monday and rejoin the household lol.

Hope everyone else is doing okay!!

maybe he's healthy enough that he's fighting it off!
here's hoping ...
Hello all, just thought it might be helpful if I dropped in with an update re my own situation.

So day 8 for me. Temp is normal. Legs still ache and I still cough now and then. I'm probably still fatigued, to coin the phrase, in that I would struggle with routine daily activity. Oh and bizarrely, my mouth is very sore and dry on the outside (need lip balm!). But otherwise, I seem to be coming through it and feel much better today :).

I believe my son is now showing symptoms which is causing me mum anxiety. I'm glad I'm well enough to take care of him, even tho he's in his 20's! I think all we can do is try and get thro it one by one as best we can, and make sure the person who needs most help is given it (in a home situation, I mean).

One thing and this isnt helpful as I know they are in short supply, but I got through a lot of paracetamol. I managed to find cold and flu capsules which contain it and have been taking those. It was the back and leg pain which would have stopped me sleeping or resting otherwise. Not suggesting stock piling for a moment, but try and make sure you have enough for a few days in the house. I also had Berocca for Vit C and my regular Vit D (prone to joint aches as it's low, so my aches may be aggravated perhaps). I continued taking all my bp and cholesterol meds.

The other thing which is tricky, even though we have probably all prepared, is the self isolation of the rest of the house and the practical impact that has on things like groceries (particularly milk for coffee, in our case:rolleyes:). My husband rolled his eyes when I did a "big shop" the weekend before I got this but he has unrolled them many times since!

Final piece of advice from me, is make sure your bedroom is set up ready for at least 7 days self isolation. Get a spare tv in there or Prime on your laptop etc if you havent already. Kindle charger or books. Straighten it up a bit if you need to. Load in the spare throws and hot water bottle for the chills. Set your humidifier up if you have one. Just so you dont need to worry about these things if you do start to feel unwell.

Hope this helps


thanks for the tips
what kind of cold medicine did you get?
I wasn't sure I was going to post this, but here I go:

My DS has a co-worker in his early 30s who is now in the hospital with COVID19.

DS worked with him directly last Friday. His co-worker is in a terrible fight for his life. DS has a serious immuno disorder, and of a similar age. No symptoms, thank God. We are so worried.

We just found out yesterday. I can't even begin to tell you how frightened we are for our DS, and so worried about his young co-worker.

The anxiety I feel is nearly overwhelming. I wish we could just all go to sleep for the next few months, and wake up with this GONE.

Prayers up, please, for this young man and his family. I just can't believe this. What a nightmare.

sorry you're experiencing that worry
Just heard from one of my best friends and co-worker. Her husband fell ill on Tuesday and just got his results back this morning. Positive for Covid 19. He is in the hospital, not on a ventilator, but really sick. She is obviously self quarantined but is pretty sure she will end up sick as well. They are both in their early 60’s. No real health problems so praying for the very best outcome for my people.
Reading your post was a huge shock factor for me. My sister was in a hospital for treatment the same time a patient who tested positive was - she had been exposed. She fell ill and with this combined was tested on Monday evening. I had spent time since exposure before she got sick. I have not been tested, and am unable to quarantine unless dr ordered as my employment has stated repeatedly that they care, but that standard absence policies and subsequent disciplinary action up to and including termination after 7 absences in a rolling year - I already have 3 from past Illnesses. Even if dr ordered, we still get the first absentee of the time swag counted against us. I explain so much because it’s really bothered me that they are making it impossible for a person to self quarantine when that person feels potential, is sick, etc.

To my original intent of responding.. Was last around my sister Saturday. I started feeling not well Tuesday evening. From here I’ve had very single symptom that you are having - and trust I’ve researched a lot on symptoms to try to see if these odd ones had been common at all and really didn’t find anything. Whatever you have I have the same thing, my jaw dropped with every symptom you said you have.

I’d had a slight annoying headache pretty much all Tuesday but that evening I was working a 12 hr overnight shift 7-7. Around 11p my knees “ached” is the best way I was able to explain it. Just felt like my joints were achy. Headache was more prevalent now but still nothing like a regular headache, but at this time I realized I’d had to take ibuprofen all day to make it stop, once it wore off I felt it again, and still do now. Then I just started feeling yucky in general. Throat hurt but minimal. My lips started to get an irritation like From the start of dehydration. Since that night it has only gotten worse. That night I had my first cough that again, like all else was mild but it find myself really stopping at every symptom and thinking about it because they are all somehow different than a “regular” experience. Now when I cough my chest hurts, but I am very minimally coughing. A deep breath has also illustrated the chest pain. I’ve had barely any appetite even though really my belly feels hungry. Even if I make something that is a typical favorite I can only do a bite or two before I just can’t eat anymore. Not feeling upset or anything just no desire to eat it. And starting last night a numbness, off taste on my tongue. I was suspecting it was maybe attributing to my lack of desire to eat but I didn’t want to eat before my tongue and mouth felt like this. A couple other slight symptoms too. I’m really hoping my sister gets her results soon, The test was done late Monday night. Will help piece of mind. Though I have another concern from a possible exposure at my job. I’ve chalked this up to being in my head because of everything, to just a “regular” cold or Illness, but that was pretty alarming reading your symptoms being basically an exact match to me, having not heard or read of anyone experiencing them, and really how I feel has declined with passing time.

I am off work till Monday (regular days off) and I just want to sleep, I’m just whipped. In the end it’s only been about 36hrs since the weird knee aches started (kinda discounted the headache prior because they are a common problem), and it’s definitely brought me to a point where I feel certainty if I don’t have it, I definitely have something. I’ve already not been to see any family or friends since last week to ensure even just community wise our families kids and elderly are less potentially exposed - I miss them and am sick of feeling like this already. I usually see my 2 yr old grandson and 1 yr old granddaughter every day! It’s getting hard and I’m really trying to suppress the thought I think I may have it.

wow not very supportive work environment
I understand lower-level mgmt. are under extreme pressure right now
the directive has to come from the top that they will forgive any absences right now IMO
Just heard from one of my best friends and co-worker. Her husband fell ill on Tuesday and just got his results back this morning. Positive for Covid 19. He is in the hospital, not on a ventilator, but really sick. She is obviously self quarantined but is pretty sure she will end up sick as well. They are both in their early 60’s. No real health problems so praying for the very best outcome for my people.

so terrifying!
Scary news, my hubs came home and his right hand man at the office just tested positive for CV. They've shut down the facility and hubs has been ordered to self quarantine for 14 days. Guess I'm on quarantine too. :eek:

Trying to get him tested is an absolute nightmare. :(
Reading your post was a huge shock factor for me. My sister was in a hospital for treatment the same time a patient who tested positive was - she had been exposed. She fell ill and with this combined was tested on Monday evening. I had spent time since exposure before she got sick. I have not been tested, and am unable to quarantine unless dr ordered as my employment has stated repeatedly that they care, but that standard absence policies and subsequent disciplinary action up to and including termination after 7 absences in a rolling year - I already have 3 from past Illnesses. Even if dr ordered, we still get the first absentee of the time swag counted against us. I explain so much because it’s really bothered me that they are making it impossible for a person to self quarantine when that person feels potential, is sick, etc.

To my original intent of responding.. Was last around my sister Saturday. I started feeling not well Tuesday evening. From here I’ve had very single symptom that you are having - and trust I’ve researched a lot on symptoms to try to see if these odd ones had been common at all and really didn’t find anything. Whatever you have I have the same thing, my jaw dropped with every symptom you said you have.

I’d had a slight annoying headache pretty much all Tuesday but that evening I was working a 12 hr overnight shift 7-7. Around 11p my knees “ached” is the best way I was able to explain it. Just felt like my joints were achy. Headache was more prevalent now but still nothing like a regular headache, but at this time I realized I’d had to take ibuprofen all day to make it stop, once it wore off I felt it again, and still do now. Then I just started feeling yucky in general. Throat hurt but minimal. My lips started to get an irritation like From the start of dehydration. Since that night it has only gotten worse. That night I had my first cough that again, like all else was mild but it find myself really stopping at every symptom and thinking about it because they are all somehow different than a “regular” experience. Now when I cough my chest hurts, but I am very minimally coughing. A deep breath has also illustrated the chest pain. I’ve had barely any appetite even though really my belly feels hungry. Even if I make something that is a typical favorite I can only do a bite or two before I just can’t eat anymore. Not feeling upset or anything just no desire to eat it. And starting last night a numbness, off taste on my tongue. I was suspecting it was maybe attributing to my lack of desire to eat but I didn’t want to eat before my tongue and mouth felt like this. A couple other slight symptoms too. I’m really hoping my sister gets her results soon, The test was done late Monday night. Will help piece of mind. Though I have another concern from a possible exposure at my job. I’ve chalked this up to being in my head because of everything, to just a “regular” cold or Illness, but that was pretty alarming reading your symptoms being basically an exact match to me, having not heard or read of anyone experiencing them, and really how I feel has declined with passing time.

I am off work till Monday (regular days off) and I just want to sleep, I’m just whipped. In the end it’s only been about 36hrs since the weird knee aches started (kinda discounted the headache prior because they are a common problem), and it’s definitely brought me to a point where I feel certainty if I don’t have it, I definitely have something. I’ve already not been to see any family or friends since last week to ensure even just community wise our families kids and elderly are less potentially exposed - I miss them and am sick of feeling like this already. I usually see my 2 yr old grandson and 1 yr old granddaughter every day! It’s getting hard and I’m really trying to suppress the thought I think I may have it.
I can’t believe your employer would be so reckless with your health and potentially that of your coworkers. I would call your local health department and report your symptoms, exposure and what they are saying about taking time off.

I really hope your sister gets her results quickly and that you are both okay. Please keep us updated.
Hello all, just thought it might be helpful if I dropped in with an update re my own situation.

So day 8 for me. Temp is normal. Legs still ache and I still cough now and then. I'm probably still fatigued, to coin the phrase, in that I would struggle with routine daily activity. Oh and bizarrely, my mouth is very sore and dry on the outside (need lip balm!). But otherwise, I seem to be coming through it and feel much better today :).

I believe my son is now showing symptoms which is causing me mum anxiety. I'm glad I'm well enough to take care of him, even tho he's in his 20's! I think all we can do is try and get thro it one by one as best we can, and make sure the person who needs most help is given it (in a home situation, I mean).

One thing and this isnt helpful as I know they are in short supply, but I got through a lot of paracetamol. I managed to find cold and flu capsules which contain it and have been taking those. It was the back and leg pain which would have stopped me sleeping or resting otherwise. Not suggesting stock piling for a moment, but try and make sure you have enough for a few days in the house. I also had Berocca for Vit C and my regular Vit D (prone to joint aches as it's low, so my aches may be aggravated perhaps). I continued taking all my bp and cholesterol meds.

The other thing which is tricky, even though we have probably all prepared, is the self isolation of the rest of the house and the practical impact that has on things like groceries (particularly milk for coffee, in our case:rolleyes:). My husband rolled his eyes when I did a "big shop" the weekend before I got this but he has unrolled them many times since!

Final piece of advice from me, is make sure your bedroom is set up ready for at least 7 days self isolation. Get a spare tv in there or Prime on your laptop etc if you havent already. Kindle charger or books. Straighten it up a bit if you need to. Load in the spare throws and hot water bottle for the chills. Set your humidifier up if you have one. Just so you dont need to worry about these things if you do start to feel unwell.

Hope this helps


I’m much relieved to know you are doing better, HKP! And thanks for the helpful tips. I think I am reasonably well-prepared now, should either of us get sick.

Keep improving and be well. Time to get your son through his own situation, I hope it passes rather quickly for him, too.
I’m much relieved to know you are doing better, HKP! And thanks for the helpful tips. I think I am reasonably well-prepared now, should either of us get sick.

Keep improving and be well. Time to get your son through his own situation, I hope it passes rather quickly for him, too.
Thank you Spellbound. Son says he feels well but "just has a headache" so I am hopeful that it may be mild, or not at all.

Today was a big step forward. I got up and made Mr HKP a bacon sandwich, which we ate with a coffee in the conservatory. It's the little things!

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