WS Members/loved ones who have Coronavirus or testing for Coronavirus (Group Hug)

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Awe Lilibet I am so sorry to hear you contracted COVID. Get lots of rest and keep MrLilibet safe too.

I actually came to this thread because my daughter in Florida just called to tell me her fiancé just tested positive. He has been feeling very tired and unable to concentrate. They live in a tiny 1 bedroom apartment and they both work from home so I don’t know how they’ll escape each other.

Any tips on how to live and care for someone dealing with COVID? I suggested different rooms but how to deal with meals, refrigerator and bathroom sharing?
Awe Lilibet I am so sorry to hear you contracted COVID. Get lots of rest and keep MrLilibet safe too.

I actually came to this thread because my daughter in Florida just called to tell me her fiancé just tested positive. He has been feeling very tired and unable to concentrate. They live in a tiny 1 bedroom apartment and they both work from home so I don’t know how they’ll escape each other.

Any tips on how to live and care for someone dealing with COVID? I suggested different rooms but how to deal with meals, refrigerator and bathroom sharing?

In my country if someone has COVID in a household the rules are that the infected person should stay in one room and after every bathroom visit the toilet needs to be disinfected and the house/apartment needs to be aired frequently. And use mask and gloves if they have to venture out of the room for any reason. Or disinfect their hands throughly. If it’s possible their food should be made for them and placed in front of their door like in the hotels. In case the sick person needs to get to the refrigerator (s)he should wear gloves or disinfect their hands really well before touching anything. Sleeping should be in different spaces. This is the theory.

Now the reality:
In my family there was a household of 5 people where 3 were COVID positive, 2 COVID negative. From the 3 were 2 people bed ridden and they needed frequent visits into their rooms to take care of them. The one who was alright from the 3 helped to care for the others, but the 2 healthy ones did most of the work. Cooking, taking temperatures, medicating, giving food, helping to get to the bathroom etc.
They wore gloves and N95 masks when they had to go to the 2 rooms and in the meantime washed their hand frequently and aired the whole house often.
1 from the 3 COVID positives was never sick. The 2 originally COVID negative persons never caught the disease.

I think it depends on the state of the immune system of the person in question if someone gets sick or not.
You see @Lilibet was really careful and still got COVID and the 2 family members taking care of their own did not.

@JerseyGirl, hopefully it all will go well with your daughter and her fiancé. Good luck and speedy recovery.
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Well, as of this morning I joined the club after getting a positive Covid result. I was sicker than I’ve been in years over the weekend with cough, fever, aches, headache. I checked with my doctor and they sent me in for a test on Monday. He called me to discuss the results at noon today and told me that I meet the criteria for monoclonal antibody treatment (old, fat with a few underlying conditions :D). So after some research and consulting with a knowledgable friend I set up an appointment for an infusion tomorrow morning. It’s the unpronounceable bamlanivimab by Eli Lilly. It’s intended to reduce the need for hospitalization, so I’m all for that.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Authorizes Monoclonal Antibody for Treatment of COVID-19

I live in one of the rural counties in southern Oregon just over the California line, although we are the medical hub for the entire region. The main health care system, Asante, is paying for it for everyone and it’s available at my small local hospital. It just became available in early January and the infusion nurse told me they are doing about four each day. Our county is one of the “extreme risk” counties in the state. So I’m very grateful it’s available.

I’m one of those people who “did everything right” and the virus found me. I haven’t left our apartment in months. We use Instacart and wipe everything with an alcohol solution. My husband does only necessary errands, double masked and goggled. So we figure it came in on mail, on a package or it hitchhiked home on him from an errand early last week or rode up the elevator with him. We will never know for sure unless the store he visited announces they had a case. At least we know we didn’t get it from being casual about restrictions. But I’m telling friends to redouble their precautions. They’re all in shock that I got it!

We aren’t able to isolate from each other and figure that horse has left the barn anyway. He’s starting to feel a little punky tonight so we’ll see how it goes. I will report on my infusion experience. I hope everyone here is doing OK. I didn’t have time to read everything. Hugs to all. :)
I’m upset at this news. You’re one of my favorite WSers, Lillibet. You’re in my thoughts.
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There are 6 in my household and just no way we could isolate. The final result was 3 positive and 3 negative & everyone has since recovered.

I spent the entire time torturing myself trying to figure out where we got it since we are also so careful...I do not recommend that!
We were so careful. But we let our guard down one time. We were around my great niece whom we thought was careful(she lied). Several days before she developed symptoms, we spent about an hour in the same room with her chatting, but not up close. DH and I also came down with it, luckily mild cases. Her dad and grandfather who thought it was fake, also caught it from her. Her dad didn’t get very sick, but her grandfather died.
We were so careful. But we let our guard down one time. We were around my great niece whom we thought was careful(she lied). Several days before she developed symptoms, we spent about an hour in the same room with her chatting, but not up close. DH and I also came down with it, luckily mild cases. Her dad and grandfather who thought it was fake, also caught it from her. Her dad didn’t get very sick, but her grandfather died.

Wow... :(
We were so careful. But we let our guard down one time. We were around my great niece whom we thought was careful(she lied). Several days before she developed symptoms, we spent about an hour in the same room with her chatting, but not up close. DH and I also came down with it, luckily mild cases. Her dad and grandfather who thought it was fake, also caught it from her. Her dad didn’t get very sick, but her grandfather died.
Omg, that’s terrible. Did everyone wear masks when she was visiting?
I would feel so bad if I passed it on to my family. And her grandfather died? :(
We started out with masks. Decided that since we had all been careful we would be okay to take them off. We didn’t know she was lying about being careful and wearing her mask.

Yep.she even went out when she was supposed to be quarrantined. My sister was furious with her, but it didn’t do any good. This is why you should always wear your mask-to protect yourself. We are hyper vigilant now.
There are 6 in my household and just no way we could isolate. The final result was 3 positive and 3 negative & everyone has since recovered.

I spent the entire time torturing myself trying to figure out where we got it since we are also so careful...I do not recommend that!
That is so scary when you have no idea where you got it. I know they say you can’t get it off packages or deliveries but I have my doubts now after seeing posts like yours. I hope everyone has recovered in your household!
We were so careful. But we let our guard down one time. We were around my great niece whom we thought was careful(she lied). Several days before she developed symptoms, we spent about an hour in the same room with her chatting, but not up close. DH and I also came down with it, luckily mild cases. Her dad and grandfather who thought it was fake, also caught it from her. Her dad didn’t get very sick, but her grandfather died.
It’s unfortunate that some people still believes COVID-19 to be a hoax.
There indeed is a great portion of the population who are sort of protected against it if we look at the number of infected people in comparison to the number of people who actually has to go to get treatment and even dies as a result. There are a lot of people who tests positive and has no or just mild symptoms, but there undoubtedly is a part of the population which gets really sick from it, needs to be treated in the hospital and even dies from it. I can’t imagine how someone can still be blind to that fact.
We started out with masks. Decided that since we had all been careful we would be okay to take them off. We didn’t know she was lying about being careful and wearing her mask.

Yep.she even went out when she was supposed to be quarrantined. My sister was furious with her, but it didn’t do any good. This is why you should always wear your mask-to protect yourself. We are hyper vigilant now.
I’m so sorry :(
Furious wouldn’t begin to describe how I would feel if someone deliberately lied and infected my family members, causing a death.
I’m so sorry :(
Furious wouldn’t begin to describe how I would feel if someone deliberately lied and infected my family members, causing a death.

This is a horrific story of irresponsibility leading to avoidable death, not to mention long-term possible complications for those who survived. Some people simply refuse to believe anything until they experience it with their own senses. "Doubting Thomas" clearly is alive and well – and costing lives with his dug-in denial of what those who are more knowledgeable are telling him.

@killarney rose , I am so sorry for the illness and loss that you and your family have suffered because of one reckless relative. I hope you and DH are fully recovered and don't experience any prolonged effects from your own bouts with the virus.

As terrible as it is to think that this young lady will be saddled with guilt for the rest of her life for being the vector for her grandfather's death – it is even worse to imagine that she still may not accept reality, but will go deeper down the rabbit hole of denial and rationalization to find other "causes" for the tragedy she brought into her family. "He was already sick with X, he had a pre-existing condition, he was old ... " The demonstrated inability of people to take responsibility for their own choices re: spreading the virus stupefies me, especially when they advocate "personal responsibility" as a panacea for others in unfortunate circumstances. I have in-laws who would do the exact same, were their elderly parents still alive. I haven't seen any of them in months because I know they don't mask except when required to for entry into stores or doctor's offices, and I don't trust them to tell me the truth about their outside contacts. How do we get them to comprehend that it starts at home? That it starts with US - and THEM? /soapbox
Lilibet - I'm so sorry. But very very VERY glad you're getting the monoclonal antibodies. It's possible Mr. Lilibet is one of the asymptomatic ones, in which case, you'll both end up with immunity to COVID, but I'm so sad that you have to go through fever and bodyaches.

Please keep us posted, we are all so worried.
We were so careful. But we let our guard down one time. We were around my great niece whom we thought was careful(she lied). Several days before she developed symptoms, we spent about an hour in the same room with her chatting, but not up close. DH and I also came down with it, luckily mild cases. Her dad and grandfather who thought it was fake, also caught it from her. Her dad didn’t get very sick, but her grandfather died.

We need new words to describe such people. I'm sure she has many redeeming qualities, but I really have to bite my tongue here (foolish beyond imagination is the best I can do without being more harsh).

I am so glad your case is mild. I really dislike that so many young people are making these tremendous decisions for others. I'm curious how she feels about herself now or whether she has apologized. I realize she was asymptomatic, but should have been up front about whether she'd had any chance of exposure.

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