WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - #10

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Kindered Spirits and ClassyT!!!



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I have been following this case for a while, but never actually got involved in posting my thoughts. My daughter is Aliayah's age, so you can only imagine how distraught I am over all this. The "new" picture was the last straw for me, and I can no longer keep quiet. I am heartbroken, to say the least! This photo depicts everything I had feared for her. Although the anguish in her eyes has always been telling, I didn't want to visualize all the pain she has experienced.
And please don't get me started on the missing teeth. I've read most of the theories about why she may have lost them, but I'm still not convinced. I am pretty sure there are a lot of skeletons in someone's closet. I only hope and pray that the truth comes to light soon, and that the person(s) responsible for hurting her...suffer tenfold!!

I'm so angry!!!!!! I just want beautiful Aliayah to know how loved, and special she truly is....the same way EVERY child should feel! Please keep up the great work everyone!!

Welcome to the forum!
I disagree.

It shows REALITY and what kind of life this little one had, and what kind of people "cared" for her.

I hope they all go to jail, the whole lot of them.

Here is REALITY:


You are absolutely right! This Angel had been abused for God knows how long. Who was Aliayah living with when the Christmas picture was taken? She had been abused since at least then.

This picture tells me many things. She was beaten, maybe pulled by her hair and dragged. For sure she was malnourished, as seen by her weight loss and texture of her once beautiful baby hair. The bruise on her face had turned which means it had at least happened 3 or more days prior to when this picture was taken.

Shame on everyone who saw this little girl with these awful and strong telltale signs of abuse. I am crying as I am writing this: I do not feel she is alive. Either someone killed her or Aliayah just gave up. Maybe she was tired of being strong and waiting for someone to save her. She just turned her beautiful light off.

Aliayah: I love you, my sweet Angel. You nor any human or living being deserved such a Life. God will keep you safe now. You are at Peace.

Of course she is malnourished-her mama was selling ALIAYAH'S money for her needs...I am so angry...
Anyone know when they started digging at the Lewis County Park? Was that under construction when Aliayah was reported missing? I saw on the news where they are putting in a new aquatic center. Lots of digging going on.

They started digging several weeks ago. I don't have the exact date, but will ask a source in the morning.

They did, however, just start pouring concrete on Thursday or Friday of last week.
Aliayah was seen at the Bendale church clothing drive on August 20th.

I wouldn't even count that sighting. Maybe it was Aliayah's little brother that the woman was confusing her for. These folks only "saw" her once.
I wouldn't even count that sighting. Maybe it was Aliayah's little brother that the woman was confusing her for. These folks only "saw" her once.

Did anyone ever SEE her -at the house she vanished from? like playing? i just wonder if she survived the move.
Two New Posters Released in Aliayah Lunsford Disappearance
"It's important to note that there are two. The West Virginia Fusion Cell took responsibility for releasing the first one, the FBI took responsibility for releasing the other one and they're freely available for the public to take a look at and we've also made copies and more copies are available if people want to distribute them," says FBI Special Agent Jeff Killeen.
The picture on the Fusion Center's flyer was supposedly taken just days before Aliayah was reported missing.

BBM...so it wasn't the FBI that released the bruised photo? It was the Fusion Cell?
Just answer me please, do you think they altered it to make her look worse for any reason, and do you think I should post original. I do not know these things I just want to help get Aliayah home. Help me please

I don't think the fbi altered it, I think the all white background intensifies the darkness of the bruise - and that may have been intentional.

I would blur out or crop out Wendy's face if you post the original.
If there weren't any children in the picture why did it take them so long to release it? (im so confused)
Speaking of psychics...(and dont judge me for what I am about to say...) I have read every psychic prediction and discussion regarding Aliayah on the internet. The reason I found this site is because I have the same dream about her every night. I started to search of what psychics say to see if what I was seeing every night was on target with their visions. Im not psychic. I can tell you in my dream, shes not alive. Shes been put in a cold dark place. There is a distinct musty smell. It makes me feel as if its a well, cave, mine or cellar. She isnt buried or under anything but in something like a laundry bag or military bag. Please forgive me for saying that. I dont want to hurt anyone or cause anyone to lose hope. Its just a re-occurring dream. I dreamt about Sky as well but he IS under something in the dream. Not dirt. If any of that turns out true I will have a heart attack.
BBM My husband said that weeks ago. I did post it here in a much earlier thread. He is not 'psychic' - not a tested one anyway - but he sure knows things he shouldn't know. For instance, in 95 he wakes up to check on his teenage daughter in the middle of the night because 'something' told him to. Actually woke him up. Sure enough she was gone. In 97 I was determined to take a new used van to Texas. He kept saying not to go. I was going no matter what so he loaded tools,and grudgingly went along. Driving 65MPH in Arkansas the front tire, rotor, brakes everything came off. If I had been the driver we would have all died. Lots more, but you get the idea.
I think psychics are another tool in the toolkit, so to speak. Meaning, they may not be able to give you the exact location of where she is, but they may say something that triggers a memory or generates a tip that could be used to further the investigation.
By the way, he doesn't have visions or dreams it is more like a hunch (feeling). And I did ask him where he felt Aliayah was.
Please dont think I am crazy, this is not my belief, but what do you all think of psysics and do you believe they are worth the time to check them out?

Read the link in my siggy line regarding psychics and what we at WS and LE thinks about psychics. They are against WS TOS for a reason.

When I look at the picture on the new flyer I look at the hairline. Notice how light the 'widows peak' is on her right side? Now look at the left side. Dark. Bruising? Shadow from *advertiser censored*? Look at Aliayahs cheek, the angle of the bruise. If she had hit a door frame I would think the bruise would continue up over the nasal bridge and eyebrow/forehead.

So I am sitting her racking my brain trying to think what would cause that type of bruising. It does not look like a hand or fist to me. But what?

Something like a stick or a spoon handle would leave something like that. I also noticed it was darker on the opposite side on her chin/lower lip area.

I argree, if it was a door casing, she would have hit with her forehead first then carry down onto the check. The forehead sticks out further and would be first contact with an inanimate object.

As far as the hairline goes, bad cropping and being so young, their hairline isn't always even.
We don't do psychics here at WS. We stick to the facts we can see and use, info from LE and the MSM.

Thanks guys,

are you insinuating that the FBI/LE altered the photo to make it look worse than it was?

I think the stark white background is what makes it stand out more.
Hi guys. I finally saw the newly released photo and I have two thoughts, well a few.

First, I agree it looks like Aliayah was hit by something in the eye, but I don't see any broken blood vessels or red in the white of her eye area to support that. That leads me to believe perhaps the dark line over her eye is a dirt streak across her eye (cigarette ashes could do that easily).

As for the bruising and the door story, I think it is possible. Maybe unlikely but possible if she turned around and smacked her cheek into the door. Facial bruising also spreads after a few days. At least it did in my case with my son....

This fall school year my son went to school after a weekend with his dad with not one but TWO black eyes. I thought uh oh, what happened? I was certain when he got home from dads he only had one. After speaking with his dad I found out my son, then 8 and his friend at his dads 6 where horsing around and my son accidently got elbowed in the eye. Boys, it happens.

It was still summer and light out so my son almost immediately went back out to play with the kids in the neighborhood. He comes home about 1.5 hours later and I see TWO black eyes. I asked what happened and he said he fell. I'm scratching my head thinking he fell? That doesn't line up with what his dad told me.

It took a lot of talking and asking questions of both my son and his dad (mostly my son) to determine the one happened at dads and the second within the 1.5 hours he came home by falling as he ran around the corner of a building with a cement stoop and flower bed with rock trim. He tripped over the cement stoop as he was going around that corner.

Both shiners lasted about 5-6 days and a few days after they occured they got worse looking. 2-3 days after the accident happened the bruising spread and got a little more black and yellow coloring.

I'm not saying this is what happened in Aliayah's case. I'm just sharing because it happened recently, at the start of this school year for us.

I hope it was an accident as people were told. And still praying for Aliayah's safe return.
By the way, he doesn't have visions or dreams it is more like a hunch (feeling). And I did ask him where he felt Aliayah was.

The only time I have ever had a dream happen it was 9/11. (and it was only sort of right. lol) I woke up that morning so anxious. I couldnt remember what the dream was but I called my mom on the way to work and said something catastrophic was going to happen like the day JFK died. There would be a nationwide hush. I flipped through the radio stations in the car trying to find out where the president was. A news report came on saying he was in a FL elementary school reading to kids. I thought for sure he and the kids in that school were going to be attacked. Then when I got to work I had heard a brief report that a twin engine plane had hit a building in NYC. I thought could that be it? By the time I got up the elevator to my floor, I learned what it was. It was surreal.
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