WS Members/loved ones who have Coronavirus or testing for Coronavirus (Group Hug)

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Yes! I'm not dead, just horribly tired, and so deeply sorrowful that it just hurts. I have to clean out my dad's rather full and expensive apartment. There are all kinds of restrictions. And I threw a kidney stone yesterday. The doc seems to think I'm doing ok though. I mean, she was pretty impressed I was chugging along, what with my diabetes and asthma. Apparently I'm a miracle or something? Dear me...
This thread has recently been quiet, I'm hoping that's a good thing!
Learned Saturday that my older sister has been exposed to COVID by my nephew's wife. She was alerted she had been exposed and went for a rapid test which was positive after visiting with my sister earlier on Friday. So far, so good, only slightly fatigued and slight cough. My nephew tested neg today (rapid test) and they have an appt for my sister to get tested tomorrow. My sister has a multitude of health issues, has clotting disorder and had a stroke when she was 60. Hoping for continued good news.
My daughter has Covid, so far not any extreme circumstances. Her fever broken on Friday night and she's had terrible leg restlessness which causes sleep issues. Today she said that the sense of smell is going away, couldn't smell the soap in her shower.

She's set up in the basement and I of course haven't seen her but have dropped off food on the porch. Her husband has Crohn's so really hope he doesn't get it, my grandson is fine, he's 11. She's very tired but feels it's because she hasn't been doing her usual schedule.

She's an emergency Vet tech so I'm pretty sure that is how she's contracted it and has worked this entire time. Will let you know if any changes. Oh and she reports (calls) to the Health Dept everyday to relay her progress.
My daughter has Covid, so far not any extreme circumstances. Her fever broken on Friday night and she's had terrible leg restlessness which causes sleep issues. Today she said that the sense of smell is going away, couldn't smell the soap in her shower.

She's set up in the basement and I of course haven't seen her but have dropped off food on the porch. Her husband has Crohn's so really hope he doesn't get it, my grandson is fine, he's 11. She's very tired but feels it's because she hasn't been doing her usual schedule.

She's an emergency Vet tech so I'm pretty sure that is how she's contracted it and has worked this entire time. Will let you know if any changes. Oh and she reports (calls) to the Health Dept everyday to relay her progress.
So sorry to hear this Bailey. I had forgotten about the legs! I remember when I was suffering back in March and friends here were helping me along in private convos. One asked if I always had restless leg syndrome, from my symptoms. It was really uncomfortable. Poor girl. I wish her well soon.
So sorry to hear this Bailey. I had forgotten about the legs! I remember when I was suffering back in March and friends here were helping me along in private convos. One asked if I always had restless leg syndrome, from my symptoms. It was really uncomfortable. Poor girl. I wish her well soon.

Thank you for sharing, about lost my mind the first two days because I couldn't help. :)

I had told her that if they both became ill I would come and get my grandson, she flatly told me no. I would seriously consider it but understand. So glad you are recovering well, I remember when you first came down with it. *Hugs*
Thank you for sharing, about lost my mind the first two days because I couldn't help. :)

I had told her that if they both became ill I would come and get my grandson, she flatly told me no. I would seriously consider it but understand. So glad you are recovering well, I remember when you first came down with it. *Hugs*
She's right, about your grandson of course. Must be so hard for you though feeling powerless. My understanding re crohns (v limited from workmate) is that in terms of covid it can depend what current treatment and meds are in place, so hopefully he would be fine.

If like me they like a coffee or two, I bet they'd appreciate some milk in a few days if you're doing another doorstep run ;)
She's right, about your grandson of course. Must be so hard for you though feeling powerless. My understanding re crohns (v limited from workmate) is that in terms of covid it can depend what current treatment and meds are in place, so hopefully he would be fine.

If like me they like a coffee or two, I bet they'd appreciate some milk in a few days if you're doing another doorstep run ;)

Oh yes, I'm good at porch drop offs and door dash! She lives about an hour and half away but I manage to find reasons to head into the city. Spreading like crazy so have to be very careful.
My daughter has Covid, so far not any extreme circumstances. Her fever broken on Friday night and she's had terrible leg restlessness which causes sleep issues. Today she said that the sense of smell is going away, couldn't smell the soap in her shower.

She's set up in the basement and I of course haven't seen her but have dropped off food on the porch. Her husband has Crohn's so really hope he doesn't get it, my grandson is fine, he's 11. She's very tired but feels it's because she hasn't been doing her usual schedule.

She's an emergency Vet tech so I'm pretty sure that is how she's contracted it and has worked this entire time. Will let you know if any changes. Oh and she reports (calls) to the Health Dept everyday to relay her progress.
Keeping you close in thoughts, please keep us posted. I have so admired how so many of you have handled this. I'm in a semi constant state of worry over my girls and family, all the isolation and multiple quarantines and now waiting to hear back from my sister's test.
I came down with Covid on Dec. 6th. I thought maybe I caught it at a Walmart even though everyone was wearing masks. I posted about my condition back on this thread. My stomach burned and my dry mouth tasted terrible. I couldn't drink coffee at all. I kept drinking water and Ginger Tea, and other teas, but my stomach burned. Gatorade didn't help at all, and I started hating it because it felt like it was corroding my stomach. I tried to eat, but I was so sick I couldn't eat much. I had terrible chills and had to stay in bed. Eventually I tried low sodium Chicken Broth, and also Pedialyte Advanced Care (Berry Frost flavor) to replenish electrolytes and they helped. Once I got on Prednisone and a antibiotic to help my lungs, I started to improve quickly and started craving hamburgers for some reason.

I posted this on another thread and want to share it here.
Another Walmart up north from here closed for deep cleaning. They say their employees have their temperature taken before their shift. I watched a group in Home Depot getting safety health bags with mouth thermometers, someone in that group didn't even know what it was! My older son has his temp taken daily, too, I know they check your temp going into the health facilities here. I don't know why they seem to be depending on temperature to judge if someone has Covid.

Please note-- I had a 99.5 degree temp the very first night of Covid, then it dropped to 97 for the entire time I was suffering, and I never got a high fever even as sick as I was for the next 3-4 wks. So, temp is no indication it seems. Why do they depend on it so much?
I came down with Covid on Dec. 6th. I thought maybe I caught it at a Walmart even though everyone was wearing masks. I posted about my condition back on this thread. My stomach burned and my dry mouth tasted terrible. I couldn't drink coffee at all. I kept drinking water and Ginger Tea, and other teas, but my stomach burned. Gatorade didn't help at all, and I started hating it because it felt like it was corroding my stomach. I tried to eat, but I was so sick I couldn't eat much. I had terrible chills and had to stay in bed. Eventually I tried low sodium Chicken Broth, and also Pedialyte Advanced Care (Berry Frost flavor) to replenish electrolytes and they helped. Once I got on Prednisone and a antibiotic to help my lungs, I started to improve quickly and started craving hamburgers for some reason.

I posted this on another thread and want to share it here.
Another Walmart up north from here closed for deep cleaning. They say their employees have their temperature taken before their shift. I watched a group in Home Depot getting safety health bags with mouth thermometers, someone in that group didn't even know what it was! My older son has his temp taken daily, too, I know they check your temp going into the health facilities here. I don't know why they seem to be depending on temperature to judge if someone has Covid.

Please note-- I had a 99.5 degree temp the very first night of Covid, then it dropped to 97 for the entire time I was suffering, and I never got a high fever even as sick as I was for the next 3-4 wks. So, temp is no indication it seems. Why do they depend on it so much?

Your description of your experience is really interesting, thanks for sharing. Your illness sounds pretty miserable.

I can't really answer your question about using temperature as a screening tool. It's is an easy thing to measure, of course, and fever is one of the common symptoms of Covid-19. But it doesn't seem all that useful since many people with Covid don't have fever.
My opinion about temperature checks: it's 100% a liability thing and absolutely nothing else. It allows the place doing temp checks to say, "Hey, we checked their temperature, we screened them, it's not our fault they gave Covid to a bunch of other people while they were here."

My husband and son had it back in late October. They got it from floor contractors in our house. We had set up the floor work to be done while we were at an AirBnB, but things got delayed and the work did not get done while we were gone. Thank goodness, both daughters and I (all higher risk) went to a hotel while the floor work was being done because we could not tolerate being around it. My other son did not get it even though he was here. Husband and son both had mild cases, a couple of days of muscle aches and low fever and that's it.

I have a friend whose mother passed from Covid, and another friend whose 42yo brother died of a heart attack six weeks after he "recovered" from Covid. I have a friend whose father just left the hospital after several days of trying to get his blood sugar stabilized. Covid is making it go crazy. He's also on oxygen. Now I have a friend whose husband, in his 50's, is on a ventilator and has sepsis. They are going to start dialysis today, but I'm not sure he's going to make it that long. :(

I am so excited that my older daughter and I received our first vaccine dose (she Pfizer, me Moderna) last week. My younger daughter isn't eligible yet, and my youngest, almost 15, I am trying to get enrolled in a Moderna study.
DFW Covid Vaccine Finder
If you are in the Dallas/FtWorth area, this is a good site to check for info. I registered over the weekend at the Tx Health, Hughely Drive location in Fort and was able to get appointment in Fort Worth today which I canceled. I have scheduled drive through appointment through Dallas county website for Friday. I had registered with them a couple of weeks ago and they notified me today.
If you have MyChart through UTSW, you might check there to see if you’re eligible. There will be an orange syringe on the page. I wasn’t notified but I would have been able to get an appointment at two of their locations for Thursday or Friday.

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