WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - #12

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I have been lurking on WS for over a year now. I found this site while following the Casey Anthony Trial. I haven't been able to get my account up and running until today, FINALLY I can post!

Ailayah is the one who has kept me here, coming back day to day to see if there is any news...I alway's pray it's good be fear that day will never come. I sit up nights thinking about this little girl who isn't much older than mine and shares a little resemblance. I won't stop thinking of you baby girl until you are found.
Welcome to our group Justice 4 Children!

I lurked around for years too. I would come by to read on a case that I was interested in. But, it was Aliayah that made me commit to getting an account to post my own thoughts.
Welcome, Justice 4 Children!

Interesting WSAZ reports Ralph Lunsford and Aliayah's brother Trenton both attended the vigil.

Aliayah's brother, Trenton, surprised many at the gathering by showing up to support his sister. The young boy released a dove that represented faith that he will see his sister again.

"It broke my heart. I never dreamed he'd be able to come," Kerns said. "He told me, 'can I release one of the doves for my sissy?' And that broke my heart."

Three doves were released and a church bell rang 12 times, each sound representing one month Aliayah has been missing.

A year ago, Lena Lunsford told police that she check on Aliayah at 6:30 a.m. Aliayah was in bed asleep at 6:30 a.m. in Dora the Explorer pajamas, according to Lena Lunsford.

Aliayah's father attended Monday's vigil but did not speak with reporters.

I have been lurking on WS for over a year now. I found this site while following the Casey Anthony Trial. I haven't been able to get my account up and running until today, FINALLY I can post!

Ailayah is the one who has kept me here, coming back day to day to see if there is any news...I alway's pray it's good be fear that day will never come. I sit up nights thinking about this little girl who isn't much older than mine and shares a little resemblance. I won't stop thinking of you baby girl until you are found.

Glad you're finally up and running :) I feel comfortable saying we all welcome a fresh set of eyes and any input that will help bring sweet little Aliayah home. Give your baby girl a big hug :heartbeat:
Fellow sleuthers, I am new to Aliayah's story here. I try very hard to educate myself, in the busy moments of my days, by reading...a year's worth of tragedy. I am still early in the ballgame. So allow me to question...Aliayah's 'father' at the vigil on Monday? I am not clear as to who he may be?
Crimson- they mean her step-father Ralph Lunsford. Her real father is unknown.

Also, by stating who WAS there, they are also saying who WASN'T there: Lena Lunsford.

A quick way to learn about this case is to visit:


Please, please comment or ask question about it. It gets all of us thinking of things we have may missed!
Crimson- they mean her step-father Ralph Lunsford. Her real father is unknown.

Also, by stating who WAS there, they are also saying who WASN'T there: Lena Lunsford. SBM

Lena is serving her 8-month sentence at Alderson Federal Correctional Facility, and is slated to be released in February 2013. Of note here in the local community there have been rumors of Lena being discharged earlier in October or November of this year, which I want to say is only that, a rumor. When she was sentenced in May, the judge ordered that she serve every single day of that 8-month sentence, to "educate" her on how to live legally within our system.

Yes, Ralph was at the ceremony and was extremely upset. He had a highly-emotional outburst, yelling "What did I do to lose my children?" when he was asked if he had any chance of regaining custody of the children. He went on to say that Aliayah would tell him that she loved him every day and that everyone there at the ceremony wanted to kick his *advertiser censored*.
Whoa! Big mistake on my part. It completely skipped my brain that Lena was in prison. Please forgive me! I blame it on "mommy brain" being pulled in too many directions at once to get my kids to soccer, cub scouts, swim practice, etc.

Yes, Lena is in prison. For the life of me, I couldn't' remember that important detail when I was reading about the vigil and I kept getting angry and sad that she didn't go.

Westinlund- by being on the ground there local in Weston, you have a unique vantage point. I have seen the videos that locals have put on You Tube of Ralph and Lena (usually attending a court hearing) and this is the first instance I have seen of RL showing any emotion. Generally he ignores the camera, the people around him or sometimes says "No comment."

Perhaps losing all of his children and Lena too is changing him? (Not to say that he is a stand up guy because in my opinion, he is not.)
Lena is serving her 8-month sentence at Alderson Federal Correctional Facility, and is slated to be released in February 2013. Of note here in the local community there have been rumors of Lena being discharged earlier in October or November of this year, which I want to say is only that, a rumor. When she was sentenced in May, the judge ordered that she serve every single day of that 8-month sentence, to "educate" her on how to live legally within our system.

Yes, Ralph was at the ceremony and was extremely upset. He had a highly-emotional outburst, yelling "What did I do to lose my children?" when he was asked if he had any chance of regaining custody of the children. He went on to say that Aliayah would tell him that she loved him every day and that everyone there at the ceremony wanted to kick his *advertiser censored*.

Im positive that Ralph Lunsford has told the truth at least ONCE in his life...:floorlaugh: ..i'm sure 99% of the people there would want to kick his arse. That being said...HE wasn't the one that reported her missing. What if -he really WAS at work and has no clue what Lena did with her? That would be terrible. I just don't know what to think anymore.
Crimson- they mean her step-father Ralph Lunsford. Her real father is unknown.

Also, by stating who WAS there, they are also saying who WASN'T there: Lena Lunsford.

A quick way to learn about this case is to visit:


Please, please comment or ask question about it. It gets all of us thinking of things we have may missed!

Thank you for your response.

I am a Mickey Shunick product of WS. Still in an abyss of emotion about her saga. Residing only a few blocks from her 2 am destination...yet a home-grown local of her culprit. Ooh.Ooh. Tough one right there!

Vowed a hundred times to escape temptation of loggin back on...Am I really needed here? For whom? For what?

Aliayah's eyes captured me. Me, me, me! Think about me! So I succumbed. Allowed her my heart...til she is found. In any which way.

I'm an old lady. Nothing comes quick, No Stone!:floorlaugh:I opt to follow thru lil A's case from the beginning. On thread 3, now! I impatiently inquired of the 'sperm donor', 'father', whatev...cuz I needed to know. Thx.

This is my brief story. This is why I'm here.

I'll catch up with you, when I'm done reading! But...I must say, I started her story rather p***ed. It gets p***ier, and p***ier.
One of the reporters from our local newspaper, the Weston Democrat, posted something on his Facebook page the other day that was both sad, yet offered a glimmer of hope for the other children from that family. John Wolfe, who I see every time I visit the county courthouse, posted this on Thursday (BBM):

"Something I saw today almost brought tears to my eyes - not quite sure why but, this nice gentleman came into our office and said he had been a foster parent of Lena Lunsford's twin girls that were born in November. They are going to be adopted. In the photo were two beautiful, healthy, smiling baby girls....and when I saw the photo I thought of the sad photos of Aliayah...and it just got to me. Thank God the twins are safe!"

"I don't know who he was or where he lived, he just wanted a copy of the paper where Susan did a story on the anniversary of Aliayah's disappearance since he said his town paper didn't have much about the case. He just showed us the pictures, not for publication or anything. The were just so happy looking!"

"...if you had seen the picture....it was just overwhelming how happy and healthy the little girls looked...hope her adoptive parents will be good ones!"

I could go on about all of the lies and deceit that still go on with this case, but in my opinion it is nicer to have the knowledge that the other victims of this tragedy are living a better life and will be given opportunities that Aliayah did not have.
That is so great to hear, Westinlund. TY for sharing that. It does brighten up my day knowing that the other kids have a better chance than with the dopehead "parents" they were dealt.

While I feel sorry for family members who miss them, I want to believe they will have a real chance.
I worry for the older girls. Older kids who are past the cute little kid stage are rarely adopted and grow up in "as luck has it" good or mediocre or bad foster care. Any way you look at it, life is hard for them.
One of the reporters from our local newspaper, the Weston Democrat, posted something on his Facebook page the other day that was both sad, yet offered a glimmer of hope for the other children from that family. John Wolfe, who I see every time I visit the county courthouse, posted this on Thursday (BBM):

"Something I saw today almost brought tears to my eyes - not quite sure why but, this nice gentleman came into our office and said he had been a foster parent of Lena Lunsford's twin girls that were born in November. They are going to be adopted. In the photo were two beautiful, healthy, smiling baby girls....and when I saw the photo I thought of the sad photos of Aliayah...and it just got to me. Thank God the twins are safe!"

"I don't know who he was or where he lived, he just wanted a copy of the paper where Susan did a story on the anniversary of Aliayah's disappearance since he said his town paper didn't have much about the case. He just showed us the pictures, not for publication or anything. The were just so happy looking!"

"...if you had seen the picture....it was just overwhelming how happy and healthy the little girls looked...hope her adoptive parents will be good ones!"

I could go on about all of the lies and deceit that still go on with this case, but in my opinion it is nicer to have the knowledge that the other victims of this tragedy are living a better life and will be given opportunities that Aliayah did not have.

Thank you so much for sharing! That is really wonderful. I pray the same is true of the other children! I am always praying that they are free from fear and can share anything they may know.
Thank you for posting that update!!!
I cared for a little guy last night who is in process of being adopted by a loving couple. The difference adoption can make for children like this is just so striking - and I am thrilled these little ones have been given this gift of a future.
Up you go sweetheart!

Now...I will safely assume Crimson is 'sweetheart'! Regardless of the assumption...know that Aliayah's eyes called me to share your pain...in the silence of her mystery here, we are equal in thought, and grief.
A while back there was a notification in the Weston newspaper for termination of parental rights for Aliayah. Was this for all the children?

Are all of the Lunsford children were available for adoption??
A while back there was a notification in the Weston newspaper for termination of parental rights for Aliayah. Was this for all the children?

Are all of the Lunsford children were available for adoption??

Parental rights were terminated for all of the children. As to whether of not they are all available for adoption, it's hard to say.

What is very disturbing in this case is that members of LL's extended family maintain that they know where the children are located, still stay in contact with the children and that LL will be getting the children back after her incarceration. That is totally opposite the courts ruling that LL did absolutely nothing in the six-month probationary period to get her children back. That includes her not taking parenting classes, attend drug rehabilitation, seek employment or suitable housing.

The same people also state that they have a copy of the gag order which ordered LL and RL to remain silent from the beginning and also printed results from LL's successful polygraph tests...both documents which have already been proven to not exist.

Like I said before, the lies that have come to light in this community are doing extreme damage to those that continue to try to keep Aliayah's memory alive, including those who even search to this day. It all appears to be a defense tactic used by LL's lawyer from Clay county, WV.
When you say "extended family" do you mean the ones who hold the vigils, the ones who held signs at the courthouse?

Interesting that they would stand by her knowing she did not lift a finger to try and get the kids back.

She would have NO reason not to comply. Certainly daycare was not at issue since she didn't have anyone to look after but herself.

LOL@ the gag order... who do they think they are kidding!
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