WS Members/loved ones who have Coronavirus or testing for Coronavirus (Group Hug)

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TDoc72. I am so sorry for your loss. This is such a horrible disease :(

I lost my mum suddenly when I was 14, she was 44. I was an only child so it was only me and my dad left. We helped each other through it, and I hope you and your kids will find a way to do that too xx
I’ve updated my status to “I love Lilibet”, just sayin.

Honestly, I’m not feeling ok until L is over the thick of this, and I KNOW many others here feel the same way.

Sending love and healing thoughts your way, @Lilibet. You’ve got the BAM, as does Mr. L, so that *advertiser censored* should be kicking in soon.

Thinking about you guys every day my friend. You got this!!!!

My story—
In early Dec, 4 of the 5 of us tested positive. Husband had flu symptoms that came and went quickly (3 days) then just felt tired. Me and 2 of my kids had minor cold symptoms that lingered for a week & 1/2 to two weeks. More annoying than anything else. 3rd child tested negative but quarantined w/the rest of us. All recovered except for a little tiredness and I had some headaches (not too bad).
Jan 10 husband said his knee was sore. Next day it was swollen, red & angry when he came home from work. Next morning he goes to urgent care who sent him right to an orthopedist who told him to go to ER immediately for IV antibiotics. He’s in the hospital for 9 days. He was miserable b/c of the side effects. He came home and we did home health care, w/PICC line for IV meds. He had a hard time eating due to dry mouth and metallic taste (side effects). Last Sat and Sunday he seemed like he felt better so we thought he was on the mend. This past Tuesday morning he had a fever, was panting a little, and had trouble collecting his thoughts. Dr told me to bring him to ER for tests. He went into the ICU w/104 fever at 9am and went into cardiac arrest at 7pm and we lost him. He was 44.
Dr said either Covid weakened his heart or caused the infection in the first place. She said there’s a lot they don’t know.
Now I’m a widow w/3 teens and way over my head. Please—hold your love ones close.

I'm thinking about and praying for you and your family. You are going through so much right now. When you can, I hope you will let us know how you are doing. ((hugs))
My story—
In early Dec, 4 of the 5 of us tested positive. Husband had flu symptoms that came and went quickly (3 days) then just felt tired. Me and 2 of my kids had minor cold symptoms that lingered for a week & 1/2 to two weeks. More annoying than anything else. 3rd child tested negative but quarantined w/the rest of us. All recovered except for a little tiredness and I had some headaches (not too bad).
Jan 10 husband said his knee was sore. Next day it was swollen, red & angry when he came home from work. Next morning he goes to urgent care who sent him right to an orthopedist who told him to go to ER immediately for IV antibiotics. He’s in the hospital for 9 days. He was miserable b/c of the side effects. He came home and we did home health care, w/PICC line for IV meds. He had a hard time eating due to dry mouth and metallic taste (side effects). Last Sat and Sunday he seemed like he felt better so we thought he was on the mend. This past Tuesday morning he had a fever, was panting a little, and had trouble collecting his thoughts. Dr told me to bring him to ER for tests. He went into the ICU w/104 fever at 9am and went into cardiac arrest at 7pm and we lost him. He was 44.
Dr said either Covid weakened his heart or caused the infection in the first place. She said there’s a lot they don’t know.
Now I’m a widow w/3 teens and way over my head. Please—hold your love ones close.

Sincere condolences and so much sympathy to you and your family. I wish your story could be more widely heard. You are so young to be dealing with all of this. Hugs to you and your kids. I agree with your doctor, it's clearly COVID related and no one seems to know what to do with this group of patients. It's not even clear that they're going into our stats regarding COVID at this point of time, it's just so early for any big medical centers to collect and publish data that will convince everyone that COVID can be an almost silent killer.
Sincere condolences and so much sympathy to you and your family. I wish your story could be more widely heard. You are so young to be dealing with all of this. Hugs to you and your kids. I agree with your doctor, it's clearly COVID related and no one seems to know what to do with this group of patients. It's not even clear that they're going into our stats regarding COVID at this point of time, it's just so early for any big medical centers to collect and publish data that will convince everyone that COVID can be an almost silent killer.

I so agree with your comments that in many cases Covid is a silent killer : In a case like this it won't be a statistical death for Covid, but of course it is: just like Larry King: his wife said he "got over the Covid" but died from sepsis: that is another case that will not be statistically considered a death related to Covid. I am sure there are thousands more.
Sincere condolences and so much sympathy to you and your family. I wish your story could be more widely heard. You are so young to be dealing with all of this. Hugs to you and your kids. I agree with your doctor, it's clearly COVID related and no one seems to know what to do with this group of patients. It's not even clear that they're going into our stats regarding COVID at this point of time, it's just so early for any big medical centers to collect and publish data that will convince everyone that COVID can be an almost silent killer.

I so agree with your comments that in many cases Covid is a silent killer : In a case like this it won't be a statistical death for Covid, but of course it is: just like Larry King: his wife said he "got over the Covid" but died from sepsis: that is another case that will not be statistically considered a death related to Covid. I am sure there are thousands more.

I would think that their death certificates would mention Covid as a contributing cause of death.
COVID-19 Death Data and Resources - National Vital Statistics System

But I guess it depends on the doctor or other person who completes the certificate.
My story—
In early Dec, 4 of the 5 of us tested positive. Husband had flu symptoms that came and went quickly (3 days) then just felt tired. Me and 2 of my kids had minor cold symptoms that lingered for a week & 1/2 to two weeks. More annoying than anything else. 3rd child tested negative but quarantined w/the rest of us. All recovered except for a little tiredness and I had some headaches (not too bad).
Jan 10 husband said his knee was sore. Next day it was swollen, red & angry when he came home from work. Next morning he goes to urgent care who sent him right to an orthopedist who told him to go to ER immediately for IV antibiotics. He’s in the hospital for 9 days. He was miserable b/c of the side effects. He came home and we did home health care, w/PICC line for IV meds. He had a hard time eating due to dry mouth and metallic taste (side effects). Last Sat and Sunday he seemed like he felt better so we thought he was on the mend. This past Tuesday morning he had a fever, was panting a little, and had trouble collecting his thoughts. Dr told me to bring him to ER for tests. He went into the ICU w/104 fever at 9am and went into cardiac arrest at 7pm and we lost him. He was 44.
Dr said either Covid weakened his heart or caused the infection in the first place. She said there’s a lot they don’t know.
Now I’m a widow w/3 teens and way over my head. Please—hold your love ones close.

My husband’s says cardiac arrest and sepsis.
Thanks for everyone’s kind words and thoughts. We are coping as well as we can.

Sending positive thoughts to you and your family, TDoc72.

I can’t help but wonder if it’s possible MIS-A may have been involved, specifically due to the inflammatory and cardiac aspects you mentioned.

Some quick links for reference:

Adults, too, develop rare but severe COVID-related syndrome
Oct. 5, 2020

Mayo Clinic Q and A: COVID-19 and multisystem inflammatory syndromes in children and adults
Nov. 26, 2020

“Like MIS-C, MIS-A is a serious condition that can inflame some parts of the body, such as the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, digestive system, brain, skin or eyes. Inflammation typically includes swelling, often with redness and pain.

Presently, the typical case is someone who comes in with rapidly deteriorating multiorgan failure with little to no respiratory symptoms. And the reason for that is they've been infected within the past two to six weeks, but they are not infected now. They have developed antibodies, despite having been tested and showing negative results. Unfortunately, it's not yet known what causes this to occur and what can be done about it.

What makes the situation challenging is that people can develop this multisystem inflammatory syndrome weeks after the infection, during what appears to be recovery mode. And that's an unusual thing for a viral infection.“

Case Series of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Adults...
Dec. 4, 2020

“BACKGROUND: Cardiac injury and myocarditis have been described in adults with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in children is typically minimally symptomatic. We report a series of febrile pediatric patients with acute heart failure potentially associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection and the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children as...”

A rare COVID-19 complication was reported in children. Now, it's showing up in adults


Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), a Post-viral Myocarditis and Systemic Vasculitis-A Critical Review of Its Pathogenesis and Treatment - Docwire News
Jan. 11, 2021

* I have also posted a little about MIS-A in the MIS-C (Children) thread.
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I took a couple days off trying to clear my head from all the news. Just checking back in and I don't see an update from in a couple of days. Hoping and praying you and Mr Lilibet are recovering and feeling much better. Definitely makes me uneasy to not see you posting.
I took a couple days off trying to clear my head from all the news. Just checking back in and I don't see an update from in a couple of days. Hoping and praying you and Mr Lilibet are recovering and feeling much better. Definitely makes me uneasy to not see you posting.

Ditto--- Lillibet we are waiting to hear just one word from you- letting us know you and Mr. L are alright!!!
Hi everyone,
I’m SO sorry for the long silence. I lost track of time. I ended up in ER on Thursday after sleeping all the time on Wed and wanting to on Thursday and my O2 dipping just below 90%. My dear husband said it was time to go as I was too exhausted to make a decision, even though I knew it was time. I was diagnosed with Covid pneumonia (as opposed to Covid without respiratory symptoms) and that bought me my “golden ticket” to a bed in the Covid wing at our small local hospital. They are handling the less serious cases and the ICU cases go to the main hospital 12 miles away.

I had already done the monoclonal antibody infusion the previous week, and they added the antiviral Remdesevir and steroid dexamethasone plus an albuterol inhaled infusion. So pretty much the Trump regimine. I felt better the next morning (Friday) thanks I’m sure to the steroid. But I’m making steady progress and have dropped down from 3L to 1L of O2, which is keeping me in the low 90%. Without it I drop to 86-89% after a trip to the restroom.

The care here is first class. I have a PT, a respiratory therapist, a doctor and an array of wonderful traveling far from Chicago, Utah, Louisiana and Michigan. Our area is rural with only 220,000 in our county, which is in the “extreme risk” category, so we need help. I’m so grateful!

I will be here until I finish the remdesevir on Monday and get evaluated to see if I can go home. I get to have one visitor a day, so my husband is coming soon! He’s doing OK...low fever, stuffy nose and exhaustion, but no chest issues, thankfully.

I think I’m on the mend. The doctor said the pneumonia can take several weeks until I feel “normal.” I wasn’t going to do anything anyway, so I’ll just wait it out. :) Please stay vigilant. We think it arrived on something my husband brought home from the drugstore/general store that didn’t get wiped. I got it before he did, so it seems I gave it to him. We have been so obsessive, so it’s a good lesson to keep up precautions and even tighten them up. Our turn for the vaccine would have started Feb 16. Now we have to wait 90 days because we had the monoclonal antibody infusion. That will be about when we originally expected it to be available, so it’s OK.

Thank you all for your concern and well wishes!

Hi everyone,
I’m SO sorry for the long silence. I lost track of time. I ended up in ER on Thursday after sleeping all the time on Wed and wanting to on Thursday and my O2 dipping just below 90%. My dear husband said it was time to go as I was too exhausted to make a decision, even though I knew it was time. I was diagnosed with Covid pneumonia (as opposed to Covid without respiratory symptoms) and that bought me my “golden ticket” to a bed in the Covid wing at our small local hospital. They are handling the less serious cases and the ICU cases go to the main hospital 12 miles away.

I had already done the monoclonal antibody infusion the previous week, and they added the antiviral Remdesevir and steroid dexamethasone plus an albuterol inhaled infusion. So pretty much the Trump regimine. I felt better the next morning (Friday) thanks I’m sure to the steroid. But I’m making steady progress and have dropped down from 3L to 1L of O2, which is keeping me in the low 90%. Without it I drop to 86-89% after a trip to the restroom.

The care here is first class. I have a PT, a respiratory therapist, a doctor and an array of wonderful traveling far from Chicago, Utah, Louisiana and Michigan. Our area is rural with only 220,000 in our county, which is in the “extreme risk” category, so we need help. I’m so grateful!

I will be here until I finish the remdesevir on Monday and get evaluated to see if I can go home. I get to have one visitor a day, so my husband is coming soon! He’s doing OK...low fever, stuffy nose and exhaustion, but no chest issues, thankfully.

I think I’m on the mend. The doctor said the pneumonia can take several weeks until I feel “normal.” I wasn’t going to do anything anyway, so I’ll just wait it out. :) Please stay vigilant. We think it arrived on something my husband brought home from the drugstore/general store that didn’t get wiped. I got it before he did, so it seems I gave it to him. We have been so obsessive, so it’s a good lesson to keep up precautions and even tighten them up. Our turn for the vaccine would have started Feb 16. Now we have to wait 90 days because we had the monoclonal antibody infusion. That will be about when we originally expected it to be available, so it’s OK.

Thank you all for your concern and well wishes!

Ahh Lilibet I am glad you're safe and being well cared for but hate that you ended up in ER :(. Rest well. Lots of love from my little pocket of England xX
Hi everyone,
I’m SO sorry for the long silence. I lost track of time. I ended up in ER on Thursday after sleeping all the time on Wed and wanting to on Thursday and my O2 dipping just below 90%. My dear husband said it was time to go as I was too exhausted to make a decision, even though I knew it was time. I was diagnosed with Covid pneumonia (as opposed to Covid without respiratory symptoms) and that bought me my “golden ticket” to a bed in the Covid wing at our small local hospital. They are handling the less serious cases and the ICU cases go to the main hospital 12 miles away.

I had already done the monoclonal antibody infusion the previous week, and they added the antiviral Remdesevir and steroid dexamethasone plus an albuterol inhaled infusion. So pretty much the Trump regimine. I felt better the next morning (Friday) thanks I’m sure to the steroid. But I’m making steady progress and have dropped down from 3L to 1L of O2, which is keeping me in the low 90%. Without it I drop to 86-89% after a trip to the restroom.

The care here is first class. I have a PT, a respiratory therapist, a doctor and an array of wonderful traveling far from Chicago, Utah, Louisiana and Michigan. Our area is rural with only 220,000 in our county, which is in the “extreme risk” category, so we need help. I’m so grateful!

I will be here until I finish the remdesevir on Monday and get evaluated to see if I can go home. I get to have one visitor a day, so my husband is coming soon! He’s doing OK...low fever, stuffy nose and exhaustion, but no chest issues, thankfully.

I think I’m on the mend. The doctor said the pneumonia can take several weeks until I feel “normal.” I wasn’t going to do anything anyway, so I’ll just wait it out. :) Please stay vigilant. We think it arrived on something my husband brought home from the drugstore/general store that didn’t get wiped. I got it before he did, so it seems I gave it to him. We have been so obsessive, so it’s a good lesson to keep up precautions and even tighten them up. Our turn for the vaccine would have started Feb 16. Now we have to wait 90 days because we had the monoclonal antibody infusion. That will be about when we originally expected it to be available, so it’s OK.

Thank you all for your concern and well wishes!

Hi everyone,
I’m SO sorry for the long silence. I lost track of time. I ended up in ER on Thursday after sleeping all the time on Wed and wanting to on Thursday and my O2 dipping just below 90%. My dear husband said it was time to go as I was too exhausted to make a decision, even though I knew it was time. I was diagnosed with Covid pneumonia (as opposed to Covid without respiratory symptoms) and that bought me my “golden ticket” to a bed in the Covid wing at our small local hospital. They are handling the less serious cases and the ICU cases go to the main hospital 12 miles away.

I had already done the monoclonal antibody infusion the previous week, and they added the antiviral Remdesevir and steroid dexamethasone plus an albuterol inhaled infusion. So pretty much the Trump regimine. I felt better the next morning (Friday) thanks I’m sure to the steroid. But I’m making steady progress and have dropped down from 3L to 1L of O2, which is keeping me in the low 90%. Without it I drop to 86-89% after a trip to the restroom.

The care here is first class. I have a PT, a respiratory therapist, a doctor and an array of wonderful traveling far from Chicago, Utah, Louisiana and Michigan. Our area is rural with only 220,000 in our county, which is in the “extreme risk” category, so we need help. I’m so grateful!

I will be here until I finish the remdesevir on Monday and get evaluated to see if I can go home. I get to have one visitor a day, so my husband is coming soon! He’s doing OK...low fever, stuffy nose and exhaustion, but no chest issues, thankfully.

I think I’m on the mend. The doctor said the pneumonia can take several weeks until I feel “normal.” I wasn’t going to do anything anyway, so I’ll just wait it out. :) Please stay vigilant. We think it arrived on something my husband brought home from the drugstore/general store that didn’t get wiped. I got it before he did, so it seems I gave it to him. We have been so obsessive, so it’s a good lesson to keep up precautions and even tighten them up. Our turn for the vaccine would have started Feb 16. Now we have to wait 90 days because we had the monoclonal antibody infusion. That will be about when we originally expected it to be available, so it’s OK.

Thank you all for your concern and well wishes!


Thanks for posting, Lilibet! We've been concerned about you. I'm glad you are getting the care and treatment you need to get better. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. :)
Hi everyone,
I’m SO sorry for the long silence. I lost track of time. I ended up in ER on Thursday after sleeping all the time on Wed and wanting to on Thursday and my O2 dipping just below 90%. My dear husband said it was time to go as I was too exhausted to make a decision, even though I knew it was time. I was diagnosed with Covid pneumonia (as opposed to Covid without respiratory symptoms) and that bought me my “golden ticket” to a bed in the Covid wing at our small local hospital. They are handling the less serious cases and the ICU cases go to the main hospital 12 miles away.

I had already done the monoclonal antibody infusion the previous week, and they added the antiviral Remdesevir and steroid dexamethasone plus an albuterol inhaled infusion. So pretty much the Trump regimine. I felt better the next morning (Friday) thanks I’m sure to the steroid. But I’m making steady progress and have dropped down from 3L to 1L of O2, which is keeping me in the low 90%. Without it I drop to 86-89% after a trip to the restroom.

The care here is first class. I have a PT, a respiratory therapist, a doctor and an array of wonderful traveling far from Chicago, Utah, Louisiana and Michigan. Our area is rural with only 220,000 in our county, which is in the “extreme risk” category, so we need help. I’m so grateful!

I will be here until I finish the remdesevir on Monday and get evaluated to see if I can go home. I get to have one visitor a day, so my husband is coming soon! He’s doing OK...low fever, stuffy nose and exhaustion, but no chest issues, thankfully.

I think I’m on the mend. The doctor said the pneumonia can take several weeks until I feel “normal.” I wasn’t going to do anything anyway, so I’ll just wait it out. :) Please stay vigilant. We think it arrived on something my husband brought home from the drugstore/general store that didn’t get wiped. I got it before he did, so it seems I gave it to him. We have been so obsessive, so it’s a good lesson to keep up precautions and even tighten them up. Our turn for the vaccine would have started Feb 16. Now we have to wait 90 days because we had the monoclonal antibody infusion. That will be about when we originally expected it to be available, so it’s OK.

Thank you all for your concern and well wishes!

Oh my goodness, @Lilibet! I’m so sorry you’re in the hospital, but it sounds like you’re getting top notch care! I hope you keep feeling better and better. And I’m glad your husband is doing okay. Take care! :)
Lillibet it was so good to hear from you. You are in the right place and hope you will be able to come home soon. Glad to Hear Mr. L is able to visit and dealing with this monster. Prayers and positive though for you and Mr. L. :)
Hi everyone,
I’m SO sorry for the long silence. I lost track of time. I ended up in ER on Thursday after sleeping all the time on Wed and wanting to on Thursday and my O2 dipping just below 90%. My dear husband said it was time to go as I was too exhausted to make a decision, even though I knew it was time. I was diagnosed with Covid pneumonia (as opposed to Covid without respiratory symptoms) and that bought me my “golden ticket” to a bed in the Covid wing at our small local hospital. They are handling the less serious cases and the ICU cases go to the main hospital 12 miles away.

I had already done the monoclonal antibody infusion the previous week, and they added the antiviral Remdesevir and steroid dexamethasone plus an albuterol inhaled infusion. So pretty much the Trump regimine. I felt better the next morning (Friday) thanks I’m sure to the steroid. But I’m making steady progress and have dropped down from 3L to 1L of O2, which is keeping me in the low 90%. Without it I drop to 86-89% after a trip to the restroom.

The care here is first class. I have a PT, a respiratory therapist, a doctor and an array of wonderful traveling far from Chicago, Utah, Louisiana and Michigan. Our area is rural with only 220,000 in our county, which is in the “extreme risk” category, so we need help. I’m so grateful!

I will be here until I finish the remdesevir on Monday and get evaluated to see if I can go home. I get to have one visitor a day, so my husband is coming soon! He’s doing OK...low fever, stuffy nose and exhaustion, but no chest issues, thankfully.

I think I’m on the mend. The doctor said the pneumonia can take several weeks until I feel “normal.” I wasn’t going to do anything anyway, so I’ll just wait it out. :) Please stay vigilant. We think it arrived on something my husband brought home from the drugstore/general store that didn’t get wiped. I got it before he did, so it seems I gave it to him. We have been so obsessive, so it’s a good lesson to keep up precautions and even tighten them up. Our turn for the vaccine would have started Feb 16. Now we have to wait 90 days because we had the monoclonal antibody infusion. That will be about when we originally expected it to be available, so it’s OK.

Thank you all for your concern and well wishes!


So glad to hear you are getting the presidential treatment. Sending warm, healing wishes to you and your hubby, from Oz.

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