WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - #12

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It fills me with such sadness that there are only a few locals who still remain dedicated to bringing Aliayah back home to her community. We have gone through betrayals, lies and people fabricating stories of mysterious drug parties, a child trafficking ring in Florida and other fantasies created to throw LE off of the trail. We have seen people that initially searched for Aliayah now offer support to those who most likely caused her demise. We have seen a community fed up with all of the drama and lies, choosing rather to forget little Aliayah.

The investigation still continues, with the FBI and State Police still taking the major role, supported by several other local, state and federal agencies. I would like to comment about what is going on, but because laws and court orders are still being violated by some of the parties involved, I cannot. I can only say that my eyes have been open to the bureaucracy, the legal system and the inability of some people to either take charge or do the jobs that they were elected to do.

Now on Monday, September 24th, there will be a dove release at 6PM at the Bendale Methodist Church...the same church which was headquarters for the search parties at the beginning of this saga. I would like to think that this would be an opportunity for our community to come back together, but I am a realist. Even if one or two new people come to show their support, that would be a plus. Little Aliayah deserves much more...

Well, here you go, Westinlund! A WS member searching thru...I land upon little Aliayah's thread here...Unfortunately, unaware of the story of her demise...yet feel touched by the pic of her face, the length of her abscence, and the post you relay. I feel your sadness as well.

Allow me to be that 'one' , if only in spirit, in support on the 24th.
I say if we can't get criminal charges filed against the Lunsfords, we should try to get a civil suit. Any legal experts know what can be done?
You can bet the siblings know what happened. The authorities probably know as well,....but it is easier for them to just sweep this little girl under the rug and move on.
Incredible that one full year has passed since Aliayah's disappearance. If I lived any closer to Lewis County, you can bet I would be there at the vigil today. Blessings and prayers to those who are still fighting for this little one. Aliayah will never be dismissed or forgotten ever!
Westinlund, I appreciate and applaud your dedication to this little one. She may never see justice... in this life.

We appreciate your dedication too Amanda with all the hard work and time you put into all the various cranky albums for us. It's a great source of information. :)

Aliayah's album was the first I saw and was amazed as it grew. It's a really good reference when reviewing her case.

Bless her little heart.... :candle:

:clap:to both you and Westinlund for your dedication
Wow, one year already. Aliyah, when I came here, I never dreamed you'd still be missing, along with the 3 other little ones I first prayed for (along with others as the months went by). I've learned a lot in the last year. :(

I look at the world in a different way. People I've shared thoughts with about your disappearance can't understand my passion, but I'm sure those here do. Nothing is accomplished by looking the other way and pretending everything's ok. I've a good memory for faces, even as years add changes. I'm forever looking for you as well as others.

I so hope we'll bring you home one day. There'll be lots of tears; I'm hoping and praying they'll be tears of joy. :please:
At LEAST she made the front page of foxnews.com today. Sad that some news writer somewhere cared more about her today than her parents.

WE remember you baby girl.
Thinking of you today sweet baby girl. My God bring you home soon.
I can't believe that this sweet baby has been gone a year. Hers is the first case I ever got wrapped up in but like Baby Lisa's case I had to step away because my anger at her mother was so overwhelming. I can't even begin to express how deeply saddening it is to still be searching for these angels while the people that robbed them of life still walk free.

Cases like this are why I struggle so much with religion and now identify myself as atheist. What just god would let this happen? If even the youngest and most innocent can't count on protection how can any of us?

I'm so sorry sweet angel and I hope you know that so many of us love you and will never stop seeking justice for you. RIP baby girl.
An article is being featured over on the Huffington Post site about Aliayah. She may not have had a lot of national attention -except for us- but she sure is getting it now.

There are literally over 500 comments from people all across the U.S. Sure, most of them are off topic. Heck, 90% of them are not aware of any the most basic details of the case. But--they are talking.

The more talk, the more spotlight, the more pressure.

Something has to give in this case and I personally have loved seeing all of the comments flood in on that page. It shows that America cares. We want answers. We will not give up.


The article is the same one that has been circulated on the AP. But, the comments show that people care.
Sad -but I have no words today. One year ...too long for this little princess to be gone. And too long, for those responsible for her vanishing, to NOT have to answer for what they did to her!! I am sure that Ralph and Lena Lunsford agree....RIGHT? Time to speak up Ralph and Lena...

And in a few months, Lena will walk out of prison -a free woman, free to have even more children. In my perfect world..Lena walks out of the Federal Pen...and is arrested for the harm brought to Aliayah.
Missing. One year. One whole year. Today, September 24, 2012. Oh, my. I only came to know you 2 days ago, lil Aliayah.

I wonder of the 6pm ceremony today...releasing of the doves. Did it occur?

I have thought of this child in all moments of this day.
Thinking of you Sweet Aliayah ♥♥

I know she's in loving arms, but I would like to see some justice served nonetheless.
Sheriff Gissy said calls still come in rather frequently; however, nothing has came in that would close the case.

"My personal feeling is that from day one, we have not been given the proper information and until that proper information comes out and is made public or at least gets to our desk, this is going to continue on and this is what we don't want to happen," he said.


Snip from an article^^^^^Ugh, the same thing happens in a lot of cases, people care too much about themselves than the victim. Disgusting!
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